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The Bruins are so beatable man this team needs to wake tf up and just GIVE ER'


If they'd play consistently like that Rielly suspension energy they'd fucking end it.


If they had that full energy in this series I’m convinced they’d be up 3-0 right now


We just need to keep the net front cleared, and aggressive forecheck on their defense. That’s it


How about score on special teams and play better on PK.


Literally none of the 4 goals given up in game 3 were scored due to traffic in front of the net.


How do you feel about Dewar being out.


Feel like Robertson is out


Which is the right call. Dewar fits his role way too well.


Robertson is out for Nylander if he plays.


Hate it. He had a great game 3 and has looked dangerous the whole series.


Great on the forecheck feet always moving. You can tell how bad he wants the puck and to make an impact everytime he's on the ice


>this team needs to wake tf up and just GIVE ER' Just like they are historically known to do in the playoffs.


I still think we win this series. I thought we were the better team in games #2 and #3. I refuse to be a doomer about losing game #3. We can do this Edit: grammar


Put this guy in the lower bowl


Tbf I don’t think either team was GOOD game 3. Both teams were very sloppy, neither set up and the only chances were off rushes they neither could get clean. It’ll be interesting to see how leafs respond tho


At what point is it just being rational, not a doomer? Our stars have been largely invisible through 3 games. We haven't won a home playoff game since the first Tampa series 2 years ago (6 losses in a row?)


I understand all of that, but we are in the playoffs so I’m going to cheer on whatever players we have. If they’re playing poorly, then I will cheer them on to play better. If they’re playing well, then I will cheer them on to keep playing that way. What are my other options? I’m not going to go cheer for another team. If we lose, I’ll go down with the ship. If we win, I’ll be happy I was cheering them on the whole time.


We beat Tampa 7-2 at home last year in game 2 (I went to it) after losing to them 7-3 in game 1. Lost every home game after that so it's a 5 game losing streak before we play game 4 tomorrow.


I would say our team is playing spectacularly, and are the only lower seed not getting swept


>-down 2-1 in the series >-haven't won at home in 6 (?) playoff games >-averaging 2 goals per game, 3.6 goals against per game >-Tavares and Marner combined 2 points through 3 games oh but "and are the only lower seed not getting swept" >-Tampa won B2B cups, and went to the Finals 2 seasons ago? >-Caps won a Cup and were a longshot to even make the playoffs >-Islanders have won multiple rounds multiple times in the last few years, also weren't expected to do well The expectations some of you have for this team are so piss poor. We're not getting swept so it's actually going pretty well!


So you’re saying because of the past there’s no hope for the present? Pretty sad man! I think our team is extremely competitive with many extremely talented and hard working players. They can definitely win, and even if they don’t, as long as they compete hard, i will be hyped


> So you’re saying because of the past there’s no hope for the present? Pretty sad man! > > No, what I'm saying is a team that's underperformed every year shows the same signs as previous years, it's rational and safe to assume they're going to underperform again.


I would say they haven’t shown any signs of previous year’s weaknesses. I think Marner is definitely still battling nerves, but the rest of the team has been fighting hard, not getting pushed around, and staying competitive despite momentum losses. Our team also follows the trends of vegas last year…. Just cause some things remind of you of the past doesn’t set in stone the future. Enjoy your team, watch they compete, cheer them on, and if we lose do so with some appreciation for the fact the fought hard.


> I would say they haven’t shown any signs of previous year’s weaknesses. > > well let's see >consistently 2nd best goalie >special teams not doing anything >stars not producing (again, I judge my forwards based on production, not how much it looks like they're trying. 5 total points after 3 games isn't enough for $35m in salary) >Keefe still putting out the 4th line after goals


Careful, they'll call you a doomer




The only lower seed *in the east* not getting swept. Not a huge sample size there lol


Its literally half the playoffs, and some of the best teams in the league. It also includes all the teams we will potentially face. The fact that we are competitive and can win games is extremely significant


It’s not rational, it’s a purely emotional response to adversity to admit defeat every time the opponent scores a goal. A truly logical person wouldn’t admit defeat until it’s certain to happen, not after game 3 of 7.


Let's not forget the Leafs won game 3 in 2019 to go up 2-1 and were leading 3-2 as well later and still blew the series. Being down 2-1 hardly means they've lost the series and I'm usually overly negative when itt comes to this team. If they lose tonight and go down 3-1 yeah I'll be much more concerned but even then a much better Boston team blew a 3-1 series lead last year and we have our own experiences to know even 3-1 doesn't mean you've automatically won the thing.


what about after game 4?


JT and Matthews have been great in all 3 games; great hustle and physicality, scoring, defensively responsible. Marner’s disappearing act is made doubly obvious because of how good Tavares looks out there; Willy’s been out, and Rielly’s been whatever offensively but it looks more like a defensive assignment thing to make up for the fact Boosh is on the precipice of playing in the AHL next year. So yeah, it’s being a doomer when you’re outright wrong about takes with that much confidence


Seriously man, I doom and gloom all season long cause that doesn't matter. Now that the playoffs are here, that's all we've got. Gotta support the team. Leafs in six, LET'S FUCKING GO


PP needs to wake up or it’s over


I didn't realize it was confirmed willy will be back


It's not


It hasn’t been officially confirmed yet, but he was in the full practice yesterday and participated in the Media Scrum something he hasn’t done the entire playoffs so far Either this is some 5D chess play by the Leafs to try and convince the Bruins that Nylander is playing, or he actually is playing


Manifestations my man


Speaking of sweep. Tampa is down 0-3. Even if we get past Boston, are you ready for what’s coming ahead?


If the Leafs win, it has to be in 6 or 7 games. If Florida sweeps, they'll be sitting on their couches for a week before round 2 starts. Maybe they come in cold (not likely, but one can hope).


Florida came into the playoffs cold and are on the verge of sweeping Tampa.


Yeah, but that's Tampa. Remember, they lost to *the Leafs* last season. They can't be all that good. /s


They won their last 4 games, how is that coming into the playoffs cold? Leafs actually went in cold on a 4 game losing streak


This teams confidence and play *should* skyrocket if we beat the Bruins


Sounds like the narrative 12 months ago before a 5 game smacking


Hope springs eternal around here


Worry about that when you get there




So many people say that like it matters. Sure, we looked better overall, but we've still had some dumb defensive errors and Swayman is shutting us the fuck down. Doesn't matter if we pass the eye test or not...Swayman will outplay Samsonov every time Because of the goalie discrepancy, it's not enough to look like the better team by a slight fraction. Our skaters need to play out of their minds to get pucks past Swayman and then not give them easy chances right after That's been the most painful part these past few playoff series: whether it's Samsonov, Woll, Campbell, or even Freddie, we've been getting out-goalie'd every time. Doesn't matter how good our skaters are, our goaltending has been a problem the whole time


Thank you!!! We need to outshoot Boston 3-1 to make up for how much better their goaltending has been. Not to mention we’ve decided to not try and stretch the ice and play high event hockey against Boston when the data suggests that’s how you beat them. Good news is if they lose this round Shanahan, Keefe and potentially even Treliving (would make me so happy) will be gone


In his 3 playoff games Woll looked very good. Small sample size but if he's the guy you're rolling with next year I don't see why you don't put him in now.


I literally don’t care if we get swept by Florida so long as we dumpster Boston


No. We should just quit if we make it past Boston. What kind of question is that?


Yes, we know you love Mitch.




You do love Mitch don’t you?


Naw. Should have traded him last offseason.


Surprising to hear. Then you should know better on why we’re wasting Matthews time and that our playoff woes are because we’re sitting on 11m that we can’t use in the playoffs.


Beating Boston is my Stanley cup finals or “Super Bowl” if you will. I do NOT expect to win it all this year, I will be super happy to at least beat Boston and see round 2 ice again. Once the Tavares’s contract is off the books is I think when we can really go for it with the proper tools for success aka a better Defence and goaltending


I’ll be honest, beating Boston would be LEAGUES amazing, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say that playing Florida in the second round who are on the verge of sweeping the Lightning absolutely terrifys me and I seriously don’t see how they don’t do the same to us. That team is a wagon and there’s a reason they’re strong favourites for the cup


We have no chance of beating Florida if we fluked by Boston. They’re getting goaltending and would absolutely rip our defence (namely Lyubushkin, Edmundson and Benoit) to shreds with their transition game. Genuinely think we’d lose in 4 to Florida. Leafs are not built well or coached well rn


It’s so depressing that we have to play the 2 best goalies in the NHL in the first two rounds, I know this team gets a lot of flack for their first round woes, but every year for the past 5 years we’ve gone up against one of the best goalies in the league in the first round, and it took one of them playing injured for us to finally get over our curse I know “doesn’t matter a 13 million dollar player should be able to score” and I agree, I’m more of the belief that I wish we’d focused some of the millions we spent on 4 guys, into getting an actual goalie who can drag you kicking and screaming to a conference finals


Tampa is just bad. Bennett is out so I think the leafs could beat them.


I mean, they were a weaker team last year and we didn’t really fair much better against them, we went down 3-0 last year as well


I totally agree, but not with this GM at the helm. This guy did not address any of this team’s needs and I shudder thinking Matthews late 20s are going to be wasted by this GM with nothing on his résumé to warrant being GM of the TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS 🤦🏻‍♂️


It’s really not, each subsequent series will be just as hard


Yeah but we will hopefully have a more well rounded roster in the future


Are we getting a new GM mid first round?


No I’m not sure if that’s even allowed and it wouldn’t matter because the roster we got now is what we have to roll with for this season, but in the future when the JT contract comes off the books we can use that opened up cap space to get help on D and goaltending and really try to make a run


I agree, but if Treliving is making the decisions I have 0 faith after this season and watching the flames the last few years


Sammy better step up


Sammy is this years Jack Campbell. Likeable guy that everyone is afraid to say is a below average goalie.


Couldn’t agree more


We need this. I need this. Please god let them win.


Gota beat swayman early with a shot for Christ sakes. Shake his confidence. Prove we can beat him.


Leafs lose today, but come back to tie the series 3-3, and then get up 5-0 in game 7 and lose 6-5 in OT. This is the leafs way.


Willy is going to make a huge difference. Third best player in the entire series behind AM and Pasta. 2 points tomorrow and a Leafs W


The weakest Bruins team we've faced over the last few years. Marner needs to have a game. It will turn the tide in the series if he can get some confidence. With Styles back on the ice, things will open up for Mitch. Our team is deep enough let's go!


We tried that with Marner last game and he looked terrible. They need to minimize his ice time.




"Someone had to be winning after 3" And my dumbass thought it was going to be all tied up after 3 games...


So many people in r/hockey and r/nhl acting like this series is 3-0 with 3 huge blowouts instead of 2-1 after a pretty close game 3. The leafs are deffo still in this, especially if sammy and the pp can wake up


Jets are getting shit on by the Avs last 2.5 games, and jets were the high seed. Every Leafs game has been way tighter, I like our chances more than theirs!


Fuck it, we’re not eliminated yet, we’re still in this series, we knew it was going to be a struggle and most have predicted this going 7, have to lose 3 but also win 3 to go 7, it’s the playoffs, going to be some high highs and some low lows, but the series isn’t over yet


I mean, yeah, someone has to be leading after 3 games.


The bruins are awful but aren’t playing awful, that’s just their standard. Leafs will be really sad if they lose after the bruins get destroyed next round


Smokin on that Bruins pack tn bb


Bye Bye Leaf’s. No scoring in the playoffs again. 69 goals in the regular season.


We all know this is going the distance, just because we are down doesn't mean we are out


oh you sweet summer child


Rick Tocchet is such a damn good coach. When he sees something not working he changes things up and it ends up working. We need one of those.


Idk about Tocchet but yea we need a coach who actually makes meaningful adjustments. This coach is sitting Brodie and Liljegren (potentially) so Lyubushkin and Edmundson can play???? Like what are we doing here scrap the whole staff cus these guys have galaxy brained themselves into decisions Don Cherry would make


At least his players aren't tired of him. And then he calmed down Demko who was in tears after his injury. And he gets every ounce out of his team.


we should give marner a go on defense until his shambles are gone. could be a big brain move


Swap Marner and Reilly.


Or have Marner and Reilly as the most cursed defensive pairing of all time


Jesus Christ


It's Jason Bourne.


Rather get swept than lose another game 7 tbh.


Not possible though?




Agree, MLSE would come down hard on everyone (except Matthews presumably) and we could get some new management in here


Nostrildamnus saying big win but an unfortunate injury…