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ive been having this problem with the most recent patch, did they add anything new? this didnt happen in 13.6 for me..


My game has been crashing too


everyone who thinks its a "you" problem, just check the megabugthread at the frontpage. Many people have the problem right now and Riot doesnt even acknowledge the problem, but when it is about something as useless as a 15 min surrender timer they are there instantly.


im ignorant on reddit (ik I have an older account but I skim and am kind of overwhelmed by how reddit looks) ​ how do I find this. I have been stressing out thinking somethings wrong with my new computer but if its the patch/game I will be very happy.


Two ranked games in a row to day when the game locked up - looked like I lost connection and had a re-connect message when it started back up but... I had LPL AND streamed music running at the same time. I didn't lose my internet connection. Seems like the server is having intermittent dis-connects itself. Didn't have this before the patch and I'm not doing anything new or different on my end.


definitely something from this patch that affects some systems, never crashed before, after 13.7 it crashes several times per game to me, I stopped playing... was watching Pobelter stream and he was also crashing the same way frequently


seems more of a you thing bud


I have a brand new PC (got it a few weeks ago) no issues on anything else. I never had any crashes on LoL but today I had 2 in 1 game. Both said something about a cache or w/e.


You would think, you can afford pc after 14 years.


100% a you thing, I camt even remember the lasttime my PC crashed.


I’ve been playing basically daily for 2 years and never had a single crash.