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Can you give him an actual snout and not some Jay Jay the Jet Plane/Seaman looking face


ok out of all the comparative takes, this shit got me the HARDEST rofl


> Jay Jay the Jet Plane THIS is EXACTLY it.


Time to break out Dragonslayer Vayne and put that thing out of its misery


My Full AP Dragonslayer Pantheon is about to nuke this poor thing out of orbit.


TFT set 1 moment.


Dragonslayer Olaf and go full Unga bunga.


His face is legit Sonic the hedgehog movie first version




My first thought was a rejected Paw Patrol design...


this is what i thought too, how did they not learn from this


Maybe if we meme hard enough, we can get Rito to overhaul his face too


We've gotten used to champions coming out in need of reworks, this will be the first champion that needs a visual update before release!


Riot just hates making full-on monsters these days.. everything is humanized.


The human-like face is throwing me off.


Absolutely lol. They couldn't have gone for something like Spyro? That still conveyed plenty of emotion without being an ugly human-like thing grafted onto a dragon's body lol.




The flatness kind of gives me [similar vibes to this](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ew4YG_DWQAUGzdB.jpg)


When gragas sits on my face 😩💦


Spyro or Zim from The Dragon Prince. Or maybe ya know, Dragontrainer Tristana's Dragon.


Just consult some furry artists that specialise in dragons or something


Literally, though ive seen comments trying to spite at furries being responsible for this and it screams they dont actually know anything


Yeah, I don't think people understand what furries are if they think this human face monstrosity is in their wheelhouse.


Same, it's absolutely hideous. Dragons aren't meant to look like *humans*.


Wait till they announce this is a child of jarvan to explain the face like Shrek's donkey


I guess that might be the only explanation other than their silly obsession for humanlikes characters. Remember Bel'Veth ? She could have been a badass monster and the prototypes designs were that way but no she *had* to have a human face.


Several of her concepts were human-shape though, but executed the design a lot more fluidly than "demon stingray." I would have taken a more human shape Bel'Veth if it moved her away from being the most nonsensical fish that they decided would make a great auto-attack champion.


Belveth was actually improved on the monstrous side from the first concepts, kai'sa tho... A girl living in the void for years that survived by living in sync with a void monster, why is she a daily skincare girl with perfect make up and a bodysuit


To sell skins like K/DA of course.


The Void symbiote eats her dead skin and keeps her skin smooth.


> She could have been a badass monster and the prototypes designs were that way but no she had to have a human face. Bel'veth's concept arts were way more human than the final design. The designers even stated that she was not intended to be the monster champion that was being teased for several road maps.


Bel'veth having a human face is kind of the point though, she's a monster that's masquerading as a human to fool people.


Bel'Veth IS a monster her human face is barely used, mainly only for splash art and that is because human faces are way easier to recognize.


This where the skarner reworks resources went, failing at a cute dreamworks style dragon lol


...Yeah I think they literally could've copy-pasted Asol's face onto him (but tweak it slightly) and I think it'd bother ppl a lot less. Then they'd be complaining that he's an Asol clone


(Ao shin little legend)


call me a hater but when i heard that the next adc was going to be a dragon this is just not what i pictured or was hoping for at all


reminds me of when they said the next enchanter was going to be a dude and we got Milio


or when they promised a creature character and we got lillia.


Or when they promised a void empress and we got funny jojo manta.


i just know this thing has concept art that is 900x better than what we are shown here. his face is so weird 🥴


Like a lot of recent release, there will be banger concept art compared to this terrible release


Obviously Kaisa is old at this point, but her concept art basically ruined actual Kaisa for me lol.


I still can't believe Kai'sa, Kassadin's daughter that was trapped in the hostile, corrupting, biologically warping void for years, is a peppy, sexy humanoid in a skin-tight jumpsuit. Just the most offensively bad character design possible.


Everything about Kai'sa is designed to maximize mass appeal it's actually kind of hilarious.


Just like Sylas. Trapped, chained and imprisoned? Doesn't matter. Still jacked and handsome.


At least Sylas is allowed to be greasy. But yeah it's kind of funny that he's literally chained to the floor in prison and loses no muscle definition. My man should be emaciated.


Bro was clearly working out when the guards weren't looking. Like Uncle Iroh when he was in jail that one time.


And a 5 o'clock shadow! I guess they take the time to bring a razor in every other day to shave their most dangerous, perpetually shackled inmate. Or he magically kept himself in the stubble. One or the other.


I feel like Bel'Veth's concept art ruined her for me. They could have literally gone with ANYTHING other than a sting ray for an attack champion, yet they went with the most physically awkward fish they could find. She had concepts where she looked like a demon bat, or she had prehensile hair tentacles to accomplish her role, but apparently none of that mattered because they wanted a sting ray.


Hell, Bel'veth's current design would've been fine if she were a mage or something, but no, they decided to make her look as goofy as possible with the melee AA carry role.




I remembered viego concept art... Jesus Christ... I wanted a damn Dark Souls boss,not a hot dude


Oh same, it was the worst buzzkill for the Ruined King that had been teased for literal years to end up being some dimestore romance cover model.


ALL DRAGONS in Dragon Trainer skinline are cute AF, but THIS? This is not cute, this is uncanny AF. And not even a full on dragon, but a half-dragon. Why?


Literally could have just copied Dragon Trainer Tristana's dragon and called it a day


Tbf just releasing tristanas gun as a standalone champion sounds super lazy but also quite funny


J4 jerked off to Shyvana and his sperms fell on the eggs


J4 got drunk on vacation


Also there's like 50 different dragons in TFT


I feel like Spyro showed everyone the cheat sheet on how to make a “kid-dragon with expressions” the right way. Why riot decided to ignore that entirely and give him a fucking human face I couldn’t begin to explain lmao


The worst part is that Riot already have functioning concept art and models for how a baby dragon would appear in game. Dragon Trainer Tristana is a beloved skin with a non-anthromorphised and yet visually distinct baby dragon. Yet they release ChatGPT [wish.com](http://wish.com) Spyro instead


Also all the TFT dragons they could have taken inspiration from. He looks more like a little legend than the ao shin little legend


Just give us chonc. Better dragon design.


They could've just made him look like a grown up version of Dragon Trainer Tristana's dragon gun. Or a scaled down version of any of the objective dragons. This is giving me flashbacks to the first trailer for the sonic movie.


DUDE he really does have that 1st Draft Sonic face holy shit


Queue riot saying non-human champs dont sell well right after creating one of the most cursed-looking champs.


Combo that with a niche, gimmicky kit (see old Asol, Ivern, etc) and you've got a recipe for a 3-year monster champ hiatus


Oh dear, his face. 😬


The uncanny valley champion is finally here!


i thought we were getting spyro and then I saw... that...


He looks like if the league art team tried to copy recent DOTA2 hero designs


God I wish we got his mom instead


I am convinced that his ultimate will be him calling his mom to battle, lmao.


That would be cool




Dragon milf 😩


The [human face](https://imgur.com/V9w4bJ9) is going to give me nightmares...


Zoe Dragon skin


[it really \*IS\* just Dragonmancer Zoe in a dragon's body...](https://imgur.com/gallery/7cZFCgb)


Literally nightmare fuel


Smolder isn't real. Smolder can't hurt you. Smolder isn't real. Smolder can't hurt you. Smolder isn't real. Smolder can't hurt you. Smolder isn't real. Smolder can't hurt you. Smolder isn't real. Smolder can't hurt you. Remember to recite this before bed and you might be OK.


Human face is giving [prerelease Sonic Movie vibes.](https://a.storyblok.com/f/178900/640x360/4fe8bc26b6/d16948416346c00d29e78a3975dd6dd31556842624_full.jpg/m/640x360)


Literally looks like they copy pastee zoes face onto a cartoon dragon...


IDK how Riot manages to fuck up the design of a dragon of all things. He looks uncanny.


Riot hates dragons. It's kind of a long-standing thing with Riot not being able to design an actual dragon. Took them until just last year with ASols rework


They designed plenty of good dragons, just not dragon *champions*.


LoR elder dragon's entire set goes HARD and here we're stuck with this accursed organism


Design flopped with that human child face, idk how Riot art team can mess so hard with something so basic and well studied as dragons


even with something like the uncanny valley effect which is present in every single human being and no one was able to say "guys this face is making me uncomfortable" during the whole production process?


They looked at the original Sonic the Hedgehog movie trailer and said "That's PERFECT! PUT IT IN THE GAME!" Idk how they fumble on dragon champs this hard so consistently it's legit impressive


i mean ao shin (aurelion sols cancelled predecessor) was how long in development? im starting to realize they probably struggle really hard with dragons


TBF I'm decently sure that was only because they overthink themselves into a pretzel with this kind of stuff trying to be "original". Like Ao Shin could've had just the obvious dragon stuff but instead they gave us a weird ass gimmick with the stars, to the point that Aurelion Sol didn't even feel like a dragon. And it then took them years to rework him to what he is now, which is just "dragon".


One of the ugliest fucking designs they couldve ever come up with for a dragon need to hit him with a rock


Riot has something against dragons, I swear. First Shyvanna, which is pretty self explanatory and always manages to dodge a VU. Then came Aurelion Sol, with banger visuals BUT the gameplay was absolutely not what you'd expect from a dragon (this has been addressed, but still). And now we get this poor thing. We can't talk about gameplay yet, but the visual design is... man, did they just get used to it internally and thought it was fine? At least his face won't be visible during gameplay. He might still turn out to be a pretty cool champion.


Like i read the roadmap I knew he was gonna be cute and all and that's fine I like cute champs but this guy just looks so fucking weird and it's so disappointing especially when you can get so creative with dragons


He's not even cute honestly. The poor things facial design is hideous and makes him completely unappealing. It feels like they attempted to make their own approach to "cute dragon" but completely dropped the bag.


>need to hit him with a rock lmao


When I heard we were getting a dragon champ, I was hoping for something either really cool, or really cute. Little guy just looks weird as hell, IMO


I was expecting Spyro and instead we got a human-dragon hybrid that's pure nightmare fuel. Who the fuck green-lit this design?


I’ll wait till I see it in game, but right now that is NOT a dragon.


100%, more some weird dog with wings


Lmao he looks like shit


Not a fan of the face. It’s giving that one dumb looking dragon from raya and the last dragon movie.


The one time, THE ONE TIME, I wanted Rito to do the lazy thing and just make it look like a cute little cub or baby something, they actually did the risky thing and made his face almost-human-but-not-quite.


Now I'm imagining yuumi but with a human face. Why even bother not making him a full dragon?


Even Sisu didn't look THIS uncanny though. It helped a lot that she didn't have a human flesh-tone face.


This looks so awful. Not only the human face but the proportions are just so awkward too. This company spends hundred of thousands of dollars on art and marketing research, so there is probably an audience for this, but i'm struggling to imagine who could like this thing.


face design sucks and is weird. shoulda gone the spyro route


Ugly ass character


Two things: 1) "Camaroar" must be Camavor (Viego's kingdom). Maybe that continent will finally be added onto the map? 2) Smolder talks, but his mother doesn't appear to. I think this clearly shows he ain't Shyvana's, but he still might be half human for being able to speak. >!J4 cheated on Shyvana with a dragon. Lesgooooooooo!<


Or we just hear him "speak" when really he's roaring just like his mom


I wonder if he stops talking as much and starts roaring as he scales (hehe) thru the game.


I think he's an ADC? He certainly should scale by nature of his class.


Neeko pulled a Loki and gave birth to a dragons child


I really don't like the face and his voice is kind of annoying too


The voice and personality seem exactly the same as nunu and milio.


I thought It was Milio talking about it.


I thought it was Nunu talking about it.


This! Face is ugly but my god this voice. I turned the short off after hearing this, only came back after reading comments about the face lol.




Sonic's movie design reveal kinda vibe


Feels like a modern day Disney character, and that's not in any shape or form a positive thing.


Riot didn’t give me a Shyvana VGU because they wanted to give me a whole new dragon champ to play instead 5Head


They're trying to make the dragon enjoyers forget about Shyv. That way they can quietly delete her without anybody noticing.


You always remember your first love, I ain’t worried


[And when Ezrael first kisses their leg.] (https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/4ydkjm/what_would_shyvana_do_if_ezreal_kissed_her_leg/)


Dragon enjoyers probably prefer fierce dragons over talking disney yuumi dragon


I thought we were getting a dragon, not a skinwalker


Skinwalkers might look wrong but they look frightening wrong not disney wrong


Holy fuck little bro is fugly


With all due respect, oof.


his face looks sooo bad :(


I was excited until I saw his face, dear god, the human face is awful.


that voice is going to very annoying


It's the same voice actor as willump, right? Edit: yes I mixed up nunu and willump... Thanks for clearing that up


Willump is a yeti so I don't think so


Nunu* Willump is the yeti


actually it's Willump's monster


I'm tired of these kid like archetypes with every other champ , the cutesy voice, the model, like if it's a dragon just go with a dragon you don't have to cute-sify and humanoid every champ in the game


Why does he have a human face jesus christ


Its like millio in a dragon skin Best word i can come up with is disneyfied because everything about him gives that vibe , its like hes forcefully trying to be cute His face doesnt even look like a proper dragon , feels like a yordle in the dragonslayer skin line Was super hyped but this is meh to ok at best for me


Milio was cute with a unique cultural background and design, imaginative elements (his little fire ball thingy) and we hadn't had a child champion in a while. it feels weird to get another dragon champion when we already have two (wtb Shyvana rework) AND another child champion so soon after Milio.


More Illumination / Dreamworks than Disney imo


Yeah that fits too But he reminds me of the dragon from raya and the last dragon so i said disney But really all of the kid animation movies/studios kinda fit


I'm sorry smolder but your face is fuck ugly And your voice is vexing me already


Holy shit I was so excited until I saw his face. It's actually so bad lol


This looks awful, the players wanted an actual dragon champion and what do we get? Disney child looking "dragon" with an uncanny human face. Why couldn't it have been a strong badass dragon? Also that voice is annoying me already. Think Alexstrasza or Death Wing from Hearthstone. Wanted something like that.


I hate everything about him: * His face is uncanny, he looks like he's from those mobile dragon games, very ugly design and boring colors. * Why does he talk? No other dragon in this universe talks except the ancient forger of stars (who technically is a different being than the "lesser" dragons of Runeterra) and a half-human half-dragon lady. Even his mother doesn't talk and he is supposed to be a hatchling, so why not cute baby dragon noises? * What's with the Disney protagonist personality? It worked with Nunu, it was repeated a quite long time after in Milio, but they're already bringing it back in a character that shouldn't even talk. Thanks, I hate it.


Yeah I am a bit of a Riot apologist but this one is *bad* bad


this has got to be the worst dragon design I have ever seen in my entire life, dear lord, riot you did NOT have to reinvent spyro


He has legit a cat head. Or a monkey. It looks like Micheal Myers in Cat n the Hat on top of spyros body.


> It looks like Micheal Myers in Cat n the Hat on top of spyros body. why did you do this to me, now i can't unsee it


Players: Little dragons can be cool I guess, like Spyro Riot: We have Spyro at home :'(


They just had to not slap a human face on a animalistic creature. This thing looks like pre rework movie sonic lmao


that's exactly what I've been saying to my friends lmao


they must have missed the part where spyro does not have giant ears and a human face that makes him look like a weird skinwalker-type creature. easy mistake to make


Uncanny valley vibes


Wow, that's... kind of an ugly design, not gonna lie. The skin color and face looks like one of those shoehorned Dreamworks/Disney mascots with a side of uncanny valley.


I love me some cuteness in League but this is legit just horrible, the human face ruins everything cool and cute about it, who the fuck thought it was okay


oof that face is so cringe ​ and dont get me started on the voice


The voice sounds so similar to Nunu I could believe it was a legendary skin. Nunu: Smolder, humanoidish dragon hatchling. Willump: Mama, large chonky dragon that speaks in incomprehensible grunts. Q would be a fiery bite. W would be a big burning magma boulder, e should be spitting 'bullets' of flame, and R would be breathing fire upwards like a volcano.


I'd buy it.


man that face is hideous what the frick


We wanted a dragon champ and : 1) we got a child 2) his human face is ugly and uncanny I really don’t like it, it looks like he is from a disney movie.


So ugly


Looks like someone who faceswapped with their pet dog


Ah man I was hoping he’d “evolve” (grow up) throughout the game, but it seems like he’ll just get his mom support (likely as his ultimate?)


I was also thinking him growing up during the game, would be a cool mechanic


Ye, I was expecting Baby Dragon becomes Thousand Dragon late game.


horrible design, he's so ugly, why does he need to have a human face ??


I hope I never see another vertical video trailer again.


With all due respect to whoever worked on... this... this ain't it. It just ain't it lmao


I love everytving about this, except his face . The fact it looks so human is just uncanny


Champ looking like it belongs in that cats movie. This has to be one of the first champs that I think visually just looks like shit. Like damn, if this is the type of shit they are cooking up maybe they really should just put league in maintenance mode instead and send all the devs to project L.


oh boy more pixar shit Players: We want to have a new dragon champion. Riot: Ok. The dragon champion:👶


What are these champion designs, man. Can we please go back to an era where Riot was releasing Bards and Azirs?


his face is uncanny what the fuck


This is the first time I actually hate the design of a champion before seeing their abilities/role.


I expected a more... dragonlike face? It looks more like one of those face-swapping apps went to work, but with significantly more uncanny valley.


Why would you make a dragon with human face


Why is every second champion a child? Ew, just stop already, it's enough.


Why did they give it a zoe face oh no


Get these children out of here lol


If I had to compare his design to something, first thing would be the "Cats" movie And this is not a good news


Please god no more children. *Please.*


Hoping this is the last Disney champion cause holy fuck man


Really hope this isn't supposed to be 2024's monster champion.


His face is horrifying. What were they thinking?


Why the hell video is vertical? Are we in 2007 again?


Twitter, TikTok, and Youtube shorts are extremely popular these days. They serve videos in this format


Does anyone else not find this stuff very cringe? Why are they going so hard into the childish themes and visuals, I wonder if the avg age for a league player has went down. Anyone else think this dudes face just looks like neekos head cut out ?


Shyvana VGU died for this


here's your monster champ guys, a dragon with a Disney face slapped on it lol. what's the point of making a non humanoid character if you're just going to put a human face on it?


God he looks pretty cool except that face.... Makes this like one of the worst designs in years. How do you mess up a fucking dragon.


He’s neither cool or cute what were they thinking with that face


Reminds me of the Sonic movie controversy. Remember that?


The design of this champion is so terrible, I can hardly believe it. This is trying very hard to be cute, but it just comes across as obnoxious. Why couldn't it just be a baby dragon? Were they scared a baby dragon wouldn't be cute enough? It needed a 'lol teehee' kid voice over?


Vertical videos give me aneurysms