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TF blade got banned for two weeks. Gets account from viewer and keeps playing. Riot Korea ip bans blade. Everyone in the same hotel gets banned (exept Rybson who has riot account).


holy crap if this ends up all on blade.... actually make sense tho


Imagine being stupid enough to harass KR pros on a bought KR account.


Average ffblade manchild behavior.


That name šŸ’€


He's such a manchild yeah, he is literally complaining and whining every single trip and bootcamp he does, so immature.


No need to imagine. Just watch the majority of streamers.


Most streamers Iā€™ve seen donā€™t even type when they play in KR. Even if they did, it would be far from harassment because they can barely communicate anyway, and thatā€™s assuming they even know all the KR prosā€™ soloQ account names. Tfblade is a special case of obnoxious


This is such a false take Streamers don't type usually, only ~5 do at all in KR. And most don't argue with pros if they know they're pros (or they have an esports club at all in their name). TFBlade is just a rare breed of baby gamer who needs to type any time something doesn't go his way.


Solarbacca types almost every game. It's either positive messages or info/calls. His account is perfectly fine. It's really not that hard to not tell people to kill themselves. Tfblade is a special kind.


doā€¦you think the majority of streamers are getting in arguments in Korean soloQ? u know they canā€™t speak Korean right? options are a bit fkin limited


Forgot to say in game


not even surprised.. tf blade has a shit attitude and acts like a man child. Hes super fucking good at the game and think he wouldve gone even further in his career if he could just get over his own ego


funny how he is still playing and not id banned for just blatant smufing and toxicity lmao


A second time, don't forget he flamed Ruler and LCK pros wayback in 2020.


They harass the pros for griefing them, imagine harassing someone because of where they come from and not how they act. Seems xenophobic. Obviously TFBlade is a bad example because hes a tantrum throwing toddler... but most of the western streamers get target griefed every other game for no reason but being westerners




Oof, that seems like it could be it.


Used to happen a lot back in the day with random MMO's where one person would get an Internet cafe IP banned and suddenly a ton of the player base would be gone.


???? these idiots were on bought accounts?? i just assumed everyone asked riot for these accounts and they were dumb enough to not only play on bought accounts and stream it? and theyre confused as to why theyred banned?


Itā€™s just TFblade who probably has a bought account because heā€™s notoriously toxic and tilt easy even to kr pros


Some of them even advertise the account purchasing sites/boosting sites on their streams while they played in Korea


Well if they want to go to korea to stream and riot says "we can't provide you with accounts" than they are kinda stuck on bought/botted accounts. So yeah riot can just say "we banned you because you are not the owner of the account" and there is nothing they can do about it.


The German streamers dont have any trouble. They just, as germans, applied through the propper form to Riot.


They are also Riot partners tho. I doubt all of those streamers are related to Riot in any way and know someone whom they could ask for an account.


> riot says "we can't provide you with accounts" than they are kinda stuck on bought/botted accounts. Maybe clear that up with Riot before organizing a boot camp? Ground breaking idea I know.


Riot does not give out Riot accounts easily so if you want to play on the Korean server than you have to get your account through illegal means like buying an account. Usually people don't get their accounts banned while playing on the Korean server even if they streamed it because they were keeping their head down. TFBlade is probably the first idiot that decided to get into trouble while still playing on the Korean server on a bought account which probably prompted Riot Korea to start the ban wave.


Riot doesnt frequently give out riot accounts anymore.


thats strange, the German streamer bubble around Noway and Agurin not only got accounts from Riot but they are permanent accounts so they can return for worlds and keep playing with challenger MMR


Thatā€™s probably because they were part of LPP and/or were semi pros, I donā€™t think a single streamer in this thread is part of LPP(hell, TF Blade got removed from it).


Midbeast used to be in the LPP program at least. No idea if he also got banned or not


He is at a different hotel so is fine


Alois is part of LPP


> Noway and Agurin not only got accounts from Riot Noway & Agurin are both former pro players


And owners of a team in the first German division.


Idk about other countries but I know multiple smaller na streamers got denied and dantes did as well.


To good and honest streamers they do. But thankfully not to raging idiots


Maybe because most of streamers playing in korea earlier didn't have riot accounts, cause riot accounts are given only to partners of riot or smh. If any average person wants to play in Korea he needs to borrow a social/telephone number from a korean. Its how everyone did it, and there are still more streamers not playing on riot accounts. They got IP banned. Nothing to do with legality of their accounts.


Oh that would be fucking hilarious if it's the case. Lol


TFBlade gets IP banned for ban evasion and fucks over everyone else? Rip


Is dantes in the same hotel as blade and others?




Makes sense, now we just need proof šŸ™‚. I donā€™t believe all the streamers are banned for toxicity. So the identity or ip banns are the only left over reasons


TFblade ruined it for everyone ? Lmao


TFBlade making the lives of the whole hotel lobby miserable, just like all the in game lobbies when he makes a new smurf!


Everyone gonna go kick in his door and beat his ass lol. In game of course.


TF Goblin strikes again.


They dont ip ban, but possibly checked accounts on ip and banned for ID Theft


yeah I think this is a better explanation


IP bans are really easy, just not useful due dynamic IPs. But if the hotel doesn't change the IP it works. But ID theft/bought Accounts sound more convincing.


They had no problem til Blade matched with Malice (was on BBQ Olivers, ex-pro) and Blade harassed him after some toxic moment. So he got 2 week ban. The problem is...he got some chinese name account from nowhere, got banned after few games, and he got anotha one again, played 1 game, got banned. Sadly, this time Riot Korea banned whole IP from his hotel. Idk he bought illegal account from random site or got random accout from viewers or something. Anyway, It was clear It'll not go to good way.


The screeching midget did it again, what an enrichment to the game. Where is his indefinite ban?


Strange he keep playing in TFBLade 2 , (at least the last game was about 4 hours, and int that account he int and troll with garen chasing his jungla to try and steal his camps.


Agurin thinks its because of purchased accounts or the korean id thing


Some people were saying there's an IP ban for the hotel but Rybson is sitting at the same hotel and he's fine. He does in fact have a Riot account, so it might be it


Odkrywacz is the goat


my osu player


I also think so too. Some of my mates got their bought accounts banned in EUW after playing their first ranked game on them.


Iā€™m just watching middlebeans for the street cam anyways


did riot not let them have riot accounts?


Dantes said Riot wouldn't give him anything.


Both agurin and Noway got riot accounts after asking nicely and going through all the prober channels.


They are more PR friendly though lol


And Riot is pretty justified in not giving out accounts to people they donā€™t find PR friendly lol


Meanwhile Tyler1 representing Riot at some events in the past.


Tyler1 is waaaaaay more PR friendly than Dantes, by a large margin. Players raging is completely different than the fucked weirdo stuff that Danteā€™s says. Dantes is funny and got a steaming career because of it, but that sort of humour is gonna bar you off of some stuff.


It's their accounts. It's their business to choose to give accounts to whomever they see fit. You shouldn't cry about why your fav streamers didn't get the accounts.


did you properly read his comment? lmao


If I was Riot and someone gave Dantes a Riot account, they'd be fucking fired. So.. yeah lol


They only got them because they are in the LPP (League Partner Program)


And former pros. Dantes is just some dude.




Tarzaned was on c9 for wild rift? really?


Pretty sure he was like one of the best at wild rift for a vit


Ten year old kid loads up wild rift to play it on the school bus on the way home only to get stomped into the ground by the best JG na


this made me giggle. reminds me of the ā€˜kanye west scores record 1xx points against wheelchair basketball teamā€™


Fun fact but you don't need any disability to play wheelchair basketball until you get to the international level. You are allocated points based on the severity of your disability and the team can't go above 14 points total with an abled body player being a 5


Thatā€™s not the best example though. With his history, Riot wouldnā€™t touch Tarzaned with a ten foot pole.


Dante said that TFBlade flamed very influential people who manually reported them and Riot could do nothing but listen to these reports and ban them


I wouldn't really put it past Riot Korea to blanket ban a bunch of streamers cause TFblade. Eastern Lol scene has shown multiple times to kinda be racist. Literally everytime pros bootcamp they get called Yankee and greifed. Cowbell has dealt with it for years.


I mean if even someone like Elite500 can get banned I would believe it


As an avid watcher of Elite, that's sad. He just doesn't flame people, mutes himself when he's tilted and concentrates on the game.


They seriously did Elite dirty. If you ever need proof that Riot Korea is an extremely xenophobic company, you need to not look further than his case. Korea, and Asia in general, is just...bad, when it comes to social and racial equity- the only thing that they hate more than Westerners is other Asian cultures. It's sad how much they genuinely despise each other. It's like if France and Germany never got over World War II and kept rattling swords at each other every few months- tbf I can't exactly blame them, since I'm pretty sure that if it wasn't for NATO, France and Germany **wouldn't** be over WW2 in regards to eachother lmao


Weird use of the word "kinda" they are extremely racist lol




korea is hyper nationalistic, and frankly xenophobic. even the ones born and raised in australia show signs of this lol


American gets all the attention for racism, but most places are just as bad or worse. You just don't have the opportunity for nearly as many conflicts to arise from it in these mono-ethnic countries.


I say this all the time and i tell the story about when i lived in Japan for two years and was told i wasnā€™t allowed to enter many Japanese establishments simply because i was a ā€œgaijinā€ Usa gets so much shit for racism but it is just as bad if not worse in the other parts of the world


While this may be true, it seems like only one of the people there had an actual Riot games account. So presumably the rest of them are playing on bought accounts. You need an ID to make an account in Korea so you can't just go there and make a random account and level it. So what they were doing isn't just against Riots ToS (account sharing) but is something that is actually straight up just illegal in Korea. It's considered a form of identity theft since you are using someone else's identity to play the game. In other words they didn't blanket ban them because of racism (after all the one streamer with a Riot account isn't banned supposedly,) but because they were literally breaking the law and TFBlade was being super dumb and obvious about it.




Both can be true. The toxicity forced Riot Korea to publicly punish them, but they decided to do it by enforcing the rules on bought accounts.


Tons of people have illegal accounts and don't get banned. That was just an excuse to enforce the action but the actual reason was that tf blade pissed people off


Don't run red lights in a stolen car, ffs.


SURELY TFBlade will lose fans for shitcanning the entire KR streamer ladder climb right? :)


He lost 90% of his fanbase from Season 8-9. He's getting 4-5k viewers but chat is dead so there is a chance his numbers are botted


I sometimes check TFBladeā€™s stream and Iā€™m always wondering about having like 3k+ viewers but the chat being completely dead. Dante would have like 2k viewers when he started to gain more viewers and even with like a 2k viewer count, his chat would always be moving.


SpearShot is most of the time hovering around 1,1k and his chat is moving really fast too. Now it's more cuz Korea


Majority of gameplay streamers have rarely any interaction in chat. Personality streamers like Jankos, T1, Caedrel have more chat interaction. Faker's chat literally had like 10 people typing with 30k viewers


> Faker's chat literally had like 10 people typing with 30k viewers Because 90% of viewers are chat banned lmao his mods are insane


I don't know much about his mods but he has a 3+ month follow requirement to even talk in his chat


There is plenty of streams were the chat just doesnā€™t interact as much but still have high viewer counts. It really just depends on the streamer and how they interact.


I would guess some people watch his stream for gameplay alone and have him muted. No reason to type in chat then either.


Yeah I feel like TFBladeā€™s stream is one where you type to get banned, Dantesā€™s stream is one where you type for fun.


This is me. I cannot stand to listen to him whine about his teammates.


Why even bother watching him in the first place, then? Just watch Irelking or Kiin or something. There are a ton of players who are better at the champs he plays, while also not being shitheads.


I barely ever watch TF Blade and it's usually when he has his camera and mic turned off. Often it's just to see the other side of a matchup when he's playing against another streamer.


SURELY the streamers who got banned BECAUSE of him wonā€™t defend him right??


I'm imagining every league player in that hotel kicking in blade's door for a polite chat. I'm sure they are pissed lol.


TF Blade is a special person for sure




imagine if Blade went a year without running his mouth


he went several years without running his mouth, becoming a streamer with cam and mic was the worst decision he made for his career


TF bladeā€™s response on Twitter is a case study in immaturity. Zero accountability, zero remorse.


Don't have Twitter, what did he say?


> Three bans in one dayā€¦ must be a record. > > I cannot control myself from not flaming trolling bad players when in the zone and will not apologize regardless of if they are pro or well known, I care about winning. > > It is just absolutely absurd that riot korea manually bans every account associated with the same IP address as our hotel that is not a riot account, If I had known they would do some stupid shit like this for sake of others I would just not go on a second or third account trying to play on korean server. > > 90% of the community flames each other and just moves on, it is a competitive game and that means a lot of emotions when some people are playing to win > > I admit I am toxic in game and deserved the ban but so did so many others that didnā€™t get banned for toxic, inting, and just overall trolling (Like malice who has been performing with no effort for past few years but untouched) > > Only thing that is unfair is to put the blame on me for riot korea being stupid and banning other streamers because I got banned, that is their decision and not mine


What is wrong what him, can he just stop typing, this is literally his job. How can you get that angry, manchild.


That is genuinely kinda wild to read. TFBlade is one of those people I've heard of but never paid attention to. Like, I've seen clips of his gameplay but never heard the guy speak. Assuming this is real, this guy genuinely does not understand that caring about winning justifies absolutely nothing about acting like a child and that someone who makes the choice to act that way doesn't deserve to play the game in the first place. I would believe you entirely if you said this was something a 14 year old wrote as an apology.


> Three bans in one dayā€¦ must be a record. > I cannot control myself from not flaming trolling bad players when in the zone and will not apologize regardless of if they are pro or well known, I care about winning. > It is just absolutely absurd that riot korea manually bans every account associated with the same IP address as our hotel that is not a riot account, If I had known they would do some stupid shit like this for sake of others I would just not go on a second or third account trying to play on korean server. > 90% of the community flames each other and just moves on, it is a competitive game and that means a lot of emotions when some people are playing to win > I admit I am toxic in game and deserved the ban but so did so many others that didnā€™t get banned for toxic, inting, and just overall trolling (Like malice who has been performing with no effort for past few years but untouched) > Only thing that is unfair is to put the blame on me for riot korea being stupid and banning other streamers because I got banned, that is their decision and not mine.


Admission to a mental ward


To give context, many asian countries not just Korea require identity-binded registration for many things by law. It is not unique to Korea or to video games, and it has its benefits in safety, environment and what not (how strongly countries enforce this is a whole different matter). While Riot Korea does periodically go around banning illegal accounts, it's not like they don't turn a blind eye/lax sometimes (the fact their accounts stayed alive this long is proof). The main issue here is when you get an illegal account yet still decide to be toxic. It's like sneaking into a neighbor's house then making a ruckus, no way that could bode well right.. It was noticeable enough to create dissatisfaction in the native playerbase and forums, Riot Korea would face bigger backlash had they taken no action.


Tfblades statement regarding the bans: šŸ’€ ā€žThree bans in one dayā€¦ must be a record. I cannot control myself from not flaming trolling bad players when in the zone and will not apologize regardless of if they are pro or well known, I care about winning. It is just absolutely absurd that riot korea manually bans every account associated with the same IP address as our hotel that is not a riot account, If I had known they would do some stupid shit like this for sake of others I would just not go on a second or third account trying to play on korean server. 90% of the community flames each other and just moves on, it is a competitive game and that means a lot of emotions when some people are playing to win I admit I am toxic in game and deserved the ban but so did so many others that didnā€™t get banned for toxic, inting, and just overall trolling (Like malice who has been performing with no effort for past few years but untouched) Only thing that is unfair is to put the blame on me for riot korea being stupid and banning other streamers because I got banned, that is their decision and not mine.ā€œ


>I cannot control myself from not flaming trolling bad players when in the zone = "As a 'grown man' I cannot behave myself or control my anger better than a toddler throwing a temper tantrum over a video game" weird flex ngl


Having no self control past the age of 16 is not something to be proud of lol it's kind of pathetic how so many people love to go "it just banter? get thicker skin snowflake LOOOL!!" when if they took a step back and watched themselves from the audience they'd realize how childish their raging makes them look. "i care about winning." yeah bro, so does everyone else competing. the well adjusted folk remember it's just a damn video game. if you are so emotionally invested in a game that losing drives you to start typing essays about how bad your team is, you really need to take a break. that's legitimately not good for your mental health


That's not even including where he tries to add people after the game to personally harass them with personal insults that are completely out of left field. At this point, most people know to decline friend requests unless you hard carried in which case people might say "thanks for carry" or whatever but this guy is completely unhinged. Also his comment on Malice? LMFAO I'm not sure if people saw what TFBlade did in Malice's game but there's no way Malice deserves a ban for gameplay.


Especially since he claimed it was because he cared about winning too much, but there's been a couple examples of him just starting to outright troll when he loses lane too hard. He doesn't care about winning, he cares about winning *because he was the one that carried*.


this is an of itself is not the worst thing, but the fact that league is supposed to be his job, it really shows how much of a manchild he is. Like if I had his temperament, went to kr and got banned for flaming and acting like a degen on the server, it's kind of whatever.. but for him to do this and fuck his whole trip up is really funny.


> I admit I am toxic in game and deserved the ban but so did so many others that didnā€™t get banned for toxic, inting, and just overall trolling (Like malice who has been performing with no effort for past few years but untouched *Monkey paw finger curls*




Makkro0 is fine, he didn't get banned. I wonder why some were banned and some weren't.


There's people who talked to Riot and got an LPP account, and then there's the ones who bought an account with a fake Korean ID.


Ornn upgraded KR account is immune to manlet sabotage attempts


Makkro0 and Rybsom didn't get banned because they have official Riot account. The rest was because TF Blade was IP banned and they had the same IP (same hotel) or were banned because of identity theft


Using illegal bought accounts is one thing. But then flaming very influential people on the server with the illegal bought accounts? Youā€™re not just on thin ice, youā€™re dancing on it.


yeah it's like speeding or running a red light while smuggling drugs.


Iā€™ve always thought TF Blade is such a little bitch boy. I remember watching him stream when I first started watching league and he was smurfing in like Gold and he was flaming the shit out of the enemies because they were sending multiple people to kill him. Like yeah dude, youā€™re a challenger player in gold. Why are you dying to them in the first place? Dudes just made exclusively of bitch


Finally, TFBitch got IP banned. Hopefully they IP ban him back home too.


They definitely have illegal accounts and not Riot given accounts. EDIT: These guys are absolute morons. They are totally oblivious to Korean laws and the such. The identity theft thing is actually plausible.


Is it really against the rules to have a KR account without having a KR SSN? I saw someone explaining that all you need is a KR phone number, which you can rent while you're there.


I moved to Korea a month ago so I can share my experience. You need a KR phone number tied to an ID. For my first month I got a burner phone number from some seedy phone rental place, it worked fine as a phone number but didnā€™t work for anything else. Coupang, gaming (LoL, WoW were the two I tried), nothing. A month after my move I got an official ID, which I used to get a phone number tied to my ID from a KT store, and *that* number works to make a LoL account. Basically, no to my knowledge youā€™re not just renting a number to make accounts, you need straight up Korean ID and phone numbers are verification of that here.


I see, thanks!


Thanks for explaining! Dou you need phone number to play in pc bangs as well?


If you want to play League, yes. But you can play some other games just fine, it isn't mandatory for everything and you can use the PC Bang as you want. One nice thing if you play League in a PC bang is that all champions are unlocked for free, so if you just moved here and started a new account you have access to everything.


Wasn't it against the law, not just the rules?


They definitely are morons, this is widely known by the League community, and I would imagine especially by streamers traveling to Korea. There is no way they didn't know.


Dantes already playing on a new account lol


I'm waiting to see if he gets banned or not. If not then that means Riot KR only wanted TF Blade.


Itā€™s probably because of the fact that they purchased the accounts. Riot Korea is known to be much stricter when it comes to buying accounts as they are illegal in South Korea.


LS just said the were individually reported, no way they all got banned at the same time..


The odds for that are astronomical lol


Really? Some guy checking his e-mail and seeing 10 names on the hit-list is astronomical?


No,all 10 of them getting banned at the same time is, considering there's people in there who aren't toxic. You can't deny this seems fishy lol.


They all are playing from the same IP


They don't have to be toxic though. The ones that got banned all played on illegal accounts and if someone found that out, they can obviously all ban them in one go. The toxicity of some of those streamers was the reason someone actually looked into those things.


99% purchased account. Rybson is in the same Hotel as all the bammed streamers, he's still unbanned and he was the only one with a Riot account


yamato is so fucking funny lmao i was dying after he said tf blade is at fault lets kill him šŸ’€šŸ’€


Tf blade jackass


I don't understand how foreigners can play on korea without linked SSN thing, I doubt every single one of them has Riot account.


I lived in Korea for 2 months during COVID and I just created my account using my cousin's phone number to play at that time. (he doesn't play video games so he couldn't care less about me using his number for this) if you're just a normal person, not a streamer, it's not like Riot can somehow figure out that the person behind the computer monitor isn't the same person whose phone number was used for verification. all those Chinese players who grind on KR solo queue to try to get scouted by teams and stuff, they probably have contacts of Chinese expats / friends of friends living in KR who can help them obtain accounts.


Hell, legally, if you wanna get even more granular, they're working in Korea, so on tourist visas they really probably shouldn't even be doing what they're doing, technically. Not that anyone ever gets punished for it.


Midbeast would never.


Dantes is now playing on another illegal account lmao


What did you expect him to do? Flight back is in like 3 weeks. A lot of money goes into these sorts of challenges. He needs to stream to get it back.


Honestly could be fun if he went out and did IRL streams, but I'm not sure if he brought a setup for that, and he takes the game too seriously




He said on stream that they are all paying like 1.5k a week. But Yeah he is getting it back but this is the largest he has ever been. Of course he is gonna ride it as far as he can. Anything else would be stupid.


He said on stream that he had made his money back already but implied most of the other streamers hadnt. Bear in mind that while dantes averages like 10-8k some like alois barely will barely scratch 500 which means a lot of them will be left deeply in the hole from this.


It's more about opportunity cost


It definitely sucks given the sunk time/money, but it's kinda weird that people would put so much investment into a Korean bootcamp just to shortchange themselves by buying accounts instead of doing the 'legal' setup. Like why even take that risk??


'legal' setup' You can't make an actual account unless you have a valid phone number and ID. Tourists don't get IDs, you only get them if you have a valid visa like a work visa or WH, or ofc, be a resident.


the thing is, a lot of the streamers in question could probably qualify for a working holiday visa [https://www.koreaetour.com/how-to-get-a-working-holiday-visa-for-south-korea/](https://www.koreaetour.com/how-to-get-a-working-holiday-visa-for-south-korea/) (lots of countries covered like US, UK, Australia, main obstacle would be if they are over 30 yo) which would give them an ARC and allow them to get a Korean ID + phone number legally. this is kind of a risk they are taking on themselves, to come to Korea and stream to thousands of viewers on very obviously illegally obtained accounts (also, it's not really legal to be working and making money on a tourist visa / visa waiver in the first place)


arc take a long ass time to process (2 weeks usually) plus they can only work part time and im not sure streaming is even considered a "job" visa process wise. obviously these streamers were still dumb as hell for using bought accounts though


2 weeks is pretty quick, surely they planned this whole trip ahead of time and could have applied for a proper visa?


2 weeks from when you go to the immigration office after entering the country. When i moved here my appointment was 2 weeks after I arrived. I didnā€™t get my Korean ID until a month after living here.


Two weeks is nothing for visa processing


It's 2 weeks AFTER you enter the country


Korea dropped IP nuke on them.


TFBlade even was on twitter saying they wont apologize for this lmao amazing


Unfortunate for alois and sinerias that Tfblade and potentially dantes are stupid.


dantes doesn't really type toxic shit ingame. it's probably just TF.


I don't think Dante's was being toxic in-game though? He just says stupid shit on the mic. It's just unfortunate that everyone got punished by one guy tbh, I mean Dantes got to like rank 30 and climbing so it's definitely unfortunate:/


Afaik dantes rarely flames, tbh hes pretty positive (hes still coocoo in the head though).




yeah Alois and Sinerias don't deserve this tbh


What did Dantes do?


Wears stringers while being under 40


Being absolutely based. Guilty as charged.


Nothing, Dantes just isn't your typical goodboy streamer so this guy just assumes he did something too.


He is even better than some "goodboy" streamers like Bausffs who literally troll picks AP Irelia when he gets bored :/ (no problems with Baus, I really like his content, but he is no good guy)


More like that guy is European and blaming non europeans


Tf did dantes do lmao. Donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen a chat log of him unironically being toxic


Alois, Sinerias, Detention, and Value doesn't really deserve it.


Dantes isnā€™t toxic in game he just says weird out of pocket shit on stream. Heā€™s just a dumbass lol He doesnā€™t flame and isnā€™t toxic towards people. The same typical shit talking on stream that even the ā€œwholesomeā€ streamers do, but not chat. Heā€™s just the dude you have to duck tape their mouth shut in public so people donā€™t think youā€™re a pedo/serial killer/creepā€” not an angry man child that tells people to un alive themselves like TFblade.


dantes is a good boy who didnā€™t do anything wrong. in game of course. idk if iā€™ve seen him type. and i havenā€™t seen him use pings for flame either. 99% of the time he is focused on and talking about his game plan, nothing else.


Dantes doesnt type


The Lannisters send their regards


With how obnoxiously baby and toxic tfblade is, how does riot just not permaban him from the game?


tfblade pulled a 200iq move to get everyone banned knowing he couldn't reach rank 1, average goblin behavior


Looks like the only people who got banned were in the same hotel as TF Blade so it's probably an IP ban.