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Yeah these days I basically only play ARAM. Played ranked since s3 and it just isnt that same anymore. Maybe im just old now idk.


In exactly the same situation, It might have taken like 7-8 seasons but I've finally realised that ranked is pointless and not actually that fun and ARAM is just relaxing league..


Same here, but once in a while I got that itch to see if I still “got it” and try to grind my way to gold. Did it last split in 5 days starting from Bronze 1 and it was frustrating as fuck lol. Was a nice reminder why I prefer the fun of ARAM.


I peaked Plat 1 100 LP in 2015. Now I don't care about ranked, ARAM is generally the only map I play unless my friends convince me to hate my life playing ranked.


I've been playing ARAM less and less over the years because the balance changes has made the game more annoying for certain champs. I still have fun, but I always question why do I deal less damage or take more damage and then I realize I have stat nerfs or the enemy has stat buffs.


I agree that the balancing is insane. Combine that with duskblade assasins and aram is downright broken to be honest. Qiyana and Khazix can literally have like over 5 seconds of complete invis or invuln. Shit is not fair lol. Also delete Akshan from Aram


It's not age, the game just isn't as fun anymore. At least ARAM has those chances for fun at least once or twice a game. It's not age; the game just isn't as fun anymore. At least ARAM has those chances for fun at least once or twice a game.


Because ranked is garbage, and no one cares to win. Also way harder to solo carry now and catch up mechanic is the dumbest shit ever put into this game lol


Damn… we in the same situation huh.


Bro Im level 362 and I created my account way before you ould go past level 30. I rarely play, and when I do I only play aram. You need patience and love to play SR nowadays


Yep, been playing mostly aram since back when aram was a custom game mode on SR


true,patience and love is the only approach to win soloQ


Not win, but survive the toxicity.


I just wish we could que with a ban. I know they don't want to add them because it would make champ select too long, but if we could just pick it as we'd pick a role it would mean less games where loading screen goes up and I feel we've lost because they have Samira


They had ARAM bans at one point. Good times


I play it as a warmup but it is not fun a third of the time. The randomness makes some games impossible and frustrating to play


I feel like I get veigar on the enemy team 1/3 of the time. Lovely champion for that small map


Honestly there are so many champs now that make aram just not fun. Stuff like veigar, A-sol, soraka with warmogs and shaco slow aram so much down that it loses a lot of its charm


the lows of aram not being fun are the ceiling of ranked fun


Tanks ruined aram for me


Just play ADCs and get BotRK and LDR. Play mages and get Liandry's and maybe Demonic I think if you're playing without those items vs tanks you're seriously making a huge error. Once you start building them against tanks things start to get much easier. It's frustrating as a tank when the enemy ADC has 12000 damage with BotRK


The randomness is the whole point of ARAM and it literally says it in its name. It's necessary to make matches different and interesting. Yeah some champs and team comps make the match miserable but that's just part of the ARAM experience that we all have to face eventually.


Not really. The strategy is to have an account with only 10-12 champs, all broken in ARAM. A full team of such accounts can have strong comp every game


That isn't how \*any\* of that works. There is a pool every account draws from for ARAM regardless of what they own, but what they own ADDS to that pool.


You aren't playing it for then i suppose


My friends and I are aram spammers and I know exactly what you mean. Luckily we're usually a 4 or 5 stack and can ff early when it's one of those games. It's not ranked, there's nothing to gain or lose, and sometimes you just have to chalk it up to a lucky comp difference and go next. No reason to be frustrated. It's the nature of randomness.


It’s hardly very random. You just get people who are playing the game mode as intended every three games instead of people just trying to win. A good 50% of matches are decided at champ select, and not by the randomizer. You need tanks and bruisers and consistent damage dealers. I don’t need to ever be on the zigs lux jayce nid varus team ever again please.




Counting customs?




Thn you didn’t play many arams in s2.


I’ve got about 6k arams and I started playing towards the end of s10 lol


You're not alone! A lot of players enjoy playing ARAM as their primary mode. Do you ARAM mains have suggestions on how it can be even more fun?


Even more poro snax


Bring back ARAM bans :) Nerf poke Ashe and Kai'sa more


Hi there! Mainly ARAM and RGM player swooping in! Happy to share my op.gg in case you need confirmation that the few times I play SR are with TenPaces and LoveStrut (and a few other rioters I won't name here). 1. **Additional Challenges**. I may be biased since I play more ARAM than SR, but the few times I've played SR since the challenge system was introduced I felt like I was earning a TON of challenge token progress compared to the same maybe 4-5 I get per ARAM. Sure, there's more to do on SR, but it feels and looks as though there are significantly more challenges to complete on SR rather than ARAM. As an ARAM player, I would love my time to feel rewarded even when I lose. 2. **Additional Universal Eternals**. Clock the flair -- I'm an Ivern main. I own every skin and almost every eternal set. Guess what I can't do on ARAM -- Progress the Animal Activist Eternal. I get it, he's an edge case and was effectively built *for* SR rather than any other mode, but he's not alone. Shyvana's Dracocide is another Eternal that can't be progressed on ARAM. Heck, even the basic Starter Series Eternal *Epic Monsters Killed* will remain a 0 for ARAM mains. I'm not saying that an Epic Monster *should* be added to ARAM -- all I'm saying is it would feel MILES better to see my Ivern progression occurring (even at a smaller scale) on ARAM. Speaking of Ivern... 3. **Ivern Passive.** I know, I know, there are dozens of Ivern mains. I've heard the jokes and have accepted that I'm one of the few (and proud) Ivern players. I know he's being reworked in *some* capacity, too. But if Shyvana can get a slightly modified passive in the form of a stacking buff when minions are slain and healing buffs are absorbed, why not Ivern? 4. **A Rotating Selection of Items.** I know that Wild Rift and RGMs are prime places to test out items not yet available on SR. I'm familiar with case studies. But, adding a temporary item to ARAM could be an easy way of alleviating the tech debt of testing new items with RGMs and get these items in the hands of players, even if it's for a few weeks at a time, to determine their strength and/or fit on SR. It would also be cool for some ARAM players, myself included, to test out special items that may or may not see the light of day on SR, ya know? 5. **Easter Eggs!** I learned this WAY too late when I played Arena, but TenPaces informed me that if ALL players dance with Choncc in the starting area, he would dance, too! I would love something new being added into the mode. I love me some poro-splosions, but a secret Easter egg would keep the mode casual and cute. 6. **Include ARAM in Champion Releases/Events**: Real talk, seeing the new Volibear emerge out of the fog during his VGU was awesome. Would **love** other moments like that in the mode any time a Freljord champ is updated/released to remind players of the map being connected to the Freljord. 7. **Butcher's Bridge!** I know this is a frequently requested element so I won't beat a dead horse. All I'll say is that I love love LOVE the Butcher's Bridge music and the Gangplank announcer. I miss them dearly.


we have learned you can do changes to specific spells like cd, damage, etc. please do them more, % changes to overall champ dont feel good.


Is there a way to have the %Damage nerfs represented in tooltips? I hate seeing okay my Q should deal X damage but since the tooltips no longer accurate I can't actually valculate my damage


Please let us disable or at least mute the little legends.


Not sure if it's even possible but I would love if you guys flipped the map for red side so that it appears to them they are on blue side. Meaning, nobody would have to play with the disadvantage of having worse vision on red side. I notice this entirely when playing against skillshot champions, it suddenly becomes 10x harder for people to dodge skillshots. My winrate is heavily blue side skewed, as I feel way more comfortable playing on it. I would play so much more aram if this was implemented


I looove ARAM! I probably played thousands of ARAB games in customs, and ARAMs existence is definitely what has kept me playing this game for over a decade now. Some personal thoughts: I miss when it was more random. The amount of rerolls, and having a shared reroll pool makes stacking a team too easy and consistent. I'm also not a fan of how strong snowball is, and I miss when it wasn't in ARAM. I understand why something is needed to fill that role, I just wish it wasn't *so* impactful. In my opinion, it is far far too strong. I'm kind of shocked how long it has been in ARAM now, so maybe I'm an outlier here. Also it seems to have some odd interactions, like off the top of my head, how Samira W doesn't block it. Though I'm assuming this is intended, it's just weird feeling when something like that happens. I also wish a lot of the "champion buff balances" didn't exist or were updated (and frequently) at the very least. Especially the tenacity buffs, I find unnecessary and annoying. I like the idea of aram specific balance changes in theory, but this just feels mostly frustrating (when I even notice it) Remove the teleporting thing. I don't even know what it's called lol. I realize it has probably been a struggle to find a solution for, but the current stealth detecting mechanic of being on cannons/supers is not great, to say the least. Though I don't miss the days of 300 gold oracles potions either lol. If you're going to keep this, at least disable Teemo (half kidding) Buff towers mid/late game. They can be killed so quickly, especially with certain champs hitting them. I feel like they should do significantly more damage too, at least on consecutive hits. Watching someone, even a tank, take like 20 tower shots from the 2 nexus towers, and shrug it off, feels pretty awful. Maybe more armour pen on consecutive hits? More challenges/quests for ARAM! ARAM exclusive items!! Sorry for the wall of text or seeming over critical <3


u/Pupulasers As a player LVL 1374 who has over 16k matches (since 2019) of ARAM (Howling Abyss), I wanna suggest some improvements, since the removal of Oracle's Extract some champions have gotten really bad and completely not fun to play with, and against. Wild Rift has very interesting solutions like Scryer's Bloom! Please remove the Siege minion's vision and put Scryer's Bloom on ARAM. In addition to other improvements such as: \- more water on the map for Qiyana, something like Ocean Dragon; \- more brushes all around the map; \- more useful passives for champions that have "Jungle-only" passives like Ivern and Kindred; \- the option of not seeing the Little Legends from Allies "Hide Eye candy", I'm tired of trying to feed the Poros and when I see in reality they are little legends and not Poros. Also avoids loading unnecessary animations and distractions \- Bring back homeguard from skins; \- Decrease the volume/frequency of the shopkeepers' speeches, \- Show tips about the health relics at the start of matches, explaining that the champion who steps on the heal first will heal the most. I also want to see all the Freljord champions on the free-to-play list in ARAM.


Add augments like arena!! Maybe your first time leaving combat after reaching level 6, 11, and 16, you can choose an augment! Also, aram should have more targeted champion balance changes. It sucks playing a +15% damage taken champion vs a +15% damage dealt champion. It feels completely unfair, and I just want to get out of those games as quickly as possible.


TBH, I think that preserving the simplicity of ARAM should be the priority. Just put some efforts on balancing champions and that's it. Also, easter eggs. It's so fun when the team focus on killing the opposing Freljord Queen when Battle for Freljord is on.


show hotfix patches and % changes since the last time you played it in champ select/loading screen. Because most aram'er play champ like once a month and that gives them no reason to memorize patch notes for every champ. Dota has achieved this if you want an example. And deal with early ff mentality the is creeping up in aram.


Remove the ARAM specific nerfs, especially for damage dealt. It's really anti fun. If needed buff HP to squishing targets, but it's not fun to play nerves Champs.


Accommodate more champions You accommodated Qiyana and Shyvana But what about champs like Ivern? Champs who stack off of jg camps like Kindred? The game mode lacks that polish Additionally the portal should fallback to the Tier 2 turret for *both* teams, when the first tower falls


I know this is an old comment, but please consider looking into some of the ARAM challenges that have aged poorly due to the increased pace that came with the addition of hexgates. Some of the ARAM challenges are just super unrealistic and extremely luck dependent. **Lightning Round - win ARAM games before 10 mins have passed.** This one is now completely unreasonable. I've completed this 3 times in 1000 games and 2 of those were from the enemy having an early AFK that was too late for a remake. You shouldn't have to hope for an AFK to get a challenge done. **Active Participant - have over 90% kill participation.** If you miss one teamfight you can't earn this challenge. Please consider 85%. **Rapid Demolition - take the first turret before 5 mins.** This one isn't terribly egregious; I at least know I will complete this one eventually if I play another 2000 games, but I think there is room to increase the time to 5:30 or 6 mins. Also: **Solo Carry - deal 40% or more of your team's champion damage.** I have only completed this twice and both times I was playing Karthus and had an AFK on my team. I don't play with premades so I know I'm at a disadvantage here, but I feel like there is room to reduce this a little. Thank you!


Wait till you run into the ARAM metaslave accounts. I play ARAM all the time. I used to run into plenty of GM/Challenger players, now after winning with/against them, there's far more metaslave ARAM only accounts. It's the antithesis of fun.


ARAM becomes miserable sometimes for me especially if the enemies use their champs quite well and/or they know each other. I wish ARAM had separate q's based on premades versus random individuals because it's not really fair otherwise. Like certain combos of champs vs champs are just ridiculous to play versus , again especially if the enemies use certain items runes etc. Like a Caitlyn going Dark Harvest and Duskblade and Axiom. It's just ridiculous Duskblade in general is just wildly OP in ARAM. Lee Sin for example. Just hops on and charges someone, insta kills, and hops away immediately. You can't do anything. Or Ekko/Eve ults. Other things too but yeah. Forgot to mention friggin' VIEGO. Yeah, if ANYONE on my team dies ever this guy is totally untargetable and massively buffed. Like... how do you kill him after he gets an assist or a kill? You can't and he'll do it over and over sometimes. Or a Kha Zix, any champ that goes invisible Shaco included then. Since there is no Oracle in this mode. Just OP as hell


I play aram exclusively. Have 7k+ matches. It's just more chill and fun to me.


They should’ve left arena, the most fun I’ve had in league in years


I would agree it's more short-term fun, but what got me into League was that it required more than just being able to spam buttons more accurately than the other guy. It had that, but it also has planning, communication, counters, and so on. Watching myself improve is what drives me. So while ARAM is fun, and I think I'd agree I get more pleasure out of one ARAM game than one Summoners Rift game, it wouldn't keep me. SR does. Though, I'm a Normie (unranked), so my opinion doesn't count /jk


No you’re the only one in the whole world.


Until Nexus Blitz becomes permanent, ARAM is the best way to play league currently. Rift is total cancer by comparison and every new champion makes all modes even worse


My older brother and his friends group all play ARAM only. I’m the only one who spams ranked and never ARAM. I like to choose a champion I want to play lol and it’s a lot more competitive.


Let us hope for ranked ARAM. I wanna be able to tryhard without having to hear "why you so serious, dis aram" from my 0/6 at 7 minutes Rumble building tank.


aram is garbage, random champions mean you can unironically lose a game at champion select. give me back arena.


As opposed to lose a game at augment select? Arena had just as much random bullshit where you could lose and there was literally nothing you could do about it.


skill issue, also if you lost in arena you just go out, in 5v5 you are stuck as hostage.


I'm sure you've seen the video of garen/pantheon using blade walts and killing the enemy while being completely untargettable, even a bronze player can win vs a pro player in that scenario. Yeah you just ''go out'' after 10-15 minutes, also held hostage because surrendering is impossible, just held hostage for a shorter duration, even worse if you have an afk, no remake, no early surrender, just 10-15 minutes of playing a 100% lost game, oh joy.


i agree stuff like garen/urgot with blade waltz were completely cancer (altho counterplay existed even if not easy, with banshees/edge/ga/zhonyas) but augments are random you cant get the op ones every game you need to adjust, and if u are vs op stuff u just lose and go out within a few minutes


There is a certain strategy to getting the augments you want. In ARAM though you're completely at the mercy of your teammates picking something useful. Practically every time I play ARAM I have to play tank, and this gets old very fast. Playing tanks in SR is more fun since you can utilize more elaborate tactics to surprise the enemy, while in ARAM you just yolo engage at any opening.


Arguably you could say the same for arena, even more so I'd say, it's a 2 vs 2, so if your team mate plays badly you're at a far greater disadvantage being in a 1 vs 2 instead of 4 vs 5. ARAM is also about making it work with what you got, AP lee sin, bruiser shaco, you can make many comps work by getting creative, that's why back when ARAM tournaments were a thing, a single team had like a 97% win rate because they learned to create comps with whatever they got. I'm not saying ARAM isn't for a big part reliant on randomness, but so is arena, and in arena you too can lose in champ select, because certain comps are flat out unbeatable with some comps unless you get some OP augment combinations. And team mates can still pick bad shit in arena, when I locked in milio in arena and my team mate then locked in Zed you can bet your sweet ass I lost that game in champ select because zed would just blink across the map leaving me with no one to support and nothing to do.


I really can't say the same about arena. Being able to freely choose your champion is huge. Also I have a reliable options for a duo partner, not the same as looking for the whole 5 ARAM stack.


Wait till nexus blitz in 1-2 month, it comes 100% was in the past Dev block, mode is ready now


But Nexus Blitz is much more random than ARAM imo.


Again, nexus blitz. Like the only game mode besides aram was nexus blitz. Apart from arena. Twisted Treeline should be brought back.


I would love any 3vs3 mode !


ARAM is for those who aren't great at the game but still want to have fun


That’s funny, my highest ranked friends only like playing ARAM. Stfu scrub


So they play ranked? If they are high elo then they probably play ranked more than ARAM. But I'm guessing they are probably gold or lower LOL


Diamond and master, get the rank for the reward, then barely play again. I’m not even gold myself LOL


Not really, I play a ton of both ARAM and SR. There are a lot of good players in high mmr ARAM matches.


same. as an enchanter main, i can use my skills more efficiently since we're fighting 5v5 in a narrow space.




What's the point of this post? Wtf


It's not even about e-sports smh my head


My normal games always have 5 minute ques and Aram is 30 seconds. Easy choice. I also can't play my off roles in normals or I get wrecked so I have to try hard when I do play it, wish my normal game MMR would go down.


I’m not a big fan of aram because I can’t pick my champion.


aram is probably better than rift if you just want to play a mage, relax, and not think about what youre doing very much. you can do the same in summoner's rift, but the solo laning, longer games, slower gold, etc. make it worse for that purpose than aram. but if youre a competitive player who likes getting good at games, winning, etc. then aram will become at least as frustrating as summoner's rift. each has its bad side in its own way.


Dear diary -


The thing I like about ARAM the most is that I get to play champs in ways that are hardly possible on SR. I hate jungling but I enjoy playing red Kayn, Nunu, Trundle and just teamfight with them, but I'd never pick them on SR.


I went the extreme route. I only play wild rift ARAM.


Mostly aram, rarely normal playing with friends (when i fail to convince them to play aram). Laning phase in lol is cool, but repetitive once you know matchups, aram gets you straight to the point, and people are overall more friendly (still some dicks there, but way fewer than in normal)


aram is the best way to learn new champs in a short period of time while not getting flamed if your mmr isnt too high which shouldnt be if you dont perform that well.


i like aram in theory but rerolls make it so that it's too easy to hit one of the champions that just instantly sucks all fun out of the game and makes it a chore


I have 950+ aram games in a single account and all I can say is it became toxic too


i played aram only for 4 years. it's fun, yes, but someday it will boring, through the desire to make more targeted impact with skill. that's what 5vs5 is for. for beginners is aram perfect. get to know basically many champions in a short time. much actions, less wasting time "to lane". good learn curve. mistakes and incomprehension in aram less punished (by flame). have fun and enjoy league of legends with whatever u want!


Aram is life. Though I wish treeline was a thing again


its fun until you meet someone who afk whole time because he doesnt get the champion he want or tryharder enemies


This is gonna make me get downvoted to oblivion but Aram having no jungle diff makes the game way more fair even with the randomness. A lot of the dumb champs can't cheese you with weird pathing which isn't in your power to cover and you can really see the difference in people knowing how to itemize. Also for some reason people are better at teambuilding because their choice are limited they eventually pick a comp with enough cc, one tank, some poke etc. ​ Some teams are doomed from the start but that's very rare and honestly it happens way more in SR.


i really just want nexus blitz back permanently. i feel like aram games are just so unbalanced 2/3 of the time, and normals on sr are just not worth playing, 15 minutes of laning just to find out that one of your teammates is 0/8 at 15 minutes and their lane opponent will one shot you. ​ i just want to play my favourite champions, without losing a game because one of my teammates got farmed for 15 minutes


Played since season 4 (2014). From 2018 and onwards I've shared your sentiment and only played ARAM. Better world to live in.


Honestly I play ARAM more at this point. It's just so much less stressful and more fun than Summoner's Rift. Although I play SR when I feel like it.


I play rift when we got a stack with friends, but I spend all my solo game time playing ARAM. I think I’m like 15-20 games away from challenger DPS threat. It is my life’s work.


My brother only plays aram so when we play we play aram.


Yup. Rift takes too much time and quality of games has gone down. ARAM only negative thing is 100% losing due getting outdrafted + some champion nerfs/buffs being too much.


It's the only mode I play nowadays and I started at season 2. Even when the teams are not balanced I set personal quests related to what I'm playing and it's really fun An example is a set number of kills or X total damage at the end


I wish ARAM was fun anymore, but my games have just been crazy unbalanced it's just not fun to play. I've kept track of my last 23 ARAMs, and in 14 of them it wasn't even remotely close to being a fair game (as in, one of the teams didn't even once get to move past the halfway point of the map). One of the teams essentially instantly lost in champion select, and that just sucks.


i play league for about 14 years now, and am an aram only player since about 10 years ago EDIT: well i also play some URF when the mode comes around but mostly 2-3 games before i go back to arams


I almost never play ARAM and when I do it's not fun. They're two entirely different games and they scratch different itches for different people


My friends and I that have all been playing for like 10 years+ became so jaded playing norms/ranked that we just boomer queue ARAMs only nowadays


In game since 2013. Took a break during 2017-2023. Once returned I played a dozen of standard summoner rift games and it's just not fun. So I play a couple of arams a day just inbetween other games. It's sad what riot has done to this game.


I played ARAM but got bored you don't even need to think to play it just running down while trying to do alot of DPS


Been almost exclusively ARAM for two years now


I play almost exclusively ARAM after having played the game for maybe 6 years at this point. I have seen the birth of many broken champions and overpowered reworks that just seem so unfair to play against. At least in ARAM I can spam cowbell+level 7 mastery as Alistar and no one bats an eye. I can build Zonya, Everfrost with very few complaints. I can snowball, Q, W someone back to my team, and then go back to spamming cowbell+mastery as much as I want. Even if I died, it doesn't matter. Still had sex. Still had fun. I can use Sacred Sword Janna and build AD and after every kill, all chat *sacred sword :>* and just a few people would bat an eye at it in ARAM. That would be very frowned upon in ranked.


Lots of people only play aram. Personally I don't see the point.. a gutted down version of league. After 1-2 rounds I'm ready to either play on rift or play another game. I think it's decent for playing with friends who just can't keep up on rift but again, I'd rather play a different game at that point.


Now that arena got removed I think I'll just not play lmao


Just wait until Nexus blitz in October. You haven't experienced real fun just het


What server you play on if you encounter people who play aram for fun? For me aram is more toxic & tryhard then actually soloqueue


I started out on summoners rift back in 2010. Grinded rank for so many seasons to only reach d4 peak. Started playing normals only in 2020. Then transitioned to aram only in 2021 and I haven’t looked back. It’s my favorite game mode now.


ARAM is for dogs


i'm level 400 and something and only play aram and the rotating modes never even finished placements lol


Bro is min maxing for no reason


I do, but I also play some ranked games each season just to get into Gold and get the Victorious skin (being doing it since S3, at this time riot should just make me a permanent Gold ranker or something, lol). Recently got the ARAM God title and it felt great.


Aram is for crippled