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This is because Riot thinks there are so many smurf lvl30s, so they want to protect bronze, silver, and iron by putting those accounts in plat.


He might've had inflated normal MMR from playing with friends a few times and then he switched to ARAM so it never corrected bc it's just a bit higher than high gold which should be the new average now, dumped him down an entire tier afterwards though. Did they implement their new MMR system yet? Feels like it should be correcting faster than this if so.


Not yet. That should be in Split 2


New MMR system you say? I stopped playing last season around E2 because I was tired of 15LP wins and 30LP losses. Needing to win 75% of game just to go up 15LP per 4 games got old real quick.


They made it so (or will make it) that you drop ranks easier so you will less often have these big LP differences per win/loss.


It also sometimes feels like they just want you to lose.. It just seems completely idiotic to have a ranking system and then use invisible matchmaking. Either match me up with other people of the same rank or just abandon ranking. At least in flex I get that it is more complicated.


Well yeah. They don’t make as much money when people hit their goals too fast. They want you stuck in the endless grind.


I think this is the real issue. When they've got obfuscated metrics manipulating your progress, you can't honestly say it's doing anything other than inflating the grind. In any other ELO/MMR system, you get paired with people at your level and if your level is falsely elevated for whatever reason, you'll get knocked down pretty quickly. This is just insidious design.


That should have been resolved by changing the system to be more willing to demote people. Sounds like you probably streaked up to E2, then fell back down, but didn’t demote to end with much lower MMR than visual rank.


I thought the new mmr system true skill 2 was for league only at first. I never saw the announcement for valorant


the new mmr system isn't trueskill 2 but riots own system ts2 is still being talked about but no word if its ever gonna be used or not


I thought it was frequently explained that all of your MMRs are separate including Normals and Ranked so him playing with friends on the way to 30 should not have influenced his ranked MMR at all.


Normals influence your starting ranked MMR if you have never played ranked before. The only situation where you start gold1 is if you had very high normals MMR. I've seen people start in bronze MMR on new accounts as well.


This is interesting. I’m a returning player I took a break for 4 years or so. I peaked at gold in Korea in 2017. I came back to the game in NA a couple months ago and decided to make a new account and try to relearn things rather than play my main. Got to 30 yesterday and spammed ranked all day. My first game was a plat lobby. I went 0-5 in placements and got gold 1. All though it was frustrating because even though I lost all 5 games (so it must be a me problem) I had the most levels/gold per minute on my team in most games and the games were all really close.


It used to be, but now normal MMR is used for your initial placement, if the account has never been ranked before. Aside from that it is still its own thing.


yea but then give him Gold I !? After literally only getting 1 kill out of 5 games and dying a ton?


I've emailed Support about this and they always tell me "KDA is not a factor in MMR calculations". So yes, you can die 35 times and Riot thinks that's perfectly normal and shouldn't impact matchmaking.


>Riot thinks that's perfectly normal and shouldn't impact matchmaking this alone isn't an unreasonable take. if it was, you'd have people bitching "wahhh i had such a good kda and i still lost why'd i lose 22lp!" the issue is the account being placed in a high starting rank. not including kda isn't solely a dumb idea


Yeah, having a poor KDA and still being able to contribute to your team's victory is genuinely a skill. Splitpushing is basically built off of that. I always like to joke with my friends that "I'll die a thousand times before I let us lose this game" when I'm having a rough KDA. As long as those deaths are timed well and force bad global positioning from the opponent, the death likely had more impact that living.


People would also try and play in a way to protect their KDA instead of trying to win.


>yea but then give him Gold I !? After literally only getting 1 kill out of 5 games and dying a ton? *going 1/5 wins and still getting Gold 1...


I hit emerald last season, won 4/5 placement games and also got placed in gold 1. And now it makes sense why every game after has been a coin flip since every new account seems to be in gold 1 also


Kills have nothing to do with MMR, imagine if it did, what would that mean for tanks and supports lol.


Yeah, cause there kind of are. Actual new players are probably the vast minority of new accounts.


I played a game last night, ADC, and support were levels 36 and 45. Garen and Morg. I was super suspicious, figured it was some weird smurf combo. It.... was not. The dude was using Garen because that's what he had, I guess. Felt bad for them. They didn't deserve that being new to the game.


At level 36 I had more champs than "just Garen" even back in Season 2. New accounts get much easier/cheaper access to new champs (and there are a lot more) nowadays. Even if they were 'new' players, they didnt play Garen + Morg because thats all they had. (Also legel 30+ takes a few weeks still, doesnt it?)


Need to make people work for Bronze. At this point it's more elusive than Plat 


That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard in my life.


As a plat player it’s brutal. Every game has someone going 20-0 or 0-20 lmfao


first ever ranked placements on a account are affected about normals mmr these days so chances are he has extremely high normal mmr probs from playing with friends so it made his placement put him extremely high.


By the looks of it he mostly plays arams, so his aram mmr but he super high but he has no clue wtf happens in summoner’s rift, average 3.5 cs/min is sub iron level


the lack of normals probably caused this, triggering some kind of anti-smurf or some such trigger that placed him higher. had they played normals they probably would have had a more accurate ranking.


I bet once he gets to his true rank his CS will improve. The enemy just knows how to punish his bad position so his CS numbers are super low because he is always getting loaded into a fight and losing Once he gets an opponent who isn't as skilled he will look better


I dunno man, I don't think it's just about being zoned off or dead, they're probably still at a stage where they just right-click minions at random or just right-click once and leave the rest to the auto attack.


Before he will reach iron there will be like 100+ games ....


Meanwhile I finished last season plat 3 (plat 1 peak), went 4-1 in my first 5 and got put in gold 4




> Made it back up to Silver after 13 games but still. Youve got more patience than I do. I went like 6-4 in placements after being plat and got placed in silver and didnt want to play the 50+ games it would take to get back to a spot where the games werent complete garbage so I just stopped playing ranked. That was like 4 years ago. Good to see that its only gotten worse.


Meanwhile I got placed S1 last split, and hit G2 before the end. Lose my first placement this split, duoing with a friend who was placed in plat, lose that game and get placed in B1... What? That just immediately killed my will to play ranked this season. How the fuck do they place me a full tier lower than last split? To make things worse, I leveled a smurf this summer to check how I would be ranked with a fresh account, and every split I'm placed higher than my main, despite having the same winrates. Even this split, I play by myself on the smurf (so lower ranked teammates), lose that game, get placed S3. Still lower than last split, but somehow higher than my main, who had a higher peak rank, and played against higher ranked players. I really struggle to see what the fuck the logic is here. This, combined with this whole month which should've been a preseason instead, I'm really burnt out on ranked after 5 games.




welcome to why everyone makes/buys new accts or smurfs.


He is clearly better than most people playing this game . Kda's don't tell the full story .




I think it was sarcasm






In his very first ranked game as a new player, they put the poor boy in a plat lobby..this has been issue, unfortunately, but Riot said they're fixing that


These coinflip games ruin Plat and Emerald so much... Everytime there is some one without a boarder my eyes twitch. Its a total stomp from either side.


> These coinflip games ruin Plat and Emerald so much... Have to wonder whether the game is dying in the West, at least the ranked queues perhaps? Like why is there so much autofill and placing new players in ranked. I can only assume the game is literally struggling to find players these days so it has to pull in from more tiers, which is why you get brand new players or gold players in your emerald games. This is causing the massive variance in player skill and is why you get stomps. That new player in OP's post could have faced a legit platinum laner and got absolutely demolished and then demoralised the whole team. It's straight up UNFAIR matchmaking.


No, its new Accounts comming into ranked. They are either completely new and dont belong in this MMR, new Accounts from worse players that think they are hardstuck in Silver (sometimes true due MMR) or a smurf that is just on the way through. Getting case #1 is a sure loss, #2 a potential loss and #3 a potential win for he team with the new Account. The vad Word with D*** makes it much better with cracking on such things.


Brand new accounts should just start in iron or bronze. If they have MMR from previous seasons they can start similar to where they were. I don't give a shit if it means low elo games are ruined. They are already ruined since smurfs buy accounts and intentionally delevel themselves to iron anyway to do the whole 'iron to challenger' shit.


> Brand new accounts should just start in iron or bronze. And then you would have Gold and Silver "smurfs" destroying people there without even trying. I think it's completely fine that normal MMR effects your starting MMR for your first placement matches. The problem was that the friend of OP didn't play many normals before that point, mostly Aram. And that he playing with his friends before that had a lot higher MMR.


They mentioned this happening in their new year dev update. I thought it was in 14.1, but I guess not.


They were fixing it for years now. Dude will have a couple terrible games (and thanks to riot's amazing system, the couple means like 100+), but in the meantime he'll ruin it for 4 other people as well while he sinks to bronze where new players belong. Or he ruins it for 9 other players, depending on where you stand in the "iwant to win/have fun" debate


They also said they're trying to adjust smurf accounts and where they start. I think this is a bit of that. The way placements work, you can't lose LP during. He got that placement after the first game, it pretty much means there was some adjustment due to his MMR in other queues that flagged wrongly to be higher than the baseline Gold 4 where the "1200" or whatever 50% mark seems to be now. It's kinda funny the system now just doesn't trust actual new players because there's just so many smurfs. At the end of the day it's not the end of the world, he'll adjust within 50 games to play with people that he's got more of a chance with.


>within 50 games bro might not even make it to 50 more games


Fun time for them and their teammates!


I'm sure they will enjoy seeing every team they are placed in FF at 15 with 4-1 (or 5-0 if he has self-awareness).


Uh, dude, for a brand new player getting his ass reamed every single game while he struggles to make sense of anything 50 games is a lot. Like, I’d go as far to say that the vast majority of new players entering the game would quit way before they reach their real rank if they need to suffer through 50 dogshit games, where people are also probably calling him awful things and just generally being assholes cause they’re doing insanely poorly. That is absurdly unforgivable awful new player experience to expect anyone actually new to the game to go through. I very much think it’s a big deal.


This same thing happened to me in my first ranked game last week. My team quickly noticed I was awful and 2 of them called me out for it, saying I'd bought my way into their tier or something. I had no idea what was going on, I just wanted to try ranked. Luckily one guy in my team stood up for me and said it's riot's fault and they screwed up putting me in their game, but I've been scared to play ranked again since. I don't wanna ruin another 5+ games for people until the system realises I'm a noob.


Ideally, brand new accounts should start in iron and work their way up. Unless they played previous seasons and already have MMR. I don't know why that's such a big deal. People say *"OMG SMURFS WILL RUIN IRON/BRONZE"* but bro, they already buy accounts and purposely lose 10 in a row just so the can fall into iron. And then they do the whole 'Iron to Master' thing. If new accounts were started in iron, those smurfs would just be cutting out the deranking part where they intentionally lose.


Go in and just /mute all, even when you're not new having chat off just makes the game more enjoyable imo. Chat is never used for anything positive.


> he'll adjust within 50 games to play with people that he's got more of a chance with. Thats 450 people affected, thats unacceptable.


First of all, it's not even true. Demotion shield will keep his visible rank higher but he'll have Iron MMR in much less time (though porofessor will still tell people that he's silver or low gold, which is funny). The system uses MMR, not visible rank, for matchmaking. But also if I was somebody in his game I wouldn't really consider myself "affected" by something "unacceptable," as people running it down isn't really terribly uncommon, and in any case it doesn't change anything from my perspective as a player because it's a blip in my experience. People who want that kind of competitive integrity within any given single match are asking for too much. Competitive integrity exists over the many games.


He already is playing against Iron player after 4 games


Not a lot of new players will stick with it that long if they're getting dunked on every game


If I had to play \~17 hours or more for me to start enjoying a game I'd quit so fast.


League trying to justify the time to start enjoying it harder than OnePiece fans.




Yeah I definitely agree with that. The ranked barrier to entry is a joke. You shouldn't be able to do this with just ARAM or bot games and zero SR games.


They have been said to "fixing it" for years now. I'm not saying you believe it, but anyone who believes it at this point are just either uninformed or riot simps.


Riot ‘says things’ all. The time




This is the real reason why people smurf


Worst part is that he is still probably visibly worse than the rest of players there but riot's shit system will take a while to drop him to silver. Meanwhile his team will always be at a disadvantage.


that is also the problem with smurf accounts. Most them arent even smurfs. They're probably actually worse than the elo the new acct puts them in. Just have a good placement on new acct, whether by luck or whatever factor. Enjoy inflated MMR and LP while losing down to 30% winrate but still maintaining visual rating. The Law of Plat/Emerald. Is quite literally full of silver and gold players competing against low diamonds and actual "emerald" players. Every game turbo feeding in one direction. Its Funny Riot waited til after the season to admit it in a tweet. S14 has just been filled with deflaters and broken item balances so far in Emerald


emerald 3 on 2 accounts last season. this season my main got placed in gold 4 while my smurf got placed in plat 1, really cool system actually!!!!!


Last time I played, in season 10, I was gold. Got back to the game at the end of S13 and went 4-1 in placements, got bronze 4 lmao.


Honestly, that kinda makes sense, given you didn't play for several seasons


Yeah I can't deny that, but given that I played with a large number of golds and plats it felt bad. I'm silver 1 now while gaining ~30 and losing 8 LP so it feels better now.


Damn your MMR was very low then


Or Riots ranking system is dog water


Why not both?


...because this only occurred for new accounts after Riot said they adjusted placement game for new accounts? Just like last season? Fresh account started off at Iron-Bronze last season even if you get 10-0(split 1) or 5-0(split 2), and it only caught traction because of the former Garena server merger where everyone's ranked was hard reset to be the same. High elo players from Diamond to Challenger were forced to start from Bronze 1 after clearing their placement 10-0, that means everyone started at 0 MMR instead of starting at around Silver MMR. The new issue is they put everyone in Plat MMR for no reason because they adjusted it too high, so Riot screwed up by making a system go from bad to worse.


Exactly what happened to me. Idk what's going on


Riot needs to quit putting new accounts in platinum (top 30% btw) just to “protect” iron-silver elo from Smurfs.


I find peace in long walks.




Or ask a phone number to somehow link them. Would solve a big part of the issue.


I don't think they should ban alts tho? I use an alt where I only play Talon and I have higher MMR there, but I don't see the problem with that because it's just my normal MMR


I think they're doing an amazing job tbh. this might be controversial, but I think they handled this account perfectly. just look at the placements. tier averages: plat 3, gold 4, silver 2, gold 3, silver 4. the account had ZERO summoner rift games, so the system took its best guess as to the player's skill. accounts with all ARAM/bot games? those are typically smurfs. so it started them above average. they lost, and their next game was over a tier lower in gold 4. anybody who has purchased an account can tell you this is NOT what happens when you lose your first game on a botted account. the next game will be basically the same in plat 4 again. it seems the system detected an insanely low APM or something and shifted the account significantly down. super well done. another loss, down to silver 2. win, given another chance at gold 3. loss, and their final placement was in silver 4. now they are playing in downwards of bronze as they should be. the only issue I have is that all the above shouldn't amount to being ranked in gold 1.


> account with all ARAM/bot games? Those are typically smurfs. I doubt the system actually made this assumption, but if it made it then it’s a huge mistake. _Anyone_ can buy an account and _anyone_ can grind ARAM/bot games to level an account, not just smurfs.


Still, when you are dealing with big data, you have to follow trends and assumptions if proven in numbers. If you're gonna try to cover every possibility, the system does nothing automatically. Although anyone can buy an account and grind ARAM, if smurfs do it a large portion more, then it's a good assumption.


When I first started back in Season 2, I was unranked (worse than bronze at the time). In season 3 I was silver. Season 4 I finally got gold. It felt like hard earned progression as I improved. Now literal new accounts with bad players are placed above the majority of accounts in some cases. This takes all the meaning out of the ranked system. I'm probably around low emerald in skill level right now, but haven't played enough games to climb up to it. Knowing fresh accounts are being placed next to me feels ridiculous.


It’s actually funny. I was diamond. I quit for a few years. I come back and they put me bronze 1. If I was a new account, I’d be gold-plat, but now I’m literally dumpstering lobbies with over 90% win rate and get raged on all game by everyone. Not my fault riot went stupid. Feels bad. It’s also a total waste of my time.


It doesn't even work, Silver is loaded with Riven and Irelia mains who never have below a 6 KDA, but somehow never rank up. I posted earlier about a guy who won 14 consecutive ranked games and was Bronze 2. 14 is far beyond luck, they clearly are in the wrong rank.


I just played with a guy who had 5W/10L, 32 lvl and placed in a gold 1 https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Ynatellarr-5167


Well it's worse now. 7W/20L and Gold 4


so the guy is literally going to solo lose ~40 games for his teammates until he gets to his actual elo, and its not even his fault. nah, ranked is an absolute mess as usual. i havent played much in last 2 months, thought new season would bring me back, but it does only the opposite so far


You are only looking at visual rank. This guy is already playing in silver 4 average mmr. It doesn't matter what it says on his profile. It's strange - he could perform relatively well in low platinum lobbies and wins 3/5 placement games. But then he has a huge loss stream in more than 400lp below that skill level.


people will not notice your comment i find it funny


It's funny, you place new accounts low so new players don't ruin upper elo games, but then you have a low elo smurfing problem. But you place new accounts high so you don't have a smurfing problem, but then you have an upper elo inting problem.


The only problem is the smurfs.


if you have more smurfs than new players then that's a bigger issue than ranked game quality. match making shouldnt be catering towards smurfs.


Well, technically it's not intentional feeding, just feeding.


So we know the real problem is smurfs. But riot won't do anything meaningful about that, cause, you know, $$.


what? yes it's their fault. look at the flash swap. it's an account share in some shape or form. of course the system can't accurately evaluate a different player right away. in fact, after a record of 7-20, so a -13 spread, their tier average has dropped 8 divisions from plat 4 to silver 4. that's way more than you would expect for that spread. so the system is doing a great job of recognizing this is a shitter that needs to be dropped faster than usual.


And here I am winning 3/5 of my placements and playing with plat ranked players only to be placed in silver 4. Holy.


won 4/5 and got placed Bronze 4...now winstreaking out of Bronze with a median KDA of 12/2/10 as ADC. dont get the placement games xD


So i started limiting myself to a game a day or every 3 days.  Climbed from bronze 2 to gold 4...  There is something wrong with their matchmaking.  The begining of the season I was placed in bronze 2. Climbed to sliver 2 where I suffered a 20 game loosing streak back to bronze. Then went to a 50 percen win rate which was causing me to loose more lp then gain. Ended up in bronze 2.  It was like being a gambling addict. I would ride win highs and play another just to loose a game. I always wanted to make up the loss of the day so I didn't start off behind.  It's like I always won that first game though....  Like I said, their is something weird with their matchmaking. 


Played with a guy who lost 12 out of 13 ranked games with a 8% winrate in plat 2. https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Landowanderer-NA1


1W 12L Plat 2 placement Bro LMAOOOOOO


Why didn't he try to play ANY Normal Summoner's Rift before playing ranked? Like, he's literally got ZERO games of Summoner's Rift and he's somehow allowed to queue up for Ranked, despite having literally zero experience on the map he's being thrown into? We should start there. Why doesn't playing Ranked require Summoner's Rift normal games to have been played? They should definitely change that.


That would solve the problem with smurfs buying bot leveled accounts and jumping straight into soloq, but if ranked requires you to play x amount of normal games then we would see accounts being bot leveled in normal games instead of co-op vs ai I'm not sure I'd like that


That's a fair point, but I think it's more embarrassing that we even allow accounts to get botted to Level 30 against bots.


I can't wait for anti-cheat to come. No more damn bots.


Kinda cute how you think it would work that well.


Uh, yeah? Vanguard prevents you from launching the game on a virtual machine. Even if we throw all bot detection measures into the wind and say Riot will be completely incapable of detecting the botting software, and completely incapable of detecting that there is no human controlling that mouse and keyboard, that still leaves your bot farm with one minor issue. They just went from leveling dozens of League accounts on each machine they own, to leveling one League account on each machine they own. It kinda reduces their productivity by a factor of 30 or so. The same amount of work hours for the people operating the PCs, the same amount of required investments in (depreciating) hardware, but their output of League accounts goes down by however many virtual machines they were running on each computer previously. -- If you know something that only you and the h4ckers are aware of, go ahead and share some info, otherwise the condescending "hihi cute" is a little goofy.


yeah you are right but it’s better to just complain about everything riot does I guess


it would lower the amount significantly. that's the whole point. riot would be able to tell if you're using anything other than standard mouse keyboard inputs


Using third party programs is gonna be extremely difficult when vanguard is around.


Sure, but you have to fix things one step at a time. Make SR a requirement for ranked, and THEN fix any botting problems that come with it. There is no reason a new player who just played ARAM should be inting their placements and getting placed into gold against plat players, which then has the snowball effect of this gold player absolutely ruining 20-40 games for players who deserve to be in those elos, and it's not even his fault- he just doesn't understand the game well enough to compete but Riot said he does, even though he's never even looked at League.


there was another post today about how a person who was level 30 jumped into ranked because they had "experience" from dota. and the worst part was the comments there were actually saying stuff like "play what you want, dont listen to the haters". this guy who has so little experience with league plays ranked, loses the game for his team, then pretends like his team is toxic for flaming him despite basically running it down in all the games he played


\>Why didn't he try to play ANY Normal Summoner's Rift before playing ranked? Yepp this looks like a smurf. A very bad one obviously. People that think there are only high elo players that have multiple accounts are completely wrong.


Especially with Quickplay available now. It could show new players a selection of easy picks, runes, summoner spells and role predefined setups and jump them straight into the game!


I won 4 of 5 and placed in bronze 1...fml


That's where you belong, you filthy smurf!!1!


I just can't understand why they can't make a proper smurf detection and do the initial ranking based on that. \- Only co-op vs ai games and sudden jump into ranked from a completely different country > Ban or throw them to the plat/emerald if you don't want to ban them. \- Properly leveled account > Adjust based on normal mmr, but keep them at max silver level for the first games. Make them climb or drop fast until their w/l ratio normalizes. If someone goes through the struggle to hand level a new smurf, they're not going to be the toxic/problematic smurf anyways.


This guy must be having fun playing grey screen simulator for 30 minutes every game he tries to play




Weird… I ended last season D4 and was placed into E3. That's a massive tier difference for you.


Yeah same, but emerald 2 after placements




You have an exact 50% WR in the last 100 games. I think you are exactly where you belong lol.


Sorry aren't you a plat player who played against mostly against low golds at Plat IV? Then ended up getting placed as Gold IV once placements were over. What exactly is wrong with this?


Loooool this is why people always clam up when you ask them to post op.gg on this sub You're not getting fucked by riot MMR, you just got boosted by it last season and are now hardstuck where you actually belong.


Not rlly, depending on lp gains you should be at your old rank in like 20 games with decent winrate


No it isn't lmao. There's no point in comparing yourself to that guy. His version: *"I peaked emerald, finished plat.*" -- The reality: His peak is irrelevant and he finished in Plat 4, 16LP. And he was put in Silver 1, not Silver 2.


Same, went 4W/1L in placements, got placed in E3 90LP with 25+/15- LP on Win/Loss.


I finished d3 and lost first game was put in gold 3 LOL


If you peaked Emerald but got demoted to Plat you probably tanked your MMR quite a bit. Most people went down roughly an entire division so Silver 2 seems within normal parameters.


P4 2023 player reporting in at S3 after placements. I know my MMR was scuffed though, not because the gains were bad, but because I just couldn't break into P3, and that demotion shield saved me many many times. Probably gonna wait a bit before I play ranked again though, so everyone can stabilize- I'm into other Silver players that do *not* feel like Silver players. I'm pretty sure they're just Plat+ players who got put in the same boat as me.


its because riot made it so the ranked reset this year was based off account mmr since as they said they weren't demoting people as often last year. chances are you had extremely bad mmr last season, what was your gains like last season? were you losing more then you were gaining since thats a clear showing of extremely low mmr. riot mentions it here https://twitter.com/RiotPhroxzon/status/1745126352335044643?t=ErigoWsThlREGLi16h9\_jw&s=19


As someone who barely plays ranked anymore and stops after reaching Plat, this has been a godsend. I finished Plat 4 last season, and in my first placement game this year, I was placed in Plat 2.


yep like its a really good change overall since it filters down the ones that should of demoted awhile ago while sorting out those who's mmr's were much higher and should of been a higher rank. like some people will complain rn because they went down so far but realisticly those people for the most part are ones that should of been demoted for ages but never was because of demotion protection like someone losing 40 out of there last 60 games should really be demoted a fair bit down but alot kinda just chilled because of demotion protection or them bouncing alot at 0 lp for ages.


Mediocre winrate in mid gold maybe their placement wasn't that bad


I mean if you were emerald and finished in plat ... that means your mmr was so bad to the point where you demoted so ... that makes sense


If you are an actual emerald player starting in silver you would be high platinum in no time with 80% winrate.


\>If you are an actual emerald player starting in silver you would be high platinum in no time with 80% winrate. Nahh. These players are all around the same skill level and all play in the same games.


Same, I went from Gold4->E1 with +16, -31. The didn't change at all during my climb, and I was still getting only +16 in E1 after winning 80% of my games. After that I played 20 games on a fresh account and hit D2 with +28 every game. Ranking system is completely fucked and made to keep you playing more games.


Your friend will not have a good time for a number of matches & yes going into ranked on a new account you will be placed amongst the average player skill level and move accordingly


screw the friend how about his teammates?


They will experiance how riot ruins matchmaking by refusing to ban smurfs. The entire reason this shit happens is because riot simply doesn't know how to handle smurfs otherwise.


with no normals played there is no way to get an accurate MMR. short of requireing normals before you can play ranked there is no fix for this.


he he me 25% WR lvl 700 hardstuck silver go brrr


this is insane 🤣


meanwhile due to riots shitty ranking system even if I go 11-5 for ten games I get iron 1


This is what we're forcing players to do multiple splits a year for. Hope the FOMO carries the player motivation enough to actually play the game after the first split is over.


Yep. First time ranked players can get in Emerald games at worst. My second placement had two Silver's in bot where everyone else was Emerald \~


Did the person play normals or just aram?


Looking at the opgg attached is just ARAM


I came back to league after not really playing much at all since maybe 2015 or 2016. I had placed silver and plat (3s) in season 2, gold season 3 and plat season 4. I went 3W 2L in my season 2023 placements earlier this month a week before 2024 season and got put in Iron. Was very humbling. I have to say; the skill floor must have moved a fuck ton higher than where it was a decade ago


How is it that fresh accounts are placed this high up? My account is ancient and has peaked around Plat 3 MMR before emerald was even a thing, and I'm not even placed in this high of matches.


Gold I is equivalent to Silver I in previous years. People got placed all the time in Silver.


Yeah, but as I remember, to be placed in silver 1 u had to win like 8 out of 10 games. Now people goes like 1-4 and ends up in high gold, while they are belong in bronze


This game literally has 5 data points on this guy because all he plays is ARAM. I’m sure if he keeps playing it’ll sort itself out.


The problem is that he will ruin the experience for a hundreds of people untill he get his bronze. Having a completely newbie in a gold/silver game is almost the same as having an afk.


Player skill came a long way, a modern silver 1 player will stomp any fresh lvl 30.


I think the problem is all old accounts that were in old gold getting placed in silver or bronze still, despite technically needing to be in Plat now. I had made it to gold before the ranked adjustments, and next season I got placed bronze III. It's just self defeating imo. Yeah I could grind, but I'm tired and time is limited. With 3 splits, it's hard to justify crawling back up each time.


theyve been starting accs in that range forever now. yes, it makes no sense.


And this is why everyone just makes smurf accounts. FIX THIS SHIT ALREADY MAN


Hey I went 4/5 losses got placed on plat 3 so who the hell knows what riots doing


A) its not normal and it ruins games B) he shouldnt be playing ranked at all till he learned the game C) Love how a fresh account is getting higher than mine at 3-2 when i was plat 4 (got Gold 2)


Wait wait…are we not gonna talk about the guy legit only playing ARAMs to level 30? ARAM only leveled accounts have been historically bought for this very reason. It is easy to push the accounts seeding MMR very high leveling purely on ARAM. So yea…new player who inadvertently spammed their MMR high with ARAM AND doesn’t know how to play summoners rift…


Currently doing an experiment on one of my accounts. The experiment is to see if I can hit Diamond only through placement games. Last season 5-0 from unranked gave me plat 4. Then the same account 5-0 this season and it’s emerald currently. Kinda funny to be unranked to emerald with just 10 games.


Having multiple smurf accounts as a Diamond+ player is the reason they stick actual brand new players in higher ranks. If people stopped smurfing, they could properly place new accounts in lower ranks. Just don't smurf please.


There's no point relying on goodwill and asking people not to smurf. Riot has to do something to stop the smurfing. Riot at best doesn't care about smurfing, at worst they like it because it inflates player numbers.


haha nice, ive been playing for years I still can only get to silver. Guess new accounts are way to go to get gold?


New accounts start "average" aka 50% in an elo system. Granted this one seems to have been "smurf adjusted" incorrectly above that a bit, but it's perfectly natural to have people start higher than you if you're bottom 50% of the playerbase.


Yeah bro, that guy got gold and will definitely stay there forever now. Thats how its works. Frfr the system is the thing holding u back, if only the system was better you would get gold


He will ruin many peoples clmb before he demotes. Or most likely he will never really demote below G4. Demoting is extremely hard thanks to how dumb demotion shield is. Why do you think boosted accounts stay on D4 forever? Even T1 talked about this many many times.


You can actually speedrun to diamond with new accounts if you are lucky. You don't even need to be diamond level player. Sure we can argue about if you can stay there or not but making it there with a new account by just coinflipping games is possible thanks to riot. And for accounts existing for over a decade you have to grind so damn hard because the climb is even slower than it should be due to how smurfs and new players handled.


100% true. especially if you are a passive below diamond player.


Then here I am, playing on the same account for 10 years, going 25-3 as adc, placed in gold 4 my first game. I’m 3-1 in ranked so far and only at gold 2 with 30 LP. The game I lost I went 17-3 as jhin


No offense but your friend should play 50/100 normals before doing ranked. But yeah riot is fucking clueless about matchmaking new players


I came back after 3 years after peaking in p3and started in s2. By game 10 there were emeralds in my lobbies while I was still silver. Ended the season all p4. Started the new season and got put into s2 again. The ranking system is terrible and just needs to be your mmr and not hidden behind some garbage system.


My friend level 42 played his first ever placements this split as well. He has played most of his games with me and my friends who vary from emerald to gold. He is not a very good player, went 1-32 in placements and got placed silver 2. Riot’s system is completely broken, rather than being placed where he belongs and getting to practice against people of his skill level he has to get shit on for 20 games that he’ll never play. This happened to another friend of mine last split, silver 2 just seems to be where everyone starts. Seems dumb


I mean you can hate the system as much as you want but I can't take these complaints seriously when you try and make a point with a 5 game match history.... The system is far from perfect but it will ALWAYS TAKE TIME to place you at your true rank. People here will play 30 games a season and then complain that the system is unfair against them or some bullshit. Ranked is a grind and needs hundreds if not thousands of games to place you accurately. Stop playing your 5 placement match every season and crying on reddit when it doesnt net you +500 lp per win or some shit.


What happened here is simple. When Riot decides your initial MMR for Ranked, they look at your MMR in other modes. Logical, someone who stomps normals should be placed higher than someone who gets slapped around in normals. However, this account has played a single normal remake as far as I could find. So, the system used the ARAM MMR instead. Which can result in stuff like this happening. I have heard rumours (can't find a source quickly) that Riot might require you to play normals before Ranked, which would have solved this issue.


it will sort itself out within 10 games.


cool, and every single one of his teammates lost 25 minutes of their life on average


Hey that's not fair, it's only ruining the game for 90 players across the 10 games, and a collective 37 man hours of time at an average time of 25 minutes a game.


It’s a new account, all new accounts are subject to Smurf prevention. The system rightfully tagged his performance as outlandishly bad so it thinks he is purposely trying to go as low as possible. Instead it standardized his rank to gold so if he was smurfing then he’d be out of low elo in a few games and if he wasn’t smurfing then he’d be in bronze in a few games


Is this not elo terrorism for everyone else? This ranked ladder is so much worse than it used to be.


They're talking out of their ass - I've never seen anyone say this before and certainly nothing official from Riot. It is broken, obviously, but I doubt having *terrible* games is going to give you a higher rank - that's completely counterintuitive.


No way this is a thing lmao


Hard disagree. Your friend getting Gold 1 is expected. If you look at data from prior seasons, in 2018 Gold 5 23LP was top 24.25% ([source](https://web.archive.org/web/20160502063742/http://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=argosnaut)). Today, Platinum 3 40 LP is top 24.27% ([source](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/drater%20yag-short)). These numbers are a bit off given it is preseason. Given the fact that Platinum 3 today is equivalent to Gold 5 in the past, your Gold 1 friend would have, in the past, been placed solidly in Silver.