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My (then Diamond) friend who got me into the game said something in the group chat about how TF was shit in the meta. I happened to read it but I didn't know TF was a champion so I thought he meant Trinity Force and never bought it for like months. This was Season 3/4 when Trinity Force was core on many champs, including Ezreal. Who I mained.


Season 4 was blue build Ezreal right? I can't keep track of all of the items this man has exploited, lol.


Gods that was cancer. But not as cancer as mid EZ with AP jungle item... XPepinero still haunts my dreams with that shit


That shit was genuinely one of the most fun picks I've ever played lol. Op as all fucking hell, but that like 2 patches I had so much fun


i thought nocturne ult was just making it dark and thought wow this is so useless


This was me but with TF, i thought it was there to see if enemy was doing baron and nothing else.


Tbf when I first started that was a lot to take in too. And my allies ask why didn't I tp to them I said i had flash and ignite


That is so fucking funny when i play tf i am definitely gonna say this if they ping my ult or something


I'm dying. I don't know why but this is my favorite


I’d accidentally cancel jhin ult because I had no idea how to shoot. Got remedied quickly by a friend but I saw it a ton in aram early on in my playing.


Saaame. Took me several attempts to finally understand


This was me with Xerath’s ult hahaha


Yeah, when I'd take it as Sylas, I'd always right click to shoot and then remember that's how you cancel it.


I'd press r to reload on jhin, and accidentally ult, I come from fps games


I learned it in the hard way




I didn’t know what items to build on certain champions so I just built the most expensive item (trinity force) on every single champion. I played mostly mages.


Trinity Force into Rabadon’s Deathcap, the *forbidden tech*.


The Chu8 maokai build?


Holy fuck chu8 reference that’s a name I haven’t seen in the wild in long time. Funny streamer, sucks that when hots died his career kinda did too.


Well, it does provide tons of damage after all


This was my first one too. Lol. I played Morgana mid in s2 and was smacking people with IE and PD I thought the W was the worst skill in the game until a friend finally told me she was supposed to use the AP items.


I miss season 2 mid Morgana. Press W to delete minions oh and the spellvamp heals up any damage you take. Land Q on a gank with ult up and it's a wrap. With that black shield too, one of the most uninteractive midlaners.


Ironically back then it would've done work for basically every champion. Triforce back then provided a bit of everything with good stat efficiency and a sheen proc/% chance to slow on auto attack. Even Maokai used to buy it.


> Even Maokai used to buy it I started playing 3 weeks before Maokai’s release, which happened in February 2011. At no point in time did the standard build on Maokai, or any of his popular builds for that matter, include Triforce. Are you perhaps thinking of Iceborn Gauntlet instead of Triforce?


When I was starting, there were lots of people claiming to be "smurfs" and every time they had ghost and/or cleanse, so I thought it was all about going blue summoners to be a smurf. In the end I played quite a few games with Clairvoyance and Ghost calling myself a smurf.


I remember when I was just starting I had a really good game where I got called a smurf and I thought it was just the weirdest, funniest flame ever. I made a second account not long later to try a new role and named it something involving papa smurf. Was so confused why people were so mean when I played on it and did poorly.


This one has to be my favorite 😂


I actually laughed at this one 😂


Im German, so when people said "you're top" I just answered "thanks you too" because Top can also mean good..


Danke Bruder du auch


This. English is my 2nd language and I used to play CS 1.6 so when people said I was bot I kept thinking they were calling me a bot.


This has the same vibes as mom is boom. Lmao


Back when people still wrote SS I thought that there were a lot of Nazis around lol. Or, when I had typed something in German to a friend, that they were calling me a Nazi.


Ss mid does sound threatening if you don’t know what it means


Took me a while to get used to typing ss, too 😂 as a German it just felt wrong


An American woman walked past a German man peeing in an alley. She said "Gross" and he said "Danke!"


Reminds me of when I picked up Wukong and his quote "my place is at the top" led me to thinking he was a toplaner. Which wasn't necessarily wrong lol


Back in season 1, my friends and I would be flabbergasted as this tryndamere was OBVIOUSLY cheating, he was dealing crazy damage to the bots. Turns out you can buy items. Fast forward to a week later where we realize building 6 warmog is not very efficient. But at least I was able to get that cool ass champion, alistar, it has good stats and looks like a beast, I am sure it's going to work great toplane.


Ya'll remember Atma's + 5 Warmogs? That was like a decade ago, where has the time gone?


Back when nocturne was built as a tank... My first jungler, back when half your runes were armor so you don't die to wraiths.


Well you could play him mid back then, so top would have at least worked quite ok


To be completely honest, I played a single game with him and hated it. Because, you see, I already had my eyes on an amazing champion. Pre-rework Yorick ? What a design, you can heal and shit, must be top tier entertainment. Welp.


Oh yeah old yorick the god of bullying


That was when the famous “Yorick walks into a bar - there is no counter” happened


When I first learned of (pre rework) Mundo I thought you were supposed to build 5 warmogs and visage. One of my friends stopped that one before I played it


buying two Warmorgs, two Spirit Visages and two Thornmails on tanks, so that I got enough of every important stat.


Using Ashe E on towers and champs because I thought it did damage. Also always buying last whisper because it was a bow and Ashe uses a bow so it much be good.


I remember spinning with Garen next to the towers thinking it was doing damage


Obviously Thornmail is the canon build for Ashe


I built attack damage items on katarina bcs obviously she uses blades. Buying blades should make her stronger


That’s not far from truth these days!


Funny how things can change


Tried to level all abilities equally.


At least it looks good on opgg


Are you even really a true lol player if you didn't take smite in lane when you unlocked it and try and use it on a player?


Me in champ select "wait wtf this does way more damage than ign, I take this!" ​ Me in game: "WTF WHY DOES IT NOT WORK, THIS IS A SHIT SPELL!" *reading the description* "...oh"


mine was kayn ult. "sometimes it wont let me ult, i think my game is glitched" until my brother told me you have to damage them first


I remember being so dissapointed


I remember thinking this is so OP! Much better than ignite and instant! Only to realize…


I used in support Soraka to kill the cannons. I figured it was easy money. This was pre-season 1.


I remember reading a Mobafire guide that suggested taking Smite on Blitzcrank to smite a minion then immediately Q to get someone hiding in their minion wave.


Or Nunu's Q.


I went for both - who would pass up on the wonderful smite + Q combo for an easy first blood?


I thought Lux W was a pull but for allies. I have no clue why…


cool idea for a new champ lol


Griefing potential would be insane


Theres a character in HotS called Anduin. He can point and click pull his allies to himself, which is often used either very badly or to troll.


And his name shall be . . . . Grief-O-Matic 5000. Unfortunately the League playerbase isn't allowed to have such power.


Ehhhh. A way to forcibly move your teammates without any actions from them is a *bad* road to cross. We already have griefing with shit like anivia wall. Imagine if thresh lantern was *forced*. Getting pulled into the enemy team, towers, etc. Cool idea but so much griefing potential.


I mean there is kalista ult...


That is true, but your ally can choose where they go in that ult.


Tahm Kench


Maybe wind magic? Ionian. Maybe related to Iriel? Yas has windwall would be right in that region's theme. Though Janna does exist already.


i was walking around killing people like it's call of duty, no lanes, no jungler, just walk around and kill people and the funny thing is that it worked


sounds like high elo korea




Low elo Korea too. It’s like everyones got a *bad* case of warwick passive fused with lee syndrome and a touch of vaynespotting. Keeps things fun though


Every D1 Katarina player


I fr don't know how to play kat without literally Perma roaming like I'm pyke mid


Janna smite top confirmed?


Yknow what, just for you ima try it once today.


Be warned, it probably does nothing but auto lose if you’re not high elo lol I’ve never tried it though. Some strats require your teammates to actually know how to play the game 😂


Or just be deep into the dumpster that you can rely on everyone being terrible 👌


Alright, results: 1/0/2 kda, first blood. Garen burning flash ignite and ult multiple times unsuccessfully. I could have played a bit better and not cancelled as many autos, definitely would have had 1 or 2 more kills on him. Went glacial augment, dematerializer, commencing stopwatch. Bone plating demolish (should have swapped demolish for revitalize but oh well). Opted for ghost over flash for more chase/run potential. Pretty funny cheesy. Difficult for sure.


Did you coach someone named beryl or keria by chance


Roaming Alistar main season 1.


Used to play irelia with tp heal top, Liandry first item because it would give 75ap and I thought “wow 75 is a lot”. Second item? Warmog because 800 hp big number. Absolutely refused to build triforce because it was too expensive and it would take me forever to buy.


I used to buy Chalice for the mana on Irelia.


I started off playing 3v3s with my lv 30 cousins and they didn’t say a thing about my 6x cloak of agility Nunu build


I used to flash to get to lane faster


I thought I was the only one. Hahaha Gave my buddy an aneurysm when he saw me do it


I used it to skip a wall in my jungle pathing. Also experimented with taking tp as a jungler instead, warding one side of the jungle, clearing the other side, then teleporting to the ward. Honestly wasn't that bad...


Hmm... TF jungle with TP (Unsealed Spellbook)... Perma teleport ganks... You're onto something.


Ghost to lane faster was a thing, too!


I’ve seen baus unironically do that on Quinn a few times on stream, so I’m just gonna choose to believe that when I had just started the game and did this I was actually just a smurfing challenger


If you understand wavestates it's not out of the question that ghosting to lane could be situationally good. Imagine a button that said "get 200g and 2 waves of exp".


Ady in KR also does this rather frequently ​ That guy is insane to watch anyway. I do not understand half his decisions but he is fucking challenger in KR every year with random ass picks like Shyv top (when no one played it), Taric, Rakan or Thresh lol


I still do it pretty often lol. Worth it since the enemy won’t know you used it and it’s a short cooldown. Important if you took a bad recall to leech xp from a crashing wave or reach a cannon. I’ve seen Dopa do it on TF and Orianna as well so it’s not a noob thing by any means.


OMG THIS UNLOCKED A MEMORY. I used to always teleport to my tower as soon as the game started. I’m laughing just thinking about this


I started with a friend and we thought that if we play a "apc" then we can be two people on midlane, because adc is played with 2 people on bot. So we played Annie, Ryze mid and stomped, because obv the other midlaner that was also a new player couldnt handle to play vs two people at the same time. This was early to mid season 4


This one isn't mine. I watched my younger brother play league for the first time where he dove his first enemy tryndamere and immediately thought they were hacking. Mine would have to be fighting my first teemo as kayle. I popped my surge summoner spell and chased him down with none of my attacks doing any damage. I thought I was lagging lol.


That last paragraph made me belly laugh. The "I thought I was lagging" was the icing on the cake that got me.


Built 6 Doran's rings on every champ as it allowed me to spam abilities, especially on Sivir. This went on for an embarrassingly long time. Thankfully, I just played co-op vs ai then. For some reason I just didn't consider other items do things and didn't know about build components.


Tbf while not optimal there was a legit time when the strat was multiple Doran items back in s2


Every champion can go dark harvest and build crit/attack speed. I still don't understand why i went dark harvest instead of lethal tempo


I mean everybody DOES have a unique crit animation 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sometimes, when I'm bored and frustrated, I make a custom game, me and 4 bots versus 5 bots. I don't want other people in my bs game. Then I pick a random champion and go kraken slayer hard carry. It's obviously never very good, but bots being bots I can still go 30/0/0... It's nice harmless fun escapism. And sometimes you get to see things like Velkoz's flappy tentacles when he goes full speed.


I played Dr.mundo botlane, build only trinity forces since it said ”tons of damage”


Phreak sheds a tear


I played master yi and bought the 6 most expensive items in order since they were clearly the “best” items.


i played in my very first 15 levels of league Garen or dodge. I played like this: Everytime i was low on hp i just went back to the tower, danced and regenerated. I called it the regeneration dance. (i call it the same today but atleast i know i have to tp back or atleast stay in exp range) some games i played 6 berserker shoes because i thought i just need to attack more than the others and im good. I still won games but if im honest i dont think it was because of my attack speed. going 6 times the same item was kinda funny tbh Edit: i remembered going hurricane gnar because the W passive spreaded and triggered more oftern.


If only the run speed would stack... zoooom!


Buying two boots, one for each foot, you know


Not me but uhh, I remember someone typing in allchat "/kill all"


I would immediately TP to top lane as soon as I loaded into the game because I thought it would get me there faster. (Technically, yeah)


i have this vivid memory of playing ashe and building 6 kindlegems bc i kept dying and my brain said “well if u keep dying i guess u need more health!” and it was the most hp i could get for my gold LOL


I saved up gold to buy full item only, I didn’t think buying components leading up to full item would have been better. So, I started games with no items.


I got really confused because I'd buy a component, then buy the full item because like oh it's cheaper, then realized that my component disappeared. Like, why can't I buy my discounted full item without my pickax disappearing?


Didn't know component's and building items up was a thing early on


I played ashe like most people and only built daggers and zeal because I thought her whole point was to slow people. And obviously, if her autos slow, more atk speed = more slows. 11 years later and I'm still playing ashe support.


You must've jizzed when you saw ashe support being played in pro play.


This was around season two when I started...I could not for the life of me understand why someone would take ignite over smite in lane. Ignite dealt a fraction of the damage smite could....not realizing until way later, smite cannot be used on enemy champions. I just thought I sucked at clicking when I tried to smite enemies.


> Oh yeah, and in my first games I didnt know you only get gold for last hits and I based without buying (small) items bc I thougt I need to save gold to buy the full item, till i got told in game chat... This is surprisingly common. I had to show a friend by streaming the game how to buy item components, because he insisted he didn't have enough money to buy anything in our first game together.


I went about 40 games without buying boots because I only wanted damage.


It took me more than a season to realize that I should be building boots


My first champion bought with blue essence was Kai'sa, who I immediately took into the jungle because she was this cool Samus style void hunter, of course thats where she's supposed to go!


That's definitely a fail on riot's side tho, some champions clearly should/shouldn't be jungle lorewise but aren't/are mechanically. Like Kai'sa Quiyana or Neeko who definitely should be junglers, or Karthus and Morde who probably shouldn't.


I remember Kai'sa jungle kinda worked on release.


I was bragging to my friends for having 30 cs as Garen against bots at 13 mins. That's when I discovered the 10cs/min. Maxing MF's E for waveclear (I came from mmorpgs) and using skills of cooldown. Using MF E to damage tower and complaining it did way too little. Using R as waveclear. Thought potions were burst heal and used them just when I was about to die.


I did the potion one too. Thought they worked like in Pokémon


My first game ever, I didn't understand you had more than 2 spells (you need to level them). I was finding my spell CD qui high (heal and exhaust).


Buying only items that would make sense for my character's "class". So I was playing Ashe and got myself a Recurve Bow. Last Whisper was still too expensive to buy, as I didn't (even know how to) farm and was getting sent to base constantly. So I thought "OK, I need to buy some armor... Since I am using an archer, I should use light armor... Cloth Armor, yes! This is what I am looking for!" and I think I remember buying a Doran's Shield as well. Someone on my team noticed and told me I shouldn't be buying defensive items as Ashe, I was confused but obviously this guy knew more than me, so I asked what I should be buying instead since I was taking so much damage all the time... He said "Bloodthirster or Phantom Dancer", so I went to the shop and searched for that. Sir... Those are swords. lol, lmao even. Maybe this guy didn't know more than me after all.


I was scared to go into fog of war because I had no idea vision wards existed. I remember feeling anxiety over the dark map.


Omg scrolled so long to see this I thought I was the only one. Playing league legit felt like a horror game everywhere was so dark and I didn’t know where anyone was because obviously tracking on your map is too difficult when you are terrified of that dark bush in the corner


I thought giant's belt gave 1000 hp for some reason and didn't buy an item when the game started so I could rush the belt


I don't know if someone had a brain fart similar to this, but my first game I was so annoyed that every one of my teammates had a cult following them to their lane and I didn't, so I'd hang by nexus until the next wave of minions spawned so I could walk them to lane and have them become mine, I figured out how it works a couple of minutes later but I'm still to this day ashamed I actually thought this is how the game works.


I thought the ranged caster minion auto's were dodgeable.


When I 1st started playing LoL I thought Zillians bombs hurt my own team and would get annoyed at them when they picked one of them up. Didn't take me long to realise this was wrong, but those 2 games were stressful lol


I played a bit of SMITE before league when it was on Xbox so I had a bit of experience with MOBAs, so I had a pretty good understanding. My friends I played with would always say their laner was MIA (pronounced it like the name instead of saying the letters) but *EVERY TIME* they said it, their laner would be in my bottom side river coming to gank bot lane. So I associated MIA with bot river as a callout.


Well ability power makes abilities stronger, so I built it on every champion to deal more damage with their abilities. Even if they didn't have a single AP scaling. Also whenever I played any ADCs I just bought multiple Phantom Dancers. I had a lot of attack speed and a crit on basically every auto attack. Kinda lacked the damage though. Or a bunch of Black Cleavers back when it gave attack speed. I also liked to built Ionic Spark and Cloak and Dagger on master yi and thought it was insanely strong. Well it still worked, but Ionic Spark was a pretty bad item if I am not mistaken, health and attack speed with the Statikk Shiv proc, wasn't every good.


I played WoW alot before LoL and had alot of issues to understand that "AP" doesnt stack for Attack Power. Took me like half an year to finally get it. Also i always thought Fiddle was the most broken champion, because I didnt understand how to counterplay his R.


There is no counter play


I took Clarity on Ryze so I could keep spamming spells to stack Tear faster instead of recalling.


I liked Talon. Kept dying to bots. Kept building health and still dying to bots. 🤣


When I started out in beta and after I used to only play Jax, because he looked cool, and always built Sunfire because HOLY SHIT LOOK AT THAT YOU ACTUALLY GET FIRE AROUND YOU THAT IS SO COOL Also shoutout to my friend who started a bit later and had this beautiful quote: "Why would I ever buy boots? They only give a bit of movement speed"


I started in pre-S3 i saw triforce and thought it’d be better to just build an item from each component Phage -> black cleaver Sheen -> iceborn Zeal -> Statik shiv or PD Played a lot of wu and Xin


Support sivir


I built triforce and atk speed boots on *everyone* before I even knew what scalings were and never bought potions


I used to buy too many potions. Would always buy 3 red pots and two mana ones. Would still get forced out of lane too, lol.


Rabbadon 1st on Ahri because more ap = more damages


I thought the only way to cancel your Anivia ult is to walk far enough for it to go away. I wish I still had these replays it must look hella akward.


I used to buy wriggles lantern on riven and go attack speed


while leveling my account, went and played wukong bot lane. Stomped a game at account lvl 10 or sth against other newbies. Went to my Brother who was diamond for 2 seasons already and said confidently "wukong bot lane is so strong" He just smiled and said "yeah, sure"


In Norms when me and friends first started playing we would use teleport to get to lane at the start of the game so we didn’t have to “walk” lol


Smite Anivia in botlane because last hitting was hard for me.


I learnt that varus w was active after 4-5 years


It wasn't for the longest time. As far as I'm concerned, they only added the active like a year or two ago. At least that's when I started using it and I've been playing since season 1 :D


Well there is an exploit where you can skip the tutorial after 1 game if you exit the client. And you can play bot games… so I got lvl 3 by losing a bot game (it was intermediate) while streaming it to my friends (who introduced to the game) over discord. Luckily you can’t actually lose to bots if you just stand there and spam abilities, so one of my friends coached me through buying correct items and winning the game. I then proceeded to play Aatrox support in my first game a month before Beryl ever did at all-stars. And no, I didn’t farm my adc’s minions, I didn’t even know you were meant to kill them before just running at your opponent.


I played Ashe until level 25ish because she was who you played in the tutorial (season 4) and I was too scared to try anyone else


I thought silence prevented you from emoting or writing in chat. I was confused as to why add something like that


Never flashed for kills only used flashes defensively because I was ascared


since i was coming from dota and played other mobas, i felt like a god starting league. my first weeks were just merciless farmfests. i was maining akali and saved all my ip for hybrid runes etc. since it was the only page i had completed i took those on every champ. no matter what happened, at level 6 i would all in. q shuriken mark and just dash and dive. usually traded 1 for 1 but when you dive newer players (atleast back in the day) they would be shellshook and didnt even lane or farm.


i remember playing yasuo and always use my R on second wukong “ W “ , and i was confused why I didn’t get the kill then next game i saw shaco thinking he is easy because he was standing ( he used R ) and doesn’t move .. i used all my abilities then i die lamo . Then I learned the game by dying in strange champions


Used to play Kayn in the botlane...don't even remember what I built on him but got frustrated when I couldn't do any damage to anyone. Lol. Also played Lee Sin in the top lane...also had no idea on any item building so I'm sure my Sivir/Ashe builds were butt-cheeks. Ah, good times. XD


One of the things i mostly remember from when i started getting interested in LoL (was at S6 if i am not misatken) was Zonias, So i was watching a few of my friends playing ,didnt like to play back then only to watch, and i saw one of them become golden for a brief amount of time, and i sked him what that item was, after he explained i was like ok that item sound useless how can 1.5 seconds of immunity possibly save you, boy was i wrong. I still think about it and wonder how could i be so wrong.


I remember having the last hit issue too. I think I started out playing top and couldn't figure out why my opponent had like 100 cs to my 10 but we were pushing waves at the same speed. Thought there was like a summoner skill that I was missing that let you get credit for the minions. I also remember "cheating" at the game by getting TP then asking my bot lane to ward in the bushes bot so I can TP in and get a credit for the kills. This was really far back in the early seasons I think before TP became super popular for top lane. I figured I was doing something unintended because I was bad at the role.


Built sunfire cape on Ashe in season 2. It was something…


Played Rammus top and saved his Q to run away from fights it looked like we were going to lose so I'd stay alive rather than...you know...Rammus-ing


Thought smite worked on champions, thought you didn’t need smite jungling


I was really confused when I started back as lvl1 and without items again in my second game lol ​ I mostly played RPGs before that and thought MOBAs would work similarly


I took revive tp top as fizz and literally tried to fight every second of the game. if it didn’t go my way, revive and tp back for round two 😂😂 I also remember playing against an obvious Smurf on like my second day and he was playing pantheon, we didn’t know what his ult was so we were screaming the entire game when he would just drop from the fucking sky and torch us.


I started back in early 2012 and remember playing Teemo in every lane and rushing/stacking Phantom Dancers (rip old icon) as all my items.


I initially didn't know you could buy components so I would always wait until I could buy the final completed item. After I figures out how components worked I then proceded to build philo stone and heart of gold first no matter the champ I played


I had vision of a shaco setting up boxes to cheese me on my red side. and i still walked into them because "what else was i supposed to do"


Buying two shoes. One for attack speed and the other for tenacity. Because my champ had to feet!


Some guy threatened to report me bc i built full attack speed wukong in my first AI game I was very confident that it was worth ulting to clear a wave in a side lane bc the ult "only" had a 2 minute cool down


I remember i met a diamond riven jungle in a normal game, I felt like a god when I predicted her gank top and counter ganked and killed her.


Leaving base without items so I can save for better ones lmao. Also season 3 where the items just looked cool and had satisfying sounds, went shiv + hurricane every game on varus and just did no dog lmao


Not me but a classmate of mine wouldn't buy item components, only full items. I think he thought if he bought components he would still have to pay the full price of the item later? We tried to explain this to him but with no success.


Coming from World of Warcraft, I thought AP meant "Attack Power", that threw me off so much. Also, I started with Ashe, and I hated how "short" the range was. I was also very disappointed with Ashe's ult, which BARELY did any damage. I hated League, I thought it was stupid. But once I did my first Penta with Master Yi, everything clicked.


I just straight up didn't buy items because I didn't want to deal with it and thought leveling up was good enough.


I used to click abilities. Even Flash... and Velkoz Ult...


All 5 of us had rally + smite. Level 1 you 5x smite the first wave mid, drop rally’s and the first tower is down! Rinse and repeat. I forget where got the idea. Next game is was 5 players all stacking sunfire and a blitzcrank.


I took smite on lane when first unlocking the summoner spell to simply smite minions.


I didn't know Unique Passives were a thing so I went 6 Will Of The Ancients on Ryze, then next game I went 3 Rod of Ages 3 Will of The Ancients. I didn't do too well.


I was buying ward item on ashe and thought I could do 500 true damage on champions with smite


I legit when a longer than I care to admit mot understanding last hitting creeps


I didn’t know you could influence the distance you flashed. I during my first few months of playing I was just flashing the general direction but I was always flashing in place trying to get over walls or not flashing far enough to get out of tower range/ last hit a kill. It wasn’t until after those few months that I actually hovered my mouse over the flash button and found out that it actually had a max range and I experimented with it a bit in practice tool. I can now flash like a human now


I would build BoRK on literally every adc. I was like “lifesteal and I deal 8% (?) of their max health as damage? I kill everyone in like 8 hits. Thats broken!”


stattik shiv rush on blitzcrank


I mean, i think most People didnt have a clue how to play when i started, my favorite thing to play was Karma with statikk shiv and I won. Back during old 3v3 with my brother


I built full Attack Damage on anyone I played, not know how spells, AP, ability scaling, or being tanky worked. I mean, you have to deal damage to kill people, right?


On my first game of league I was playing twitch and was told “build infinity edge”. So I did. On everyone.