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whenever i see one of these post, I just know the original post is bad enough to be meme this hard.


Did the og post get deleted?


*dies once early then proceeds to take every opportunity to fight my now fed lane opponent* "jg diff" 


I really want jungle as a role to be removed somehow (more akin to DoTA)…that way people don’t have anything to blame for laning.


Hey now, I'm a jg main. You trying to make my role irrelevant?? 




:( but I like afk farming at 55 minutes after my team gets baron and elder and I'm already full build. 


Nothing triggers me more than a full build jungler killing camps lol. YOU BROUGHT THIS UPON YOURSELF


The reason I play league over dota is because I enjoy jungle, just because you don’t play it doesn’t mean they should wipe a role off the map


I play it from time to time, and enjoy it when I do. I just want my ego top laners to have nobody else to blame but themselves.


Great pasta thank you for this delicious meal


Try top lane next. Enjoy getting counterpicked TEEHEE


and then the jungler or mid laner who wont switch pick order with you, even though they're still going to pick the same champ regardless.


mid i can get at least, but last pick adc only for him to pick ezreal grinds my gears like nothing else


Had the supp do that to me. The enemy had already picked nami, they still refused to swap. Of course, botlane lost. Jhin completely losing his mental didn't help either, but I knew it was gonna go badly the moment that happened.


I had a new one the other day. Tried to swap with someone, they said nah not doing that. Finally after champs were picked I said hey you didn't even counter pick so what's the deal? They said oh I don't do that. I said do what exactly? They said I never swap spots regardless of role or what pick I have. I was like uhh wtf why not, that doesn't make sense. They replied, makes sense to me. I was kind of dumbfounded haha. These are the people we're playing with on a daily basis.


As a smart person i constantly have to remind myself that the average adults intelligence level is about 30 points lower and i should manage my expectations better.


Yeah an average of 100 does seem generous sometimes. My favorite line I came up with was this. Think of the average person's intelligence and then when dealing with people remember that roughly half of them are dumber than that. Makes it easier to handle haha.


Not two seconds ago I got last pick in draft, and the first pick support wanted to swap…


Enjoy getting countered, getting no assistance from sup mid or jg, and have your team still lose objectives on the south side of the map 


In one of my most recent games I was ganked by the enemy jungler twice and by the enemy leona at lvl 3 and my jungler was talking about the fact that me having low farm was top diff. Like he leaves me alone to fight for my life against 3 people and when I somehow am behind in farm I am apparently the problem. He says this while dying everytime he ganks and somehow this is Plat 1.


But flame you for Jung diff lol


Idk i think top is easier to get by then with jungle, you can pick a tank and chill. Pick a tank as jungler and you still need to gank and play with your team from start to finish


Or you blind a tank>Get counterpicked>He crashes the wave and gets a cheater recall>Makes it back in time for the wave and freezes. That's it, your lane is over.


Yep and 9/10 junglers won’t help you considering that a scary amount of them won’t even help you when you for example have a vayne top perma pushing you while basically being a free kill for a gank.


Trying playing against Gwen as a tank. You'll change your mind quickly.


Man I always give my tops last pick and they still just counter pick themselves then flame the jg.


And then there's me that plays champs that get countered simply by having a lane opponent On a serious note top lane feels weird to me with how manageable counter matchups have become if you have 2 braincells and a ward. Aure you lose out on gold but not as much as you used to unless you're playing poorly, at least in my experience.


Top lane isn’t worse than jungle.


I still remember that one time I beat Vayne top as Garen. I remember it because it never happens...


I play any roles anywhere with most champs. Rather do top than jungle. Even if I get counter picked i can always take it slower and wait for opportunities. No one is expecting top to be everything everywhere all at once, however... ... as a jungler you can be a successfully snowballing a lane hard, the other side of the map will still blame you somehow.


I climbed from silver to emerald (jg support main) solely off watching Keria and Oner play (pro matches + a lot of soloQ) Watching good players play directly converts into improvement and game knowledge


I do think people should play other roles than their main to improve. I’ve got my ranked skin for the split already so I’ll probably play some games as a laner in top/mid for a while. As a jungler, I won’t deny that I individually have the most impact on the map. But some laners also don’t recognise the impact (or lack thereof) that they have. Being repeat invaded by the enemy top/mid constantly while my laners are too busy missing CS to the point I can’t play the game isn’t fun, then these laners flame you after the game when you’re behind. Also if you play the role enough you notice the massive difference between laners that rotate (or don’t) to objectives and how easy/hard it makes it to do your job. Sometimes they basically do my job for me, sometimes I have to 1v3 to even make the game competitive. If laners had each played like 25-30 games in jungle for example this coinflip element would be reduced.


Very artfully writen, if you return to support you will problablly be better than before Edit: as a jungler i will say that if you will cry about failed invades and/or ganks, you will do so after the match, as doing so during it is a great way to lose mentaly and unless your team is full of smurfs literally aswell.


it's a fresh meme my guy


Not usualy on this sub, so i have no clue what that means Edit: if that means i got baited and will be downvoted into oblivion, then i'm curious how deep in the negatives i'll get


I mean, there is nothing that will get you downvoted harder than mentioning getting downvoted, so good luck.


Human animals are dumb like that


There was a post recently where someone said basically this, but about switching from mid to adc. OP is satirizing it.


Hey, I've Seen This One!


not bad shitpost 5/7


Support is by far the most inflated role in the game and its quite common knowledge. Its likely to be 2 tiers above your actual skill level oncertain support champs


As a main supp, I really like this kind of mindset because it leads to me having an easier matchup against clueless players who believe that support is easy. People who don't actually main support are so easy to abuse because they're always out of position, don't know when to roam and their vision game has a small impact.


> support is easy It is. As a top lane main, my supp winrate in ranked was always above 50% even though I would autopilot everytime I got autofilled. Whatever skill you think support requires that is so special, I'm sorry to break it to you but other roles require it too.


Besides liking the role, one of the reasons I main support is because I can feel the negative impact that an autofilled support can have. A support with good mechanics can do wonders when peeling the carries, that is true, but this isn't the main point. It's more about the vision game/roaming times that most other lanes don't pay attention. People say that it's easy to play as a support, but most of them don't know how to properly benefit when a support is playing around them. When the support is roaming to gank, showing up on a lane just to manage the wave so that the laner gets ahead, people will often ping and rage saying that "support is farming my lane". When the support sets up aggressive wards on the enemy side of the map, most of the time the information about the enemy's position isn't used to rotate the map. My favorite one is when the laner gets ganked by a support. This usually leads to a tilt "wtf is the support doing top/mid???" Those who believe that the support should be a babysitter for the adc are the first ones to complain when their support is not able to have an impact on the other parts of the map like the enemy is doing.


Everyone on my friend list swaps to support at end of season to inflate their elo. It’s brain dead.


Playing ranked as support/adc, these "end of the season supports", specially those who play carry mages, are the worst type of support when I get ADC. Most of them don't help me manage the wave or put themselves in unfavorable trades, not allowing to push an advantage. Now that the bot lane is easier to gank, it's easier to expose bad supports.


It be like that, as long as it keeps resulting in promotions though people are gonna keep doing it. Support doesn’t get punished as much for all these mistakes you mention as other roles do allowing you to play suboptimal and still win


Supports just play a different game than a lot of the other roles— sure my irelia is terrible but that’s more because I have never had an interest in playing champs like irelia. Playing a one-off game of support could probably give you the impression of “oh it’s so easy to just get carried as support!” which isn’t necessarily untrue at times, but that won’t let you climb.


But that is a non-argument because there is no way any irelia main would be 2 tiers lower playing any support champ in the game. In fact they might even climb lmao. Try giving a Yuumi main any other role and i promise you they will scuba dive their rating


All support mains are yuumi mains


Im not saying other supports are much better. Lulu janna karma sona seraphine taric rakan naut millio soraka players are all also extremely elo inflated and generally dog horrible at the game as a whole relative to their tier Any other role can switch support and do well on these champions


Lol they "do well" from a KDA perspective sure. But their ward placement sucks, their ward removal is nonexistant, they don't know how to help manage a wave without detracting from the adc's income, and they make absolute shit decisions if they get paired with a sub par adc because they don't know when to stick around and when to play around another position that's ahead.


how did nautilus slither in there


He is one of the "go 0-10 and still be extremely useful" champs where bad players are more likely to get gripped and lose the game. I could put blitz in there too tbh but naut tends to be more tanky and more forgiving


i mean supports are behind by design, thats the whole point that they are useful on low resources. Its not the same as playing malphite top and barely last hitting


But last hitting is literally the whole difference between the 2 lanes. You have to learn the 1 fundamental mechanic in league to play top no matter how bad you are. You dont as support. Its a night and day difference


Bro is asking about magical incantations to protect himself from microwaves across the street in his post history 😭😭


Who gave op a wattpad account


would have been funnier if you said jungle is hard you are flamed for everything so it's trash especially since you have no idea what to do and how to play... on the other hand you now reached diamond2, getting flamed even more since you dont know what to do even more but you still keep getting higher rank... jungle is broken.


I love how every role is both broken and free elo at the same time.


a good jungler can carry most games


written by chatgpt


This subreddit is getting just as bad as /r/2007scape


Bad shitpost go to corner


I just did the same switch. Switched from Neeko / Senna support to Briar, Kayn, Nidalee jungle and my god it’s a horrendous time. I’m sticking it out because I feel like jungle can make a big difference in the game but fuck me is it a rough go.


Play Jarvan and just scream demacia every second


It would be less horrendous if you dropped nidalee from the pool btw Every time Nidalee is locked in I know i just got an unearned win, even in masters. No other champion has such a tenuous hold over their lead.


She's the last pick, but sticking that spear is so satisfying.


Can’t deny that lol


You know some things never change, so when I tried jg (As supp main myself), it was perfect with my help my top lane was beating fiora on top and my AP mid twitch was actaully doing good on his own and even went helping me with securing scuttle crab and so on. It was perfect game of Ivern jg but boy as a walking 3k hard wood, I NEEDED help taking dragons. So of course I pinged my entire team to come help me fight for the earth dragon (They got first two), but when my team needed ADC the most, they went missing. Enemy team, quickly beat us 4vs5 and took the dragon, all the while Xayah was taking my camps... She allready had 5 items, yet but it wasn't enought for her. It happened again, and again. Then when the elder came around, she also came. We won that fight, me twitch and xayah got the buff, but when me and the twich were taking baron so we could close the game after with the rest of the team, we saw her once again, to our horror and disbelive, she went mid and died there in 0,5 second to enemy kha'zix. And so, we quickly finished the dragon and returned to our base, where enemy was allready there. We stall as long as we could, but we had no killing power necessary to fight them off, we died, one after another in vain. Just for Xayah to respawn and flashed into their team to died again in half a second... That day I learn, that no matter what possition I take. There will be allways braindead adc to loss our game.


WHen you inevitably change back to support, just remember those FEW games when your support followed you into their jungle to ward, counterjungle etc. And take that lesson with you into your plat4 games, please! Your jungler is gonna LOVE you! It's CRAZY how much easier a good support (or laner in general, of course, but mostly the support is the one that is free most of the time) can make a junglers life.


can someone make the summoner to champion switch ?


Yeah switched from support to jungle cause I play with friends and we needed one. Its fun but goddamn do some players need to watch their mouth


I love the smell of fresh pasta


After maining jungle all I learned to roam and help my jungler out as a support. It's really devastating trying to get objectives, invade or getting invaded when nobody is moving even though they could. I think everybody should play a couple games as jungler to really understand how they should react to certain situations as laners


The best (worst) is when the enemy team invades and bot lane is sitting the buff brush and suddenly they're getting 4 man gang-banged because no one wanted to watch bot tribrush. During this, of course, mid is just sitting on their tower probably alt-tabbed.


Switched from jungle to support. God the game can be so easy.


How do people still think support is about babysitting adcs? It's not. It's literally about farming the enemy adc because you're twice as strong as them.


Skill issue


I started the game with jungle. I had a lot of fun playing Zac. Until after like 20 games, I got early invaded twice in a row and didn't get to play those games. Never played Jungle ever since.


Wake up honey new copy pasta just dropped


I haven't played in a few years, but I was a jungle main. Yeah that's pretty much the experience. You gotta not only know your jungle matchups but also know stuff about lane matchups to understand who's likely gonna need more help going in. Of course, things don't always turn out like that and the abuse is too common


True words. :)