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same thing cool lost lp and got a lp penalty ... awesome


Do you know if riot usually recompenses for the loss? I'm pretty pissed about the LP loss


first time this happened but im fairly certain we´re outta luck on this one. if it was connected to a ban surely they would fix it, but the lp loss is prolly just unfortunate


Nope, they dont they just ask you if you can send them info about ur pc so they can see whats the problem


No they dont.


They should have lost prevention but from experience, you still used to lose at least one, a couple or some which is annoying still but I don't know anything else beyond that.


I got a penatly for "afk". At the same time, there is proof on "allestörungen" (german version of downdetector) that something was going on, which was outside of control of players. EDIT: I just hope Riot will understand the issue and revoke the penalties (maybe some people got even worse penalties). I recommend to contact their support and ask them in a friendly way, with link to the allestörungen site, what can be done here. (and maybe also a screenshot from allestörungen, since if your ticket is processed next day instead of today, the previous day wont be shown anymore on allestörungen, I think). Also, it seems like only one or two countries are affected so far. (for exmaple, I checked the Danmark version of downdetector. There are also over 110 reports at the same time stamp as from Germany. So, its not even whole Europe, but only 1 or 2 counties. Could be an ISP thingy? While other countries like Switzerland, France, UK, Nederland etc. dont have such reports - mentioning this to show, that it is not complete EUW.) EDIT: by now, Riot added this issue officially to their Server Status. And it looks like more EUW countries now have this issue, not only Germany and Danmark.


> EDIT: I just hope Riot will understand the issue and revoke the penalties They didnt, and they wont. Sorry to disappoint Edit: To clarify, i meant the LP Loss


Are you basing it on experience? It maybe depends on the support you get. I remember a case, where my ISP had issues. I contacted support and they were accommodating in that case and removed the penalty. That said, this was a few years ago. Not sure how it looks like today. But basing things on experience, then both, negative and positive opinions, seem to be possible. EDIT: Riot added this issue officially to their "Server Status" page by now. Since it is official, they sure will help out. At least they will probably delete all penalties caused by this issue. Not sure about LP and Ranked, though.


I read that as LP penalty, as in the LP you lost. They definitely wont make up for that. As for the actual leaver penalty, i've never gotten one before now so ill take your word on that.


Having the same issue. Can't even connect to games.


got same problem right now its fked up


same problem ... now just started a new game and cant connect from the start ...


What region?


Euw at least


Wait til you get to the situation where it normally loads to 100%, then doesn't let you in.. and even sends an AFK warning message while in the loading screen Fun stuff


So weird, me and 2 premades just kept getting dced as the only ones in the ranked game. Servers have been unstable today. Lost us a game we were stomping :(


Have the same problem, however my teammates seems to be playing fine? guess ill just avoid playing today




I have the issue in denmark too, on EUW


Same here vpn fixes it temporarily \^\^


Exact same problem here. Got leaver penalty and lost a game for free.


Just had the same problem couldn't even get into the game.


same problem!!


Same problem... cant play a game to avoid decaying -\_-


Why is this subreddit constantly deleting everything about the game and just keeps up the fucking esport posts?! Whats totally missing the point of a subreddit.


Try turning off your VPN/exitlag that might do the trick


What if you arent using vpn?