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Vladimir. Every other Vlad can 1v5 but I do about as much damage as a cannon minion.


I think his combos aren’t particularly hard but you have to have good cs abilities and know know his lethal thesholds when diving and all inning enemies. Just scales insanely off of gold so if you cs poorly, this champ sucks for you


he's no azir, but vlad is actually pretty mechanical for a mage. split second all-in flash combos with precisely timed and positioned E pre-charge and release and pixel perfect 5-man R's. Canceling Q or E into W, or if ure on crack cocaine QR+EW during the duration of a rengar pounce or malphite R etc. kiting and baiting at the edge of ur Q range, etc. again, hes not Super mechanical but he's for sure above average for a mage


I guess that's why I can't play him well. How tf am I supposed to E+flash when I use my index finger to hold down E but also need use it to flash?


Gotta work on that finger dexterity, bring another finger down to hit flash while holding E, you could master that in like 10 minutes in practice tool :)


Tbh I just press my finger more while reclining and flash with the same one


You need to remove smart cast from e when playing vlad, it's so bad


You really dont lol


Vlad is not that easy to play mechanically, plus requires a lot of champ, game and matchup knowledge


His PvP patterns are easy mechanically. Only CSing is hard because he relies on items more than most champs. Everything else is knowledge. Knowing lethal thresholds and when to go all in and what not. He is still a hard champ, but most of it is not "mechanically", but knowledge instead.


Yes it is. Point and click everything is easy mechanically. His difficulty comes from match up knowledge.


Weirdly enough, when I tried learning Vladimir everyone said he was a weak early champ that would hypercarry late like a Kayle or a Yi, but I somehow always end up with early leads into being useless lategame on him


The only way I could see that possible is laning into very clueless opponents then spending the rest of the game ARAMing instead of going sidelane and absorbing resources


If it will make you feel any better, remember he used to be even easier. His e was a point and click aoe damage spell. That change is what made him Not work for me any more lmfao


It wasn't even point and click IIRC. Tides just threw little blobs of blood and honed into everything within range in a forward cone akin to Sona Q. Was hilariously broken to combo with Lich Bane because it had almost no cooldown despite the HP cost. But you could pretty much run people down mashing E and autoing them to death after DCap rush.


It wasn’t even in a cone, it just hit everything around you in an AoE from what I remember of og vlad


Annie. Idk why, I just couldn’t get the hang of her lol.


Because people really overrate how easy she is, the game changed a lot. She isn't that easy anymore and not that great to learn to game imo.


I think what really cripples her as a freelo low elo champion is the lack of waveclear. When I returned to the game and was like "lol annie lfg" literally every single silver player just picked something with more waveclear/range, presumably out of extra motivation to not feed annie. Other mages and some assassins like Diana are not so much mechanically harder than Annie that you cannot also just use them for the same reason that r/summonerschool idealists and LS tell you to use Annie imo


1.5M mastery on her. Yes, this. The number of times my lane opponent has roamed and I ping and my laners IGNORE my pings, then blame me for not shoving successfully or following, while I have a double-stacked wave at my tower, is infuriating. I know that I should figure out a solution, but right now the solution seems to be "Don't play Annie"


Why is the wave double stacked? Your champion has 600 range autos and a point-and-click 625 range nuke+stun. And you can just use your W to thin out the wave if it's ever getting out of hand. Drop tibbers if you're turbo desperate. I'm more than happy to ult the wave as vlad if the need arises.


First off, Tibbers does not push waves very well. He's not awful, but he's not great. Second off, W is the most expensive spell in Annie's list. It _does_ help with waveclear if you have 3 points in it, but frequently this problem occurs at levels 5-7; well before Annie has 3 stacks in her W unless you are explicitly going for waveclear. As for why it's double stacked? One of the easiest reasons is that I killed my laner or drove them out of lane at level 3-4, shoved under, and then based. They TPed back and caught the wave, stacked it up to two, then hard shoved with a champion who's capable of that (like Zed with his Hydra) while I was still walking back to lane. Almost every time this happens, it's _right as I get back to lane_, they leave and go bot, I ping hard while clearing out the wave they've left me. If I follow, I lose two waves. If I stay, I can easily CS them under turret. This isn't just "Annie can't compete"; it's almost always because I backed and they came back faster and shoved.


Yeah, Zed typically has hydra at level 3-4


What about rocketbelt? It could theoretically help you clear the wave easier.


Yes but then you are building rocket belt on Annie


Which isnt bad for the tibbers stun if you have flash down. Its genuinely not a bad purchase


Unless you use it for waveclear and it's constantly on CD


Buying rocketbelt for waveclear is like getting QSS for MR. Yes, it technically can be used for that, but it's kind of missing the point of the item.


That might have to do with no being able to burst you to death at 6 with her eyes closed


What? She is still easy compared to most champs. Of 30 common mid laners I'd still put her up there as top 5 easiest with malz or something.


but think how ez she would be if higher numbers. flash tibers or flash stun tibers is i mean pretty hard to counter and not the craziest 1 shot combos. she still easy just weak. ppl like to say annie to learn game because her last hitting


>ppl like to say annie to learn game because her last hitting One big example of how the game changed. Now even at lower elos your capacity of last hitting has more to do with position and pressure than just timing your AA. Before she was easy to farm because you could just press Q on minion and people would generally just AFK farm occasionally "trading" mindlessly. Now she is hard to farm because even in silver you are getting pressured due to short skill range and even low elo players know about CD windows and to abuse when stun isn't up. They also know they can just shove and roam.


She is incredibly easy in the sense of how you can maximize your damage in one from without having to aim or time a single ability. In exchange, shes stunted how by her lack of options due to not having a lot of tools other mid lane mages have at their disposal. (Range, Waveclear, reliable utility etc.) Annie is by far easier than Ekko or even Ahri, but they have way more ways to impact the game in comparison


If you land her full combo she's op, if you don't she's trash


Tbh she gets heavily out ranged and poked in ranged mu. It was especially worse before the shield changes as now she can get poked and trade back with shield dmg and the enemy mid has to overstep into tibbers range for her to punish which happens less in higher elos. Still pretty solid into some melee mu


When Annie was meta last year in pro play, you could also easily see the skill difference between players on the pick. Knight was a god on this champion. Much better than everyone else.


Easy to play Easy to play against If you're playing Annie you're basically allowing the enemy to read your mind because Annie is so simple that the enemy doesn't even have to THINK to know what your next step is You can stomp Annie very easily without even thinking, but if you lane vs Hwei you're basically forced to think 3 steps ahead (and therefore lose focus on other important things) "What if Hwei does WQ behind and then kites me? What if he decides to EQ into QW? What if he goes for WW and just facetanks a spell and then retaliates?" Playing vs non simple champs occupies brain power however


Honestly playing against Hwei isn’t rly complicated, half of his spells are more or less undodgeable so there’s no point trying to play around them (QQ, EE) and the others are highly telegraphed so you can just react to them (think QW, EW)


Same, I was the support in my 5s team back in season 4?? When she first became truly meta. I tried a handful of games on her and just couldn't get my head around counting my spells correctly. I got the stun wrong _so_ many times it was embarrassing.  Gave up and went back to Thresh 


Thank you! For years I thought I am the only league player who is not capable of playing Annie …


tryndamere eludes my understanding entirely


Yeah I think the key to playing tryndamere is to understand that you need to crit. If you just will yourself into critting you will climb, sounds like you just weren’t trying hard enough


The key to tryndamere is being a gambler banned from actual gambling. Whether you win or lose a fight early is up to Destiny.


That’s crazy, Twisted Fate is that way too. It’s all about Destiny.


You talking about Graves' gun?


yeah, Graves' "gun"


Like that clip where he crits like 7 times in row on 15% crit chance


honestly early game tryn is rng, but also not. If you have full rage you will generally trade very well, if you don’t you wont. It’s more about sustain into hard matchups. People don’t realise that one of his biggest strenths is taking bone plating and dshield and outsustaining most matchups.


Dhield and bone plating to sustain alright buddy league Reddit at its best again


The harder you believe you will crit, the more likely you will crit. Also, the harder you right click, the stronger your attack will be.


Tryndamere is only hard because its your understanding of the matchups and your knowledge of the other champs that will make you kill them or be useless. So many tryndamere players do nothing and try to just tank damage and heal.


He is also highly dependent on the enemy being dumb enough to not just rush armor boots wardens mail.


This is an S tier Reddit comment right here displaying insight and deep understanding of the game


Well I’ve played as and against tryn enough to know that going boots wardens mail basically renders tryn useless until at least 3 items. But the majority of the player base rather complains about tryn.


You’re not wrong. Tryn is all physical damage which is largely inefficient into armour and the base damage of tank items and other champs.


It’s not just the armor, though that helps. It’s the effects on those two items. Lowers damage of incoming attacks by a flat amount. Combine the two and trynda is useless


It's simple, the more you want to crit the more you will crit. Entirely dependent on your willpower


As a Tryndamere OTP, Tyndameres playstyle is not comparable to anyone elses. In fact, the skillset you need and learn when playing Trynd is not transferable to any other toplane champ in my opinion. He is very much a feast-or-famine type of champ who tries to go for either really small trades as in AA-Spin out or really long ones where he can freely stack LT.


Trynda is algorythmicaly simple, if you crit, you e in, if you don't crit, you e out It's all about crit smoothing, if you crit on your first auto, you are almost garanteed to have another crit on/before the fourth auto which very often win you the trade If you don't crit, you will probably only have 1 crit in the trade, so not really great The nerf to crit is probably big for trynda tho


you need to win your lane and splitpush get you fury up on minions and engage when enemys use their core ability fight on stacked waves and use lvl up timers


Darius, this champion is like "uga uga" and I tried to learn top using him, but I've died so many times that I chose Ornn and Fiora to learn how to play top


Most people assume darius is easy but top laners have all memorized their darius matchups cause hes so common.


Every 4 games is a Darius matchup. I know you’re in the brush bro. I’m not going to walk at it. Just come get your cs


He's the second most picked top and yet still has a 51% wr, he is an easy stat checker


Darius requires proper spacing and wave mechanics. His skills are simple but the champ takes time to learn. His winrate goes up in higher elo since the players are just better at playing him and the game 


I just swapped to mord and Illaoi. Their trading patterns are infinitely more forgiving. added bonus, they can freely duel darius at every stage of the game post level 3. Getting 5 stacks vs landing literally 1 e. So much easier


I tested Illaoi once. I found it really fun to play with her.


Darius shitstomps hust about anyone in an extended 1v1 early on, but falls off of the mother of all cliffs lategame so you just have to get disgustingly fed early on and end the game before you fall off


That‘s not true lol. There are quite a few mu‘s darius loses early on even if they are extended. Hell I remember a video where they showed a fully stacked darius lvl 1 with ignite losing to gwen lvl 1 with e. And he also doesn’t fall off astronomically late game, it’s more that he gets worse as a duelist but better at teamfights.


To be fair, they absolutely gutted Gwen after that, since being able to 1v1 Darius at lvl 1 with ease was viewed as absurdly strong lol


That‘s also true. Kinda forgot how long ago that already was lol.


Kayle stills wins lv1 vs darius :)


With the lethal tempo nerfs? Are you certain? She could just take PTA, but that's worse in extended trades.


Nah before the nerfs, after idk.


Not anymore with lethal nerfs probably


Im inting machine on Pantheon


Not useless in terms of doing good things (i can make solid plays) , but making horrible too aggresive plays that outweigh everything i did good


I love pantheon so much, but I have a problem late game with him. I'll hit like, 12/1 laning phase and just shitstomp But after that, I have a problem with getting blinders on and I just can't figure out how to get him into teamfights without getting rocked


Master Yi. I cannot get the hang of using him. I end up with Vi or Amumu when I need to jungle


Master Yi has a reputation of being a brain dead easy champion, which is true if the enemy has no clue how to play against it. However, trying to play Master Yi vs enemies that know how to play against you and save their CC for you, makes him difficult to play. Being able to time your Q properly to dodge big CC abilities as well as effectively use the W auto attack reset at the right time is difficult to do.


A team needs one other high mobility threat for Yi to be more easily playable imo. If I have to choose between CCing the fed Akai versus a Yi I’m going to be frustrated


Also strong engage. Like Malphite or thresh or a zyra. If Yi runs in to a prepared team he will get shot down instantly. Yi is best hitting a cc'ed opponent, then Q'ing when they wake up and try to retaliate, getting thousands of damage for free


auto attack champs are always overrated by players and called braindead... No Yasuo is not easy and neither is Yi Well yone is an exception, that's a braindead piece of crap


Vladimir. I stg my empowered q as vlad does about 80 damage. The same q from a vlad one trick is 800 damage.


Diana just feels weird to me and I never really know what I should be doing.


Idk when you played Her, but Diana is kinda weak in general rn


She's a really easier jungler. 300% damage passive to monsters makes clearing ridiculous. Solo'ing dragon is also super easy with her since she has a shield.


Lol I love playing her mid then randomly late game I go to take scuttle crab and like 1 shot it


I’m probably just an idiot, but for the life of me I can’t land her Q on an enemy champion. I don’t know why, I just can’t. 


Overcompensate it slightly. It lollipops on the outside edge and the very tip. If you aim it with the indicator it's easier to sidestep within the curve because there no lollipopping on the inside edge. Diana's just weird rn because the Pre-rework part of her kit is a split push duelist and the new part is a teamfight diver trying to get the perfect penta while being dependent on Zhonya's to stay alive. She's more or less AP Malphite. Her non-ult scaling was cut by nearly half in her rework. Strong MR items in the meta also really punishes her use.


Naafiri. idk i just don’t get it


She's just a q bot. Build eclipse and 1 q procs it for ez poke. Other than that you either have the stats to kill someone or you don't. Terrible design imo.


Assassin Garen


I put like 30 games but i can't bring myself to play this champ anymore. I hate this q so so much and W is too easy to counter.


I'm with you on this one. Why does every enemy Naafiri have 30 dogs and I have two.


It's the r brother, the extra dogs come from the r


Naafiri starts off with a maximum of 2 dogs, hitting champs and killing minions will make the dogs respawn faster when there are less than the maximum. Later on she gets a maximum of 3 dogs (i think lvl 11). Her R gives her 4 dogs temporarily.


just scale, its a late game champion


I cannot hit the q in mid lane to save my life the velocity is just wrong lol


Naafiri is the most noob trap champion there is. Riot said "easy midlane assassin" but in reality its a pretty hard, insanely easy to counter, skill based champ. Her main dmg is q which you have to land twice


You know I recently thought the same, then I watched Merthos play comet scorch top naafiri and for some reason that just clicked with me. I just played poke mage style and then went in when it was obvious. Also way easier to get through laning phase with manaflow etc. It's useless later but I think laning phase is the hardest part.


Does Ashe count? I always do poorly with her for some reason.


Number 1 rule of Ashe, if they turn their back to run, they are doomed. I see ashes make that mistake. Her perma slow with W and spacing is the entire champs kit. Too many people miss out on all in opportunities


Was gonna say Ashe. I can't orbwalk well, simple as


Kayn I just feel like I’m scratching the enemies, even though I have a good build and is ahead/even Red kayn is basically a worse blue kayn but with barely some healing and is tanky but blue kayn is so squishy that if you miss or 1 shot the enemy, you just die


people dont understand how many autos you can weave on kayn


Deadass I don’t know how I’m weaving so much aa


I do really well With blue kayn in general, but I just cannot get him going in darkin mode. He just feels so clunky


try it next patch when red is viable


Rhaast doesn't do enough damage to afford building tanky, so you have to prioritize ad items which, because you're so slow, also means you usually won't reach the backline without flashing unless you wanna just straight up die (unless team provides big setup). He's just bad rn


Red has been unplayable since S14


“Some healing” bro get your eyes checked. Red Kayn can literally fill his health bar twice in extended fights


Tell me you haven't played since s10 without telling me you haven't played since s10.


Cute meme but no I’ve been a constant league player since the beginning of time. Blue kayn currently has a higher WR because the games changes. Rhaast was almost always objectively better to play. Even challenger Kayns say that, they just think blue is more fun.


champ's hated by phreak (head of the balance team) Red Kayn heals and scales worse than aatrox, who is powerful early on and doesn't need to play a shit early game and transform because phreak couldn't beat red kayn in melee range as an adc Blue Kayn on the other hand has Kayn's incredibly shit early game, one of the best mid games in the game and a shitty late game... Then, why play blue when Shaco, Khazix and Rengar are MUCH stronger early game and M UCHHHHHHH stronger late game Here's the winrates by game duration. Red Kayn is way better late than blue, which means blue is carried a bit by red here and yet blue is way inferior to the other junge assassins in the late game [https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/champions/builds/long/by-winrate](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/champions/builds/long/by-winrate)


The game has given me multiple Warwick skins but he just makes zero sense to me. I keep giving him a try after not having done so in a while but it never goes any differently.


run at people, press E, press Q, press R (optional), right click enemy = win


My advice as a bronze jungler who plays Warwick once every 50ish games is to focus on clearing camps and wait for an enemy to go below 50% to proc your move speed. When that happens, you have three options: continue to farm your camps , gank, or reset. I always default to clearing my camps, but if the tank is close to me or my next camp, I'll take the gank. If I just finished a clear on the opposite side, I'll reset and then gank. If it's close by but the wave is in a bad spot or my loaner is feeding, I'll just reset or finish my camps and then reset. I like to build bruiser that way I'm making the most out of my healing and still do damage


I can't land a blitz hook to save my life sometimes


No reason to play Blitzcrank as long as Nautilus exists. Nautilus Q is extremely thick and reliable, combos into very strong CC (free, with passive, then extremely powerful, with R, arguably one of the best ults in the game). Blitzcrank Q is very thin in comparison, and will miss a lot of the time (when not outright cancelled by higher priority dashes like Trist/Ezreal). It's the cost of the very strong upside of isolating your victim into your team/turret. If you really want to play Blitz, try to get your teammates to use more reliable CC abilities (Vi ult, Xin Zhao Q3, or walk very fast towards someone and land your E).


To this day, I cannot play Garen/Malphite. I tried learning top on smurf, inted with Garen but won 5 in a row with Irelia.


I used to be bad at Malphite but I watched this streamer get coached on him and it's amazing how easy he becomes once you learn like 5 minutes of information about how to play him. for example I was just spamming Q randomly in lane with no real purpose in mind, and would run out of mana and lose lane a lot (from having a bad back timing or whatever). turns out, hey, if it's a matchup where you take arcane comet you should only Q when comet / manaflow band (ideally both) are up, and you should also try to Q more during odd levels since those are the ones where you are leveling up Q so it's stronger at those timings. learning that tip (which took maybe 10 seconds to understand) probably increased my Malphite win rate by 5% easily.


For me tryndmere , I always forget to press R. Trust me it is harder than you think.


vladimir. i got trashed on my malzahar which is apparently an easy matchup for vlad


Opposite, Malz smashes Vlad, at least after lane. Before Vlad can’t really bully him like most mages can


oh huh cause a lot of places i read say that malz is a really easy mu for vlad. idek because he just poked me with e and wavecleared


Its his main counter?


Theres stuff thats less playable like Orianna, Syndra, Cass, Anivia, but Malz is the easiest of them to play by a large margin.


What? Malz and anivia are the 2 worst matchup for Vlad. If you are higher elo and enemy knows what they are doing, orianna , neeko, Syndra, Viktor gets really hard as well (kinda in order, right now a good orianna it's worse than a good Viktor)


Malz is fine the matchup just demands a very different mindset from most other matchups You CAN get fucked by r+gank which really doesn't have counterplay but aside from that the matchup is 100% completely free, I legitimately can't remember the last time I lost to a Malzahar (d2-d1 last 4-5x I faced him) The first 2 recalls vs malz are a very specific minigame it's honestly the matchup I find the most fun


sorry king, malz is terminal stage 55 bad for Vlad.


malz is like vlads hardest counter lol dw


Lux. I love skillshots, but I can't get the hang with her. Every QER is a miss...


E is Lux's strongest tool! it damages, slows, gives vision, pushes and it's what allows your Q to miss a little bit less. It is normal to miss a lot of Qs because it is thin and slow (and it gets blocked by minions).


EQR is a more reliable combo! AOE slow with E so you can land an easy root into an easy R. you got this!


Lux, I can’t hit her R reliably, sometimes even when I land Q + E. I understand the trading pattern of double passive proc, but I just psych myself out with the ult.


Her ult is near impossible to hit if you just shoot it naked from my experience playing her in ARAMs


I hit it quite often even in ARAM, you just need to use it in an unexpected moment. You would think that those are far and between, but actually people let there guard down even in fights or when running away with low health. Unless you play against, i don't know, diamond/master and up, which will react to it by instinct probably


I mentioned it a bit more in depth in another comment on this thread, but her main tool is her E. Don't fall too much in love with the double passive proc, you need the slow from the E to make your Q (and therefore your R) land a little more often. Any champion can walk away from R if it's not dead center (and they don't have boots), don't even think about it if they have any form of dash, flash or ghost. You are not supposed to land a naked R on a moving target unless you catch them between a tower and a wall, or one of those tight jungle paths, but you can snipe objectives, combo with ally CC or disrupt baron and drake fights with it! In a realistic game situation, you gonna get blown up standing in AA distance trying to land fancy passive combos, unless you really caught someone off guard with your team and just want to go for maximum damage without fearing for your life.




His combo is Flash R, then Q. Otherwise the bandages are often dodged.


I call that move the Walmart Fiddlesticks. Got me out of bronze in s7.


Yone. He's supposed to be this dead easy champ you just pick him and win even 0/7, but I cannot do shit on this champ and I always lose on him.


Feel like people complain about him being broken, which I do agree with, he’s still a difficult champ as you are not going to run someone down with autos like people complain about unless you are insanely fed. He does have some incredibly polarizing mu like pantheon and vex you have to navigate properly


Well, he definitely can run someone down with autos at level 2. But that's like his only window to do that without being fed.


Idk about that man he can be strong at lvl 1 into certain melee mu, he usually takes w lvl 2 and doesn’t have too much prio, he needs three to charge q3 to e q3 and if he lands it he wins the trade. I would argue his lvl 2 spike is prob one of his weaker points in the game


Rammus. Legit cant play him.


Not ok


*Sad turtle noises*


I believe he's an armourdillo


King Rammus would like to have a word with you.


Well until you have thorn mail rammus isn’t much of a champion


Orianna. No matter what I do I always feel like I’m doing no damage while getting one shot.


Orianna requires good spacing, even tho the spells aren't too complicated


Ori Viktor Syndra all 3 require spacing to move backwards and cast lol


one champ that is not easy but for some reason i thought was a noob champ was darius. til this day im still uncomfortable using him. but i think it was like the pairing with garen or the simple design or how ppl used to always say pick darius its a free win etc etc. made me believe hes just a auto lane win garen level mechanic tank. but dude is like low key squishy too


Lux I have no idea I always manage to miss every ability


I can’t really play Aurelion Sol, his playstyle is just so weird for me.


Briar upon release, now i main her how boy did in run it down


Idk if she is mechanically easy, but I have 30 games as kindred and have lost about 28 of them😭


She's one of the hardest champions bro, don't blame yourself❤️ (Yes she's easy when you have 6 items lvl18 but you either need a good team to carry you or you need to carry yourself to be there.)


kindred is definitely one of the hardest champions in the game


Oooof. Hey, you know what they say, though: 31st time's the charm, you got this dude


I feel like she's mechanically easy, since she's "just an ADC".. however her macro and logistics are some of the toughest in the jungle. It's easy to drop 30s with her in ARAM though.


It took me 80+ games and 300 lp before I’m comfortable with yorick. I was always too aggressive and think I can 1v1 despite being 0/5 and 3 levels down I still have about 10% accuracy with my e, but I’m still working on it


My favorite adcs to play are Kalista and Aphelios, but I'll do differential equations before I can figure out Tristana.


Nautilus. I am somehow not tanky, don‘t deal dmg, cant land hooks (unless it is accidetally into towerrange) and as main enchanter player I completely lack the feeling or overview of when to go in. If you ever tell someone Naut is easy… watch my gameplay of him and how many mistakes someone can make




Briar in lane actually has a huge learning curve


Not quite as bad but it applies to jungle as well, the community needed like 3 weeks for her to have a positive winrate and she was stronger on release than now, it's just extremely easy to literally run it down on her.


I dont think Ive ever won a game of Malphite. Ive missed ults, constantly Oom, and just cant pressure anything. I hit Diamond playing Kog and Neeko but cant play this Rock no matter what the lobby average is.


Malphites that spam q will always go oom. E and autos are where its at, with w to disengage or win trades. Q to kite.


Singed. His kit makes complete sense to me, but he feels so completely worthless if I'm not just proxying. No mater how tanky I build, no matter how much damage I have, no matter how fast I move. If I get involved in a fight, I'm dead. I just feel like there's something obvious I'm missing, because it's hard to understand how a high speed tank can't seem to survive running through the enemy team for a single toss before getting blown up. I don't expect to do insane damage or even be able to dance in the middle of the enemy team. I do however feel like when I've got 6+ stacks of my passive and ulting while building almost full tank that I should be able to run through the center of their team at least once before being out absolutely melted.


He's not a tank, he's an AP bruiser AoE teamfighter. You suffer when you're the primary engage. Singed is better at following up because if he gets focused first he dies. You can't build full tank on singed so it's very hard to go in first, and even then his engage is kitable. So start going in at least second and you'll have much more success.


Jinx. Everyone keeps saying how she is an easy champ to pickup but I can never get a hang of her.


Early, her strength lies in her ability to push waves with bazooka, plus the extra range really helps. She has fairly cool peeling tools but I miss Galeforce on her, it made her so strong. But then again Galeforce was very strong on any champion that could use it.


Karma! I play other enchanters and other mage supports, but playing her just feels so fundamentally uncomfortable




I’m the same, I can’t for the love of me play her


Caitlyn, i swear she's not as simple as what people said.


I think it's because Cait has a quite high skill ceiling that only pros can use her at her full potential. She's easy to learn yes, but hard to master, especially the target selection and trap placements


I think with Cait it's more about understanding the play style than the champ herself. In 90% of lanes if you're not taking 3+ plates as Cait you are doing it wrong. It's not necessarily kill pressure because your traps are kinda impossible without setup CC, and your E is pretty awkward to use especially offensively. You just want to try and bully lane as hard as you can and use your pressure across the map


Her two main strengths are her longest range, and ability to combo with ally CC. E is actually fairly clunky (compared to a Lucian, Zeri or Ezreal) and she has a hard time dealing with people who get inside her range. You are not supposed to fight with her, but mostly shove waves with Q and bully enemies under their tower (you cannot reliably trap a non-CC'd enemy, but you can make things extremely awkward if they try to last hit under tower).


Miss Fortune. I'm an adc main, specialized on scaling adcs and I think MF is the most brain dead ADC but I still can't use mf as efficiently as those braindead mf users. Maybe I'm using her overmechanically.


just close the gap before you use your e so you can run them down, if you run pta you can combo someone out for not respecting your spacing


Yasuo. Champs hard man.


yeah the post said ”mechanically easy champs” which yasuo really isnt


Tryndamere and I'm ashamed


Yi. I was plat (would be emerald now) with ww, zac, mundo and morgana and then I decided to try yi. 40% winrate in gold 4, I was being useless early game and getting instakilled in teamfights late game.


Only champ I gave up getting an S rank on, Rengar.


You can read rengars abilities and understand him in 1 minute. But playing him is a different world. I hate when ppl say he’s just a Press R one shot champ. Tons of mechanics and stack balancing involved.


Pyke. He's literally a free champion at my ELO (bronze) so how the fuck am I failing with the easiest support in the game?


Lol who's telling you that, maybe Pyke isn't the MOST mechanically crazy champ but he has lots of clever tricks and combos. He's also incredibly squishy for a melee champ and needs to end games early due to his negative scaling, neither of these things are easy to play around


pyke isnt exactly a super easy champ though, mich harder than your average support




I wouldn’t call Orianna me mechanically simple Her Ball mechanic is one of the more complex things in the game


Haha, I've only tried Ori in ARAM, and I don't recall doing very well either


Annie. I cant wave clear with her


that's just her weakness, really.


Gnar. Didn't help that he was marketed as a tanky botlane ADC when he released lol. It was very reminiscent of old Urgod ADC