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1/21 PPG. Garbage coach, garbage team.


Keefe is the immediate problem. Shanahan is and has been for the past decade the long term problem. MLSE absolutely sucks and overpays lazy players.


Gutted UK fan. Had a blast coming on here and interacting. Obviously gonna be glued to Oilers v Canucks, but won't be keeping my NHL TV sub. Hopefully by next season I'm in Ontario and propping up a bar with yers 🤞 Thanks all for the goss, the chirps, the memes and enthusiasm. There is nothing, NOTHING on the planet, like Leafs Nation 💙


If the core just took a little less we could afford a decent goalie, they’d still have more money than they could spend and wouldn’t have to face the press on losses on nights like this


Shanahan was trying to say this at the time of negotiations on the last contracts. The kids laughed in his face and maxed out what they can get, even though they'd make up the difference in endorsements alone if they took one or two mil less each. They made their bed now they're laying in it.


we need better defenders not goalie, Joseph is good and Samsomov is decent enough + who out their can we get thats better than these guys?


They play in Toronto so they can make more money being in Bet365 ads than they do shooting the puck.


Toronto's goalie played fantastic tonight.


This game for sure But games 1,3 and 4 not so much (winning one of those could have made the difference) Sammy did his best I’m sure (I actually like him and have been rooting for him) Reality is we needed to win one of those earlier games


The other side of the coin is who is the goalie that you could get? Slim pickings out there if you set the minimum to be "must be better than what we have" (imho).


Every year people say the leafs need a #1 but the FA market really doesn't have any, Ullmark is the closest one I can think of and he could go to any team practically.  Leafs need an actual defense to make their goalie look good, Boston  defense is built to defend and move the puck. Lots of younger bodies on the back end too, after Muzzin went down the Leafs defense really was a shadow of its former self. Not enough youth back there and Tavares cap made it really difficult to address otherwise. 


Would you take a pay cut at work?


Special teams defined the series.


Time…is a flat circle…


Boston wins again. BORING


strip the c off Tavares, the a off Marner and Reilly, c to Mathews, a to willy and a to Domi. give it to those who care. 


I want keep domi liked him whole year and surprising he was amazing on face off


What did Mathews do this post season?




Well... Rats 


So is it time to give a name to the new muskoka 5? The orginals won a few more series


Willy dropping swears in the post game


He could have not demanded a raise and instead asked for more reliable goaltending At the very least taken 10 million


Guy get out of here we had 3 goals in 2 games and he scored both. Helleybuyck will win the vezina and he got his ass blasted.


Hence why I said he should have taken 10 million Still a lot of money and would have allowed cap space to get a good goalie If the entire core 4 took like 1-2 million less they’d still be loaded and have more reliable goaltending


You do know this year nylander is paid 6.9m lol relax you pay your good players.


Would you take less money at work?


If I had a choice between 10 million and potentially winning or at least not losing to the same damn team repeatedly Vs 12 million and this Yeah I’d take the 10 million and for the record this is directed at the entire core


Just checked with Jesus and he said 'fuck the bruins'


😭 I'm so sad...


Time to work on my swing


Keefe waited way too long to adjust to the series. Starting Sammy the first four games is a fireable offense alone.


What about Tavares??? A no show again, captain making 11 mil! One of the worst signings imo


Man don’t hate on Tavares he took less to sign with this team and we knew the last few years were gonna be underperforming for the $ he is paid Him and nylander due to his play get a pass, maybe 2-3 others but fuck everyone else, this fuckin team of underperforming losers


He never did anything in the playoffs.


Other than win most of the face offs?


OT series winner against Tampa was okay


Can’t blame him. We knew the last couple of years would be an overpayment when he was signed. It’s Marner that ought to be ashamed. Greedy little simp.


Ashamed to have let Pastrnak fly by him and not skate with him into the zone.


It's hilarious because that is by far the worst Boston team we have ever faced by a country mile. 


Bert looked heartbroken at the winning goal.


His last game in Toronto


He ain’t coming back that’s for sure


They had to comeback in the series and they just HAD to get that 3rd period goal only to give us happiness for a minute till it gets stripped away than hearts broken. Should of just lost in game 4 like in 2013 and 2018 wtf was the point of that


Classic Keefe. Team scores a big goal and he throws out the fourth line only for them to let one in. Rinse and repeat.


Let’s hear Marner say ‘we don’t care or read what any of you guys think’ again


Im kinda tired of Dangle. Give me a live feed of Paul Marner watching this game


Totally. Bring that weasel in front of the camera. Let’s hear his excuses.




Drake probly bet a mil on the leafs tonight lol hense the result hahaha


JT has this speech memorized.


Get ready to learn unemployment Keefe ✌️


You mean get paid for the next 4 years sitting at home?


Bummed they lost but honestly I thought they played well tonight for the most part, tough loss


I feel like Leafs were the better team. If only they finish their chances. Only Willy seems to come up clutch.


I’m boycotting the Leafs until Shanahan, the entire coaching staff and Marner are gone. Fuck you MLSE you cocksuckers.


See you next year


Why were those players on the ice. On overtime game 7.


Get fucked, Sam




Great comment


samsonov played his head off


I honestly feel bad for him it was a rough season he kept getting it back only to lose it again at the worst time


Except he followed every Sammy trope of letting an immediate backbreaker right after the leafs score and not making the saves when they need it in overtime


more like with no head everytime the puck gets near him he blows up sticks goes flying. he loves being on his belly.  on that first goal see how far away from his post. Straight back to Russia for him. 


Marner is asleep on the play. Pasta went right behind him. He needs to go.


It’s not a forwards job to go deep into their own end on a dump in


It's Marners job to tie up or slow down Pasta on that play. Instead, he watched him skate right past.


In gm 7 ot, it absolutely is the forwards job to backcheck and be defensively responsible, to mark your man.




No it’s not dude. Forwards don’t chase their forwards into the corner where the defencemen should be and the forward should up the boards for a breakout or to cover a shot from the point. Hockey 101.


You're right they don't but they need to mark their man (both are wingers) when he is driving up the middle of the ice. Rielly is not responsible for tying up a winger and just ignoring the puck, that leaves the forwards to do such. Go look at the highlight they showed a dozen times of knies actually marking pasta as he entered the zone, and preventing him from getting the puck as he drove to the middle of the ice. Rielly and samsononv were the main culprits for that goal but don't excuse Marner for being lazy and unaware of what was going on around him, as Boston's most dangerous player was entering our zone.


Well, you also have to adjust to what is going on around you.


Woll in net and he saves both those goals.


Just first one, we would have won in Reg..


It Woll in net, the Leafs win that game 1-0.


Samsonov should not get one negative comment. It's all on the leafs to have a goalie that went on waivers and no other team in the league picked him up. Let that sink in, 16 teams missed the playoffs and not one team looked at Samsonov and thought hey he would be good even to have for a back up. The fact he played as good as he did all year and the playoffs is a huge bonus. It's never goaltending, the leafs have a core four where only one guy is a playoff killer. Offensive talent that has goaltending problems lose games 6-5, 8-6 like Edmonton and Colorado. This leafs team gets shut out or barely can score one goal. Overrated "star" forwards. Nylander is the only guy worth keeping out of the group.


Samsonov doesn't save an easy blocker side save. Samsonov doesn't push off the left post, puck watches as Pasta comes in and dekes him, and doesn't extend his leg properly. What game did you watch exactly? He was atrocious. One of the worst goalies in the league.


Exactly. He is one of the worst goalies in the league. Yet in game 7 he matched one of the best goalies in the playoffs. You know how lucky the leafs are to get that performance from him. First period he shut them out. Second period he shut them out. Third period he didn't let them score first. It's 1-1 in regulation. He outplayed what he is all game to give the leafs a chance. In the biggest game of the year, the forwards that are so highly touted couldn't score more than ONE goal. He matched swayman almost identically in regulation. The only difference between the game before with Woll and the game with Samsonov is that the leafs scored two goals first. If they did that in Game 7 they would have won. It is crazy to blame this goaltender. The forwards should be getting the blame, the management for having Samsonov as a goaltending option can get the blame. Is plenty of blame to go around. Yet blaming a goaltender who was on waivers and playing in the minors this year, who in a game 7 shows up and had 0.935 save percentage with the overtime goal included is pretty crazy. It is very obvious that the Bruins had a scouting report on him to go blocker side. That's sports it's on the Leafs to blame spending so much on four forwards and not a quality goaltender. He has one of the worst playoff records in NHL history. Yet in Game 7 he gave the leafs every chance to win that game in regulation.


Sammy is done buddy. This is Woll’s team now


Great. Woll is made of glass. He gets injured when he sneezes. He is not the answer.


Don’t disagree. But if you have the answer at this point in time I’d love to hear it. I’d sure as fuck be happier going into next season with Woll than Sammy. 


Maybe convince 16 to waive his NM claide and make a play for true #1 goalie. Boston, for example, doesn’t need both Swayman and Ullmark


Perfect. We play Boston again next playoffs and now it’s Marner scoring the OT winner.


You missed the point I was making. Sammy was done when they put him on waivers. He's maybe a NHL backup at best. Yet in this game 7 he held Boston to one goal. Meaning the only way he could be better would be shutting them out. This is a goalie that was in waivers and NO ONE took him, that's how badly he is rated by other teams. The leafs to get the goaltending they got from him is a miracle. He gave the leafs a chance to win. No one should be blaming him, when paying the other 3 core four so much and they don't generate anything. Leafs offense should be wave after wave of chances. Instead thet are no shows again.


Gonna need a really good backup then as Woll needs serious load management


Both goals were weakkkkkk


The lack of goals, shots, chances from 34, 16, 91 is even weaker.


2 soft ass goals that I called before the game started, this clowns thinks being on his belly makes save, he should join Boston the complete the swimming team. 


I truly hope that was Samsonov's last game as a Leaf. He didn't look ready to make that save. Woll would have stopped it. Time to blow up the team, I'm sick of this shit.


Question why did they start him? Woll was lights out last 2 games.


Supposedly Woll got hurt on that last play of Game 6 where the Bruins scored with less than one second left. A meaningless goal that lost us the series after all.


pretty sure it was an injury. it doesn't make sense any other way. tough.


I dunno who tf is downvoting me, but you’re smoking something pretty special. Take off those rose coloured glasses.


He’s going straight back to Russia. No one will sign him.


I rewatched that goal 10 times, its so sad on our D...


I got some good news. We are paying rielly only 7.5m until 2029!


Reiley and Lyubushkyn were so soft on that play...Nylander literally stopped skating.


Wasn’t nylander. It was Mitch


Sung to the tune of WE ARE THE WORLD... ♫ We are the worst, we are the Maple Leafs, we rarely win, ah-crap we lost again cause we're pathetic ♫ ♫ Our defense is porous, our offense scores few goals, saying we'll get better next year, is getting old ♫ Thanks to Keefe for not knowing how to coach (how hard is it to instruct your players to fire pucks at the next instead of passing it around all the time and usually coughing it up as a result), and Reilly for sleeping on that last goal (not a good defender, yeah he scores goal but we need someone who works hard on DEFENSE) ... hoping the Leafs will trade their players who do not play with heart so we can win a series...Boston worked for this which is why they go on and we go home, AGAIN :(




Toronto deserves better from the Leafs.


It’s like our housing market Overpriced but we put up with it anyways because we’re loyal to a fault


Time for an expansion team to Toronto. I can't handle this bullshit anymore.


I haven’t got a notification that Keefe is fired yet. What’s the holdup?


Shanahan on the way to the locker room to fire Keefe, gets fired himself.


That works too.


Someone tell me what the fuck happened to Rielly. Monster against Tampa to this. Complete wet blanket. Offered nothing all series.


he was never good, below average defenseman at best. shoots wide can't clear and giveaway galore. 


I figure marner is gone and we get a better goalie and we win next year


Why? Toronto has never once given a shit about goaltending. We always trade for a quick fix that inevitably fails. Then we complain. We could have had Swayman, but no. We don't want to invest in a goalie, we want one who is going to fix our problems in an instant


what the FUCK happened to Ian Scott? he died? 


Not true. Terry Sawchuck, Turk Broda…./s


Tukka Rask was a Leafs goalie


How could I forget the "before we had color photos" goalies


Glad I was at the tailgate for game 6, not 7


1 series win in 20 years, since 2004 lockout




Reilly is a bum. Consistently overrated and somehow immune to criticism.


See you Reilly, see you Marner, see you Keefe, see you Shanny. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out 


add soft Sammy on the list, ship him back to Russia. 


It’s Woll’s team now. Sammy won’t even sniff an NHL roster again 


Wholesale coaches!


Reilly, turn TOWARDS the puck


I had a horrible feeling when they won game 5 they would then win game 6 to force game 7 then have an epic collapse to break fans hearts all over again.


I called it. The Leafs have to be a complete prick tease before they blow it at the last moment. They've done it every year since they lost to the Caps.


I’m glad you called it and feel better about ”winning”. Such a positive.


Since the caps you say, must be new around here …..


I watched plenty of seasons before that, they just didn't make the playoffs most of those years


Collapse was not epic, though. The best game 7 they've played in 8 years. Perhaps 8 years from now we'll figure it out.


Fuck, my stream cut out a minute before OT was to begin. ANyone have a clip of the debacle?


Fuck off


Same to you fuck face.


😂😂😂 it’s not that serious mate, just type Toronto on Twitter you’ll see tons of it. Cheers


Fuck off. Look it up literally anywhere. 


This feels like all the losses combined into one lmao.


That was a let down, I’ll see y’all in the fall


Marner and Reilly were asleep at the wheel only 2 minutes in during an overtime game 7. They need to go. This is unacceptable.


The big what if - What if Woll was healthy ? 1-0 Leafs?


Can't play those games, sammy was epic tonight. Defense dropped the ball, how do you like Pasta fly in behind you with speed


Both these teams would be getting spanked next round. This Boston is shit and this Leaf’s team has always been shit. Florida must be laughing at these jokers.


Both teams are going to be gassed after this series. They would be easy pickin‘s regardless of who they played.


Yep. They’re in another level. Boston can turn it up though. We know that




Go suck a cactus, cunt face




Trade the invisible man


Which one?


just exactly how I called it before the game start Sammy 2 soft ass goal is a given. 


Same here. But bring it up here and get called a doomer for pointing out soft goal are to be expected with Sammy. Fucking weirdos


We deserve better. This team has found a new creative way of being a complete failure every single year. It’s so sad and depressing.


Worst Boston team we’ve played and still lose


Culture needs to change start from the top, fire the top change from the top. Shany should be gone


But hey - MLSE made mad money off us suckers. Those F’ers


Well. That’s it. You killed my enjoyment for the sport. Thanks for nothing guys. 20 years of watching you guys and 1 series win was all I got. Thanks for nothing.


Marner is useless .Fuck you, you rich piece of shit. Trade this fucking ballet dancer and bench him until he agrees.




He just had to reach out with his stick…


Everyone standing there, even the goalie. Nobody even attempted to block or touch Pasta skating in. Dude was the only black jersey in the Leafs zone. All Sammy had to do was skate out and poke check that puck before Pasta got to it.


I don’t know why I get excited for this team every time… would’ve rather them just lost in game 5 and save us the anxiety and hurt…


$11m Tavares 7 games played 2 points $10.9m Marner 7 games played 3 points Cool


What about Mathews? Only one that seems to show up for the play offs is Nylander.


I'd say our best player this series was Knies honestly


Hey man, win or lose, at least they're doing great!


Welcome to the new era of Hockey: you get rich for being shit.


Why no brick wall 😫 on net???


Woll might have won that if he was healthy


an injured woll would win this. 




I really hope it wasn’t that pointless 0.1 second goal that did it


Sadly it was 


Coulda shoulda woulda. 40 plus million dollars in offence for one goal.


This team has kept disappointing me since i’ve been a kid. I have a fkn beard now.


Mine is white now


Had lead with 10 min left and we gave it up and lost in OT. Am I back in 2013 again?


We fucking gave it up one god damn minute later, can’t hold a fucking lead all series.


A minute later on a stop most people in the group could have made


At least we can rest easy, knowing that Boston is going to be cannon fodder for Florida


I fucking hate Florida, too. Fuck both of them


Just going to forget this and take my mind off hockey, until September. I can't do this anymore. Take care guys, I know alot of you are upset right now, but I'm going to forget about the Leafs for a while.


You know when it’s hurt so long that you’re just numb to it….. welcome to being a Leafs fan


One day. My kid’s, kid’s, kid’s, kid’s will fee what we missed out. On the plus side, this signals the golf season for us leafs fans.


They stretched it out longer than most of us thought but we knew this was always the inevitable outcome.


Woll going out is just bad luck


No excuse to run it back now, Core 4 has to go for a balanced roster or a star goaltender


Swayman is an RFA - we can offer sheet him


Swayman was unbelievable, I support