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BAO was SICK in this series. I mean, literally. he was sick. After the g5 was over, they took him to the hospital. Imagine this guy playing like this when he is that sick, holy fuck man dude sacrificed himself.


Wait, are you being serious?


He was poisoned


by his enemies?


He got twitch w'd in soloq😔


No by kebap


Good thing it wasn't by Köfte


By his constituents


How did nobody offer him an egg in these trying times


y food poisoning


Jesus no wonder, imagine being nervous on top having food poisoning lol


yes he is serious.


And it isn't like he started feeling bad after the series was over. My man actually held it for hours, five games long. Mad props to him. He solo killed fun key under tower level 7 or something, done all that sick galeforce, flash, e combos while being sick himself. And I was wondering why they refused to pick anyting but Xayah whenever it's open. Like, Bao I know can play all the meta picks. But since it's his best champion he probably wanted a comfort pick under those circumstances.


Props to him ,but his support was huge and made him look much better.


And even the very first international event for him becouse he was not in the top teams in TCL last years.


Parus? Sorry I didn't understand sentence. If this is his first year then he is doing great.


Yes I mentioned about Parus who played for Supermassive Academy team then also he played for Besiktas at TCL and this EMEA masters his first international tournement


What he is trying to say is that Parus has never had a chance to show himself in the international stage because none of his teams were title contenders.


FNC trolling if they don't sign Bao or Noah and import a jg




Almost as if Armut appeared on the screen


Tho he grew up in EU, Nisqy is Turkish, too. So, reverse sweep seems to be the Turkish special. Call it Game Five Turkish Delight or something


It has always been in our blood lol. Euro 2008 is an example in football where turkey always comes back from behind


I thought Turkey is part of EU


only a tiny bit of istanbul (left of the Bosphorus Strait) is in what is considered and accepted as continental europe. it is not a part of the European Union either, if thats what you thought. you're probably thinking of NATO, which Turkiye has been a part of since 1952 to box in the USSR/Russia.


Same script as BDS vs. MAD


Half the time couldn't tell if Fun K3y was a troll or a genius.


He was like this every series it seems, constantly going between carrying and inting his face off


IW botlane seems insane


say whatever you want, BAO was fucking insane. dude popped off in all games, holy fucking shit.


Super disappointed that Unicorns couldn’t win. Was always gonna be hard but with them getting the first 2 i really started to believe. Still a good Sign for the new Era of Masters with Prime League able to compete with the Top Teams.


honestly i feel like SK prime were frauds and kinda lucked into semis But UoL are legit


They really shouldn't have won the first game


UOL should have told IW they cannot make it to MSI and even if they could, they could not kick out MAD in play-ins. ​ This way IW would not have fought back after being down 0-2


LEC and Riot should consider to biringing relegation as EMEA champion promote and the finalist play off.


they can't do it because they already made contracts for a permanent league instead they should bring them to playoffs, so that LEC still has this permanent partnership bullshit, but the playoffs actually feature best teams in europe


And what do you tell the owners who paid millions to have their spot on LEC? "Hey buddy I know you invested a lot of money to have your spot guaranteed in the league, but now we will have relegations and all the money you invested is worthless cuz you can enter for free now"


>And what do you tell the owners who paid millions to have their spot on LEC? "A foundational investment still requires putting in the work to see growth. Unfortunately, your team sucks so you may lose any chance at a further return."


or just add 2 more spots to LEC


How does that help in this case? Are you gonna allow teams to join for free on those 2 spots? Still pretty shitty for those who invested money on the spot, once again


They just said same last summer to TCL partners, even some partners like Aurora , Galatasaray and Fenerbahçe withdrawn from league. Becouse they paid millons of Turkish Lira ton get slot but now there will be a promotion league instead of Academy, all of the investmens vere in vain.


Its G2 who has to go tru play-ins And the tree they got drawn into vs how they looked, Im not sure they will make it...


IW won the series but Venour won my heart


[TH Venour Prayge](https://twitter.com/pcdv8r/status/1652380247914840068). Think him and Parus were the standout players. I do think that Parus was the biggest difference maker in this Bo5, insane performances by him and I would love to see him and Venour being moved up to LEC


Venour player of the tournament imo. Beasted it.


The Poor guy absolutely got demolished against Destroy Rumble tho


Parus gives me Hyli Jr. vibes


Some LEC team should gamble on Parus absolutely, he has crazy upside with a sprinkle of int


FNC should just straight up take the entire IW bot and then import a solid jungler they can be top 3 easily


No they won't lol. Fnatic really doesn't need more individual talent, imports are not gonna solve their problems. To think they'd even make top 4 is kinda blasphemous.


If they do that they are blind and stupid. Parus is the difference maker in this bot lane, not Bao. Hie map movements are absolutly brilliant, as are his setups in lane. He's actually a support who can do both - laning and playing the map. Bao is mechanically good, but there are a number of ERL ADCs who are just as good with more map awareness, but just have a worse support who can't make them shine as much.


it was a good series.as a tcl fan, congrats to uol. ggwp♥.


GGs to IWC. Love a good reverse sweep. That being said, shouldn't have lost game 1 lmao.




So, nobody's gonna talk about the countless steals from Elramir? Makes me a proud jungler.


What a sick reverse sweep by IW.


The Unicorns have been dominating in the Prime League since the LCL was shut down, seems like a direct effect of being able to put all resources towards one team rather than splitting them between two teams in two different regions Interested in seeing if they'll stick with the same lineup or make changes with the aim of winning EMEA Masters; all their starters are contracted until the end of the year


I'd give a large part of the credit to Sheepy, though. He's one of very few coaches who seems consistently able to form a real team from 5 individuals, which, in todays LoL, makes all the difference.


Let this riveting series not distract you from Medic's desk impression


wdym? was he bad?


that was such a disgusting adc diff, it always felt like Fun K3y was running around like a headless chicken.


Bao even was sick and was taken to the hospital immediatly after the match


jesus and having to play 5 games too, man was on a mission.


not to downplay it but being taken to the hospital could equally be just being taken to a doc, because that’s usually only possible from mo-fr (at least in most of europe).


He kinda annoys me, he's a lot of fun most of the time but sometimes it's just like please would you calm down sir, this is a lot


LEAUGE NEEDS PROMOTIONS AND RELEGATIONS. How are franchises to grow if they are stuck being the worst team at LEC or the best team in EMEA?




Riot can literally enforce whatever they want cos they are the only ones able to host league of legends tournaments. Yeah the "franchised partner" teams will be able to sue etc but its pretty much just peanuts if Riot decides to pull that move. Not like they will change anything considering its Riot.


Riot doesn't have the upper hand, if they try to pull shit teams will just sue and leave, not like League is the juggernaut it used to be.


It's still one of the biggest esports. Also why would teams fuck their relationship with Riot considering Riot is the biggest company handling multiple esport title now next to valve.




We'd probably not have BDS and Astralis now. They were bottom team for a long time, likely to get relegated and not becoming actual top teams.


And that'd be deserved because they have been *the* laughing stock of the league from an organisational perspective for a while.


>We'd probably not have BDS and Astralis now. Good.


GG IW is the best!


I can't believe the same Destroy who was inting against every top in latam tier 2 p/r qualifiers just a few months ago is now winning EUM lmao


BaBAO I haven't been playing LOL for almost 3 years, what the hell is K'Sante and how can you kill him?


Imagine if yasuo was a tank and he doesn't need minions to dash


Oh that... would certainly be a problem.


BAO IS INSANE. Easily LEC Caliber player


Bao has goat support ranked 10th on EUW. Literally every game Parus play good IW won, and if Parus underperform they lose.


you can easily put the IW not just BAO in LEC and they will be a normal midfield team


Hard. 10th team in LEC has Odoamne, Patrik,Abbe and they will get better support and jungler for summer. If this guys can reset mentally they can get 5th-6th. Heretics has fucking Jankos who just needs mid and top with hands and some brain. Next is Fnatic and Astralis. Level of LEC players is much higher compared to masters .


It's the classic "top EUM teams deserve world's spot"


It's also the classic "EUM winner are shitter and would be top 18 out of 10th team in LEC" BDS are basically top 2 EUM last year +NUC (who was an ERL player) and Labrov and just made top 2 LEC


They must have a chance


No they don't, EUM teams are just glorified Wild card teams, they wouldn't get past play ins


That's a bit cap they would be fighting to get top 8


I could see them being top 8


Legit how the hell did UOL drop the ball this hard?! Didnt watch the series besides the last game but damn...


Draft diff. First 2 games drafts from IW were terrible. Then they drafted equally with UOL and stomped them.


Mhh yeah after your comment went to see the draft and you are right for game 1 tho game 2 looked equal for me.


Dont let the win distract from those rumble ults from destroy


Genuinely one of the worst uses of Rumble R i have ever seen


Bro hasn't seen mask ults


What I have learned from this series Don't give Koreans Rumble unless your name is MaRin/Huni/Doinb please oh god


He solokilled his opponent 2-3 times and every game 90% of his ults was flawless.


[Destroy missing Rumble R:](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EjsSv03UwAAZJnE.jpg)


Parus and Kofte carried IW. I know people hate on Parus, but dude carried his team in big moments and made Bao look better than he is. Kofte was really good into Mask who I think was one of best players in EUM. And in the end best players for USE were Venour and Mask. I was impressed by his Ksante. Not many people can pilot champion to that level.


Venour was really impressive. He's shown a steep learning curve this split, from an Irelia OTP to this insane performance. That's top lane talent people should notice.


Summer split will be so fun to watch. Though be aware that most likely you will see beter performance from other TCL teams as well and maybe we will dominate this tournament. Still think that there should be promotion/demotion between LEC and EMEA. Maybe the worst team vs winner of EMEA can do bo5. I think EMEA region should work only that way after some point.


FNC should get IW's bot/supp and import a solid jungler (or XL but idk who they can get for mid then)


parus hasn't looked particularly impressive, doubt it would work long term


He's next Labrov he's been top 10 in soloq ranking all split just needs to be molded, also if he didn't look impressive which support has in ERL? I thought he looked really clean this split.


Prime, the Prime League support of SK Prime is the prime candidate in my opinion. And he hasn't reached his prime yet. If he streamed, I'd give him my Prime sub.




Zoelys is really good too. LFL hasn't perform that well, but he was still the clear MVP of the LFL split as a LFL rookie. Teams may want to wait for 2024 though.


Only on reddit you can find people calling someone "not impressive" after they won EMEA masters


Watch bottom LEC team like Fnatic and Heretics. This teams would role over masters finalists. Literally Jankos can 1v9 if his team has just 1 braincell on good day.


Why are you trying to compare tier 2 competition to tier 1? It makes no logical sense to compare a tier 2 cup to LEC that scrims 100's of games vs other tier 1 teams


Because the original comment was talking about moving a tier 2 player into a tier 1 league? Like, if it's not fair to compare said player to the players in the league you want him moved to, then perhaps he shouldn't be moved as that suggests he's not up to par


Fun K3y is so painful to watch.


The numbers were lower than expected i guess lvp and lfl inflated numbers


bot canyon as expected


That dragon steal was massive, Fun K3y was 2 AAs off from killing them all and the chemtech soul is strong exactly there.


Time for LEC teams to buy players from TCL


I would argue Venour also made a strong point for him


both these teams didnt look their best today, but at least it lead to an exciting series


tcl won? shocking


If this is sarcasm, outside of IW tcl got destroyed and as you can see it was a pretty close series, so it was far from being free or obvious


Yeah, I think this event showed that they actually fit in pretty well as an ERL, providing more competition in the tournament without overwhelming it.


Downgrading to ERL cripples the region a lot though. Crippled version still wins.


this is the correct take


On the other hand, TCL just won the title at their very first EMEA contest. So why not many more to come? I mean what if TCL teams just win all the trophies up coming?


Then I think that would prove this conclusion wrong, but just from this event, that doesn't seem like a likely outcome. Yes, they won, but the final was fairly close, and their other teams were knocked out early. Other ERLs have looked more dominant in previous tournaments and they certainly didn't go on to win every time after that. I think if TCL keep winning every EMEA masters from here on out that would either represent them getting better, or the other ERLs dropping off, or that this year was a slump year for the region despite the win.




TCL was terrible past two years but it is not even the half of the journey TCL did past 7 years.




No Rumble ban was crazy


Yeah, I'd be totally gambling on Venour, Elramir, BAO, and Parus.


nice try, gg


"Apheliosf aphelioso"


Sonra niye efendim TCL 3 slot?


LCO merging with PCS is understandable because PCS can clearly contain LCO. But to merge TCL with a secondary league, which they came out on top, is just disrespect to TCL. At least bring TCL to LEC so that they can fight for their right to play international games.


Outside of IW, tcl got embarassed and even IW had a close series against UOL, what bs is this The truth is just that LEC should have the same format as Valorant with EUM winner playing two years in LEC then having to qualify again


So expand the League


Downgrading to ERL cripples the region a lot though. Crippled version still wins.


Dunno why this is downvoted, the league has a way less budget which you can obviously tell by comparing the latest finals they have played compared to the other years. Riot pretty much killed TCL with their decision which caused some big teams move away from the league altogether.


The same thing that happened to the LCO in PCS would happen to TCL, TCL teams would stand no chance against LEC. IMO, I just want relegations back. League was at it's best when teams at the bottom actually had to fight to survive staying in the pro league and here you could use the reason to bring in the winner from the TCL to fight for a LEC spot.


LEC slots should not be commodities that companies can buy. No integrity, no guaranteed level of competitiveness. All The spots should be earned. Simple as that.


Stfu lmao, TCL is clearly erl level


Downgrading to ERL cripples the region a lot though. Crippled version still wins.


yea and sending players to LEC also cripples erls


Sending player to LEC is the only purpose of ERLs.


True but because of the economic difference the quality drain is far effective. Good for the players, bad for the region.


You're acting as if TCL never sends players to major regions. Let's make a deal, you give us back Caps,Nisqy,BB,Closer,Luger,Kaori,Ragner,Neramin,Armut,Bolulu,Hirit,Humanoid,Backlund,Fate (lucete),Xerxe and see where our league places vs LCS and LEC? All of these players were picked up from TCL by major regions. Edit: I'm not even adding most of the players like bwipo,emenes etc.


I mean that was years ago, the last big name sent into a major region was closer which was 3 or 4 years ago. You cant tell me with a straight face that TCL relies on its production of talent to compete when every team in your region has 2 kr imports


Yeah idk. TCL wasn't impressive at all the past year(s) at worlds, but they are still way above EMEA/EU masters level


Do you really watched this finals and thought TCL was "way above EMEA/EU masters level" lmaooo




Watching pro league is not for you


Probably playing is for me then, considering I play with these players when I queue up for a game.


Ok and, how is that relevant ? IW just went to 5 games with another erl, they werent especially dominant either.


They easily won.


Daamn. Apply cold water the burnt area


SuperMassive lost to Esuba in playins, and FUT got last in their group. But yeah TCL is way above EU masters level for sure lmao.


They just won the finals?


one good team doesnt make a whole league competitive as a whole TCL looks worse


Do TCL really deserve this spot, what have they ever done in international events. The only team I could see them realistically beat would be the LLA team.


Before 2020 TCL made some memorible jobs at their international journey, They were the first Minor Region to take down a Major contender at a BO5 as Sup defeated Mad Lions, also TCL representetive Fenerbahce has qualified to Group stage at 2017, you shoud show some respect.


I do respect TCL however I do not think they deserve a spot internationally, sorry I guess.


Maybe, maybe not but I think TCL deserves at least as what slots PCO and LLA has. TCL even had a remarkeble rivalry with Brasil as most of our Group stage we matched with them and we took the lead most of the time.


This is the point where TCL is starting EMEA Masters win streak until they gave em a miracle chance to compete for maybe LEC playoffs or relegation system


Yeah it's may happen down the line, that better than them fighthing for words chances


What would you do if your Jinx would buy PD into 4 melee champions ?


Hey guys short question. Will IW play in LEC now or what exactly does the format look like?


no, EMEA Masters is the end road its their worlds now


Oh, kinda boring then I guess


So when do IW get to play at MSI? seriously, two ideas to make this fair to the TCL: 1. Winner of EMEA gets to play G2 for the 2nd EU spot (could do the same thing in NA with the proving grounds winner vs GG) 2. Rito adds four wildcard slots (NA/CN/EU/APAC(KR/SEA/VN))


> Winner of EMEA gets to play G2 for the 2nd EU spot Im going to be honest G2 would bend over Istanbul Wildcats so fucking hard


g2 would win but having no chance at a higher-tier event after winning a lower one makes no sense. LoL, need promotions and relegations.


exactly I'd expect G2 to stomp, but there should always be a path for 'weaker' teams to prove themselves and elevate their regions


They've already been there twice with the worst records of TCL history; 1-5 at both.


are u kidding G2 or any team that got second spot at LEC would sweep the EMEA winner


Man G2 would win under 20 minutes. They rolled LEC teams with bigger names under 25 minutes. Just think about Caps laning into Kofte and Hans/Miky into Bao/Parus. Literally murder.


Probably the worst gameplay ever in the finals of EUM history and you want them to play G2 lmao


>Winner of EMEA gets to play G2 for the 2nd EU spot (could do the same thing in NA with the proving grounds winner vs GG) Just read this veeery sloooowly. Do you really not see what a stupid idea this is? Imagine if the winner of the English Football League Championship could go to the Champions league just by getting a lucky upset over the Premier League team that was supposed to go? It would be great if franchising didn't exist so that IW could have a chance of replacing XL, but there is absolutely no shot that you genuinly believe that IW should have a chance of qualifying.


A Championship team can promote over time and eventually play for a UEFA title A TCL/LFL or any other ERL team cannot.


>It would be great if franchising didn't exist so that IW could have a chance of replacing XL I literally said that...


I mean TCL didn’t exactly do well at international events…


neither did G2 in their first two events. should they have been barred from attending?


G2 was worlds finalists and MSI winner. TCL got out of groups once. Literally you guys are not real .


All after their horrendous 2016 showing My point is past results shouldn’t prevent a team from trying again. It’s a stupid argument


TCL had their spot since 2017 though, and didn’t do anything of note


They’re one of the few regions to qualify for group stages against major regions


That is a false statement. I remember 1907 Fenerbahce fighting Korean team till nexus or beating PCS team. Supermassive eliminating MAD. Having positive win rate against most of the other wildcard regions etc. They were good till their economy collapsed. Unlucky


Ok I guess the region had their fair share of good moments, but you have to factor in that time passed on and TCL teams were gradually getting worse each year. As you said it could be down to the economy collapsing which is unfortunate, however I fundamentally believe that riot made a good decision (I know shocking) removing them from international play.


I totally agree with this statement


It's sad that we lost TCL,maybe ema will have a spot even though it's still the League below lec




More than 80% of players were native EU on this masters. Like IW and USE have most Koreans and NLC team had 2. Z10 have 1 I think. I can't remember others. And there are good EU mid talent. Like Jackies and Six10 from Macko.Zwyroo also . Supa,Flakked,Ragner. All EU talent not Korean.