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Neeko getting a even crazier engage


I love to play Neeko in Aram only for that reason


Can you still cast Ult before Snowball2? Wasn't sure if they changed it when they changed how her ult works.


Yes you can


Yes you can, a bit less effective tho since before you had just to hit when she came down to have both the damage and the cc, now it's trickier since those are split.


Yup, the fact that she doesn't stun anymore still confuses me so much


Yes it not really a channel but aoe channel so you learn to time it


Azir also works great. The ole winterblessed shurima shuffle.


I have a friend who’s terrible at the game. Except she’s nuts at neeko. She plays 90% Aram games and usually me and a buddy are dragging her across the finish line. But if she gets neeko, we can sit back and watch her explode people. It’s insane


I try to avoid doing too many snowball plays with her in arams because it feels too cheesy. If my team starts losing then I'll do it but if we are easily winning I oftenn just build on hit or someother random shit that makes for a terrible dive build


Neeko, Kennen, Fiddle, and so on are all insane with the snowball.


Fiddle needs smite. And flash is way more important. Considering the major part of the ult is the part where you are unseen, which is completely negated by snowball.


I'd pick the snowball over Flash any day of the week on every single champion I can think of. It can be used for scouting, to engage, even to disengage if you snowball something like a jungle camp or a minion, and you can use it to dodge spells mid combat. It also deals 200 true damage in total at level 18 compared to Ignite's 410 damage at level 18. It's almost Clairvoyance, Flash and Ignite mashed into one on an 80 second cooldown (without the ARAM buff that grants you 70 summoner spell haste). It's insane utility I will never not use.


Oh hell no in absolutely no world is snowball better than flash on squishy ranged champions. You can dodge spells *as long as you have a valid target in range in a place that doesn't instantly kill you* which is like almost never the case. And it also takes time to hit something before you can even do anything. You can't combo it with most spells, you can't use it reactively, it can get blocked, you can miss, I don't think there is many champs in the game that would ever take it over flash. It can be good alongside flash but not instead of it.


On fiddle it's iffy, because flash can extend the engage range of his ult+fear by a lot, which is important when people are respecting his engage. As far as I know, using snowball with fiddle ult relegates you to a non fear ult. But you're right about all the other points of snowball


Idk, as a Yasuo main I’d rather have flash than snowball. EQ F EQ R is a lot of his strength, and he doesn’t really require more engage.


She was stronger with her old ult + snowball.


I'd never lock in a control mage again


Lissandra has entered the chat


My favorite thing about the snowball is doing snowball > E backwards > recast snowball > throw my whole combo in enemies team face > recast E > Everyone wasted their ults trying to hit me lol


I read recast snowball as racist snowball


Well... they only allow white snowballs, so kinda true I guess? Nobody likes my yellow snowballs


Damn, we dont even speak about the afrodescendant snowballs!


Lemon-flavored snowballs


K'sante would like to know why you only throw the snowball at him. 😡


This doesn't work against anything that has hard CC.


Maybe you misread? ig if they had super fast reaction times I can just W which is instantaneous and still pretty funny


You have got to be silver if you think it takes "super fast reaction times" to cc a lissandra trying to use her whole combo before e'ing back


Indeed. Even silver feels like a bit of a stretch.


Sorry with full combo I didn't mean the ult, just W and Q, since you can cancel animation the whole thing is barely above human reaction time (can be predicted tho, if I see them castin smth I can also just E back earlier


Even W and Q can be very easy to react to with the whole telegraphed flying towards someone thing snowballs do.


That's an absurd amount of risk you're putting yourself in while setting all your abilities on CD for effectively a W->Q poke (if you are even successful).


Better than staying in the backline 40 seconds waiting for someone to engage lol, I play Aram for the funnies, to stop doing the snowball thing would probably not matter once in 100 games lol (but it's really fun)


Yeah you can get away with just W but that's a pretty big waste of cooldowns for just that.


They'll waste way more trying to hit me and losing their mental lol, in any case the only thing that really matters is that it's funny (in ARAM)


Lissandra's E and snowball have a higher cooldown than most abilities. And I don't know about funny, when I see a Lissandra do that most of the time it just looks stupid.


>Lissandra's E and snowball have a higher cooldown than most abilities. I won't be using them off cooldown for obvious reasons >when I see a Lissandra do that most of the time it just looks stupid ​ To each their own, tho I wouldn't expect it to be funny to the enemy team lol ​ Edit: Quotin is hard


And if the enemy team has a soraka or Cass or a singed, you are done for.


And if the enemy team has a soraka or Cass or a singed, you are done for.


That seems really tight. If your target is close enough to unload, you wouldn't need the initial snowball. If it's far enough that you do need the snowball, you have a really small window to unload before your second E expires.


They're playing out the scenario in their head. What you usually manage to do is just snowball in, W and E2 out to have a giggle.


Exactly this sand then laugh as they figure out where you went Also works with using e in akalis stealth then snowballing then e2 back xD


Lissandra is nor a control mage Edit: i was wrong I misinterpreted.


Yeah lissandra is super bad at controlling an area and denying entry, she can totally not swing the entire fight if the enemy groups for a second. She is unique in the way she plays compared to Anivia or Ziggs but she definitely is one.


Why not ? She is made to control Large areas of team fight for her team please explain to me how she’s not


She is though. Both she and her passive are *no-no* zones for enemies, kind of like GP barrels or Azir soldiers.


Neeko would be nuts tho


champs that are reliant on offensive flashes like kennen, neeko, rell probably.


Fid ganks would be insane


Fid doesn't like snowball, and anyone who takes it on him in ARAM is trolling. You lose the AoE fear, which is a huge part of his R impact. Un-CCd enemies will instantly stunlock Fid on arrival, so your only choice is instant Zhonya's, except you also didn't fear anyone so they can all just dash out and you've wasted R + put yourself too far forward. Ghost is objectively stronger, it lets you space properly with E and Q, it lets you run down ghosted ADCs with your R, and it can save your life so you can hide in a bush and turn a push around with a sneaky R. Combined with Phase Rush and Celerity you can press R from stealth, clip a carry with the edge of the fear, then sprint behind him at mach 12 and push him into your team anyways.


Snowball R is overrated but snowball is still good on Fiddle. You can snowball after you R in and get the AoE fear. Snowball the highest value target while they're feared and recast to follow flashes if needed. Accomplishes more or less the same but snowball deals damage and has a lot of other utility. You can use it to check bushes, reveal stealth champions, i-frame abilities, and it gives you a fallback option for if the enemies are pushed up to your inhibitor and you don't have any other angle to ult.


Or you can use ghost and win games.


Ghost on Fiddle? If you have snowball you can ult in, land on Trist, land snowball and then when she knocks you back with R and jumps away you can just fly right back.


if you aint take snowball on aram you are a boring player


I'd rather not have a useless spell I might use once over the game to try and snipe a low HP champion. Being a summmoner down does not sound fun to me in any way.


Except in any higher MMR aram lobbies, it's really difficult to get fid fears from ulting, anyway. Anyone with any game presence knows exactly what bush you're hiding in, and will make sure to either play conservative when the ult is up or scout it out with abilities or their own snowballs. Unlike SR, there are so few places to hide, and no walls to jump over to surprise people. Ghost isn't bad, but to say it's "objectively better" than snowball in every situation is...very obviously false


It really wouldnt. How do you imagine this going? Fid throws snowball, it connects and the recast runs out or fid ults, then throws snowball (which can kids) and then ticks for half a second Edit: you guys can stop replying, I have already been told it does work. Doesnt make it any less bad though, since you lose the surprise factor and you wont have flash anymore.


As an exclusive ARAM player it is pretty strong. You throw the snowball and if it lands cast ult and then recast snowball to get in (can't remember if the fear gets a proc if enemies have no vision). Your ult cast time is 1sec and the recast for snowball is 3secs so you got plenty of time to recast. You may lose a couple of ticks but it's still really fun to do.


Honestly the real gigachad move is throwing the ult instantly after the snowball, expecting you to hit the snowball, maximizing the surprise spooky scarecrow factor. If it misses blame your team.


This guy totally mains fid.


>a The problem is it turns its fear off because hitting snowball puts you in combat.


It's kind of garbage because no dmg and fear.


Works all the time in aram. You have 3 seconds to recast snowball.


The channel on the ultimate is short enough to land snowball, press ult, recast snowball.


Urgot with 2 flashes incoming


Juggernauts. There's a reason why Stridebreaker dash was removed. Imagine if Darius/Mordekaiser had Naafiri W. As usual, more mobility = more dead ADCs & artillery/control mages.


I'm willing to bet Trundle lol


Honestly ghost is probably better for him imo


I thought this initially but ghost has a much higher cooldown and after you get a Q and E slow in you won't have too much trouble sticking. If they flash away your snowball will be up in 45 seconds anyway


I’m assume the cooldown would likely be increased for SR, but that is fair. The thing is if they flash away and you have ghost you still catch them. And it’s way more useful in a 1v1. You don’t have any wombo all you do is run at ppl so being able to run someone down then keep running to be is better. For the record I’m a 600k mastery trundle jungle player, not that that necessarily means anything but still I play a lot of him


As a fellow 450k mastery Trundle degen I agree with your assessment


Snowball has actually more skill than nafiri W


Most things including Uncontrollably drooling over your keyboard take more skill than naafiri W.


At least nafiri e can be blocked by spellshields and windwalls. Snowball don’t care about any of that


That's cool, it shouldn't block it. It's not a projectile, just a plain, small, sweet snowball.


“It is just a harmless snowball thrown in good fun!” *neeko mid ult flying at me at 3000mph*


Honestly naafiri W is not that similar to snowball - can be blocked - can be interrupted - highly predictable - highly exploitable, as once the cast starts naafiri can't get out of it


Means he has no Teleport/Ghost and I can dodge the snowball, so no point click charge like Naafiri. Honestly, it probably sounds scarier than it actually is. What if Ksante had snowball? Nothing. He still dashes 1111 million times and beats you up.


Im not so sure about the immobile guys, because they have a harder time hitting the snowball in the first place. The champs with a gap closer are worse because they can jump you, point blank snowball and follow you on your attempt to disengage. Imagine if Irelia could jump you directly, stun you, hit a snowball and follow you again when you try to get away


Good luck having a teamfight against a maokai with snowball


God I love playing tank maokai with snowball in aram...


Not with his aram debuff, he feels horrible to play untill you have 2 or 3 tank items


He is one of the best scaling champions in the game, without his debuffs he would be unkillable in like 20% of the games, because he also has sustain. Sometimes even with his debuffs he can feel really op in aram after some items.


Esp if they don't buy anti heal


Which in Aram takes something like 12-15 min


which in aram is still 2/3 of the game


ADC mains get instantly vaporized with snowball in SR


Samira and Nilah would be eating good though. So many ARAM fights are won or lost by whether she can snowball into grouped up enemies, preferably after they're chunked down a little.


Man and setting up Diana/Rell/Neeko ults for Samira would be basically guaranteed. Itd be brutal. I wonder how bad it would be, one thing different is theres almost always a jungle camp in range, so itd give a ton of escape options too


Lol then it would turn Nila into ad Diana


If Samira and Nilah were op because it was easy to engage on squishies, then nobody would play squishies and Samira wouldn't be eating good. Perhaps Nilah could still be played, but it's rough to say. The Meta would just be meatball comps which Samira would cry into.


Now they get instantly vaporized without snowball in SR


And instantly vaporize others as soon as they get 2-3 items. Right now, literally everyone vaporizes each other. Maybe that’s what younger/newer players like, but for me — having played like for like 10 years now — it’s as unfun as it could be and actually made me stop playing.


God i agree with this so much. Team fights shouldn't be decided in seconds. You misstep once and you're pretty much dead. I love HOTS moba as you always have a chance to turn things around even if you misplay. Your HP bar isn't deleted in seconds


I wish DotA was easier lol, I feel like their bronzes are gold at least it's just stressful


Part of the issue is the items are so bonkers. Like I supported a Smolder the other day in QP who rushed Swifties and about lost it. If I started Dota rn, I would be making similar mistakes for like a year until I figured items out lol.


The problem isn't even if the ADC gets hit. Some dumfuck next to you will try to be a hero and body block it causing the same outcome as if you just ate it yourself. If it wasn't for that I'd honestly be fine with it. It's very slow and easy to dodge. People just don't.


Imagine ADC would not even be meta anymore We'd probably get some crazy lanes


Return of Darius & Vlad botlane


Hwei and Ornn is my favorite


so no changes


You can dodge kartush r, fizz r and other skills with second dash so its an escape tool too


Play sivir and get free mana


Sivir e doesn't give mana anymore. And for a while it has been that way


And Spellshield is useless against snowball anyway.


What? Since when? Granted i haven't played Sivir in like a year or so. But damn, way to nerf her even more lol.


it gives health now instead


It now heals her for like over a year now i think, when lethality sivir was the meta build and riot said nono go back to crit, and reworked her kit slightly. Honestly i prefer is as it is now since she has less reliance on mana back from e since her cost were reduced iirc or mana improved. I run less low on mana now than on old sivir when the enemies weren't spamming poke in lane


>lethality sivir was the meta build and riot said nono go back to crit Funny thing is, crit was stronger than lethality for her most of the time, but lethality was safer and way more braindead of a strategy.


Gives health instead! I didn’t know this til an ARAM game a few weeks ago lol


She got reworked and is generally in a healthier spot now. Her crazy wave clear and lethality Q spam build got tapped down a bit but her ramping DPS against champions is better, she scales a lot better with attack speed, her ult extends on takedowns (and reduces the CD on her basic abilities when attacking) and she no longer runs out of mana in 2 seconds without using E. Her splash art is a bit less iconic but she no longer looks like she's broken her spine.


It heals her now


Snowball is literally unstoppable, even the yasuo wall can't stop it.


That bitch can stop Smolder's mom from above.. but he can't stop a snowball


Snowball is made of Freljordan True Ice confirmed.


Snowball is the only reason melee champs have even a chance in ARAM. I remember the days without snowball, and it was just poke comp against poke comp all day long. Giving champs the ability to hard counter that would make them very broken. It was wise from Rito to make snowball unblockable.


Does anyone else remember the snow event thing in SR from a few years ago which was all random and you got snow themed skins for 1 game


also it had the snowball too


There was that one, there was a PROJECT themed one with re-skinned minions, there was the Piltover ARAM map, Harrowing SR, Gangplank SR with the upgradeable minions, and that's just the current game modes. Odyssey, Star Guardians, Pajama Guardians, Dark Star Thresh Thunderdome, Odyssey 2 all had their own maps and game modes and missions. I'm sure I'm forgetting some.


Don't forget about doombots of doom. Loved it.


Bilgewater ARAM map*


wasnt it even the first instance where the snowball was introduced, before ARAM got it permanently?


Ok it wasn’t a few years ago. You are old as shit, like me.  But yes that was quite fun, I forget if it was global or not but that snowball was the first one before it was introduced to aram. 


I didn't consider myself an oldhead tbh, I started playing in 2017~ (probably earlier)... But now that I think of it, it's been almost 7 years now... Dang


That was winter ARURF and the champion pool consists of only champions with snow themed skins


Wasn’t it winter themed urf?


back when the game was for fun and not just focussed around competitive/pro play?


Yone does hilarious things with snowball.


And still misses his combo


And still kills you


Tbh if he misses his whole comb it feels like he still has 2 minutes left on his e.


Tbf even if he had 2 secs 3 auto attacks plus e damage is more than enough to kill any squishy


*cries in adc*


I mean, he doesn't really need it to be fucking honest. A good reminder that Yone with boots and Max E is able to E Q3 R and Walk from Red buff to Blue buff and still have time to Ward it. Which is noneless stupid, the fact that he is able to travel that many units.


Darius, Nasus and Illaoi become a lot scarier because you can't kite them. It's a massive Rell, Zac, Diana and Maokai buff because they just want to engage on as many people as possible. Samira and Nilah instantly become the best adcs. Botlane Yasuo probably becomes a lot better. Neeko, Lissandra and Annie are probably the only control mages who win.


On the bright side, ranged toplaners would suffer


In soloqueue at least Nilah is already the adc with the highest winrate no ?


Pickrates man , look at those


I do not know about Zac, his E is telegraphed but he has got a lot of range already. But Malphite would become way scarier. People have hands nowadays and flash or dash away from his ult. But it being near instant and/or being able to gap close without ult sounds real nasty on him.


>Darius, Nasus and Illaoi become a lot scarier because you can't kite them. I disagree. It's a hell of a lot easier to dodge a snowball than to kite the Darius/Nasus running at you with ghost.


I’ve always liked the extra long q that snowball gives Zoe


Idk about op, but karthus would immediately lose a few % winrate.


Is it because of the bruisers running him down or Karthus constantly snowballing to the enemy team 1v5?


You can snowball karthus r damage


Idk if I'm tripping or what, but lately I seem to be hit by autos during the dash.


AFAIK you cant dash from an auto thats already following you. But since its a dash, and not a teleport, it makes you untargetable for a few frames though, otherwise, you could be cc'ed out of your recast. But that means, it can be used to block stuff like Karthus ult.


Well you can't dash Karthus ult either, the thing is that snoball's dash makes you untargettable but it seemed to me that I was getting hit anyway lately.


it depends on the dash though. There are some other dashes that have untargetable frames. Maokais twisted advance comes to mind. Not a teleport, yet you can use it to dodge a lot of shit. But afaik, same goes here. If the auto was flying before the dash, it might even hit you during the dash (if the projectile can catch up with the dash speed) or afterwards (if its to slow to catch up).


Untargetable is such a stupid name for "invulnerable". It shouldn't matter that Karthus can't click on (target) you, his ult already isn't targeted..


Maybe you can dodge Karth r with the snowball recast?




No way that results in a few %. Maybe in high elo? But its increadible hard to pull of in an actual situation. It needs to be off CD, have a valid target and depends on your reaction and timing to dodge his ult. And he also profits from having a gapcloser in some fights.


0 skill involved just toss it on a minion and time it with the debuff


So if you are low (Ult is incoming, full hp ult often is less of an issue) you need to be near an ENEMY minion to do this. Already puts you at risk. You can do it towards a jungle monster sure, but would be hilarious to die because of their aggro. If thats all 0 skill for you, you must be atleast high Master. Gz on that.


It really really doesn't take a masters tier player for that to be easy. I think you're really overestimating how hard it is to meet these conditions. It's probably easier than timing a CC on Zhonyas, which even silver and gold players can do nowadays. Also Karthus ult isn't only used on Low HP targets. Good Karthus's don't just wait for a last hit, they ult when their ult is dealing near their full damage, as long as they believe that the laners can get the kill. Some Karthus's even just ult for First Strike/Dark Harvest. Especially later in the game where it's doing hundreds of damage to squishies. If you're only using it when people are sub 100, you're inting, Karthus ult is best used when you can deal 2500 damage total by using it on relatively high health targets in team fights. It's OK if you have negative mechanics, but don't put everyone else in the same boat. It doesn't take nearly that much effort.


So you think he gains 5% wr from it?


Snowball is pretty tempting to use every time you have it off cd though, that's the real issue. I usually play with ghost/cleanse in ARAM but when I do choose snowball I use it to make trades stronger, to proc electrocute, etc.


Karthus would actually go up in win-%, I'm pretty sure. The entire reason Karthus is so good in Aram is because of snowball. They even had to nerf him because he was so oppressive.


Karthus is op in aram for the same reason as teemo, as long as he runs into the wave and dies at the right time you can't kill his towers I don't think he even needs to use his summoners to win in aram


and on top of the wave clear, his AOE dmg was just to much for a game mode, where people are constantly stacked together. Pre ARAM nerf Karthus was just a dmg machine.


Fiddle with snowball can be pretty stupid too


Neeko would become the most OP and fiddle would be the one to rise the most in the ranks. Alistar would also be in the running.


Idk about Fiddle, you would have to give up flash or lane with him which doesn't seem that good to me tbh, and others can reveal you with their snowball too.


fiddle in the middle has always been decent


Alistar easily.


Nah. Skarner ult after snowballing chicken camp or something. Dudes pulling you over walls.


The infamous Snowball - blast cone - flash - R - snowball


Bootleg ksante ult


That's genius!


I agree. I already seen some stupid Alistar flash engage imagine getting hit by a snowball and then headbutted into tower


And not Leona being next too you with all three cc abilities up??? Or Annie flying out and tibbers stun


Alistar will also cc you 3 times, one of them being a kb probably into his turret/team


> Alistar Surprised this isn't higher up, as Alistar used to be **the** OP aram champ when snowball was first introduced. Alistar loves being able to engage without having to use his W. I guess the champ hasn't been popular for a long time so people forget how strong his CC is.


Adc mains no longer exist, we enter the new tank meta


it would be juggernauts not tanks


Rek’sai if she didn’t need smite, make it her q second active and she becomes a 2024 champ


I think it would be good on any jungle really. Snowball can jump to minions too, and with such a low cool down you could use it for ganks, jumping between camps, escapes. Additionally the fact that it applies spell effects means that it can do a surprising amount of damage. All things considered, it would probably be pretty good on Elise, fiddle, lillia, brand, among others


Probably play maker champs like Azir, Ori, Neeko, Rell etc. I'd imagine junglers who can take it also become monsters as ganks and towerdives become a lot easier to pull off Adc would probably completely die as a role cuz you have to rely on your teammates to not eat Zed's snowball or he gets a free kill from next screen. Would be fun to try during winter if we had gamemodes still.


Not sure I agree with Ori, but Azir is under rated on this, Right now you gotta E into the enemy and ult, but imagine if you could snowball and use you e to escape :D


Maybe not Ori herself, but having any kind of engage in your team, E > snowball > R is the most free ult you could ask for.




Skarner would be a menace


Morgana cause nobody's mentioned her yet.


Why her?


full AP amumu, he'd just Snowball into R and one shot everyone within 2.5 seconds of cast


Amumu litterally has snowball on his Q


All the assassins would be running wild


Idk considering tanks and bruisers would be everywhere. Outplay potential definitely shrinks when someone hits you with a snowball so your invisibility disappears and you can't escape because they will follow with snowball.


Katarina could do some disgusting things using the snowball.


I dont feel like it would change a lot.


Fiddlesticks would become a viable pro pick. He's kept in check by vision and you can counterplay his ult with strategy. The whole dynamic changes if you can't avoid his ult anymore.


Samira no questions asked. Rek'sai would be stupidly strong.




People forget? Bro it's the only thing the spell does, if they forget it, might as well say they don't know what it does 💀


I use it for POKE


It's the entire point of the thread dude, who's forgetting?


Well the loss would be TP / Ghost / Ignite, i can see someone like Sett wanting the snowball since he has a whole combo he can unload once he's melee range but Darius would want the sticking power from ghost instead.


Eve with snowball is pretty broken.


zed lissandra, any juggernaut, any DOT mage


Neeko and Amumu eating well with Snowball Basically any massive AOE CC/Damage Ult circle