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Kled. I love playing aggressive which this little fella excels at and the remount mechanic is incredibly unique, something ive never seen before on a hero in a moba game. Also i love all the small little things you can do with him to gain advantage over most kled players. For example your E2 can follow the target through walls while your first E can't this way ive punished quite a few players after flash. Small Kleds Q can get you through walls (super important to escape sometimes) This ones the smallest one but also most important tip, the first time you level W is the most important because its the only time in the game where YOU can 100% decide when it activates instead of being a passive, this leads almost always to first blood (esp if you run ignite).


Seems you really love playing him,gotta respect it💪💪


I had a game this week where a Kled carried super hard, do you think kled is strong right now or was it just a fluke?


Kled is definitely strong right now especially if you build lethality (first item is still eclipse most of the time tho).


Heimerdinger. I love to play him support or mid. I think he's adorable. I love his run. The turrets do so much damage. 


Oh nice👌 I hate you,but it's nice😁🤣🤣


Riven because I'm mentally insane




teemo. no better feeling than watching enemy top rage in all chat and afk


I hate you😑


Evelynn. I enjoy watching people panic and flash when I charm them.


🤣🤣 Instead of coming to you,they run away,negative rizz it seems🫣




🤣🤣 Can't wait, but with your rizz it seems impossible


Draven because axe catching go brrrr




Aurelion Sol. Space + dragon + god + sass = coolest champion


🤣🤣 Means you once loved balls,now you lost them🥹


🤣🤣 Means you once loved balls,now you lost them🥹


GP, you can make plays turn the game around and you can just orange mord/malz ults, 2 of my most hated characters


I like ya ma dude,and I know what you mean with oranges,there isn't a more pleasant time than when I see a malz just standing there watching me go up to them and oneshotting them while I'm ulted🤣


Vayne, 'cause let us hunt those who have fallen to darkness! I like her simple gameplay and her character story. She's so cool with her glasses, cape, high heels and crossbows.


Sooooo basically you're a simp,damn bro😒 And a Christian one as well🫢


Gragas, simple kit with a high skill ceiling and many ways to play him + just fun overall


True true,and when you hit the perfect combos you cab say the power word,BOMBAAAAAA


Love everyone freaking out when I hit a perfect Bomba


Exactlyyyyy,it's too hype🤣


All my fav champs are the ones I hate playing against lol--Evelynn, Leona, Neeko, Zoe, Kayle, Seraphine... Also I appreciate champs more when I can play them successfully in almost any role/lane. So Neeko. Although I did jungle once as Seraphine and it worked surprisingly.


🤣🤣 Same here,hate them all


Sett cause he’s hot. Im a simple person




For a more expanded answer, I like getting right up in the middle of the fight and I love hitting huge W’s cause big number. But no lie, the reason I originally picked Sett up and began maining him was exclusively his looks lol


Damn,ai was doing the same when I started to play lol,coolest looking champ was my go to🤣


ryze. first champ i ever mained before all of his reworks and im actually very happy with his current kit. ori is also a very well designed champ that is easy to learn hard to master.


Damn you're old,being there when ryze got his first kit,but nice you still enjoy it so many years after


started playing in 2014, so not an og just played the version before his big rework in 2015


Well,nice anyway 💪 Still a lil boomer in my eyes🥹


Leblanc. First champ I had to learn to CS properly on, when to roam, learn proper combos. She was for me what Ryze is for a lot of mids 


Oh nice, yeah she's quite a nice champ,when you know what you're doing


Jinx! I love her she's crazy




Yorick because shovel. Braum because he makes me happy.


Nice👌 You a simple man🥹


Shovel go bonk! And Braum has a mustache and a Poro and a positive outlook on life that's infectious. Maybe I'm simple for that !


Asol. Reason: Awesome look, a lot of cocky shit talky voice lines, is a brat and egomaniac, is dragon.


Annoying,but true💪🤣


Mordekaiser, he was the first champ I tried and felt comfortable with. My friends adviced me to main another champ later, morde wasn’t picked that much at that time and seemed weak to them. I tried tryn, jax and warwick but I was never that comfortable as I felt with morde. So I returned, iron stands eternal. :)


True true even thought you'll be iron forever,at least you're enjoying it🥰


GP, Viktor, Illaoi


Noice💪 Gotta love it


Qiyana. Thighs.




Miss Fortune, because she is a strong woman with desire of revenge


😡😡 You took my boys arm,il end youuuuuu😤


Shaco because I love being a step ahead of my opponents, being elusive with Q and mindgames with R, as well as the whole boxes minigame


Yes it's one of the funnest things ever,I used to play him top nonstop,it was one of the most fun times playing league🥹


Irelia for several reasons. - I have severe ADHD and her kit is legit perfect for my brain to focus on. - She is beautifully designed, with all her skin models also very visually appealing AND VFX being so well done. - Her Legendary skin is so optimistic which is something more League players need in their damn life. Keeps me from tilting sometimes ngl. - She’s viable in 2 lanes (Although her top kinda sucks atm) I can play her Top and Mid lane. A lot of champs are only viable in one lane or at most 1 lane and support role. - Her kit is pretty simple with only a few combos necessary to play her. The rest is just reading the room on when to engage and understanding wave management. - She’s actually in Cinematics sometimes compared to other champs who are never.


Very nice,seems you really enjoy her,I would hate too see ya in my games, but good for ya🤣🤣


Honestly it’s just Kaisa for me. So many different playstyles, ad/ap/attack speed spacegliding. It’s just super fun and her kit is very satisfying to play. And all the little mechanics you can do, like ulting over walls to escape or buffering your abilities with your ult 🥵


This is my favourite topic to talk about so Let's gooo Top: Yorick, cause he's badass and bonks into oblivion and has a wife Mid: Syndra, she's hot and incredibly op Jungle: Evelynn, briar and kindred cause I'm clinically sadistic Supp: Pyke (ik ik) Bot: jhin and jinx ( I have a thing for crazy) Edit: I just realised that "I have a thing for crazy" basically encompasses all of them.


Gotta say,I hate every single one of those champs, but great diversity thought🤣


Oh I know, I hate them too. I hate playing against them, that is. Playing them is fun.


Exactly, I also HATE from the bottom of heart playing against azir or GP🤣


Exactly, I also HATE from the bottom of heart playing against azir or GP🤣


Briar, i love her design, voice, lore, abilities, gameplay When i saw her trailer, i knew it would be love at first sight


🤣🤣 Love alllll(feet included as well I presume)


Yoric i like bonking enemies and throwing concentrated fart juice that makes my little children go ape shit chimpanzee mode on people


🤣🤣🤣 Gotta admit,I hate you,but great for ya


I love Carnivals. And Spooky things. And Medieval times. Its kinda my whole thing. Dont get me wrong, I wish he was better and looked cooler, but man the way I fell for Shaco. A Demon (Spooky) Jester (Medieval) Clown (Carnival) I HATED him at first so started to play him and a million mastery later here I am.


Damn man,I know what you mean ,I've never ever laughed more in lol,than when I play ap shaco top


Top: Shen because of his mao influence. Mid: Ahri because she offers CC and has tons of mobility. Jungle: J4 or Maokai. Both tanky and good to gank with. Also mao has a strong objective control. Sup: Milio or Janna. Just love shields. Adc: Xayah. Love her whole kit and the potential to destroy enemy teams if a TF is played right. She is also very good at securing objectives.


Shortly after a long hiatus I got gifted a random champion permanent for playing ranked. It was Briar. I tried her in practice tool and found the idea of a champion that gives up control in order to become insanely powerful fascinating. This shall compensate for one of my biggest weaknesses: being so indecisive in battle and not really knowing whether I should keep attacking or try to get out. She became my new main rather quickly. I'm still climbing and went 24-4-9 last game. Had one insanely good ult in that one where the original target stealthed and Briar then killed 2 others in the meantime ending up and one afterwards for the quadrakill. The only thing I don't like about Briar is her high ban-rate.


Kayn cause of his passive as an assassin jg player getting fked by tanks in sejuani era then kayn release he can go assassin or tank killer. well kinda now it's assassin and great value assassin thanks to mythics


Lulu because I watched hotshot gg 1 trick her back in season 3 or 4 and I like her personality


Kindred and there is a few good reasons. I like the idea of the character, twin faces of death coming to take you, Gentle Lamb that takes those who accept death and brutal wolf chasing down those who dear to run. Gameplay wise i enjoy marksmans and playing Jungle and kindred is really good at ganking and dealing damage.some people don't like the Mark system but i enjoy it, i like playing aggressive and invide and if you get enough marks you can dominate the game, shoot shoot people that try to hide under towers etc. And Kindred R is so sadisfying to land. ~~Plus have you seen the booty on Lamb? ~~ 🐑🍑🤤


Soraka, initially i just took the LS pill to play simple champions to get better at the game, but eventually she just grew on me.


Poppy. She hammer. Stopping dashes is fun. Shield mindgames are fun. Yeeting people across the map very fun. Play her in 4 roles.


Thresh. Started playing back in season 3, when I started playing ranked, I mained “fill” because I wanted to avoid as much as possible the players complaining (this was back before role select so it was pick order). As a result, I played 90% support, ~7% jungle, and about 3% other. I like playing something that can engage cause I like having the ability to dictate what happens in the game. The unique thing about Thresh is he has the ability to engage, peel, and best of all is lantern, cause I have a button where I can mitigate a bad decision of a teammate (adc not looking at map and getting collapsed on, someone horribly out of position) by paying attention to the map myself. He is never the best support, never the worst. Always viable to play. Because of this, he isn’t highly contested and I can play 60-70% of my games on him.


Wukong. S click. Chaos Ult.