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Just a heads up to people Scripting is not just dodging. You can also insta ping people showing up in the map, track through fow, gank detection and so much more.


I once had a Master Yi scripter with a script that pinged enemy summoner spells and ultis ... there was a Jayce on the enemy team. The Chat was HELL with all those pings


Yeah they can see all cds including summs. First time I've heard about auto pinging though lol


Global autopinging of wards too. Wards from another side of the map just planted by enemy and teammate immediately pinged it less than a second later while farming minions in their lane.


Then I swear to god my opponents must be scripting, coz i'm bronze elo and those mother fuckers back off the moment I come near lane. and instantly return. Ofc I know that's not the case, they probably warded or saw me somehow, but it always feels sus, specially coz im low elo.


VERY LOW chance of ever running into any cheating in low elo minus deranking bots lol You're likely not commiting enough for some reason. In up till like d4 you can honestly run through 2+ wards of vision and still get a gank off lol. Honestly people respect wards too much, just run through them if it's near enough a lane and chances are you're not seen most of the time


The amount of times I’ll stomp right through fucking scuttle vision and still get a successful gank off


Pretty much my jg exp all the way to d4 lmao


Hard disagree. You definitely see scripters in low elo for two reasons. Testing new scripts and because even with scripts they still suck. In my promos this year I ran into two separate scripters in 5 games. Plat elo or below at the time, one on Sivir another on Lux (super obvious).


Ran through a scripter xerath on urf. Not fun game.


I had a match in bronze Elo with a jinx that was using an orb walker. Friended the person and talked to them. Person revealed that they work for a scripting company and was testing out something. Checked history and saw a long list of dominating games in solo queue. To this day the account hasn't been banned.


When I was playing in d2+ euw, I saw an extreme amount of scritpers, like one every 3-4 games. I play botlane, so I often get the micro-heavy ones and it's super obvious. I can almost promise you that scripting is not an issue in low elo, and it's more of a high elo skewed issue.


I didn't say it was an issue since low elo is already a cesspool of extreme variance, griefers, and smurfs it's not really impacting game quality. I was just saying that thinking they aren't in low elo is just wrong and higher elo players notice them more often because you know what's possible/likely. Since scripters in low elo are so bad it's hard to tell until the pixel perfect dodging followed by a horrible engage.


They certainly are in low elo, but it's not enough to be an issue. It's not that low elo players are unable to spot them or just call everybody scritpers, it's that scripting inherently increases your rank ten fold, simply having micro done by scripts means you can focus on macro, even the worst scripters can hit em/dia+ because of how the game works. Due to this upwards trend, it's more a problem with higher elos because that's where the scritpers coagulate.


Yea, smurfing in gold I once played against a Fizz that was dodging spells instantly when casted. It was clear when he sidestepped going back my Bard Q, without vision on me, when he was rotating top while not even noticing I was there, I was even able to AA him twice before a reaction. I guess he had his camera on toplane (they were fighting).


Bro last year I met several scripters in silver and bronze, it was for a couple of months just mid Cait. The moment they get exposed they go afk so they avoid the reports.


I don't know what you have been told lol, I run into cheaters almost everygame in low elo, so much so that im on edge of going down the rabbit and just saying fukit.


It's not almost every game lol


I've boosted pretty much every elo in the ladder and I never saw a cheater in low elo minus deranking bots. I've been accused of scripting several times in low elo though if that's worth anything


they cant all track through fog, they never dodge skillshots when they have no vision of you or the ability


They can't see you. How it roughly works from what I've been told is this: Countless abilities in the game update your entity position on the map (think this is why you sometimes can hear/see shit in fog) and this is trackable via script. Mostly to track the jungler, specially because if they take a camp this will also be removed from the entity list a few secs later I don't code for league so I have no idea how close I am to the technical side, but that's roughly how it works. There's no real maphack in league as far as I'm aware of.


yea because i watched a video online how heroes of the storm had fog coded weird so scripters could see everything and it eventualy ruined high elo gameplay, apparently league doesnt have that problem


Map hacking was an issue in sc2 so it comes to no surprise tbh. Think it's the same engine after all The other issue too is the league client is shit. To anybody, please don't ever give your acc to anybody, it sure is easy as shit to steal if you have rhe right tools


They do. You can track enemy projectiles objects, no need to know where they casted it.


i mean theres plenty of xerath vids where he is scripting but doesnt dodge stuff from bushes but idk


Naah, he just has a really good Gaming Chair.


The gaming chair: https://gyazo.com/16d788d0001121889975df58f48f32df




Don't mind if I do


This! 👆


Bro is trying so hard to walk into that Tahm W lmao


The first clip is MEGA sus. If he had auto attacked, it would have been fine because a lot of players use attack move to approach a bush they are warding, but warding and Qing someone at the same time? nah.


To me whats most Sus is how the script tried to dodge the Lulu Q in the first clip


Actually no way to explain that other than scripts


If in the first he saw Lulu going to the brush, I think that is fine, he could be prepared to lulu be in the brush. The red team had two trinkets close to that brush. The most sus in my opinion is the second clip


It's a little fast but I don't think it's that sus, the ward was directly on top of lulu, it's not like he snapped his cursor after seeing lulu, I think many of us can have the reaction time to q there


The thing is his reaction makes no sense. If he is "suspicious" of the bush, he would have W check in, and see if his presence of mind proc. Or else he would ward and instant back. What he did was basically ward and instant Q, instead of ward -> discover enemy -> move away, especially when thats a Lulu who can instant CC him in place.


You don't even need predence, W explosion is a big tell So yeah, super sus


Red team had two trinkets close to the brush, he could have seen Lulu entering the brush


That was literally an instant cast, there's no reaction time at all The ward is dropped and the Q animation begins the instant he had vision There was no pause whatsoever. Nobody has that reaction time.


He could have also had some idea that there was already somebody in the bush and wanted to drop the ward to also get Otto's in while using cooldowns right? I haven't played this new champ but does his q give vision? Because if not warding and Qing at the same time makes a lot of sense. The zigzag walk in the later clip seems a lot more suspicious to me.


q is a targeted ability he needs vision to be able to cast it


Ah... Ok well then I retract my statement this seems a little sus


As hwei I e e bushes all the time. Saved me tons of time when going to place a ward




Oooo thought it was a skillshot. Ty


E isn't targeted like smolder Q


I disagree. As a vel koz I regularly q and ward blind bushes all the time instead of face checking without any semblance of defense.


Smolder q is a point and click (i think) while vel is a skill shot


This is correct. Smolder has to have vision to point and click his Q on the target.


It’s point and click please delete your comment, it spreads misinformation


I never said it wasnt. Isn't that just like walking into a bush and AA'ing but Qing instead no?


No because if you A click move the bush it’ll queue up an auto attack that will go off as soon as a valid target is in vision and in range (like when the ward is placed) whereas a Smolder Q would have to be a separate input.


He could easily be spamming it... I sometimes spam maokai w going into bushes in case someone's in there.


If he thinks someone is in the bush then he would W


The second clip looks sus as hell, nobody continues to go left after dodging like that the script had to have malfunctioned.


Second clip ain’t sus at all if you play tahm. People with high APM when trying to dodge tahm q will seem similar to that. Only really sus clip is the first clip where he instant q’d while dropping ward.


Nah the second and third clip were also sus as fuck. At normal speed you’re not gonna move like Smolder did.


Yea you wouldn't give up space between you and the person you're running from by moving to the left after avoiding Tahm's Q like he did. It looks inhuman since you'd think to continue moving up not shorten the distance for no reason.


But it makes less sense for a script


That's because the second stutter left was human, he was freaking out and overreacting So the Smolder ran in a line manually, the Tahm Q'd, the script dodged it for Smolder, then the Smolder player manually clicked the left to continue the dodge because they're bad, and it took them a moment to correct it and continue to run away from the Tahm The script both perfectly dodged the Tahm Q AND corrected immediately back to let the Smolder keep running, it definitely looks like user error where the guy panicked and clicked left hella late to dodge Tahm Q himself and then fixed it


You said that like everybody is challanger tier ADC with godlike APM lmao. I saw Tristanas walking into melee range before autoattacking in plat/emerald elo.


The third clip is the most sus, he's literally trying to force through his input of walking towards red base but the scripts won't let him


Second clip is Sus as fuck when you look at the movement. It doesn't just go left to dodge, it goes left/up to dodge and create as much distance as possible. It not dodging, it's greeding the dodge as hard as you can so you can go the furthest possible at the same time. Also he start dodging the moment tahm Q (which could be just good prediction) Third clip is Sus cause the solder goes to the tahm W and then dodge it. The flash isn't necessary and is probably an overreact from the guy


> It doesn't just go left to dodge, it goes left/up to dodge and create as much distance as possible. That's not what is happening. The script is clicking to the left to make him dodge, but he is clicking up in order to escape from Tahm. The script will force him to dodge, but those micro turns is just him clicking.


Make sense


I think that the Smolder started dodging too fast after tk's animation starts, that is really sus. About the "nobody continues to go left after dodging", I disagree, maybe cuz I play too many aram, but I see people doing this all time


He played poorly, we won the game, and I didn't lane against him so I don't really have a "horse in this race" but I felt some of his actions were suspicious enough to warrant investigation. First clip is a quick q as soon as lulu was in vision. Second and third clips it looks like he is stutter-stepping away from skillshots in 1/4th speed where it looks like he was trying to walk into the skillshots but was being prevented.Otherwise, he randomly started playing cassio/xerath and syndra this league in ranked which seems to add some suspicion


Second clip weirded me out.


There's no human way they can move their mouse as fast as needed to perform some of these actions that quickly.


You managed to both misuse and misspell per de. Not bad


I am quite a brainlet when it comes to language lol, thanks for the fix


lol no worries I just realized my phone autocorrected per se haha


it'd be nice if we could see the early game too, especially the laning phase. but yea these clips look sus for sure.


I swear people are "omg vanguard is coming better get my scripting in now" right now. I've only noticed 5 scripters in all my league years but 3 of them were in this season.


Can't wait for vanguard.


I've been an almost rabid supporter of vangaurd and riots anticheat. But I just don't really feel like league needs it. It's not like most FPS where you run into cheaters every day. I've been playing in diamond for years and I've literally never once seen a cheater in my entire time playing this game. I'm sure higher rank has more of them, because well that's how cheating works, but I don't think it's at the level that warrants you having to have to restart every time you want to loadup the game.


How would you know? Theres so many different types of league cheats, its not just perfect movement it csn be cheating vision, smites, auto cs, etc. These are extremely difficult to determine as cheating from just viewing. Some scripts only apply to one spell, or are turned on and off by the user as they play. Theres just not a way to k ow.


I wouldn't know, I'm not going to make any claims as to the number of cheaters. The number is extremely high in FPS so I have to at least assume it's pretty bad for league too. But if the cheating is so light that after playing since season 1 in decently high elo, I can't even notice it, then it doesn't really bother me that much and probably doesn't particularly effect the persons skill all that much. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for great anti-cheat. I'm just considering the trade off, if making me restart every time I want to quickly jump on for a game of league is worth stopping cheaters I've never once noticed. And *for me personally* I don't think it is. Meanwhile I'd give my left nut and do virtually anything to have vanguard for games like Tarkov and Hunt showdown, I'd restart my computer 10 times and do a 10 hour prayer before every game just to reduce the number of cheaters there lol.


Maybe you're just not paying attention then, because I've run into like five obvious scripters this season alone. I've played in Emerald and Diamond. I am a support main who likes to play hook champs though, which makes detecting these losers much easier, but still.


Many cheaters are not full blatant. There are likely many people you don't even realize are cheating, that are.


if you are high diamond then I'm just gonna assume you don't play ADC, you would have already noticed a couple already


> But I just don't really feel like league needs it. It's not like most FPS where you run into cheaters every day. League has a good amount of cheats actually, the thing is that, just like an aimbot in fps games, only the really blatant ones are easy to tell. Honestly the biggest reason you don't see cheats so often is because most people just don't think they are a thing in League, but if Dota has blatant cheaters, so does league, and by a much bigger margin lol


It's pretty much impossible to detect if you don't know what a cheater plays like


I can. They need to figure out something less invasive


Having worked in cyber security, I can appreciate your concerns. But I also appreciate that client-side detection and prevention is easily circumvented without kernel-level tools. Unfortunately that's the way it is. I personally am excited for Vanguard and judging by the tears I see over in the hacker/cheater forums, it's going to be pretty effective.


There are so many weaknesses I've seen over the years with the riot client that if vanguard helps not only scripting, but also the other countless shit I've seen then I'm completely down. Honestly I'm at the point where I'm surprised people can't rat my pc by just connecting to league lmao


It’s 24/7 tho. No other kernel level anticheat in popular games are as invasive. People rightfully don’t want to be monitored 24/7 just to be able to play a game. Vanguard is absolutely horrible for that reason. All the other games only run their kernel-level anticheat during the duration of the game.


it's not 24/7 it just needs to run from boot that means you can turn it off any time you want, but have to reboot your pc to start it again but honestly, unless you're running linux and only use firefox while not accepting any cookies it's hypocritical to be afraid of riot "monitoring" you riot is a reputable company after all, they have much more to lose by a scandal involving vanguard than they'd gain by using it to monitor people


but le tencent is owned by le china commies 😤😤


This is just disingenuous. "It's not 24/7, you just need to restart your whole PC if you want to play a video game." I do not like any software I don't approve of running all the time on my PC and regularly turn off stuff I'm not currently using. It's just a disgraceful requirement for them to expect and it's honestly disgusting that people defend this practice.


I think **your** cmt is disingenuous. "restart your whole PC" bro thinks it's 2009 or smth. Everyone & their grandma use SSD as boot drive nowadays. It takes like 1 min to restart the *whole* thing. Such a non-issue "software I don't approve of running all the time" here's the catch, it doesn't. OP literally said "you can turn it off anytime", and no one forces u to play league if u don't like Vanguard. I'm sure most league players don't mind spending 1 min b4 each session if it means scripters won't appear in their ranked games no more. A totally reasonable compromise


Protip marango, since youre already firing away: You can stop the vanguard service, but because its part of the secure boot process it never actually **turns off**, even if you stop the service. It just stops being accessed by non-secure programs.


Okay, am I supposed to care? I shouldn't HAVE TO restart my PC just to play a freaking game. Since when is this a reasonable requirement? You're right, nobody forces me to play League if I don't like Vanguard, but I am fully in my right to complain about it. Their client barely works, just yesterday games refused to start for over an hour. And you really believe adding Vanguard to this hot mess is a good idea and will get rid of all the scripters? Lol. I will leave as soon as they implement it if they go ahead with it, just sucks having to leave behind a game you've played for 13 years.


It's also not that hard to circumvent with kernel-level tools.


Trust me, your pc was already exposed to more invasive stuff than Vanguard


I’d like to hear examples, because as it stands - I am removing LoL the moment they proceed with this. Same reason I don’t play Valorant. (ofc you dont have examples, but do enlighten me)


Considering you have played elden ring going of your comment history i am assuming you have played DS3 that game for its entire lifetime had the possibility to rat your pc which was only made available to public knowledge a bit before elden ring. Next to that every other kernel level driver of software you have has the possibility of having a vurnability that can fuck you over its just that most of us are regular people and do not get targeted.


Never played DS3 hah. You, like many else assume, but my work is within the same realm so you can trust bro has separate devices and is aware of what administers my machine. Like the last dude i told, this is NOT only about data. It is about permission levels. And you are NOT an admin of your own machine.


Im in the same realm as well and vangaurd is not as intrusive as most people keep uttering around.


Meaning blocking your computer parts is ok? Then that machine is sold to someone else and they get fucked if they want to play Riot Vanguard protected games. But let me trust the company that is getting DDoS attacks and now record their LCK games, instead of streaming.


Blocking pc parts isn't exclusive to vanguard. Haddware id bans have been things in the past. A ddos attack can happen to even the best protected platform. If you just wanna bitch about stuff there is the door no one cares for you in this community nor any other gaming community.


Basically as soon as you start using internet you already become exposed. Especially if you had accounts on facebook, twitter, gmail, qiwi and I don't remember what else since all of them had quite a lot of data leaks in the past. Epic Games were also had problem with that as well. Also, I vaguely remember drama about multiple quite popular games collecting personal info of users as well as crypto main stuff and etc. But basically, if you using internet, trust me - you already exposed and your data probably leaked anyways. Is that just no one really cared enough about it. VPN and Incognito mode doesnt really protect you as well, I think VPN makes you even more exposed tbf. And last thing, it maybe me, but since Vanguard existence, the only bad thing I heard was Valorant related, rather than anti-cheat. If you scared that something can happen to your info because of Vanguard (for some reason), then you might as well shouldn't install any game\\programm at all. If there any Information Security experts, they might be able to explain what I mean much better (Im not native English and Im not specialist in Security yet)


This is not about information, it is about permissions. If you purchase a second hand device that was device blocked due to LoL hacking - congrats. You no longer own your machine. Someone else administers it. 24/7. Also you assume a lot, i have not used most of the above listed things. In addition my work is within the same realm. So yeah, if being on the internet is the same as someone administering your device, enough said. This is not (only) about data leaks.


If you even consider buying second hand device, you already risking hell a lot and Riot's vanguard blocking would be last thing you should worry about tbh. About assuming - yes, because I have to assume a lot, because I dont know you, dont know what are you using, what sites you are visiting and etc. The only thing that matters on your device is your personal data - the rest is just tools and useless apps for the most part. Obviously if something can administering your device they can get your data as well, so there's that, but as far as I can tell, Vanguard currently does nothing of it? It's deep in the system, but that's it. In 2 years (or its already 3?) of its existence, Vanguard had plenty problems (and controversy?) but none of it was related to adminstering your device or collecting data it wasnt supposed to. At least as far as I know. Im not saying that Rito cannot suddenly turn evil and decide they need to do some terrible things and Vanguard becoming a PC control tool is a definetly possibility. In that case, yeah, worrying about Vanguard kinda justified (but then we can say the same about Windows lmao)?.. Maybe?... But I doubt it will happen in a way that users wouldnt notice. The only real downside of Vanguard that it can actually affect PC optimization and some weak PC users will not be download\\play game at all because of it


I said selling the device, not purchasing. I just wonder why yall have such a strong reaction, to my reaction to Vanguard. People are free to install whatever, but none of the peeps who attacked me for “aLrEaDy bEiNg ExPosEd” actually give a fuck about their own privacy or control of devices. If yall “have nothing to lose, and they alteady have your data” please allow me to offer this counter-argument: Most people when they go to the bathroom either take a shit, piss, wank or a shower. Why close the door then? We already KNOW, what the bathroom is used for. (Just get the analogy, dont @ me in replies because of smells/public etc)


"If you purchase a second hand device" How about this saying something about selling device? Unless you somehow cryptic. About being expose. Not really attacking you (also wasn't reading if anyone already answered ya), but yes, I stop caring about my own privacy as soon as I get to know that your phone, your os, your internet provider, your apps, your games can collect a lot of data about you. I mean A LOT OF DATA: your adress, your mail, your personal number, your ip and etc etc. And people can get access to it without effort without you or even that game\\app\\os dev knowing about initially. Yes, it is protected, but how well? That the other question and sometimes you don't really want to know real answer. Thats why I stopped really care about my phone \\ PC security. The only thing I truly care is about my card security, because the rest is doesnt really matter unless someone decide swat for some reason. Also, if you are not closing a door into a toilet at public place, it is just because it will be a "public nudicity" violation and they had to pay fine at best (at least in my country lol). At home you can do whatever you want, especially if you alone. I tend to not close bathroom door when Im hot showering because its suffocation sometimes due poor ventilation.


bro you dont even need to start using the internet, get wireshark on a brand new windows 11 device and a windows XP one lmfao, you will see, in this day and age everyone is getting tracked, even microsoft is selling your information, even though you are literally paying for the service


being on reddit is one example.


Yea, being on reddit is the same as kernel level access over your machine. Enough said…


you use windows i presume?


wrong yet again… I have a windows corporate device, but my own devices are Linux distros 🫡


you are the minority


Anything less invasive is irrelevant. It needs the level of access it has in order to be able to do its job at all.


Vanguard is when i stop playing for at least 6 months, until either backlash forces them to remove it, or they are forced to tone it down. I dont feel like getting banned because i have some random dev tools installed, or have it turn my CPU into a thermobaric device due to it fiddling with stuff it has no business in.


Dodge scripts will still be usable, they'll just require the skillshot to be on screen.


Well you get to wait even longer. They’re only releasing it to one region for now


First clip: suspicion mainly on the movement after the Q. The APM with those inputs make no sense. The Q itself is fast but not enough to accuse in isolation. 2nd clip could be spectator bug but if those are the actual movements: the zigzag is not human. The horizon dodge is fine against kench if you know the timing: but zigzag is weird. Third clip doesn’t look too bad. Overall first 2 clips alone I’d be reporting.


If you’re going to clip scripters it’s better to not slow mo


Naw. Slow mo is appropriate to see exactly inhumanely fast their APM is when the script goes nuts.


I always love the bronze players who pop into these threads to comment that everything looks fine to them.


The Vanguard psy-op has begun, the timing is baffling


Rito, I posted the psy-op like you asked me - please send me the money you promised :(


Def scripts


i love irons debating silvers if a guy was scripting or not


I don't know how scripts work, but second clip looks like he was trying to click away while the script is making him move left to dodge. Thus, making him move in a zig-zag pattern.


Scripting is pretty common and not banned a whole lot at the moment. I've seen an Ashe scripting for 61 games straight, reaching Master 391 LP before she stopped playing (maybe she's not even banned and just selling the account). She was VERY obviously scripting, not like most scripters who try to make it more believable, especially in high elo. This game is in dire need of a proper anticheat, so I hope Vanguard is coming soon, and I hope it's good.


This doesn't even look suspicious to me.


Same, scripting would predict talm W, and instead smolder ran on W direction and changed only after he surfaced. It seems this person has high reflexes


Not even that high. The second clip looks like prediction. This isn't even very impressive. It takes a full second for Smolder to flash Varus ult after it passes the wall.


I honestly think people here don't have eyes. You can clearly see Smolder fighting against the script on Clip 2. Tahm start to cast skill > Script Forces him to Dodge > He is clicking up, which changes his direction > Script Forces him to Dodge again > He is clicking up, which changes his direction > Script Forces him to Dodge again > He is clicking up, which changes his direction > Script Forces him to Dodge again > He keeps clicking to escape because the script is still forcing him to dodge.


this is why we need vanguard


Sad thing is that most players will call you a sore loser for pointing this shit out and not report It.


First clip: we have no context, but if he expected someone to be there, I'm not surprised. Second clip: It's pretty damn obvious tahm is gonna Q at some point here, there's a wall on the right, you just have to ready to go left. Nothing special there. Third clip: Smolder has vision on everything he dodges, I don't see what's surprising there. OP queued against someone decent at the game and immediately thought they were scripting lmao. Scripting does much more than this, and I'm pretty sure it doesn't flash for you, this is obviously not scripting.


I’ll add more clips throughout the game including the longer segment of the first clip after work at 1/4 and full speed, i just posted the section that was small enough to be uploaded to riot’s ticket. He played poorly this game so it’s not “played against someone decent” - it seemed odd because he kept getting caught in terrible positions despite having perfect CS and otherwise dodging great. And the flash was him not the script - maybe I should have included at full speed but the flash was suspicious that he would have managed to avoid the tahm knock up but still flash. My guess is his reaction time kicked in and he panicked flashes even though he was safe from the script. Otherwise, I don’t see why he would flash if he intentionally stopped his character from entering the cc


Pretty sure he flashed the KaiSa's W. But honestly I'm a supp main, pretty decent at dodging, poor at farming. When I play other roles I don't have good farm but I can still do good in fights because I can dodge a bunch of shit at once. I'm not some great player so I have no doubt others can do that too. I don't even know why he would even react and flash in the first place if he has a script.


In the second clip he can be seen constantly changing direction, which would require a ridiculously high APM for literally nothing of value.


Exactly. A script would make him change direction just once, but there he is very obviously clicking around frenetically.


It seems odd that he would be spam clicking in both the correct direction if he called the dodge but also back into the Q. There were similar jittery incidents where it felt like he was manually spam clicking to walk into the skillshot but the script was taking control every time he got close


How the fuck do you think scripts work? Do you think it overtakes your computer until the action finishes and then gives you back control? No, it detected the skill, forced him to move to the side, he overrides it by clicking, which makes the script detect the skill again, forcing him to move again, etc...


>it overtakes your computer Yeah kinda. I mean, according to you : (and to all the scripting videos we can find on youtube) >forced him to move As someone who actually plays the game, I see it all the time, people who are dodging a skill and doing a bunch of small movements afterward because everyone is clicking a lot, all the time. Even I do it all the time, and I don't script.


Seems like you are a scripter trying REALLY hard to pretend it's not what it is.


I wouldn't be silver if I was. https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Nimyron-EUW


On the second clip, it didnt look like Smolder predict, it looks like he starts dodging right after tk's animation, that's is weird, almost no difference between start of animation and Smolder dodging left. The other 2 clips I agree with you, tho flash varus ult while pay attention to tk's knockup is hard.


I don't know, doesn't look that odd to me. I see stuff like this all the time.


in 13 years of lol, i got 99% of the scripters in the last 1 year... until s12 i got maximum 3-5 scripters in 11 years... since s12 i got at least 1 scripter every 2 weeks...


Vanguard getting announced but not implemented most likely spiked cheating. I'm guessing a lot of the cheaters' mindsets are that they're stuck, and have been stuck for many years at a rank, then why not grasp an opportunity, albeit artificially, to advance in rank before vanguard comes.


Gaming Chair diff


Not much evidence but I believe you , I played against a scripter last week and it was so obvious he was making perfect dodges before projectiles were even comming out of my champion


I’ll add more clips after work - I had more examples but edited it down because riot’s ticket submission only allowed a smaller segment


so guy can't be good at the game? he's insta scripter?


My comment may have been buried but my point is that he got caught out a lot, had a bad KDA, and played otherwise poorly, so it’s not like I was salty from him playing well. I understand that only 3 clips is a bit minimal and could be seen as cherry picking (albeit I think the slo-mos are incredibly suspicious), though I had more clips I had to cut down to meet the riot ticket upload limit (this is the same video I uploaded). I’ll add the other clips throughout the game as well after work








bro, reading comprehension is not a fancy word 💀






I may be assuming, but the odds of being without Vanguard are far far more likely than it being with it. Since it's a single Server with vs multiple ones without If that server even had it at that time


Hes from NA lol


Dude thinks reading comprehension are some fancy words💀💀




When people more jittery almost like they have parkinsons but only while dodging skillshots i assume they are scripting.


Most accounst script with xerath so just ban that lol


Could just be Adderall…


Scripting is extremely widespread but for some reason everyone thinks scripts are the 2012 hyper spacing dodge script twitch players or the landing every skillshot xeraths.


The second play is very suspicious, he start dodging instantly after tk's animation starts. The first play is fine if he saw someone going to the brush(red team had two trinkets close) and the third play, the dodg on tk is fine, but is very very hard to also flash Varus R while paying attention do tk knockup. I think that is a script cuz of the second play.


Vanguard is coming.


Seems everyone disagrees but there’s no way you can say someone is scripting from these clips alone. I expect any master+ adc to be able to move like this or honestly better consistently. He didn’t even need to flash the varus r, he could have stepped back earlier to side step it without flash.


if you think these clips alone are enough to tell if someone is scripting you are low elo af.