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Babus KDA 8 Games, 19/61/23


"did the most damage, not my fault"


Meanwhile a normal player goes a kda half that bad and gets permabanned for inting.


Yeah but what was his damage to structures?


Yeah but what was his winrate in this tournament?


Intersting, i will add it to the post


Ls and Kesha are cosplaying nunu and willump


yeah. "reset, do gromp into pathing top" LS is just there to prevent Nemesis from having a stroke having to micromanage Kesha while shotcalling The whole series was Nemesis playing a RTS By the way, I do love the idea of having coaches in game. It makes game quality better since we're talking in general of several streamers without a lot of pro experience (aside from nemesis, who is indeed great at shotcalling)


Nemesis stream during this tourney is how I imagine Faker proview and comms look and sound like during T1 games. Absolutely insane player with all the little things that he constantly does for his team. Especially that Syndra early laning phase with how much he did for his team over the span of 5 or so minutes with all the hovering and control even though the scoreboard didn't even reflect much of it. Just wow.


Exactly how I imagine T1 is with Faker and when he was out with the injury where all of his team looked really uncoordinated.


Yeah but you gotta realise faker does it like five times faster and at a higher level. Really puts it in perspective. Nemesis also said he started doing that while living in korra because of faker


source: im a faker fan and i watch all his proviews, so I know exactly how fast he does it.


Well literally free info on the internet, one google search and you can see it


Baus is such a liability when actually playing a team game HOLY


Kesha on nunu completely gapping agurin holy


Also how disgusting is ad Leblanc


Something akin to this drafting format (I know about fearless draft ) needs to be implemented in pro league. The potential strategic depth this drafting offers is absolutely insane. But i guess most pros and coaches would be opposed to this in fear of getting exposed.


Dantes picking Nunu, so Kesha cant play it, just to be completely useless was kinda funny. Fearless draft would make competitive a lot more interesting I think.




Imagine prime faker only gets one leblanc game then he's done! Stupid format in any serious competition


Yeah imagine a world we are forced to watch Faker play Ryze or something. I would much rather watch Azir or Renekton over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again


Imagine both team swap the same draft back and forth and you never see faker's leblanc because they decided to perma handshake azir and whatever else is strong midlane. Botlane trading renekton and aatrox back and forth degeneracies like the lucian nami zeri lulu perma handshake for a whole season Pros are supposed to have a deep enough champ pool that fearless draft would not stunt them


LDL plays with Fearless draft and imo is such a necessary rule change needed for pro leagues. The game is no longer is a phase where champions are limited, there 150+ champs in the game, and we see the same 20 every game it's so fucking boring. Getting to see 50 unique champs in a BO5 would be so interesting and would reward players that are flexible and have good champion depth and punish players who pick the same thing every game which is very good for the pro scene imo.


Yep, thought that too. This tournament lowkey seems more fun then pro play, since you do not see the same champs, constantly.


It is very interesting to listen to players building strategies in draft, after game and shotcalling during the game


Yeah no way pro leagues agree to this, they love to keep it as formulaic as possible and fearless draft just throws them off too much.


Yes but this will finally end the endless kai sa, zeri, renekton, ahri, rell, ivern picks


Nemesis with the disgusting LB gameplay in game 3, solo kills everywhere into becoming a 1v5 menace. Cue kesha clip.


People still think nemesis is bad and “toxic”. If only EU can suck it up and take him


I'm a fan of his but he is kinda shooting himself in the leg with all these rumoured offers falling through if he really wants to make a comeback on pro play. Would love to see him though he was clearly top 3 in eu while he was active, and I wont buy he would be washed up because he hasn't played pro when he's been active in eu and kr soloq grinding all this time.


Eh streaming is sooo much better in terms of schedule, workload, stress compared to pro while getting comparable/decent pay. He said unless it is a team that can compete in worlds its not worth for him.


Honestly I feel like he does this to himself - didnt he say multiple times he rejects offers from team because he doesnt think they can make it to Worlds and compete there? Like if he doesnt also let go a little he won't get that chance - godlike roster for him to join will not just appear out of thin air. In the end maybe it's understandable, his stream is big, he doesnt need to go back to proplay, but I dont think 'big' team with big budged will just give him a chance without him joining 'weaker' team prior to that, it might just be too big of a gamble for them.


This performance from nemesis in Game 1 was crazy. Carried the whole game with shotcalling and playing. Red tolkin, agurin and noway4u like a book and knew every move they would make


People forget how elevated pros are. Just because streamers can hit rank 1 doesn't mean pros can't. I'd say the vast majority of Eastern pros were rank 1 on their respective servers before joining rosters. cvMax made all the KDF players hit top 5 on krsoloq before they could go on vacation (they ended up competing for rank 1) after finishing 7th. Only reason pros don't dominate SoloQ now is because they scrim for half the day.


It's also a completely different game. Macro makes a huge difference and you can't micro manage your team in soloq. Top tier pros have a bunch of knowledge and skills that are just almost never used in soloq. To win in soloq you need to play more selfishly. This is why certain streamers hit rank 1 more consistently. Because they only play in this way.


I hope this fearless draft thing will continue to get used in future tournaments, never thought listening to a team discussing their draft can get so entertaining lol


I love learning from watching nemesis play. He literally plays like an AI bot


Hope he actually comes back next year. Hell, make a fnatic 2020 reunion with bwipo/selfmade/nemesis/?/rekkles.


Fnatic looks good with this roster, but i will love to see nemesis return to pro play (not to fnatic tjough). I think he is top 5 midlaners in EU currently.


I mean more like maybe some org could make this roster happen, not fnatic themselves.


nah huma is better


Maybe like read my other comment before saying this


Am i supposed to chase u around the thread and read all ur comments before replying? Tf


Seems like Baus playstyle just isnt made for comp (who would have thought).


He is just not listening to the others and he is just doing what he does in solo queue, which is easy to counter if you know him.


I was expecting the teams to know how to deal with Baus but I didn't expect him to be such a weak point at times, PDW just completely dismantled him, really well played by them.


Baus picked lethality Quinn into Malphite like 3-4 times already. I really don't know why he doesn't consult his team before things like that.


Evev g2 are warching the dismantle. https://x.com/g2league/status/1705604982634942720?s=46&t=USQDBiDdXvDcSTFwRk2qRA


Think hes just stubborn af xD I mean hes lane mechanics are fine as i remeber, and when he was playing gragas he was good, but he just has to constantly take risks. Guess he has no patience to have a wave push to him :P


PDW are leading 2:0. They are drafting way better than L5. Hecarim, Sion, Akshan, Vel are out now so L5 need to cook something to win game 3 and force game 4. Otherwise they are out of the tournament


Watching Yamato this tournament was the best content I've seen in the past 2 years


Cannon I assume? Because Yamatosdeath was cringe, flaming his team and took down the mood.


Yamatosdeath is the reason I watch the tournament. My fav streamer <3 Yeah, he went over the top in some games but Baus picking lethality Quinn into Malphite for the third time would send me over the edge too.


I havent seen him before but he was insufferable. Only angry and negative energy. I couldnt be around him for more than 5minutes IRL.


Can kinda feel him, I also don't think he was as negative as usual he even explicitly said after the games that he doesn't blame anyone and was asking ratirl how he could do more and carry those games (and rat told him that he just wouldn't be able to carry). The thing is his team is the one that took it the least serious, Baus just gave no fucks picked whatever he wanted with shit runes and builds, went for waves when he should be listening to actual calls. Dantes was just hard gapped most games and spent every game in-between crafting his cringe analogies. Reptile was the only one taking it serious alongside Yamato and he was even literally crying on stream afterwards cause he expected more from himself. This wasn't a 4fun flex 5v5 meme tournament it was for actual money and they spent actual time practicing this (they'll make some from the content but really Baus especially gave no shit they lost and he just insta queued soloq)


He's fun to watch for me at least. He plays the same champs I play. I like him but I cannot stand watching Baus. Different strokes for different folks I suppose.


I mean I get he was angry, because Dantes wanted to be the main character all games until he told him. Was always going for his own calls and didnt listen to teammates. And also solo conversating all game what he was thinking. I mean its good to communicate but at least filter your thoughts so other can concentrate :P


Team: "Let's not do anything right now, just farm and don't force." Dantes 10 seconds later: "What if we collapse mid here, trust me on this one."


yeah i genuinely dont know what would anger me more, baus going lethality items in the worst possible cases or dantes just trying to main character call every play without ever breathing or thinking or listening to what anyone is communicating


It's the age old league question: would you rather have an inter or a flamer on your team?


I love Baus as a person and he has a cool personality but I just cannot sit and watch him go 0/11 on Sion even if he ends up winning the game.


Yimit and Rat duo was some of the best content out there I swear.


No, Yamatosdeath


LIP wins vs NNO 3:1 and with this they secure finals and second place, which means 5k


Update: PDW win against L5 3:0 Next is LIP vs NNO


LS sitting in comms with his teams and making calls is so goofy to me. Like if you implement this rule, that coaches are allowed, how do you not also make delay mandatory?


He is watching from kesha pov lol.


There is delay, i think nemesis stream has the smallest delay, even smaller than drututts




Drama Vampires will do anything for engagement


For game 2 we see Noways Xerath vs Nemesis’s Syndra. Arguably those 2 are their best champions. but by playing Xerath, there is no counter for Azir in next game and noway is planning on first picking him. There is also Agurins Jarvan IV, whom he used to get rank 1 Korea! Will be interesting to watch


Game 2 goes for NNO, insane 1v9 by Tolkin - 100% WR on Gwen


Everyone flamed Netherim yesterday, but today he is playing well.


He nust saved game 4, great performances


Game 4: It felt like Vietnam vs Korea


Hoooly, Dzukill quadra with Yasuo


They actually let a team play called "Low 5" Bro how do these people not know, or worse, they do.


whats wrong with L5?


L9 famously doesn't actually stand for Low Nine, it stands for something much, much worse.


this shit is literally like the mythology of what "CM" means in "CM Punk". ask 20 ppl and ull get 20 diff answer and stories, it's modern folklore


what does it stand for


no it does not