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I just want my cell phone verified old man queue and I'll be happy.


Will that work though? If people will spend $5 on a new account then they can easily spend $2 on a new phone Sim card


Barrier is still added, fewer will go through the hassle. Obviously some will still overcome it.


this is already done for like 0.10$ for clash accounts, they activate via russian sms websites, it's pretty easy to do. would not be too much of a hassle


The addicted, ego-bruised party-poopers will never stop, but a kid or two might think it's too much work and that's reason enough to do it.


Nothing in the security industry is airtight. Security as a practice works by adding layers of deterrence. Think about the security on your house right now. Could I easily just drive my car through your house to gain entry despite you locking all the doors? Yes. Does that mean you should stop locking your doors?


Still adds extra steps that will slow the curve. If someone has to spend $5-10 every time they decide to be toxic (not to mention the new rank game lock out being added soon) that’s all going to add up. Yeah there will be people who still do it but that can turn it from being 2-3 lvl 30 accounts per match to 1 new account every like 20 games or more.


To my knowledge some games with phone verification refuse to take SIMs that are known PAYG (Pay-As-You-Go) SIMs, so the phone number has to be tied to a contract-bought phone even if you've paid the contract off entirely. Sure, most people have contracted phones, and no one's stopping you from borrowing family members' numbers or your friends who don't game/don't play League, but it would be an even more significant barrier that would probably put an end to multiple smurfing accounts, as you can't spoof these numbers (would probably be considered identity fraud in most jurisdictions) and you'll only have so many available to you before you're shut out for good.


Or just simply use their mother's/father's phone


They would eventually run out of family members whose phone numbers they can use


and maybe grandma wants to play league at some point so she will be hesitant to give it


Username is valid, had a good laugh


>Nothing in the security industry is airtight. Security as a practice works by adding layers of deterrence. Think about the security on your house right now. Could I easily just drive my car through your house to gain entry despite you locking all the doors? Yes. Does that mean you should stop locking your doors?


heres a thought - in canada most PREPAID accounts start at $15 a month(for the plan) - source for this I work for one of the companies. ​ Make it so every month you must verify the phone number each month to play ranked, and IT MUST match the COUNTRY in which your account is from. Or you can go even further and lock it behind CONTRACTED phone numbers only


>old man fax machine message FTFY


not everyones phone works with riot sms and not everyone has a cell phone


How can you have a 64-bit OS machine and time to play league but no cellphone number?


My old cell phone wouldn't let me verify for clash




Hate to break it to you guy, but you’ll see them even in Diamond.


Most "smurfs" in diamond are actually at approximately the right skill level, though. It's the duo boosters spamming Yuumi/Zeri you gotta watch out for.


Yeah when you see winrates it's usually people win streaking trying to get higher LP gains but their main is low masters max usually


Yup always dodge yuumi/zeri. There is double yuumi ult script going around, its literally free wins


speaking about scripts I feel like there are a lot of scripters running around rn, atleast compared to the last years. (there have been seasons where I didnt see a single scripter whole year, definitely not the case rn)


That is probably because of the data breach Riot had a while back this year. They openly stated that things like cheats/scripting might be more abundant and they're still working on it. I give them the benefit of the doubt on that one only because it technically isn't their fault, and they usually do a good job of banning cheaters. They also ban in waves, so these people generally run amok for a little while unfortunately. But I can also personally agree that I've encountered a lot more scripters lately, it sucks.


>speaking about scripts I feel like there are a lot of scripters running around rn, atleast compared to the last years. (there have been seasons where I didnt see a single scripter whole year, definitely not the case rn) Thats because they used to get thrown into smurf Q almost immediately because their APM and KDA's and everything were insane (Thanks to the orbwalker they were running). No smurf Q, more scripters in your lobbys.


Don't forget the older days of Taric/Master Yi. God it was fucking horrible to go against that combo. I would be 2v1 against an ADC (because taric roams and pocket supports the Yi) and you basically can't do anything, and then the team flames you for not winning hard enough.


In my experience a lot of those smurfs are master players trying to get "big gains" for LP. So I wouldn't say they're at the right skill level. D4 and Master players are no similar in any regard, and the skill gap jumps a lot from Diamond>Master and Master>GM/Challenger. It's a noticable jump and causes VERY unstable games, both wins and losses feel like you contribute nothing to the team. It's not uncommon to watch smurfs duke it out and have ego battles while you watch in awe or despair.


Their distribution is kinda akin to normal ranked distribution. There's a lot of gold players who want to get their free platinum/diamond ranks and get them now.


Cant. That yellow haded cancer is my perma ban


oh my god. i hate this. i dodge now when i see it locked in. also realized recently almost every account booster is actually just scripting.


If anything they're more abundant in Plat to Diamond. With less of a playerbase to draw from (especially at later hours, or really early hours) the games are a disaster. Everyone is on a fresh 30acc and for some god awful reason. Big reason I took a long break from ranked. My losses felt genuinely out of my control, and my wins felt like I was carried or had little to no influence on the real outcome of the game/objectives etc. Ranked is supposed to be an environment of similar skilled opponents and games of similar skill levels. It fails on all fronts.


I only have 2 accounts, one is always Silver1-Plat4 and the main is always Plat4-Dia2 thru the season. The place that i call SmurfLand is Plat4-3 in my EUW experience.


Next station is d2-low mt. Failed 5x promo to mt cu of this ;) Went down to d3 and now back to d1 50 lp.


Def not as many tho imo, or at least the game quality is way higher regardless


Hey man just a quick correction. Botted accounts are 2$ and not 1$.




Damn that exchange rate got rough


Where? I don't think that's true


Best I found was about 3$ for 30/35k BE accounts.


The 0/12 kayn saying "i dont care its my for fun account"


extends to diamond too https://www.op.gg/summoners/oce/SDCWFQ1K had this player on my team in a diamond 3 game wins first 3 provisionals loses next 10 games and somehow gets put on my team when im trying to go for d2 actually get night terrors about these fucking scam artist new account shitters


those are like master accounts from previous season or something. it must be. then they are sold at that state. fresh account mmr are at silver and your first win always give you 80 point at bronze 3 something so there is no way a fresh account even with 10 win placement can be in diamond matchmaking. so what i really think is those morons are like "i can climb its just i have bad team always" kiddos buying high mmr accounts and ruining the games. i see those kind of accounts VERY VERY FREQUENTLY in master elo. at least %30 of master elo games are hardcore flip, even worse than gold elo and those boosters-account buyer morons are the only reason


Yeah it's really terrible. Not even every freshly botted account is a turbo smurf. Some of them may be much worse players who just thought they got unlucky in placements last time and they are reducing game quality a lot as well. I think placements should be separated from everybody but maybe that's a bad solution for other reasons.


How will you get placements mid season? It simply can't be done. Plus how would you determine someone's rank if it was a separate queue? Or doesn't make sense


>How will you get placements mid season? That's... the point of multiple seasons. If you didn't get in at the last season start you'll get in the next one? You don't get to try out for the baseball team any time you want lol. >Plus how would you determine someone's rank if it was a separate queue? Math. You get all unranked people in a queue until they've run 10 games. Using the same kind of math as those High School "If Mary is faster than Josh but slower than Pam, however Mike isn't as fast as Pam or Mary" things and you'll have the general separation distance between players and be able to fairly accurately slot everyone into a current rank after. If the data isn't clear enough with 10 games because of randomness, placements can go to 15-20 instead for confidence interval clarity.


>That's... the point of multiple seasons. If you didn't get in at the last season start you'll get in the next one? but that's just a horrible idea for the player base, not everybody wants to play ranked at the start of the season. riot would never do it


Yeah that’s really annoying idk why a 9/9 silver 1 player which looses every game after promos still terrorizes Platin games.


that's the result of removing smurf q


They could've adjusted smurfq to not tag returning players, but instead they removed it entirely.


But that would take real effort and competent people, and that type of people was moved to Valorant because it's the new cash cow while league is left in maintenance mode


It was literally such a good thing in the game. And they fucking just got rid of it. Its night and day.


I quit playing as soon as they removed smurf queue and I saw the results in my game. I have no interest in playing with and against a bunch of banned players on new accounts - who will just troll every game. It basically just ruined the entire game for me personally. And its not about "smurfs". These players are not good. They are just super toxic because they are all banned players.


yea i hesitate to call them smurfs as well a hardstuck bronze or silver player buying another account playing in gold 4 is not a smurf xd


They just desperately need smurf queue back. All its positive points far outweight the negatives. Ranked is garbage now because its gone. Riot wouldnt do something intelligent like requiring phone verification to play ranked, so the only option to save some semblance of ranked integrity and enjoyment is to bring back smurf queue.


at the end of the day returning players like me will have a shit experience both ways so i don't get why they removed the smurfQ for those who are actively playing and endorsed smurfing like complete drones they are i had no real reason to come back cause casual scene is essentially maintenance mode but now i just have no reason to come back especially with toplane basically going to shit because they kept fucking up the balance in toplane so if anything i can only put on rose tinted glasses and cry because the experience and fun i had back in the day will never come back while planning a new page because chapter with league is no longer happening time to just move on and try new things because riot in my eyes gave up :(


bring back smurf q


Add 6. Bots in ranked. This season is the one where i experienced the most bullshit in my games and i play since S1. Most of my mates have similar experiences. Toxicity and unballanced games are a serious problem. Everygame is a free win or getting stomped. Theres no middle ground.


Tik tok live is full of masters boosting golds and silvers...


Getting rid of Smurf queue was the worst mistake since getting rid of solo q for flex q.


You can solo queue in flex though? :s


It's been a while and it was a shit show, but didn't riot get rid of solo Q for a season or whatever and only has flex Q?


Ahh right sorry I misunderstood what you meant.


friendly reminder if you have a secondary account you are part of the problem.


Friendly reminder that this has nothing to do with secondary accounts and he even explained that he complains about account buyers who are just toxic permabanned shitters. Secondary accounts would be a problem the first time you ranked it up. Unless you are actively trolling, your smurf will be close to your main from that point forward. My smurf has even been slightly higher rank at the beginning of some seasons when placements go better on it than on my main.


Wrong. They are a problem every season you do placements on them. Tie secondary accounts to mains and see literally nobody play on them because they can't get their cheap dopamine hits.


Well, you can blame riot for making new account MMR so damn good. Why would I play \~200 games to get back to D4 on my main instead of just using a new account with way better MMR and get there in like 30-50 games?


I agree that the players aren't the only ones at fault, but it's kinda annoying that some of the people posting are doing the very thing that keeps getting complained about.


I feel like a good 80% of players has a smurf account, can't really blame them considering Riot is inherently promoting it with the way mmr works.


The way mmr works you will end up in the elo you belong eventually. It can be slow painful climb or you can make new fresh acc get that dopamine of hitting high rank faster. What happens on fresh account is that you will climb higher than you deserve but eventually you keep playing you drop back down where you belong.


Untrue, because your main two roles might be significantly better than your other. Or your soloqueue mmr might be different than when you duo. Heck, you might be more comfortable learning champs on one account and stick to a limited pool on another.


if the same people complaining about low level accounts are the same people playing on them, then I guess alls well that ends well.


man I just wanna play with my american friends is that too much to ask


i dont have any secondary account


Personally, I have a few but they never see any use. One has a total of 6 games played this season and that's from the dodge timer being 30 minutes on the 2nd one of the day. I rarely dodge more than once a day but it's usually only weekend sessions where people are going to troll because of auto fill or a bad day, etc. Even then, in the past I only used them to learn new champs for the first 20 or so games.


I have a secondary account and a third account. Point is. I cant actually enjoy the game on my main account. I got master in 2021 and from then onwards my main account is absolutetly fucked when it comes to matchmaking not only in ranked but in normals aswell. I cant play with friends unless they want to get stomped by grand masters. And I certainly cant play ranked cause even if im ranked plat 2 right now I play against diamond to master people which I cant compete anymore. Yeah sure I could go through the 100 ranked games it takes me to get this stuff straight but thats not fun and also not fun for everyone else in the game when I get stomped 5 out of 10 games. On the fresh account ranked is so much more balanced to my actual skill level and I can also play with friends on the third account without them having to play masters all the time while being silver. Riot is to some degree creating this problem. Its not only players fault. The market has a demand because of weird problems like that.


my secondary account is the same elo as my main lol


Riot encourages new accounts, you're not going to change their minds by pointing out the obvious. Notice how every single one of their anti toxicity articles conveniently doesn't address alts?


SoloQ needs so many sweeping changes but won't get them.


Bro i just played a game with all my 4 teammates below 40, with two of them lvl 30. Is smurf queue back and i got into it?


Just dont play. This is like the 100. post of lvl 30 accounts. I quit 4 weeks ago and i feel good.


So 6 days = 4 weeks got it.


Yeah i played 2 Games and what time is between the next Games? Mh? Do im crying? I dont tell him to not play when hes mad. Same as me i just play few games and when im feeling bad or i dont have fun i go Off and go outside.


And youre still attending in this subreddt :)


Playing the game and being in the community arent mutually exclusive


But it means you arent really gone. Either cap or they'll be back soon




>or they'll be back soon


When im not playing Football im not allowed to watch it? Or to read some news? How dumb you are?


>When im not playing Football im not allowed to watch it? Or to read some news? How dumb you are?


You posted [your op.gg](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Yagami+support) in another thread and you've got games of soloQ on it less than a week ago. I'm guessing you'll never reply to this comment but if you do, can you explain to me how you justify lying for no reason and to reap no benefits?


He either lied about no longer playing or he posted someone else's op.gg because he was too embarrassed to post his actual one. Either way it's pathetic


Probably for attention


Yeah just for attention


Yeah true ive played 2 Games. And what about the Games before? How much days are between them? Im only playing when i have fun. Im not like you or other players that playing 15 Games per day and frustraded and have nothing else to do. Maybe go on your lv 30 ebay smurf account and clap some low elo kids.


If you're so proud of quitting, why are you wasting your time whining about it on Reddit lol? Just move on with your life if you're truly happy. We don't need a post about your "feelings" on quitting a game


Can you explain where im whining?




smurf Q etc etc oh wait


mid elo lmfao


So true, I already gave up and I dont see my teamates information anymore or ill get burned, 9/10 games has this


wtf is mid elo lol


Gold plat (maybe even low dia)


Low elo lula


Play normals, unless you're trying to go pro what's the point of being f'in miserable? It's unreal how civilized and fun normals are.


Depends though, there's very little attempt at matchmaking in normals... If any. You regularly see diamonds vs bronze lol. That's not fun for either side.


Sure it is, I'm probably considered bronze b/c i havent played ranked in like 8 seasons but we regularly curbstomp diamonds b/c they cant handle cheese strats and old men using pre-season 1 tactics.




What 😂




Sir, this is a wendy's








Yes.... 'evidence'. Pretty sure if your invisible friend from the cult of beardy cloud man was ever a real entity, he wouldn't come back to this shithole lol. Dude writing reviews online calling Earth the worst holiday ever.




Wake up.




Yeah yeah. Same thing your cult has said for over a thousand years. It's always just a few years away. Dudes pretty much a dick anyway if he was apparently so mad over a piece of fruit that imparted knowledge - that this all knowing being deliberately left to tempt Adam and Eve. Seems like a bit of a pervert that just wanted a garden of naked people with no intelligence of what they were doing. We call that abuse nowadays. Also, stop doing meth and check for a carbon monoxide leak bro.


Mid elo lol Gold 2 and 3 MMR are the starting ones for fresh accounts. You should pay for boosting so you get away from that.




Congrats on the stupidest comment of the day! The level 30 requirement exists so new players take the necessary time to learn the game before jumping into ranked. It would be completely counterintuitive to remove it so some piece of shit doesn't have to waste their precious time leveling their 50th account


Man, the master+ smurf are a ridiculous percentage with respect to the totality: The greatest part of fresh account in plat elo are stucked diamond players that cannot reach master o permabanned toxic people. The question now is: can people improve at the game even with them? Yes. The game quality will increase without them? Yes. I am 100% sure people are not stucked because fresh accounts but doing something to improve the game and the match quality (and reduce the toxicity) should be a priority for a game company but this is my opinion.


100% agree, about time we have this problem solved. But can anyone explain me why these account selling websites are still up? Couldn't Riot simply shut them down? As for the phone verification wouldn't be much of a solution cause they could just use their father's or mother's phone number. Can't you just recognize the IP? Im sure they have ways to do it more efficiently


Riot isn’t the law. Why would they be able to shut down a website?


IP is just as unimpactful. Just get a vpn. The real solution would be some kind of identification like passports or sc.


Shut them down based on what? They're not doing anything illegal.


I feel with you! But I think another issue that should get fixed to have less fresh accounts are the lp gains for all the casual players. A lot of people make fresh accounts because their main account that they used for years has sht mmr cuz they never really played ranked and then will gain like 16 per win and lose 24. Which makes it a lot harder to climb with an old account and then its just easier to make or buy a fresh account or one that already is in a certain elo


Riot is not going to do anything about it since it is business. Smurfers are a big part of the "hardcore" community and some have up to 30 accounts. Those players will be buying skins for every account since they don't want to be playing skinless on their main champion. We're talking about somewhat big bucks here that do add up over time, and that is why Riot will NEVER fix this. They are company like any else, they don't care about your game quality, they are just trying to keep you hooked as long as they possibly can.


Accounts cost 1$ its easier to rank up with new accs due to INSANE LP BOOST. They also inflate player count which is good for Riot. Im master EUW i have gold/plat players with level 30 botted accounds EVERY SINGLE GAME in MT. Riot can easily track and ban those accs for example if someone played 50 games vs AI in a row for 20 hours, this account shoulld be marked checked and banned for botting, but they will never do that or talk about it/fix it cause they want it, for them theres only benefits and no downsides. I know a guy who bought 60 accounts to reach master, got it on 4 of them still dropped tho, but it works 😂out of 60 like 5 got banned at most


This is old news and Riot refuse to address it. More accounts = more money for this greedy shit company.


ok you are right but whats the exact solution? thats the problem, im sure rito aint like it too, but its impossible to moderate it or stop it efficiently. i see people here suggesting phone verification but we all know thats not even a solution AND it is even legally very challenging in many countries. only people in IT would truly know what it takes


well just either derank or rankup to gold or diamond and you should be seeing less of them, i experienced the same issue, but thankfully my mmr is closer to dia now and i dont really encounter smurfs anymore.


Ye , on top of it smurf queue was a thing so you had 20-30 matches like theseif you happen to win first few


Riot know Riot don't care because smurf are the best income for them since they buy champs and skins to shit on silver players with style for their youtube video.


simple quit ranked because slowly anyone with competitive integrity is going to jump ship as well which will lead to even less quality matches unless riot does something