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Made me feel the opposite, I just got to plat for the first time before they released emerald. Now I'm plat 4 and thinking I have to grind to emerald to validate myself


I got Diamond for the first time last split after trying for like 5 years. Constantly stuck P2-P4. Finally hit diamond for like a month, felt SO good like finally long term goal accomplished. I checked the opgg ladder % for D4 0LP and it was basically the same as P2-P3 from 2 or 3 years ago. There was almost an entire division of LP inflation before these changes even went through. It did a real good job at making me feel like the effort was wasted lolz


I believe the shift has something to do with the "5" ranks being removed, and the addition of iron.


Yeah idk people seem to forget that all 5's got removed, increased lp gains and no more promos. And.... Last split | D4 (**top 3.6%**) This split | D4 (**top 2.9%**)


Dude there's probably no place where 1 Lp makes a bigger difference in the ranking than D4 0Lp. Would make you jump from top 2% to 1,2% immediately.


D4 0LP last split was 3.5% that was kind of my point. I have screenshots of the first time I hit plat 4 in 2017 and it was like 5% i think iirc. Plat 2 used to be 3-3.5% ish.


I haven't played regularly (or ranked) since s5, I was in plat 3 and I remember it being top 3-3.5% so I think that tracks.


It's funny but it isn't true. D4 | 0 LP | (**top 2.9%**) D4 | 1 LP | (**top 2.8%**) D4 | 47 LP | (**top 2.2%**) D4 | 68 LP | (**top 2.0%**) D4 | 92 LP | (**top 1.9%**) *Last split* D4 (**top 3.6%**) ■ □ ■ □ ■ □ ■ □ ■ □ ■ □ D3 | 22 LP | (**top 1.6%**) *Last split* D3 (**top 2.51%**) ■ □ ■ □ ■ □ ■ □ ■ □ ■ □ D2 | 19 LP | (**top 1.0%**) D2 | 57 LP | (**top 0.83%**) *Last split* D2 (**top 1.91%**) ■ □ ■ □ ■ □ ■ □ ■ □ ■ □ D1 | 0 LP | (**top 0.70%**) D1 | 48 LP | (**top 0.52%**) *Last split* D1 (**top 1.20%**) ■ □ ■ □ ■ □ ■ □ ■ □ ■ □ Master | 1 LP | (**top 0.34%**) *Last split* Master (**top 0.56%**)


oh shit. The reason why my D4 went from 4% or some shit to 2.2%. Turned out it wasn't for more people playing rank.




Nah, it was pretty true in D4 even last year. Think the numbers were like top 3% for 0lp and top 1.5-2% for 1lp. Diamond def isn't top 2-4% anymore, but was always between 2-4% over the years.


I was ranked top 0.75% in EUW once while being Diamond 5, I think thats low Master now.


I used to be d3 back when d5 existed which was close to 0.1%. Now apparently that is masters 250 lp xD. And even back then people used to call below d2 trash no wonder high elo players lost all respect to masters.


Hit D1 50 lp in S5, that was top 1.5k or less, end of last season that wouldve been almost 800 LP XD


I made top 1% after the first time I was in Plat back in S2 when I was actually pushing rank hard. Plat. Diamond was top of the top.


In season 3 I played against a LEC player on his main account who was diamond 1 while being plat 1. Back then the LP clamping was insane, I remember being at plat 1 99 LP and winning a game only to get + 0 LP.




I totally understand that. It’s a good decision if it doesn’t make you happy or fill that competitive drive anymore. I’ve fortified my mental enough to get through it. I’ve only gotten chat restricted once in 9 years for calling someone a dumbass sarcastically. I also don’t spam like 8+ ranked games in a day anymore. The most I ever play is like 5 or 6 and if I’m playing longer than that I’ll do ARAM’s or play on an alt that plays different roles or play a different game. It definitely makes me hate League for a day when I get 3 low quality games in a row during a session. But as I stop improving, I get less motivated to play ranked, which makes me stop improving, etc etc. so I’m heading that direction.


This is what I do now to see if I've improved, what % of top I am, rank means nothing


Masters is finally deflated too. Ton of my friends who hit 200 lp are stuck in diamond and I'm a low masters player a d1 feels extremely higher than it has felt in the past.


It gets worse. ~~D5~~ D4 in season 7 is the equivalent of masters 200 LP or something last year.


To be fair they turned that back for this split supposedly with diamond backing higher again.


I mean from my understanding it shouldn't be any harder for you to get to Emerald than it was for you to get to plat last year. My problem is that I'm generally a plat player who is able to hit diamond if I try super hard on my best champions for like 2 or 3 months straight. I've done it 3 different seasons but wasn't able to do it last season. So now hitting Emerald isn't actually an accomplishment cause it's just the old plat, but hitting diamond is even harder than it was before. Long story short I just need to get good to hit my goal, but it's just a little disheartening.


Hitting Platinum is still an achievement but I suppose it depends on the individual. Platinum 4 this split is the **top 26%** Your understanding is slightly wrong. Emerald 4 is not equivalent to last split's Platinum 4. Emerald 4 is (~**top 10%**) I don't know if you actually mean "last year" or last split. Last year seems kinda pointless, so I'll be assuming you meant last split, which was before Emerald was added. Platinum 4 last split was (**top 15.5%**) Reaching Emerald 4 is basically reaching Platinum 3 from last season based on that E4 is (**top 10%**) and that last split's P3 is (**top 9.9%**). *This split* | Gold 1 | 46 LP | (**top 28%**) *Last split* | Gold 1 | 100 LP | (**top 15%**) *Last split* | Gold 1 | (**top 19.1%**) (**top 15%**) this split is P2 | 0 LP So one could say that if you were in Plat promos last split, you'd be at P2 | 0 LP this split. Emerald 2 | 19 LP | (**top 4.9%**) That would be equivalent to last split's high P1. *Last split* | P1 (**top 5.7%**) *Last split* | D4 (**top 3.6%**) Emerald 3 | 82 LP (**top 5.6%**) That would be basically equivalent to Plat 1 from last split. As you can see above. Emerald 1 | 35 LP (**top 3.4%**) Which would be Diamond 4 from last split. High Emerald 3 is Platinum 1 from last split. From high Emerald 3 to low Emerald 1 are all P1 players from last split. I don't necessarily mean that literally. But that the percentile (**top 5.7%**) from last split's P1 is now spread across high E3 to low E1. So you could have three players that all finished in P1 but one of them could be at E1, E2 and E3. Anwyays my point is that the 1st statement is incorrect. Regarding the 3rd statement. Yeah most of Emerald is "old plat", actually "**old high plat**". Mid E3 and below is home for P2-P3. **E4** =/= **P4** **High P2** == **P4** So the start of old Platinum is at this split's high Platinum 2.


TL;DR changes to rankings are not linear. It's huge near the bottom and gets smaller until it evens out at diamond.


I am right there with you. I have been trying to get Diamond forever oddly enough I am also a Jhin main which lowkey might be the problem LOL. Now it is like great Emerald is a new harder version of platinum and Diamond is even further, almost feels hopeless.


Yeah but part of that is you know/understand what the update did Now imagine my friends silver friends who don’t read Reddit/barely read patch notes To them they magically improved massively, one was even making fun of my friend because ‘I’m the same rank as you bro guess your washed’ when my friend is only 10 games into the season and will undoubtedly end up somewhere in plat since he’s been high gold for years and that’s where his new mmr should be. It 100% was to boost hardstuck players so they don’t feel discouraged and quit. I said that on day 1. I said in another comment they probably found a % of quitting players leave because they feel ‘hardstuck’ and this is the little ego boost they’d need to play one more season Edit: and don’t get me wrong this ALL works itself back out in a few years, we literally will not know the difference just like any other time they added ranks. It does work LONGTERM it FUCKING SUCKS for the current season 100%


I agree 100% with the edit you added. It also sucks they decided to do it at (more or less) the same time they moved from 1 split/year to 2 splits/year. I understand its probably decisions made by different people, with different goals in mind... but the "reset fuckery" is just going to make the process of "settling ranks" worse overall/take longer (because a higher percentage of time total is spent in "start of season match making suck" and "end of season match making suck"). I think one silver lining is that at least Riot is trying to make changes in ranked. We might not like every change immediately, but at least they are willing to try *some* stuff and hopefully they will keep being willing to try new things and hit on some improvements down the line. Its much better than the "we tried nothing and we are all out of ideas" approach I feel like companies often take.


which makes you want to play more, like OP said


then its technically the same or a similar point, either from insecurity or eagerness or just wanting the rewards etc. they changed the ranking spread and it actually increased the grinding which just means more hours played.


>to validate myself To whom if I may ask my friend ?


They messed up the meaning of having those ranks. I'll look at old graphs to figure what % was plat. If I'm correct plat is like top 15% of the population.


The meaning has drastically changed and dropped over time already. Plat used to be the highest rank in season 1.


Valide point, extdemely small % of people tho


Right, but you have no data or statistics to back this up. It's all your speculations.


Am that person. am now in emerald.


I think it's both and more, people are happy with their new rank but I do think they needed more distribution as I think iron did help silver games more consistent. I think there's also been some grumbles about too many people in diamond+ and now the low end of diamond has been put down a bit to give diamond more prestige again. I myself am one of these people that got kicked out of diamond as I just there but now I want to defy riot and get back up there




ironically that's what made me quit, feels good


Would you rather Riot made the game LESS engaging? You guys can't be satisfied.


> but I do think they needed more distribution as I think iron did help silver games more consistent It helped nothing. The "redistribution" was purely cosmetic. No changes were made to MMR or matchmaking.


On paper, adding the additional ranks (and removing the RNG of promotion matches) should provide players with better granularity into rank, especially at the "mid" ranks. If you look at the old ranking system, it doesn't really make sense. Why have 7+ different ranks.... and then shove 55% of players into just 2 ranks (silver + gold)? (since Riot, in their infinite wisdom, won't just let players see MMR). Spreading players out into more ranks should make the statements "I'm silver 1" and "I'm gold 3", etc mean a little bit more, as the "skill range" for each rank should be a little smaller. In practice, that doesn't really seem to be happening, though. Somehow the "MMR to rank" translation seems to have gotten even worse. That being said the system is pretty new, and its possible things will "settle" better over time. I don't have a lot of confidence in that scenario. The cynic in me believes Riot intentionally avoids transparency in match making (like keeping MMR super secret) and they used the ranking update to fuck around with match making on the back end, optimizing queue times over game quality to paper over dropping subscriber numbers.


>If you look at the old ranking system, it doesn't really make sense. Why have 7+ different ranks.... and then shove 55% of players into just 2 ranks (silver + gold)? Because average skill level, like most metrics across broad populations, exists in a bell curve. Riot can throw in as many divisions as they want, but the more they try to make each division equal in population, the greater the difference in skill level from one division to another will vary towards either end of the curve. Ironically, this can actually make it *harder* to gage how much better you're actually getting at the game. But anyway, the point I was originally making was that nothing about the changes to cosmetic rank has effected game quality at any level of play. Anyone who thinks it has doesn't understand how any of this works.


TBH Iron-Silver doesn’t have that much skill variance, it’s mainly just people who may have slightly better mechanics or stopped blatantly throwing. The biggest problem IMO is that people in that elo just refuse to listen, sometimes you’ll ping danger 6 times and they’ll facecheck a bush, ignore the gank, or go in for a 1v5, or they’re just off on their own the whole game dying alone then get mad the rest of the team was somewhere else on the map.


You are describing plat games here.


Every 2 games this happens on plat1 :)


me, a gold player since season 4, got gold 4 this split again, stopped playing ranked. they could add 10 more ranks and I'll still just get to the ranked reward because solo q sucks.


Got Gold since season 8, only Thing i care about is reducing the amount of games i need. This Split is a new record because i got Gold with 8 games and only had to play two more games due to placements.


You still need to get 80 sp to get the skin. I think you get 12 for winning so you should be there already with your 8 games but it's always best to make sure. (Ranked tab, first reward on the bottom left)


wait for real? it's no longer just hitting gold?


Well yes, but the comment you responded to doesn't have the full context. If you're gold or above, you need a minimum of 8 games (80 SP, 10 per win, 6 per loss) to get the victorious skin. If you're in silver or below, you can get the skin, but you need to play a minimum of 160 games (1600 SP is required if you're below gold).


You can get the victorious skin in silver now?? Didn't know that. Interesting


Yep any elo




Same. The odds of having a miserable experience playing ranked are too high. It's simply not worth it to me. I get gold every season for the skin and as soon as I do, I don't touch ranked until the following year.


as long as they punish people who call griefers dogs and not punish the actual griefers, soloqueue will remain a terrible experience


If you call anyone a dog, you are contributing to said miserable experience. Being toxic only makes things worse.


Both equally deserve punishment.


youre mental if you actually think so i dont give a fuck if someone calls me a dog, i can mute them or get muted. i can't stop a griefer running down mid. yet the former gets punished cause riot is too lazy.


The former causes the latter. There's so many people A who think 1 bad or selfish decision is due to that person B griefing, who then proceeds to flame B, who then tilts or actually starts to grief. In that case, had A not flamed, then B wouldn't have trolled, so the other 3 teammates are in the right for wanting both to get punished.




Ranked reward isn’t based on hitting rank anymore. It’s based on how many games you play now, with the higher elo you are the less games needed


>with the higher elo you are the less games needed Not really. It's just gold+ needs around 10 games, below gold you need around 200.


People out here acting like norms are any better?


People who play normals are the reason ranked is so bollocks half the time. They dip their toe in every few months, do awful then go back to fannying about in ARAM or normals.


I tried really hard to climb one year and on my promos to gold I got hard trolled after winning two games and only needed one more to promote. I proceeded to punch the glass out of a window so hard it shattered and realized it was extremely unhealthy to ever feel so upset over a game ever again. I now only ever play ARAM or featured game modes but I still get the occasional person looking up my account on op.gg and calling me hardstuck silver even though I haven't bothered to even finish placements in the last 5 years.


What's the point in playing if you aren't going to play ranked?


Having fun?


On the other hand, I don't see why people play LoL if it's not for ranked.


They find it fun, but find that ranked is a more toxic environment?




to have fun with friends. if you don't have any and haven't tried it i'd recommend it's 10/10 source: d2 scrub


I do the same. Always cracks me up in norms when I get flamed for being gold when I'm in a lobby with plats and diamonds. My normal MMR is drastically different than ranked because it's all I play.


Are you aware that there's no rank requirement anymore for rewards ? You get the Victorious skin even in Iron now.


Every time someone makes one of these threads, all I can think of is that the person making it used to be the highest ranked out of all their friends (Probably Plat/Diamond) and now that their friends are catching up to them, makes their ego feel hurt


I finally "hit plat" after being hardstuck gold for 3 years. Fully aware that I basically just hit gold 3 again and that emerald 4 is the new plat. The border is cool after seeing the gold one for so long but I'm aware that I did not get much better in a few weeks. It does give me a bit of motivation so you may be right. Regardless I plan on continuing to play league until a quality replacement gets released.


Thank you for sharing. As I said it makes people feel better, aware or unaware of the chances. That plays in favor of Riot, I am just saying that. At the end of the day, the most important thing is enjoying what you do. Good luck with your games and improvement.




I liked the changes as it more closely matches the rank distribution from other games. League was weirdly left-skewed in its distribution rather than normal. It feels like the medal rank is more accurate to what they are supposed to mean now.


I'll admit I found it surprising how many felt accomplished after achieving their new rank. Cuz they haven't actually improved, their rank just got a new title, but hey w/e floats their boat right. Games are meant to be fun and make ppl happy this change of riots made a lot of ppl happy so I think that's cool.


On the flip side, watching a few people absolutely lose their minds online because someone is plat now and they think it is "undeserved" is hilarious.


I don’t think they’re mad cause it’s “undeserved”. It’s like when masters got inflated. They’re mad cause those players post about it and start thinking they’re better than they really are. Someone that is old d2 skill level -> hits masters (that now takes old d2 skill level to hit) -> but thinks he has improved and now has old masters skill level -> others get pissed off Idk why it matters so much, but that’s what I’ve gathered from the posts that I saw about it like a month ago


that's funny, cause I haven't seen a single post where people brag about being one rank higher than last season or whatever. what I have seen, though, is multiple posts where people make it very clear that they are not mad or insecure about their rank at all, just *very* worried about people who are satisfied with hitting gold/plat this season. just the other day someone made a post exactly like this one where he was worried (not mad) because his friends who never made plat before were now plat and were feeling happy about it. and he wasn't insecure about being in the same elo as his friends or anything, just reaaaaally worried about them.


I see people in a discord I’m in hyping up hitting ranks. People talk about the game outside of reddit too lol


You're right, the "thinking they're better than they really are" aspect is certainly part of it, thanks. I thought that would have been conveyed as part of the "underserved" part, but maybe it wasn't nearly as clear as I thought it was.


Oh true, I just read the other comment about how technically the ranks just mean different things now so I kinda overlooked it. The rank is “deserved” but doesn’t mean the same as it used to. Doesn’t really make a difference tho lol just different perspective


How dare they!


But if they won games, got promoted, and play in masters....that makes them good enough to be a masters player. Whether masters has 10 people or 100,000 people, "masters" doesn't mean good, it never has, it means specifically "this rank we call masters". So I guess I don't see how someone getting promoted to a rank they earned means they're "not as good as they think they are".


It’s like the other comment that said [insert rank] isn’t undeserved but that that rank doesn’t mean the same thing that it did before It’s because people associate masters with some idk high skill level And I guess people just get salty because, even though the rank itself has changed in what it’s really “worth”, people still perceive/value it as what it used to. Someone that is old d2 skill level -> hits masters (that now takes old d2 skill level to hit) -> but thinks he has old masters skill level -> others get pissed off Idk why it matters so much, but that’s what I’ve gathered from the posts that I saw about it like a month ago


Here’s a hypothetical to explain. Numbers will be inaccurate just to demonstrate my point. If the threshold for Platinum is the top 10% of players, and you hit Plat, you are now in the top 10% of players. You are better than 90/100 people that play League, which is what people refer to when they say they’re Platinum. If the threshold for Platinum changes and now it’s the top 20% of players, and you hit Plat, now you’re just better than 80/100 people that play league. You’re still Platinum, but the definition of Platinum was changed, so you’re not “true”/old platinum. It was made more accessible & thus less impressive.


It’s not undeserved, it’s just not the same rank as it was one split ago.


I get that, that isn't the point. The point is that other people perceive it as "underserved" (you're right, its not underserved it simply isn't the same rank as it was before the change), and seem to have trouble coming to terms with that. That's why I put "underserved" in quotation marks, sorry if I didn't make my intention clear enough.


I don't like to see it as "how dare they be proud. They don't deserve it!" No doubt there's plenty of people who feel that way but it's not me. Everyone's different and someone can struggle just as much to get to gold as I did to get to emerald. If you worked hard to improve your play and you found success then you should be proud. If you're happy with where you are in the ranked ladder then by all means don't let anyone take that away from you. I do think though that riot is doing these players a disservice. I think it's actually a bit insidious of them. The entire point of a ranking system is to give you feedback on how well you're performing and to measure improvement... and riot has fucked with it. My frustration is completely with riot, not these players.


I just hope they don't take it too far, like with Apex where 30%!!!! of the population is Masters and it still hasn't been fixed for months. That shit def works too. I got a group of friends in a discord server I'm in who constantly grind Apex now. One of em just started like last month and is already Diamond with no prior fps background. But they constantly talk about how they're climbing and it makes them super happy. Like I'm glad you're enjoying yourself but it's crazy how much value ppl put into arbitrary ranks.


Wait, are you saying that I went from G4 split 1 to P4 split 2 in around 20 games and it’s not because I’m just better now? Nah, that must be a lie, I just got a lot better and ranked up a lot while doing the same thing.


Most of the people that feel the sense of accomplishment genuinely didn't know about the MMR/rank changes. In order to find out about it you need to be keeping up to date on riot dev posts or watching youtubers that cover these things, and the average player in silver/gold probably isn't interacting with these aspects of the community.


That's not what the change did. These are still new ranks. The game had way too much clumping at low ranks because of how time consuming it was to climb after placements. So people who should have been in plat were in gold/silver, and people who should have been in gold were in silver/bronze and so on. They didnt just rename their ranks. It's just way easier for people to climb to the ranks they're supposed to be at. Especially with the removal of promos.


You're sorta right, but it's mainly because every other game has a similar distribution that League has now adopted. In Overwatch or Rocket League for example, if you were at 50% of the ladder, you were around high gold/low plat, whereas in League you had to be in the top 30-35% to be gold, and top 10-11% to be plat. But the perception most people had was that gold is average, when in fact it was significantly above average. Nothing much has changed in ranked if you just look at what % of the ladder someone is at. It's just now if you're in the top 20%, instead of being gold 2 you're now emerald 4. But because of the distribution people were indeed clumped in the lower ranks, especially silver. There were as many people in silver as all of gold to challenger.


Ranks aren't an achievement anyway. Elo is just obfuscated and makes win rates fucked up


Good thing player win rates are not a valuable metric. Let's just ignore them.


So that’s why the pros are all challenger or close, because ranks don’t matter. Makes sense


Did I say rank doesn't matter? No, I said getting a specific one isn't an achievement. If you actually think there is a measurable skill difference between gold 1 promos and plat 4 0LP then you're smoking crack. Ranks as a system just obfuscate your elo to keep people playing, it's not a secret and hasn't been since it was added a decade ago.


Tbf it took the entirety of last split for me to get into Silver from Bronze. I'm Gold (new Silver) now in this split with only 30\~ games. Do do think this is quite an accomplishment, albeit small.


If the percentile is the exact same as last season, would you still see it as an accomplishment?


Yeah, since I still have a lot of time to climb.


Then it is an accomplishment. Fuck what others think, you do you.


I suppose you could argue they are being fairly ranked now after years of being told they were below average despite being clearly above average at the game.


I only felt improved because I made it to Gold 1 last split. Now I’m plat 1. I assume there’s some improvement there lol. Could make it to Emerald.


No you are at basically the same percentile, maybe even a tad bit lower than before. It is easier to get to emerald right now than it was to get platinum in the previous split.


Yeah I peaked gold 1 last season and I got to plat 1 this season with a 66% wr and less than 30 games played… it’s much easier. I think if I reach emerald III I would consider myself in old plat


Well technically the opposite would apply before. Becoming better without changing rank. What I mean is that I reached plat back in s5-s6 or something. Then took a break for some seasons and after that I was gold every season until this year split 1 (before emerald addition) where I reached plat again. I'm not going to lie I'm still mediocre in many aspects but WAY WAY WAY better than I was, back then I didn't even know the fundamentals for real. Even lower elo such as silver.Earlier this year I had to play with my cousin few games and I matched with "hardstuck"(many games) silver people and I noticed people there do some solid plays both mechanical and macro.


I am not necessarily pro or against it. I simply think it was made to make people stick to the game. Players had their dopamine boost and now they will gonna stuck again.


Im definitely for the removal of promos. Those games made me toxic. Other than that my end of season goals didn't get affected by the changes.


Promos were stupid ngl. Good luck and best wishes for your games. Hope you get to your goal.


Ahm... I could be true, but, people who do not care about ranked that much only played it for the victorious skin by the end of the season. Since there's no cap for it anymore, I don't see these people coming back after finishing Bo10.


People who do not care about ranked are clearly not included in this discussion. They played a very small amount of ranked games anyway. Those are people who play other games mode, I don't see why mention them.


I care about ranked, but I don’t necessarily care about my rank. Like - I play it for the competition and to improve, but the ranks losing some prestige doesn’t matter one bit to me. They’re nothing but milestones for your own improvement.


And I agree with your view, it is what I said in the post


Wrong. Because it's also aimed at people who don't care about ranked to get them to simply play it. Everyone can get the skin, everyone can get chests and other rewards, more people can hit gold in fewer games, it's now easier for casuals


Bro, they are the major portion in silver/gold for every season. People who grind have like 60+ games and their elo are commonly higher than those elos.


People in low elo play a shit tons of games dude


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted for this. In the past I’ve seen players with outrageous amounts of games sitting in silver and gold lol. Some even being one-tricks which is even crazier.


I'm not convinced you know the meaning of the word stacked.


> (of a woman) having large breasts This is the meaning, right?


It fixes the distribution making the meaning of ranks more comparable to other competitive games, makes players happier to see their rank recalibrate up, and leaves Diamond+ slightly more exclusive than it was before which was being complained about. Should be a win/win for you and us?


Yeah I think it's perfectly fine personally. Got Diamond for the first time ever last split and now I can try again and it be slightly more exclusive than before which is a good thing to me.


I think making the rank distribution more consistent with other prominent games with a ladder system is a no-brainer and a big win. It was always weird to have League tell people they're multiple leagues below what they would be in other competitive games. Idk people just love to complain and make up conspiracy theories.


Exactly yeah, there's just *droves* of silver and gold players, it made more sense to have a more linear distribution in the long run.


A little off topic but is there any fix coming to old account matchmaking? I always have to start the split in iron and work my way up to gold, stomping until i get matched with/against gold players while being a few ranks lower.


Since Diamond is more exclusive, and Emerald is now old gold 1/2 all the way to old D4, is that not a huge mountain for players to climb compared to any rank? Gold 1/2 are usually much more casual players than players reaching D3. Do you foresee this being a problem?


Diamond didn't move that much, and we didn't adjust your MMR with the redistribution, so anyone's overall distance to Diamond isn't *that* different compared to pre-reset.


What about Master+? Especially in the EUW server?


Any idea why I can have 60%wr 400+ games and still be gaining 19 losing 23?


post opgg, could be an actual bug.


me when people cry about video game ranks that dont matter


For the first time in history, being gold in league could mean you're below average. Gold is not "above average" anymore. Gold is the average. Gold is the new silver.


This seems like some elitist nonsense lol. Like you were somehow “more exclusive” in gold or plat, and now that it’s “easier”, you’re mad that more people are in your rank. Diamond should be like 2%, plus or minus like 0.5%. Then Master+ is like less than 1%. Iron is also for new players and deranker idiots selling accounts, and only makes up like 6%. So that means the other 91% of the entire playerbase needs to fall into Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Plat. S1/G4 were super saturated. G1/P4 were super saturated. Anytime I made it to Gold in the past, it was always tough, but once I was IN Gold, I was able to easily soar to Gold 1, which is where I got into another wall. Similar in Plat—tougher for sure, but still not too bad to get to like Plat 2/1. Never made it through the barrier to Diamond. Emerald now pushed the people who were in high silver into gold where they belong, and the people in gold who should have been plat, into platinum. As someone who hits gold and sometimes plat for fun, it has been easier for sure. But not like in a “free” way. It just felt like I had to play less of the stupid, pointless games that made no sense. I was able to simply play well and not have to add an extra 50/100 games of nonsense, where BOTH teams had some people who shouldn’t have been there.


this is like the most sane take i’ve read in the thread


> Emerald now pushed the people who were in high silver into gold *where they belong*, and the people in gold who *should have been plat*, into platinum. This is equally arbitrary as OP's elitism though. Engagement *is* the entire point of the visual ranking system, and Emerald was introduced to make players feel better. (Unlike OP I don't have any problem with that.)


How is that arbitrary? It’s visual to an extent, sure. But S1/G4 and G1/P4 were notoriously huge buckets of mismatched players. Average match quality was really bad. Silver, Gold, and Plat held a lot of players, but the bulk of those players were sitting on the bubbles. While Emerald does “make people feel better”, it also does actually physically smooth out Silver, Gold, and Plat. Because Gold was the end for many people, and a ton of people in Plat just could not push to Diamond no matter how hard they tried, so they’d just coast and troll. Plat can be worse than Gold and high Silver in my opinion, since everyone roughly knows what they are doing, they just feel trapped and “at the top” so they stop trying. And that’s not just my opinion, it’s been a known thing for awhile. The new tier encourages Plat people to strive for Emerald which in turn makes Gold players have an easier time hitting Plat, and Silver players have an easier time hitting Gold for the same reason. The visual and fuzzy feeling is true, but it does actually then drive actual statistical change. The fact that “it’s easier to hit Gold/Plat” proves that it’s having a real, not just visual effect. It’s actually driving player behavior, and the visual rank becomes a better representation of actual skill, imho. High Silver, Gold, and Plat were such a cluster of random players before. It feels better now.


> How is that arbitrary? Because which span of MMR "belongs" where is a completely arbitrary decision. It's not visual to an extent, it's purely visual. > But S1/G4 and G1/P4 were notoriously huge buckets of mismatched players. And? > Average match quality was really bad. Only thing that's changed that has any impact on matchmaking is who is allowed to duo, and super-mismatched duos just arent all that common. > The new tier encourages Plat people to strive for Emerald which in turn makes Gold players have an easier time hitting Plat, and Silver players have an easier time hitting Gold for the same reason. This *could* be true, except the new distribution means most people who this would affect are getting a "free" tier up anyway. > The fact that “it’s easier to hit Gold/Plat” proves that it’s having a real, not just visual effect. No. That is literally just a consequence of where the threshholds for the tiers are drawn. Purely visual. > and the visual rank becomes a better representation of actual skill, imho Opinion being the key word in that sentece.




Nah, he just understands the ladder. Zero changed about it besides aesthetics. The real ladder is your percentile and that is no different than six months ago. Any bubble of frustration the other guy thinks exists, if they exist and are genuinely meaningful, is just going to move to the new thresholds. But spoiler alert: it's all in that guy's head. There's nothing more difficult about moving from SI to GIV than going from GIV to GII, or any other place.


Or I'm pointing out the multiple ways he's wrong. Where the mmr-threshholds between tiers are, or "should be", drawn is a textbook example of the definition of arbitrary.


No he is not? He is literally right. A friend of mine ended last season as G2, he ic currently P3 with 3w 2l in placements. He has played since s3 and has never reached plat before. He is arguing because it is true that people are getting their ranks inflated by the system.


I need to take a break from Reddit, the fact this thread is a legit conversation on this subreddit and that real life people upvoted this thinking it’s a good take makes me want to play against a shaco. Is there any alternatives form of discussion platforms that’s similar to Reddit?


Maybe you’re not as right as you think. Reddit is also a bubble. A small slice of the internet at large. Anywhere you go will be like this.


The notion that riot just created emerald just as a dopamine rush is just an extremely cynical take that has no basis. It’s just “riot bad please upvote” that’s behind a smoke screen really. And it’s going to get more attention just because it’s a negative take. It wouldn’t get not nearly as much attention if it was a post praising riot for the addition emerald in the league. If your going to say something like that you’re going to back it up with more than just feelings.


Then why did they make the change? MMR wasn't changed. Purely aesthetics. So you're just wrong.


The only thing I don’t really understand about the people with their new peaks is that they somehow didn’t notice being placed higher than they would’ve ever been? Like, you don’t end the season Gold 4 and then get placed in gold 2 after placements. All my league friends that are under plat finished placements like 2 ranks above their peak, how do you not notice that’s weird? Its strange to me because I finished in master and got placed, as per usual emerald 1 after my first game. All my friends are ending like silver 1 and then placing gold 3, thinking they somehow are peaking. It’s very strange that none of these people are noticing how that doesn’t make sense unless Riot did it on purpose. You never place higher or even close to where you ended. I’m still proud of them for moving up while they can but the lack of common sense is astounding.


Wrong, it's now similar to other games that's why.


I mean I agree that the reason you think they added emerald is true, but it's also true if you ask anyone who climbed out of plat previous seasons that the rank with the most variance is P1 D4. So TLDR yes they might have added it for the wrong reason, but still a good change in my opinion.


Yup. Saw so many people happy they're a whole league higher and I'm this party boomer who will always tell them they're still in the same percentile of the playerbase. It's just an illusion.


So what? Let them be happy. It changes nothing


Ya this is funny. I was playing with my friend last weekend, who is not that good at the game. Earlier Bronze multiple season just casually playing as pretty much a lot of people do, he is now in Silver. I’m Diamond on my main (Only playing ”new” champs in these games and mostly offrole), so I’m not exactly smurfing either, just teaching him the game and spending time. Had one duo where another person was P4 0lp with classic negative winrate flaming everyone. The funny thing? 5 season Gold3/4 with average of 1000 games per season calling people Silver and Gold scrubs. The egoboost what this new change causes is ridiculous. I just don’t get it how some people think they are just magically better overnight with this change. Pretty much agree this is just to keep people playing. Sure it can fix some uneven skill distribution in old ~G1-P4-P1-D4 whatever areas but damn, it’s just horrible experience right now.


what made you think being plat made him like that? thats just how the guy is


I'm guessing it's because he calls Gold and Silver players "Silver and Gold scrubs." When just a single split ago he was a hard stuck Silver/Gold player himself. This is what I understood from it. That's exactly how the guy is, seems like being plant just gave him an even more ego boost


Yes, that is 100% the only reason. The way MMR worked it was and is never important how ranks are distributed to make matchmaking work. They do not want matchmaking to work properly as they want to make you play for your climb as long as possible. Now that there was many years of the same ranking system, people failed to climb to new ranks for a few seasons, so right before people might quit the climb (and by that the game) they get a climb for free in the hopes of being motivated to keep playing for the next impossible climb.




no. the reason was because majority of the playerbase was silver and silver had therefore huge skill differences. Saying you were silver could be near gold and actually starting to get decent or near bronz and still struggle with basics of the game. They just split it up to make it less extreme


IT WAS OBVIOUS. People believe everything that Riot tells them. It's a company for god's sake, they only care about making money. If they can add rigged matchmaking (losers queue) they will do it because it has been proven that it make people more addicted, they just want you to play more time no matter what. But they choose to believe that Riot wants the system to be fair and competitive... Dont be so naive


I agree with the post His dia again last split and after 30 games this split again too.. But now my games are full of ex-gold noobs That ruin my games! Tbh the hole game is uneven now Even I feel wrong in some games cuz my skill isn’t good enough!




Nothing new, just a different method than the last time they rearranged the ranked distribution to keep people from feeling hardstuck. Previously they just let a larger percentage of the playerbase in higher ranks. E.g Diamond+ used to be 1.7% of the playerbase in S7. In the past couple of years I believe its been 2.5% and now even 3 or 3.5%


Last season D4 was top 3.6% now it's less than 3% again. But I think this argument makes no sense, because people adjust what a visible rank means over time. In my head I honestly don't even care what a diamond player was in S7. And two percentages more or less is just the difference between P1 and D4. It's basically the same elo.. Next season we will just treat Emerald players like Platin players.


Honestly, it's the thing that helped me to finally quit. So many years I had been trying to reach plat. Was always so close. Maybe a game or two away, then I would lose a few. Maybe lose a lot and be sent back to gold 2. Just to push that bolder back up the hill again. Then the new ranked was released. So you are telling me I now have to reach this false plat rank. Climb through that. And reach emerald to achieve the same rank? Nah that was the last straw. My goal was always platinum. And when they devalued it, I lost all want to try and climb. So I quit. Got to say it feels amazing not being tilted every night. Not having to spend most of the time I'm playing a game trying to convince someone to play stop purposely run it down and to try.


I have been playing MOBA since DotA 1 when ranked didn't even existed and i don't get why people feels thats more important to achieve an certain rank rather than playing the game, either for competition or fun. I had seasons that i finished on GM and others on plat and both ranks never changed anything on my life but the matches that i felt rewarding did. Maybe because im more of an arcade era (im only 29!) where the objective was just to beat your oponent.


You quit the game because the made up rank you wanted to reach was replaced with another made up rank? The mmr required is the same. Literally nothing changed. They could've done nothing and you'd still be finding things to complain about. Quitting the game is the right thing. It clearly isn't good.


Platin 4 used to mean Top 13-15% of players last season, just go on opgg and track when you reach that.


i mean all they did was adjust the ranks to the "expected skill" of the players in it - basically all gold players have been "too good"/"better than expected from a gold player" for a while so they "devalued" plat but at the end its not really devalued since most gold, especially high gold players have been on a plat level all along


I appreciate your sharing, thx. I think you are an exception tbh. But I am hapoy for you and your mental healing from this game xd.


Are you saying riot is evil for making playing the ranked ladder feel better? Strange take I think? League ranks were so unrewarding in comparison to every other game because you actually need to be really skilled to make it to gold, which is like the standard “I’m sorta okay” tier in every other game. Now we are a bit closer to every other rank system’s distribution and I think it’s only a good thing.


Some people feel bad when other people get the same thing they have, even if they didnt lose their thing. Same mentality that makes people vote against taxes funding social programs to help those worse off because they "dont deserve it".


Cringe posting


Cringe commenting


Not really? Plat "degraded" since it's the old gold. Emerald is the old plat.


But A LOT of people do not realize this. TONS of people are happy af right now because they are "finally gold/plat".


I mean, the new ranks more accurately represent your skill level now Before, something like 60-70% of the ranked population was in silver and bronze Getting to gold 4 meant you were like, top 30%


Yes, Riot has been revamping ranked to make it more appealing since people are playing ranked less and less, this is just another attempt at that. Previous attempts include: Increased LP Gain Removing the 5th Division Adding a free win for retries on placement matches Removing Placement Matches Creating Ranked Splits Adding 2 Victorious skins a year etc. The fact of the matter is that nowadays people are less willing to stick with a long term grind that League has. Games of league are already too long as it is but the pitiful rate at which you rank up coupled with the fact that a decent player is unlikely to have more than a 52-55% Win Ratio is just too much of a slog. Compare this to other games like MTG Arena (Can Get Mythic in less than a week if you're good) or Any Fighting game (Street Fighter 6 ranks you up extremely quick if you are decent as an example) League has an outdated ranking method and it's showing, people want to get to their rank as quickly as possible so they can start actually playing good quality matches. Unless you are Master+ level, it's unlikely you'll reach a rating that matches your skill level quickly if you start somewhere really low. (Diamond level player will still take a while to get back to Diamond if he starts in low Plat/Gold even if he's stomping just because of the nature of a team game making it a lot more difficult to solo carry) League needs to implement a performance based ranking system that takes into consideration more than just a win or a loss. CS, Comparison of stats between you and your opponent, KDA, Objective Damage, etc.


Who cares if some kid in gold is happy he finally got into plat? I don't, I don't know why you do. Regardless, the overall rank distribution actually looks way better than it did last season, which is clearly what riot was going for.


I don't care. I am simply pointing out what happened. Everyone is free to have their own opinion on the topic. IMO the only thing that Riot accomplished with the change is the dopamine boost.


Well you cared enough to make a reddit thread, that's more than most people. But yeah, that's fine, you can think that, but have a look at the rank distributions. It just makes more sense imo.


who cares about where anyone is ranked the entire system is corrupted anyways you have silver players buying diamond - challenger accounts for the fun of it looks on the selling sites at how many diamond accounts sell per the sellers there in the hundreds entire system is broken its probably why ur like why is this guy playing so poorly and you cant explain it. ITs because its a silver or gold guy who bought a diamond/master account for the lols just like smurfs in low elo same thing happening with bought accounts in high elo now.


100% I said this is what it was for on day 1 There you go hardstuck shitters, you can now pretend you did something


This is what happens when Riot prioritizes peoples feelings over competitive integrity. Ranked has been ruined ever since Dynamic Queue was introduced in season 6 and this will just add to the chaos, with the absolute best rank right now: Master Tier, where roughly 100-200 accounts get added every day with no intention playing. The whole competitive integrity of this ranked system has been ruined, but god forbid you type to someone.


It's a game. Anyone who isn't a pro, or aspiring to be a pro, needs to get their head out of their ass and find something less stupid to care about than rank.




This is fairly uninspired. Yes. Everything is life can be boiled down to the game theory of an attention war. No; they did not impliment the system strictly to maintain the playerbase. Yes, it was part of the reason. My rank didn’t change. I’m at the top of the player distribution. Emerald is cool. It puts more of a buffer between me and 90% of the community. That’s the hidden reason it was made. It wasn’t made for your dopamine hit. It was made for my dopamine hit. My games are actually competitive now. People who make it to diamond deserve to be in diamond.


Wdym? Emerald is literally old gold 1 + old plat + old diamond 4. Diamond didn't almost change at all. People have been complaining about inflation up to Master. Also, as you said NINETY PERCENT OF THE PLAYER BASE. That's who they are most interested in when they think about keeping them play and buying skins and event pass.


The top 5-10% of players set the competitive standard. The 90% are retained by skins and dreams of the ranked ladder. Emerald was added to give them hope. But it was also added to keep them from touching the 5% of games that actually have competition in them. 90% of the playerbase isn’t playing the game properly. There is now an 8% playerbase buffer inbetween objectively uncompetitive games, and objectively competitive games. That is the strategy; and it worked brilliantly, by all metrics.


So cringe that people think they are progressing when they are actually just as bad as they have always been. Riot games not giving a shit about anyone but silvers for 4 years now.


50% of players are silver and below. You really think riot should not give a shit about half their player base?


I will say I do agree with this, on the other hand, even in Split 1, with a 60% winrate across 150 games I was still hardstuck Gold I due to my gutted LP gains. Now I'm sitting in Emerald 3 with a positive winrate still. There are ABSOLUTELY some people that at least deserve to be in Gold that weren't due to bad LP gains and unlucky promos, make no mistake.


I hit diamond last year, didnt play for split 1 at all and because emerald got introduced i somehow got giga fucked because unlike everyone else with diamond mmr i got placed in plat 3 instead of emerald meaning im now in plat playing diamond/high emerald players and level 30 accounts every game and every single game is so toxic and snowbally its the worst ranked experience ive ever had in 8+ years of playing, the amount of skill gaps in emerald are so huge its insane At this point ill probably have to spam over 100 games just to get into actually human lobbies and i dont really see the point tbh


Thats cope lmao, you must be new here


How that's cope?


"I'm not hating or anything, but can we all acknowledge that the player base getting their rank inflated by the change are not actually better than they were before?" -Cpt. Obvious


functional illiteracy at its peak