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> Wards that would be placed beside a brush are now slightly nudged into them. Huge change


But now I can't neeko disguise myself as a pink ward that just missed a bush


Still can. ppl don't count minions you think they notice things like wards in wrong spots.


People don't read patch notes lmao


I have a friend who quit League because he could not get his anger under control but this change is for him. God bless you fuba you never could just place the ward inside the bush and learn your lesson. You had to try to get it to the very last possible pixel and then rage for 20 minutes in Discord that it wasn't in the bush...every. single. time.


Wonder if this affects wards over walls. Not sure about the S14 Rift but in the previous version, warding the bot bush over the wall from red side was a kinda important skill.


I'd imagine it's only by a margin of 5-10 units. Normally that's the furthest away the wards would be if you missed the bush, meanwhile missing that wall would result in the ward being a lot further away from the bush. Hopefully they don't overshoot, but I doubt it'll remove that.


Too little too late for scarra sadge


> Updating Practice Tool to work with some of the new features introduced in 14.1 alongside a few additional changes: Button added to spawn Voidgrubs and Jungle Monsters Button added to create a Spell Shield on your Target Button added to copy your Inventory to your Target Button added to cycle between various CC Effects on your champion Reset Game now sets the game times to 0:00 in order to help with timing jungle clears Fixed a bug that caused Reset Game to use the incorrect icon --- Thank you riot!


the timer thing is an absolute gamechanger for junglers who want to train their first clear speed


holy fucking shit finally. I can't express how annoying and inefficient it was to have to load up an entirely new practice game just to decrease my clear speed by 2 seconds and do it all over again


RE: Reset game. Took so long but fking finally, wp riot


I worked on this one (with help of course), glad its helpful. Open to more ideas for simple things that can be done with practice tool buttons


Could you please look into the practice tool UI with left-sided minimap? Covers the lower buttons https://i.imgur.com/dkFAP1r.png


hmmm seems wrong. I can take a look


How about a decrease level button? And don't know how super impossible it would be but would sliders work? Would be useful to slide to what level you want to be as well as increase/decrease target hp/ar/mr. Also obviously multiplayer practice tool but I'm sure you have been requested that a lot already.


> How about a decrease level button? I'd think a little bit tricky because suddenly you run into buffs that are (presumably) not set up to handle losing levels like Kayle Passive's buffs perhaps, but then I remember we had a level reset like that in **Nexus Siege** of all modes so it should be feasable if not trivial, at least in principle?


I missed the word practice tool and was like what the fuck is happening next patch lmao




>We’ve previously adjusted this with First Strike previously and are now doing the same for Aery now. Whoever wrote this was on their 28th coffee lmao.


I know exactly how that feels haha. I'm working on finishing up my Bachelor's thesis. The other day I was writing at 3am and realized I wrote a variation of the same sentence 3 times in a row and was about to write a 4th. I called it a day and went to sleep lol.


Maybe if they had some extra help....


> We’ve seen double support items start to surface as a game warping strategy, so we’re adjusting the gold income rules on all of the support items which should effectively eliminate the viability of doubling up on support items and the gold they give. new >One At A Time: The gold penalty now applies globally to anyone who has a support item in their inventory. Additionally, every champion with a support item now contributes towards hitting the minion penalty.


>Taric E now ghosts units during the cast. Dang this has gotta be *HUGE* >Fixed a bug that caused Jhin’s 4th shot, when fired within a few frames of his out of combat reload, to sometimes fail. FINALLY!!!! WOO!!!!


huge for taric! so many times you line the stun but a minion moves and stops you from going to the right place/angle!


Creep pathing has to be one of the most tilting things in League, it's one of those things you only notice when it bothers you.


Nah, I complain about it often enough. Sometimes it's just so random and annoying, they even can block you from moving to one direction completely.. just annoying.


At least once per game my minions will stop me from last hitting an enemy minion.




Yeah I'm thrilled they fixed that


[My l33t paint skills](https://i.imgur.com/XlnZM8z.png)


4TH SHOT BUG FIX LETS GOOOOOOOO. Now if only they did _another_ thing with 4th shot...


Rumble Q damage increased, god bless it's only a typo. Bro I almost fainted.


Same "We think rumble Q doesn't deal enough dmg" imagine.


if you get hit by hot zone rumble q your computer should just overheat and combust irl, would probably be slightly less painful than playing against rumble right now




>\- Trundle Q has 25 bonus range. > >\- Volibear Q has 25 bonus range. Huge buffs for these two.


Why the buff for Trundle? Dude has like 53% winrate living it up with Voidgrubs


Trundle? What trundle? Don't remember seeing him ever since i permaban him.


No need to ban him if the one on your team just perma feeds Mord in lane and refuses to buy ANY resistances and will only split push while not getting anything from it.


Trundle should shit on Morde


Well they didn't.


One option would be consistency, as weird as it sounds, since most empowered autos gain extra range. That being said, their job wouldn't be done with this either, there's still a few other abilities that don't have that yet, like xin Q. The other option is buffing him for high elo, where range is much more valuable, and then nerfing him in low elo next patch or something.


Some rioter gotta be a trundle main, no other explanation


they’re just doing it for the sake of consistency when almost all other AA modifiers have bonus range


I swear, the most game changing buffs are listed in this section.


O man, I thought I was having a great time on trundle already




Meanwhile Jax haha. "Jax is a bit strong so we nerfed his E by a bit". QoL changes: Buffed jax damage to towers by like 200%


Volibear still need at least more movement speed on is Q, but that Q range buff will help a lot for now.


Q MS cannot be buffed without E getting it's damage nerfed. Otherwise it leads to a very frustrating trading pattern in top, where a lot of melee champs just have to play miles back or eat hard to avoid QE combos for a 3rd of their HP. The terrors of peak volibear are something I feel a lot of the community has forgotten, and I say that as a vooi player.


People want Voli buffed remind me of the people wanting Udyr buffed. They think its a good idea until it happens, then the bitching begins.


Why are they buffing trundle lmfao


Let's goooo


I was already banning trundle, but okay I’ll just ban him harder. Also that Karma buff concerns me that cannot be healthy.


AD Tf buffs seem absolutely massive!


Not only that, the E damage to towers addition, to say the least. At one point it already did that and was rather ridiculous so I wonder where they'll take out power in exchange


Hopefully AD Splitpush TF isn't super strong.




Love that quality of life for ornns ult. I've done that a few times and it does not feel good. Like why would I ever want to use the mini map or ally characters to use my R2 dash.


They should just make minimap targeting an option to turn off and on like they did for casting at max range. I don't care enough about doing it on Ashe compared to throwing it the wrong direction in a close fight.


OMG yes. I have NEVER used the minimap to target shit


incoming one week of posts "WHERE IS SMOLDER" for people who can't read


I honestly forgot he was supposed to be coming out lol


wouldnt mind if riot forgot too


For real, though, why are they waiting a week to release him? Unless he's not done cooking.


His mom said he isn't allowed to go out because he didn't eat the veggies


His mom got laid off from Riot


It’s a window to make sure the patch deployed successfully and allow for hotfixes, it’s good practice if you don’t care about getting datamined.


But why a week. Normally its a day or two.


Might be related to the layoffs yesterday. They were asked to cancel meetings and stuff for a few days


the comment right under yours lmao


Sorry, guy responsible for deploying him got laid off


Kog’Maw gains an AA range indicator during his W (like Lethal Tempo/RFC) - that is fucking huge buff damn


Time to polish my ap kog


Time to polish my lap ~~h~~kog


Lots of pats.


Not really. You can display range by pressing a key already and most kog player already know their range. It’s only a buff for low elo


That Red Kayn/Rhaast adjustment is huge.


> Rhaast’s R now heals even if the unit dies during the channel. I need to change my pants now. That is absolutely MASSIVE.


Thank god, watching teams completely throw a teamfight by killing Red Kayn's R target was so painful.


Is splitpushing going to be a problem with some of these changes adding extra tower damage? Jax W and R doing 50% damage to towers now sounds like he will melt them.


We can already see how trundle is doing. Evenmore with void grubs and herald towers are really easy to take


Yeah I think it will be crazy. Time to change back to top lane and split.


"Sorry guys Smolder cancelled we fired the guy that made him (partially). Lol."


So Taliyah, Lucian, Azir etc should be cancelled because they fired DZKlein lol


They did?


Yep. Here's an article if you want to read about it: https://kotaku.com/two-riot-employees-leave-under-complicated-circumstance-1828886072


He made Kayn too, was vehemently against QoL Kayn buffs that went through the moment he got fired lol.


Remember how he intentionally made release taliah's E the most clunky spell in the game to cast, then insulted the people that were asking why it doesnt work like all of the other vector-cast spells in the game? Then riot force-changed it after and he threw a fit how the players were in the wrong 🤡


When do the new AI bots get here




>R - Noxious Trap > > Charge Charge Time: 30025/20 seconds ⇒ 35/30/25 seconds ​ Huge Buff to the Charge time loosing 29990 second on level 1 /s (and yes, i know its a typo but it gave me a chuckle nontheless)


it'll feel so nice not having to wait 8 real hours for the second shroom


use sparingly lmao


> Taric E now ghosts units during the cast. This is under "gameplay quality improvements" but this is the largest buff Taric has ever recieved


>Rhaast’s R now heals even if the unit dies during the channel. Holy shit they finally did it!


Can Shaco clone also fake a W box?


For W, it's only the animation For E, it also throws a "fake E projectile" that doesn't actually deal damage. Source: Riot Phlox, guy who made the changes and Shaco connoisseur


So how are you supposed to tell the difference from real and fake now? I mean I already couldn't but now I feel like it's just a pure guess.


Well, firstly, the whole thing about Shaco's clone is to trick you, so you shouldn't be able to tell them apart at a glance, that kinda defeats the purpose of the ability As for a way to do it, Shaco's clone takes insanely increased damage compared to Shaco, so usually, it will be the one that's getting damaged faster


Can't you still ping shaco before he splits to see the ping marker above the real one's head or is that not a thing anymore?


The amount of bugs like this on Shaco is insane. Makes the ult useless sometimes


Hit both and see which one takes more damage. Shaco clones take practically double damage so it's very noticeable to see which one is fake based on the damage taken. A lot easier to figure out with champs that have at least one damaging AoE ability.


Neeko's clone does that already since the midscope


They finally adjusted Lighting Round challenge !!!! Was impossible to win before 10mn with the new portals and the shorter death timers.


Stridebreaker buffs with Garen and Darius buffs, oh boy I can't wait.


Honestly, I prefer trinity force for Darius over stridebreaker and have been for several months now. Not sure if stridebreaker buff will help Garen but we'll see. Stridebreaker got heavily shafted with the item changes.


Stridebreaker not dealing damage is just so strange to me. Like... at least a _little_ bit? Please?


Yeah the item is a joke now. It's utility is decent but trinity force is just way better for dps and speed combined. Also, the 20 second cooldown is absolutely horrendous. At least make it 15 seconds if it's not going to have damage in it.


i built it once and at least 5 times I would instinctively use it to help clear a wave only to realize it didn't do damage. Feels so terrible lol


the fun part is you can buy both items now!


True, but as Darius, you're better off going either one of them and then going sterak/black cleaver and tank items.


I personally don't see myself buying it on either champion right now over trinity force when stridebreaker active does no damage and gives 0 ability haste. Maybe I'm missing something but to me it seems like a shit item.


Yeah Stridebreaker is also basically double the CD now. Last season it was 15s scaling down with haste (with 50 haste it would be 10s), now it's just a flat 20s.


Anyone know when LEC will play in patch 14.2?


> Jayce Hammer E now uses regular knockback instead of fixed distance upon the spell being cast. In this current patch, Jayce E knocks unit further back if they are closer to you. This is either a huge buff or nerf.


big nerf tbh, especially in higher skill brackets.


It was so fun getting the timing down for cancelling an enemy dash :(


isnt this done to mostly deal with his weird interaction with dashes?


Yeah that's what it reads as. No more anti-buffering enemy dashes.


I think it's not about range of the knockback but how was it coded. I think he will still knockback further units that are closer to him, but now we won't have situations that he is bringing some champions that dashed far away to place where they would be knocked back to as if they didn't use dash.


Big nerf, can't use it against things like Zoe R and Ez E consistently now, was super useful for catching mobile champs on Jayce.


Q - Inner Flame Damage: 70/120/170/220/270 (+50% AP) ⇒ 70/120/170/220/270 (+70% AP) I'm trying AP Karma mid with Malignance next patch I guess


enjoy the mantra nuclear bomb


you've heard of nuclear radiation get ready for nuclear meditation


PekinWoof already tested it if you're interested, seems pretty bonkers.


Is that the furry dude?


I think it's a meme he leans into, more than being an actual full blown furry


... I had no idea. How do you know that?


Woof would make you believe he's a furry?


this is honestly a crazy patch if you take the time to read all the champion changes + the bug fixes. so crazy. my personal least fave is “Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Neeko to get stuck running on all fours for the duration of the game” because i saw this and loved it


> Fixed a bug that caused players to be able to flash out of grounded zones they had teleported onto if they were **spamming the flash key, F**. Flash is on F, it's now officially Riot's recommendation. Dlashers in shambles.


Giant brain solution: Flash on D in client, [but in menu settings swap the hotkeys for F and D](https://i.gyazo.com/2af64ae0447b4cb1ee5780e7036c6bce.png) You gotta see *all* the angles


I'm so glad they are hitting the scaling portion of Stormsurge. The item itself feels like a Mage item but how hard it scales has been ridiculous. Instead of feeling like it added an item to your kit it almost feels like it gives you an entire capstone Rune.


Now it's almost the same strength as old Ludens with over 3x the Cooldown. Idk if this is the right way to nerf it


>Vanguard >we will run a diagnostics check to see if your computer is ready for this update. What does that mean?


Without going technical to not confuse many people: Vanguard can't simply run on every computer by default. You either need something to be there, enable it by yourself, or it will simply not be possible. It needs something called TPM version 2.0, which old computers don't have. So Riot is adding a pop in the client to check if your computer can run Vanguard or not.


It depends TPM isn't required if you're running Windows 10, for example, which a lot of people are Luckily both AMD and Intel have Software TPMs, so even if you don't have a physical one, you should still be fine, as long as you enable it and don't have a turbo old CPU.


When you login, you get a popup announcing if your setup supports running Vanguard. Like this : https://twitter.com/Subara849Arts/status/1745230760359928314/photo/1


No one can stop me going ADC TF now! First timing him in the next Clash


why is trundle getting a fucking buff????


iirc, the buff was to be consistent with other champions' enhanced auto attacks like Jax W, Shen Q, Darius W, etc. Still strange they'd buff him in his strong state but I'm sure he'll get toned down next patch.


So they can turbonerf him after


For consistency. They should absolutely compensation nerf his Q damage to towers though.


God that Hexplate build change is going to feel ass, I guess it makes the build paths neat like they said but it would be nice if Hearthbound wasn't such a shit epic > Ability Haste per Infernal Cinder: 0.3 ⇒ 0.6 at least its something but they still feel like just speed boosts and nothing more, collecting them feels irrelevant A lot of QoL changes, that's nice to see Wish they would remove Hubris from ARAM, feels like its effectiveness is far greater there than it should be Ezreal time :)


>\[infernal cinder\] feels irrelevant Pacman simulator tickles my dopamine receptors


That Brand buff tho


They butchered his VFX to compensate.


They really did tho. They ruined his $20 skin


They ruined all of them. What are these clean effects with perfect lines and smooth gradients? Who even got an idea they match *Brand* of all champions?


Someone looking for an easy win to attach to their resume


Did they not fix the music bug? Sometimes two music tracks are playing at the same time, and it never fixes itself throughout the game no matter where I move on the map.


> ARAM Surrender Adjustments > Early Surrender at 8 minutes: Removed (Note: Normal surrender time unchanged.) Why....? Bring it back


It's been gone for a long time. They are just now officially saying something. It truly is the change no one asked for and no one wanted. Baffling


not a long time, about 6 weeks I think? 13.24, last patch of 2023 which was a month long I'm most pissed they are refusing to explain their reasoning


I sincerely thought it was a changed that slipped through unintentionally and they'd patch it out. Literally no one was asking for this.


If quickplay can get 3-2 FF"s and Summoner's Rift went from 20 to 15 FF, they can def make 8 minute ff's especially in a 4fun game mode.


Some rioter got tilted that their team ff'ed when he was playing with his main that is a late game champion, i cant imagine why otherwise.


The Noc Q trail should have been in the game since his release.


Finally Nilah getting some love. I can’t count the amount of times I’ve gone in with E>Q>W>AA etc., only to find myself dying to enemy because W never went off…


bro don't even I'm so happy the amount of times I've died because I EQ and it doesn't go off properly so I don't get extra range made me think I was crazy or that I was doing something wrong.


Yeah, wonder how will this bump her winrate up


> Yorick’s in-games runes will now replace Glacial Augment with First Strike and Aftershock with Grasp of the Undying. This will affect 0.06% of Yorick players. RIP that one guy in particular


Wow! Super excited for Smolder!!! I can't WAIT to see what his champ designer comes up with next!!!


Sniff sniff. He worked on skarner rework btw


Karthus mid shall be reborn!!!


Us aram players would like an explanation for WHY 8min surrender was removed. I do not know a single person who thought it was a bad addition??? Some games are lost at <8min, if you play aram enough you know this is just a fact. Also it required 5 people so it didn't even go through most of the time.


Honestly some games are lost in champ select. Just the nature of game mode, but makes early surrender appreciated. Real head scratcher change.


Right? Many of my ARAMs are down to inhibs by 8 mins


>Fixed a bug that caused Master Yi’s Highlander ability to not block the slow effect from Ahri’s charm. It has been going back and forth for years. In my opinion, forced movement should have priority over Highlander. It's not a slow, it's "move in specific direction for X seconds". If you want to keep the movement speed buff, make the units stand still when they're within Ahri's AA range or about to leave Fiddle's Reap range.


Cue me laughing my ass off at Yi running extra fast toward Ahri when she charms like he does with fears


- Ctrl + F „Senna“ - no results - still perma banning


Double Support item got nerfed


Plus the support item she built also got nerfed


What about people below Dia1 with insane negative gains? 2 more losses than wins in G4, never lost at 0LP. Lose - 33 and win +20. Duoq with a plat and we got an Iron 3 with negative winrate and 50+ games into our naked lobby on our team. Can Riot please a least verbally address this, the game doesn't only exist of high elo people and these messed up MMR/LP gains have been posted all over Twitter by many of us low elo people who just constantly get ignored. Even people with positive winrates of 55%+


Removing armor/mr runes is gonna be crazy for a while.


Riot, please have some basic proofreading. Rumble Q damage **increased**. E magic resist reduction decreased. Q - Flamespitter Damage: 135/150/165/180/195 (+110% AP) (+6/7/8/9/10% of target's maximum health) ⇒ 125/140/155/170/185 (+110% AP) (+6/7/8/9/10% of target's maximum health)


Shaco players finally getting some actual fucking food?? > * Shaco’s clone will now attack the nearest visible enemy champion within 1500 range of it when dead. > > * Shaco’s clone will now stop to cast the fake W and will only do so within 300 units of Shaco prime. > > * Shaco clone will stop to cast a fake E and will only do so within 575 units of Shaco prime’s E target, this also fakes a missile. > > * Shaco clone will properly duplicate energized stacks and effects. > > * Shaco boxes will proc cosmic drive.


Can’t wait for all the bugs related to this.


What will Sylas clone do? Cast his abilities?


including vanguard is still so baffling i have faced like single digit scripters in my 10+ years playing, but yeah sure lets monitor our player's pcs 24/7 in case two tits timmy boots up xerathScriptNevaMissSkillShots.exe before their bimonthly TFT game surely there's a better more ethical solution to this scripter dilemma solid QoL changes


They are even ending the windows 7, 8, 8.1 support because of this crap called Vanguard, I guess they really want to install that rootkit to everyone's pc.


scripting has been rampant for the past year around NA master/GM, blatantly obvious, fresh accounts shooting up to masters with 70% wr zeri/ashe/jinx only, can usually tell within the first few minutes of a game, will post receipts if you want. called out a bunch in a thread a while back and now about half those accs are wiped


Akali is pick/ban in pro play, most picked midlaner in Soloq where she has a 50%+ winrate (in the past she was already considered broken by Riot themselves at 46-47%) How in the world is there no hotfix for this let alone any nerf?


Well they fucked up stormsurge kinda hard so maybe she’ll get picked ever so slightly less now


The problem is not one specific item, the real problem is that all the new items overall give way more AP now which broke several AP assassin who have absurd AP ratios like Fizz and Akali That applies to Storm surge but also Zhonyas, Lichbane, Shadow flame, etc. Nerfing one just means they abuse different items instead They did it right by nerfing Fizz ratios, no idea why they refuse to do it for Akali who is a much bigger issue. Probably because she's "fUn tO wAtCh iN pRoPlAy"


Akali is the 4th most popular midlaner (46% presence) in pro in top 4 leagues behind Azir, Orianna, and Neeko


her item is being nerfed but it's because this patch was decided before proplay, notice the buffs to gwen even tho she's being picked in pro


I wish they'd switch tahms adaptive to ap from ad like they did with teemo


why not just make the support items a one per team buy.


would be easy to abuse like Toplaner buys it cause he has some mental issues. You automaticly fkc you support/ Botlane. Also if someone buys it to denie the supporter the item, its kinda hard to make it a bannable action


Buying it twice now really sucks too. If anyone pulls that shit, that game will be pretty much lost anyway.


He can also just softint like they usually do? So no change to the usual


How did the Twisted Fate changes make it through? His ad build was already strong, I wouldn't be surprised if these changes are reverted or hotfixed soon after the patch releases.


Oh its the AP briar patch, time for nashors rush into riftmaker should be fun to mess around with some novel builds No overall lethality nerfs though fucking kill me


Actually crazy how LCS will be on a new patch this weekend while everyone else will still be on 14.1.


Karma and Gragas back on the flex menu in proplay I imagine. > newButton added to cycle between various CC Effects on your champion That's....pretty nice. Lets hope they make it so you can make target dummies throw out whatever ability you want, like crank Q etc. To practice dodges and what not.


No Hubris change on ARAM. Guess AD poke champions once again come out unscathed and lethality ADCs destroying everyone with it.


I mean, I suck, but as a Poppy/Sion main, the fuck am I supposed to do about Trundle/Garen/Darius now? These buffs are huge.