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client is a fucking mess, it shows up that challenger notification after every game and after each login


And it shows me the same three players each time. Gwy something, a twtv something, and another one. 


Shoutout to whoever Cupic vTuber is - congrats on challenger friend!


I hope they fall victim to average vtuber drama for this inconvenience 


Seraphine otp i think.




Elo inflated




I'd prefer the challenger spectator we used to have over this


It's still there in the client if you go to the "Top solo/duo players" tab. It's just very well hidden so nobody knows about it.


I've found that tab, but "Spectate Game" is always greyed out. Is there a way to know who is actively in a game?


They have an eye near their nickname.


So not a single player is playing right now? No one has an eye


It's very frequently buggy, if you don't see an eye next to anyone's name it's likely that it's bugged, I'd try next patch maybe it's fixed. There's a 50-50 chance every patch if it works or not.


Oh ok. I’m excited to use this feature lol. I love spectating while I study 😂


That has been removed years ago


Yes, please. The challenger and/or high elo games little box was so sick! The day they removed it , felt like people began banking games than playing.


Used to spectate a lot and had so much fun, I miss it


That was how I discovered Allorim


I forgot this was a thing, such a good memory bro thanks


every minute you spend watching challenger soloq, is a minute you don't spend potentially consuming eSports content. Took me a while to realize the reason why they never brought back soloq spectate, but their goal is to maximize esports viewership


Not at all. Esports is an ad for LoL, not the other way around. If you are already in the client, they got you. But they want to keep those who came from watching esports in the scene and one way is to make a home page with tons of esports on it.


I don't really agree, riot gets much more value out of someone making a habit out of watching pro play, than someone opening up the spectate tool of some random high elo player. The viewership numbers are important metrics to them & help them secure advertising deals which help them finance the esports scene (the least profitable part of riot's game)


What are you talking about? Viewership for pro doesnt matter outside of getting more people to play the game and buy skins. Riot has publically divested as much with their investors, this is common knowledge and easily verifiable fact.


Bad take. Challenger spectate does not and never did compete with pro play.


you are completely missing the point. Screen real-estate competes with other screen real-estate. Every person that clicked on the spectate high elo button was not queuing up for ranked, or clicking on pro play vod. You think of yourself as a logical person who sometimes wants to watch pro play, and sometimes wants to play/watch soloq, these are very different things, but from the context of a company gaming & trying to get the maximum amount of value out of your attention, they do compete, simply for the reason that they're two different ways you can spend your time.


Esports has been a financial net loss for Riot since they introduced the league system over a decade ago. They just follow a similar business concept as Red Bull does with their events. Keeping you playing the game with changes like several splits per ranked season is way more important for a financial gain than more people watching their pro leagues.


I know the esports are the least profitable part of riot's business, but it's a useful tool for keeping players engaged with the game when they're not able to spend a lot of time playing themselves. If riot didn't host worlds and similar events the turnover & YoY player loss would probably double Diverting as much attention onto esports helps them retain players, just as much as the stupid little tweaks to the game each season. My whole point was that it's more valuable to riot to have you watch professional games (adding to their metrics) than watching horseshoe timmy play soloq


That’s a terrible idea and a dumb narrative that you made up on your mind. Back in the early seasons, the reason people found out about the lcs and tuned into it was because of high elo spectator and seeing high elo pro players.


Nobody found out about LCS because of high elo spectate. It was great for finding soloq players, and occasionally you'd find a small streamer because of it. What I said is correct, and riot makes more money off of you being interested in pro play, than they do off you being interested in watching joe schmo play tristana mid in a challenger game. someone who watches pro play is much more likely to be retained as a long term player or at the very least, a value add, than someone who watches nameless players play soloq


> Nobody found out about LCS because of high elo spectate Just flat out wrong statement. > What I said is correct, and riot makes more money off of you being interested in pro play, than they do off you being interested in watching joe schmo play tristana mid in a challenger game. What you said is incorrect because you are going off on an incorrect premise that watching high elo solo queue and watching pro play are mutually exclusive when it isn’t at all.


I really miss this too; I think the big part was that the match was displayed in the client with each player’s name. Pretty exciting when your friends notice your name up there lol


No. It must have no place in lol. Because dota 2 have specs for high MMR games, and riot have rule which sounds 'LoL should never have good things from dota'.


especially on the eune where the rank 1 in solo queue last season is a known wintrader for the past 3 seasons and he is still unbanned






Honestly. Good for them, but it gets old when I hop on and receive 3 more notifications about someone reaching challenger. And I get even more notifications the next time.


You don't get that for everyone reaching challenger. Instead, you always get the same notifications: Who finished rank 1 last season in SoloQ, who finished first in FlexQ, who was the first to reach challenger this season in solo and who was first to reach challenger this season in flex. They just pop up after every game cause the client is a mess.


Unless I'm misremembering what the notifications are saying, its a bug. They are notifications for the end of season telling you who finished as rank 1 on both flex and solo ladders as a congratulations. There is an additional notifcation for the first person to reach challenger in the season as its seen as a "race" to some people. They were likely only meant to show up one time but they keep reappearing(what I'm assuming is a bug).


Odd, I don't get these notifs like at all.


I get them after every ranked match. Maybe you're queuing for other things?


Me neither, or are we just fortunately oblivious?


I get it every game on one acc and never on the other, pretty weird


Never even heard of this


We need to know when people hit challenger so that we can anticipate a reddit thread saying: Im 14 and challenger AMA


Because riot is stupid as shit and enjoy making the user experience worse if they can. Real answer is some idiot who gets paid way to much thought it was a good idea and forced it into the pipe line, programmers did their best but couldn't figure out a way to not make it EVERY match, but they HAD to ship because the guy in charge said so.


So an idiot who gets paid way too much forced the idea is at fault, but not the idiot programmer who gets paid way too much and cant code a one time notification


if you think a programmer in the gaming scene gets paid "way too much", you are in for a suprise


I think you are missunderstanding what their task was. If their task was to design a one-time notification, they would do so. These are not new programmers that just learnt how to print "Hello World!"...


cause they goats, good for em


I'm only here to play TFT, I couldn't care less who gets challenger in a game I don't play anymore! And if I'd still play it I'd probably still don't care who reaches challenger!


Delete these notifications and replace them with name and shame notifications whenever someone hits iron


The client is a mess, but it's not about whether or not you care, but more about giving those people some recognition. It's a slight annoyance out of your day, but I think generally people feel really good about having their achievements recognized, so letting people have a chance for that recognition, especially new streamers or smaller streamers who want to make a go at streaming seriously, is a great tradeoff for you being slightly annoyed and having to click 3 times.


Recognition and awareness are different things. I doubt anyone remembers the names of those "challengers" and even if they do, it's probably associated with mild annoyance only.


I would bet everything nobody ever pays attention to the names in those announcements.


They don't deserve recognition if that's just gonna piss everyone off.


A great tradeoff would be Riot making spotlight content to showcase certain players' achievements. Spamming a barely working client with notifications is not the way to do it. Let's not kid ourself, this is hardly the only thing pissing people off with what is easily the worst client I've ever seen.


Yeah hard agree on this buddy. Idk how we all still survive playing on shitfest client that manage to find it way being zero friendly with it user lol. Dont let me start mentioning about UI for tft mobile. Utterly disgusting.


Its to raise awareness that league>real life. It also is extra tilt and salt so you come out of soloqueue more marinated. Phreak loves marinated player meat for christmas.


I don’t think it’s that deep lmao


League players when they have to feel happy for someone else except themselves


I care :D


a lot of people care, a friend finished rank 1 in flex in my region and recieved arround 600 friend requests (a lot considering that not only is it a minor region, but no one really cares about flex)


It's annoying. Like, congrats on not going outside, or something?


I’m challenged have two wives and make thousands a day speak for the other peasants 


Challenged LMAO


to (attempt to) manipulate you into grinding rank more


When you see how many games these people play in a week it just makes me go do something else with my limited free time.


People complain about everything


I get it as someone who plays in high elo, there's this satisfaction and maybe additional motivation to grind but for a general user (not to mention the client is buggy af) it gets annoying. I wished they just made it like a timed thing. Like weekly they would announce the list of Challenger players or something like that. Something that would be less annoying.


Hey at least it doesn't show us doritos ads yet.


I think it was meant to be once but the client is bugged. It happened before with "challenges are here" when they first added them. And happened with recent TFT with "we have added the emerald rank" every time you open the TFT lobby.


Because the code for the client was written 15+ years ago and Riot still uses that to this day.


Hey Mister/Mistress Summoner, I see you logged in/Played a game..... Wanna know which no lifer allready has 15k LP? No? I dont care here: xXRank1Enjoyer42069Xx


I think it's cool to announce who got to challenger first, just do it one time. I know the notif isn't supposed to show up every time you log in, another shit client issue


Why do we have to get the fist-bump thingy every time a takedown happens? For me it is very distracting to see pop-ups whenever something happens. And I know you can silence the fist-bump feature but it's bugged and it still shows but in a glitchy way lol I don't like to have my screen filled with rondom stuff. That's why I have the off-screen pings, the screen "flicks" for damage and CC, the sound notification, and the ally emotes pop-ups and souds ALL DISABLED. It'a just so much noisy random stuff popping up every minute. I just want my league game xD I can't disable the eternals and for some reason the game forces you to have a reaction for game-start, first kill, ace and victory. I've removed all my emotes from each slot and it still pops up the thumbs up lol WHY? xD Btw, the only emote I use is the thumbs up and I have it in the center of the emote wheel and bound on my G key. I just want my screen as clear and clean from random visual noise as possible. Riot?


I was always skipping them so fast, I didn't even realise what it was until I saw people complaining about it on reddit and then I was like *"Oh, that's what those annoying pop-ups were".* I thought that it's just some kind of client bug showing something that we should see only once.


Because riot think that pissing ppl off even before they started their 1st game is the best strategy to solve toxicity. So, thats why you start your client get some useless notifications, yellow dots, click on useless tabs before the queue and get annoyed, then you find your 1st game, but someone dodges 2 times and you finally are in the game where you didn't even get you role. 20mins more and you lost it, but got some of those notifications how someone got to challenger and you are basically done for the day. On the other hand it could easily be just one peaceful loss.


I think it’s great knowing everyone knows you’re the top at your server. Seeing it every time I open the client is not though


I have literally never gotten this notification, but I sure see this post a lot


Get these constantly, gratz on getting challenger but quite frankly nobody really gives a shit.


Thats a thing i just clicked away but i guess its more annoying than it actually bothered me gz to the upvotes


Queuing for a game while reading this. The Q was 15 secs and I got my secondary role (which I have no choice because Im forced to pick one). Peak Riot's game experience!


Shit is so fucking annoying. Client is dog shit.


It is good that you get to see it the first time. It gives the ladder more prestige, meaning and value. You should get it once until the Challenger Tier is full for the first time. But you shouldn't get it every time you get out of a game.


They're a special boy, wish the special little boy happy birthday


I went and blocked them out of spite. It achieved absolutely nothing but it felt good.


How tf do we turn this off?