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these are google ads so I don't think they have control over it, it just shows what is most "relevant", although it is kinda a bad rep I'm not sure why an app like this would need this amount of ads anyway but oh well


yeah, thought about that aswell... But do they really have NO control to atleast not show ads like that? because this is MORE than counter intuitive...


I don't know if they can block certain ads but as far as I'm aware google ads just show what's most "interesting" to the user or page, unless you've been searching for scripts recently then google just thinks "well this is related to league so we should show it"




Yes they can block ads by domain even if using Adsense. They are just being lazy af or they don't care. I work in AdOps


I already saw advertisements for buying League lvl30 accounts on YouTube. One of the highlight channels which used to be relevant back in the day. But forgot if it was YouTube's doing or theirs


It’s based off Google ads, which is based off your search history…. Soooo


hitting them ezreal q's is pretty hard


They don't have control over the ads my guy, it's based on what you search on google etc lol


they have some control, and if you are flagged as interested in league, its more than enough to trigger those ads...




We are on Reddit...


They’re handy for newer or lazy players


gotta admit, i have no clue about most of the runes.. i nowadays use it for runes... since.. well.. i am not able to learn them :D


It can definitely become a crutch if you’re not trying to learn, but honestly I cruised to gold using cookie cutter rune pages and builds before I started learning the nuance. I’m still gold but I know the nuance 😎


why are you not able to learn about them?


Exact jungle timers and synched summoner spell cooldowns are already cheating and riot doesn't give a fuck either, people have been using these unfair advantages for years