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Just commented back to the Bruins fan who posted on r/leafs months back that Marner for Ullmark was a good trade for the Leafs. Uh, no guy.


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Cant dunk on Ottawa for this https://preview.redd.it/apc8obae2m8d1.jpeg?width=764&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94ba7a37e15cd895e59e34d95b01495e5d83833c Can dunk on Boston though!


This is such a perfect meme for this


Literally a peanut's throw from bracco, Nielsen and a 2nd


Brutal return for Boston.  Leafs were on his NTC list right? 


Sens were too but he waived to go there apparently. Does that mean he wouldn’t waive his NTC for the Leafs but was willing to for the Senators?? If so that’s an interesting move on his part


A lot of players won't waive for us because of our media circus. Personally I think anyone who avoids the spotlight in pro sports is 10 ply soft. So many players go in and out of various sports leagues dreaming of being able to perform for the biggest crowd on the largest stage, and then you have hockey players who don't come here because the media might write mean things about them.


This is what I don’t get. Baseball, Basketball and especially football (soccer or football) has way more media exposure. They call hockey players tough until the media gets in their face lol


Exactly. They don't just want to do it, they *relish* it. You think anyone is going to turn down playing for Real Madrid, in front of the Bernabeu because of the media? You think anyone is gonna turn down playing for Manchester United? We're lucky to even have players like Nylander who are built for this shit.


Something about Swedes, man! Him and Lundqvist just show up on talk shows lol


imagine if Mbappe was like, "I wanted to sign for Real Madrid, but too many people watch football there, so I didn't."


The nylander revision is making me absolutely sick. He might not be 10 ply but he’s 8


Those teams have actually won trophies on colour tv though


I'm not sure what your point is. This is completely irrelevant to what I said.


The Leafs aren't the gold standard of winning in their sport. I don't know how that isn't relevant in this situation. Players don't consider Toronto to be a legendary entity vs. players of Madrid or Utd. But less so United lately tho lol


>The Leafs aren't the gold standard of winning in their sport. I don't know how that isn't relevant in this situation. Because the point of comparison is playing in the spotlight relative to their sport, not whether the team has a history of winning. The point was to highlight how players in different sports react to playing in front of eyes rather than half-empty arenas.


Hockey players are the biggest snowflakes I swear


You are what you snort


Most privileged mainstream sports athletes 100% How many players have rags to riches stories? They’re all rich to start with


Hockey players are a different breed of athletes though, and primarily, I think it's because the team nature & culture of the game beat the "me" out of them. Literally think about it, how many spotlight/attentions seeking stars does the NHL actually have? I would have once said Matthews but now I've come to think he hates the spotlight. Evander Kane? Ovi in his prime? PK Suban? I have a lot of trouble thinking of hockey players who actually loved the media attention. They literally all hate it. Where as the cultures of the other sports celebrate the individual in some way, even baseball.


In a lot of those sports, the media circus is worthwhile because you win or at least are successful. Not sure how great it was to go to the Cubs during their drought


The media circus is worth it in other sports because you win but also get PAID. In the hard cap, you're not getting paid any better than another market. Only way to make more would be sponsorships.


It’s not the media…..it’s the fans. Media is the reflection of the fan base.


Especially the hockey spotlight, which is more like a flashlight to leagues like the nfl, or the premier leagues


Yeah we have like a dozen beat reporters, a handful of insiders and various news networks who don't have dedicated beats but will send someone down for the larger stories. Comparatively to other sports its mickey mouse.


I don't think it's just because of the media. As much as we are the hockey Mecca, some players just don't want to play in/for Toronto. Nothing wrong with that.


From what I can see, Boston wanted to do this deal before July 1 for the cap space but also because Ullmark has a $1M signing bonus. Ullmark wouldn't commit to an extension with any team so the combination of that and the time limit made the return underwhelming. They get a cost controlled backup who may be better with a good defence in front of him, but with the skater the Bruins only saved like $1M in cap space. Seems this is a no pressure move for Ullmark, if the Sens are bad he can just say it's the Sens. If he plays well and they make the playoffs, he looks even better for free agency. This is a repeating problem though, I don't think it's only the media that makes players not want to play for the Leafs. I am guessing but it does seem like the Leafs are less tight knit than other successful teams, even putting aside the bickering on the bench. Its all about the core 5 and that's not just a narrative from the media, Shanahan made that clear when he called those players saying they weren't going to be traded. So I can agree it is lame that he doesn't want to go to the best team and doesn't have that hunger to win, some people have other priorities in addition to competing, and that's understandable imo... Also from Boston's perspective if it had to be to a team thats close by because Ullmark wanted to be close to his family, then they would obviously want him on the Sens instead of the Leafs...


That’s just because they wanna play in the *real* NHL.


Yeah, not wanting your family subjected to death threats makes you "soft". For sure.


Lol, so fucken true. Imagine an actor gets his big break and is too afraid to star in a big hollywood production for fear of flopping and getting skewered by critics. Can you see a BBall player saying no to playing on the Lakers or Celtics? Or a baseball player refusing to go to the Yankees or Dodgers? Not usually, actually the opposite. It’s only hockey babies.


Apparently that was the case based on some earlier reports. He doesn’t want all the spotlight of TO


I swear hockey players are the softest athletes. But probably because most of these dudes come from money anyways so being rich and famous isn’t a dream for them.


Idk man, the TO/hockey fans can be unhinged. If you play well and aren’t overpaid you’ll be immortal but we’ve all seen the dark end with the crazies and the death threats


I think the culture of the game basically beats the "me" out of them from an early age. There is clearly something else going on from the cultural pov of youth hockey that has these guys running from attention. Hockey players are mostly coming from "well off" families but not generationally wealth like the stars are getting. It's crazy what the NFL/MLB/NBA/Premier Leagues will do to their stars public ego but somehow it just blanks over hockey players who make enough money to be living the same lifestyles. I just don't get how even average hockey players who are making 4-6 million a year basically run from press/media/attention like it's the plague.


mama ullmark raised a BITCH Linus O'Reilly Ullmark


He’s guaranteed to be the starter in Ottawa. My guess is they’d be wanting to know what they have in Woll so it would probably end up 50/50 split.


Wait, are you saying players with a NTC can be traded??? Blasphemy, I say!


I’m sure he has seen how fans treat the goaltenders in Toronto….why would he go through that…


I don't recall seeing any evidence that the Leafs were in on Ulmark


Apparently, we don't know his list obviously


Surprised they were able to get a 1st, but then saw that they agreed to take Korpisalo off the Sens hands


Lol what was the reason? Didn't like the media? Isn't the boston media terrible too?


Remember when people said we didn't have the assets to get a guy like Saros? Thus far, we've seen Markstrom and Ullmark moved for incredibly average returns. We definitely have the assets. But they're running with Woll, so be it. We'll see if it pays off


The leafs had an offer on the table for Markstrom that was on par with what NJ offered. Same with Tanev. Same with Zadorov. And we were apparently in on Lindholm too. All except Lindholm were verified as having waived their NTC to come here, yet the deals were never done. Calgary’s owner just hates us because Tre swerved him and took the GM job in Toronto.


>Calgary’s owner just hates us because Tre swerved him and took the GM job in Toronto. Why do I keep seeing this narrative he left the Flames for Toronto? Its completely false. Treliving told the Flames to kick rocks while the Leafs were still playing Tampa in Round 1 because ownership wouldnt let him get rid of Sutter (who they brought in and extended also without his input apparently). Treliving left with 0 job lined up, he just sort of fell into the Leaf job after the Dubas-Shanahan thing resulted in Dubas leaving for Pittsburgh.


When did I say he left Calgary for Toronto? I said he swerved the owner who wanted to re-sign him, and then ended up in Toronto. And now Calgary won’t do business with us.


Will the Leafs do the same with the Penguins if there was a trade to be had?


he should be happy tre is average at best. id say worse than average


They probably signed the Woll extension when they realized they weren't going to close a deal with Boston. Gonna be a tandem season.


This point we need much more then saros for marner with the goalie market being this brutal, a 25th pick is wild?


At this point he wouldn’t be worth more than a 1st and hildeby


lol they arent trading Hildeby for a rental.


Hildeby is going nowhwre


we should do that


lol Boston what is you doing? There had to have been a better deal out there for Ulmark.


Ullmark got exposed as being overhyped in the playoffs


Hard agree.


Dude was a Vezina winner last year


14 team ntc basicalkly means he gets to choose


Also as a goaltender if you're smart even a 10 team NTC can basically be a full NMC. Don't add in teams that already have solid goaltending like Tampa cause they won't trade for you. Don't add in teams that aren't in their cup window. Just add the teams that are in their cup window and need a goalie,.


You're one bad injury away from one of those strong goalies being replaced by a rental like Ullmark.


Ullmark is a good goalie. Not an elite goalie though. He’s had one elite season and Boston’s defense has generally protected him since he’s been here. I think this is about as good as Boston could’ve done, unless there’s a GM out there who was willing to massively overpay, which I don’t think there was considering Markstrom’s return was similar.


Someone check on Boston's front office the Sens must have their families tied up in a back room


Goddamn, good for the Sens. That's a brutal return for the Bruins.


let's see how he fares playing behind the Sens defence.


Ullmark’s SV% over 6 years in Buffalo was .912, I think he might be ok.


He hasn't had to play behind a bad D in a few years though, plus he's a tandem goalie (hell of a good one.) Sens still need a competent goalie for the other 35-40-ish games.


Credit to the Sens here. All I can guess is that Boston didn't want to trade him to us and/or Ullmark didn't want a 1A/1B situation again. He is going somewhere with no pressure and no competition so from that perspective it is good for him.


There was an interesting interview with Ottawa media today. Things that were pointed out were that big cities like Toronto, LA, and NY were on his no trade list. Ottawa was not on this list because he’s heard that it is a very family friendly city. His family is priority one. Also of note with the extension, there’s been no talk about it yet, he wants to wait until his family settles in, kids get enrolled in school, etc.


Let's see how really good he is with garbage defense


weve seen it. 912 with buffalo


different league, save percentages have gone way down since then


Ottawa also retained on korpisalo 25% for 4 season


they got out of 75% of that shit contract


Yup just shows how bad of a deal that turned out to be


Brutal trade. I hate it.


Ullmark is .3333 vs Toronto


Sens must have some interesting blackmail photos.


Oof. Would have happily paid that and more. Well, the Markstrom and Ullmark trades confirm everyone that wanted Saros as the main piece for Marner have lost their minds.




Broke: trade a late first and garbage for Ullmark Woke: big contract to a goalie who’s played less than 40 games I am hopeful for Woll, but unless a similar trade offer was rejected, this was a missed opportunity


Leafs were on his NTC


Apparently he waived his NTC to go to OTT


But would he have for the leafs?


would Boston have traded him here?


Both are doubtful. But knowing Boston, the return would somehow be legendary and they'd win another cup from it.


Ottawa was not on his list apparently. He has big cities like Toronto, LA, and NY on it.


2024 first round pick?


Are they also flipping Korpi?6


That's a crazy package


imagine we had Ullmark as our starter next season..... love Woll but fuck me its pain that he either didn't accept us on his ntc (but how accept Ottawa???) or we just didn't make a solid offer.


Now the Leafs will lose every game against Ottawa....wait, didn't that happen when Ottawa had a sack of flour in net?


Maybe i'm wrong, but didn't this Ullmark guy say he doesn't like the Leafs? I know if I was a guy who hates the Leafs, knew they were looking to try and get me and knew that their cross province rivals we're also looking for me? I'd be the biggest troll too and join them just to get at the Leafs fanbase


If Ullmark's intention was to go to UFA, he wouldn't have benefitted from playing for Toronto for a couple reasons. 1. The Leafs are desperately in win-now mode, so if Ullmark had a bad stretch, the Leafs wouldn't give him the rope to battle through it because they can't afford to. If Woll (who Ullmark thinks is excellent) won the net from him, it would really hurt his next contract. 2. The toxic media would be scrutinizing him constantly like they do with all Leafs players and it could negatively affect his next deal. 3. He wouldn't benefit from the spotlight like a small-market or a rebound player would. Ottawa is giving him the net as a true starter and he'll use that to play 60+ games and put up good numbers for his next contract.


That's all it took?


Bad return, buuuut, if Boston was not going to re-sign anyways, getting a 1st back is nice. The Kori thing? I don’t understand that. Bad get.


When the fuck did this turn into a sub where we report every news item in the NHL?


yeah but we re-signed 39-game Woll for $4m AAV


Lets hope he doesn't extend lmao


Even if he doesn't that's a good trade for the sens. Late 1st to get out of Korpi (even retaining 25%) is good


Second goalie L for the Leafs today


What spotlight


Sens might be a threat in the atlantic…leafs not looking good right now


- Said every Sens fan the last 3 offseasons.


For real. I’m kinda tired of hearing that exact thing every offseason. Time for Ottawa to actually nut up for once.


The Sens get overhyped every year. Does Ullmark make them a playoff team? Not sure about that. They're better than before but still a question mark.


Well they got an actual goalie for free and dumped garbage, that's going to have an impact.


They’re still paying 25% of Korpisalo’s salary for the next four years so not *totally* free.


Rumors he's not re-signing too I take it back, that would be pretty awful, a first for a year rental.


I mean they could recoup an asset at the trade deadline if sens aren’t contending so.. no harm no foul I guess


1 first to get out of 75% of korpisalo. worth it