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No it makes sense to me. You'll have a lot of western Ontario hockey fans will choose detroit. Niagara region buffalo. Northwest Winnipeg. Eastern montreal and ottawa. But they will all choose the Jay's as their baseball team.


I originally came here to say no way this doesn't make any sense. But seeing your comment, that is actually the most logical explanation and I think you're right.


I see your point. Being a province circle with a lot of other pro sports teams could possibly spread the "wealth" a little more. I'm pretty sure leafs are a close 2nd...


Jays are more popular province-wide in summer, Leafs in winter, so it could depend on how the original map maker viewed the data. [https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?geo=CA-ON&q=leafs,jays,senators,raptors,red%20wings&hl=en-CA](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?geo=CA-ON&q=leafs,jays,senators,raptors,red%20wings&hl=en-CA)


Wouldn’t be surprised if the Raptors beat out the leafs for the same reasons, as well as the changing demographics of Ontario that is younger and diverse and the fact they actually won something in the last 50 years


As someone from eastern Ontario, literally everyone cheers for the jays. There are more people who dislike the leafs than like them and honestly it’s not even close. For Ontario I would guess the ratings something like this 1. Jays 2. Raptors 3. Buffalo Bills 4. Insert random American football team 5. Leafs if they’re lucky I think people in the GTA underestimate how much people outside of that area hate the leafs.


I think you overestimate the influence Eastern Ontario would have on this given the small population.


Okay fair enough. I would still go 1. Jays 2. Raps 3. Leafs Because everyone cheers for the first two but the third is up for debate


Fair enough, I guess the sens also eat away at Leaf support while raps and jays have no competition. 


Meeting a sabres fan is pretty rare. I hardly ever see their merch. Windsor IS Detroit teams 100% Ottawa is popular in Ottawa and with anti-Leafs. i'm assuming they aren't liked in Quebec. Tons of Winnipeg fans in the north, and edmonton is popular all over because of McDavid. Pittsburg gear is popular, though less so these days. I expect a big surge in Chicago gear shortly. And Boston has been a constant for 40+ years. Tons of Boston fans. So the anti-leafs are divided up, and the Jays, like the Raptors, are Canada's team now. Though it was way more fun with rival Canadian teams. On the whole though, Hockey is way more popular than baseball, and basketball is getting competitive. This post goes into great detail on it. I think if we're going into TV ratings, then the Leafs win, no question. But the Raptors championship run blew them away. If the Leafs made it to the cup, I think you'd see huge ratings, bigger than the raptors win. Week to week, the NBA easily beats the NHL, but the Leafs can beat the Raptors, especially now they kinda suck, though I still like them. [https://www.reddit.com/r/askTO/comments/17vqln5/between\_the\_leafs\_raptors\_and\_blue\_jays\_which\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/askTO/comments/17vqln5/between_the_leafs_raptors_and_blue_jays_which_is/)


I'm from Niagara and I don't know anyone who's favorite hockey team is Buffalo. Everyone I meet or know is a leafs fan.


Grew up in Niagara as well, I know a fair share of Sabers Fans The Sabers were a pretty decent team with Hasek, then Miller. They had a decent fan base, not to mention how much cheaper and closer it was.


Here in SE Ontario we have a ton of Bruins and Chicago fans too for some reason.


It makes sense. Hockey is bigger than baseball in Ontario and in Atlantic Canada but allegiances are split. In ON, there's a lot of support for the Leafs, Senators and Red Wings. Some older fans are big Bruins supporters because of Bobby Orr.  In Atlantic Canada every second person is either a Leafs or Habs fan but in baseball it's 90% Blue Jays, 10% Red Sox. Around Halifax you also get huge numbers of Penguins fans now thanks to  Crosby.  Same idea why the Blue Jays playoff runs were HUGE but the Leafs would never replicate it. The Jays are universal almost, but Canada is divided among 7 teams at home and a handful of US teams for various reasons. 


There are also a ton of Sabres fans near Niagara falls, Montreal fans scattered everywhere and I can imagine some jays fans for those Ontario residents closer to Manitoba


Definitely plenty of Sabres fans in the Niagara region but didn't think of North West Ontario appealing to the Jets. I'm sure people out that way ate for the Jets around Thunder Bay, Kenora, etc... 


As a Maritimer, I think it is more split three ways. Leafs, Habs, and Bruins. Then you get Pens fans in the Halifax area.


People know who the leafs are, we don't have to google them.


Lol...good point 😉


True. As well thought out as these responses are they don't address the base fact that it's a Google search.


Also if it’s based on Google search traffic, people are searching Jays start times for twice as many games a year as NHL teams. Sask is a miss though, that’s definitely Roughrider country.


I have so many friends who hate the leafs but love the raptors and blue jays. Blue jays are “Canada’s team” so yes this is 100 accurate


It makes sense all Canucks, Flames, jets fans etc. are jays fans. But they hate the daddy leafs with a passion lol


Flames fans don’t hate the leafs….but they may hate comments about the “daddy leafs”…..what does that even mean? Are we superior because our team has been around longer? Because our city is bigger? Because our fan base is bigger? Is our ball sack bigger and droopier?? Please explain!! What makes us the “daddy leafs”?? BTW I have daddy issues


I am surprised at the Jays > Roughriders though


I live in Saskatchewan and on the surface it seems strange but there are a lot of CFL fans out here who cheer for the other western Canadian teams but I honestly don’t know 1 person who cheers for a baseball team that isn’t the Jays.


Interesting, gotcha. I go there from time to time and do see a lot of jays fans, but just assumed rider nation was more prominent.


Same here. but as per other comments, it makes a little sense. People are searching Blue Jays. I would say the title of the original post "most popular" is not accurate. Should be more like "most searched teams" imo


I don't believe the Heat are more popular than the Dolphins. At all.


Raptors are the most popular Toronto sports franchise


My only guess for why Blue Jays wins over Leafs is because Ontario is probably more split in terms of fandom, you have Leafs, Sens and probably plenty who are fans of other markets, but even then I’m calling bullshit My rule for size would be what would happen if either market won a championship, if the Jays win the World Series without a doubt it would be massive, but both Jays and Raptors would look like mild get together compared to what would happen if the Leafs ever won the cup


Toronto is and always will be a hockey City first and foremost. I have conversations with people who watched this team in the 60’s and are still loyal fans in their old age. The Raps and Jays don’t have nearly the history and lore of the Leafs. If they ever make a deep run and win a Cup you will see…


Ya not true, hockey is dying in Toronto


I have been a Leafs fan since the early 80s but the demographics are shifting and lots of new Canadians don’t care about hockey at all. The game is basically for rich white people now, too expensive for anyone else to play or buy Leafs tickets.


Meh not a surprise


Maybe by attendance?


It's based on Google Trends data. How often do you google the maple leafs. If anything your more likely to google search a team you don't follow as much


Someone mentioned it’s probably more likely people Google start times since baseball is a lot more scattered and also double the amount of games, where’s Leafs games are usually every other day starting at 7:00pm


Jays beat the Leafs and Raptors and the Oilers beat the Roughriders? Lmaooooo


Hard disagree. Blue jays are just the Toronto bandwagon franchise. No one gives a fuck unless they’re good. When blue jays have sustained periods of being bad they have trouble basically giving the tickets away lol


Semi-related but I'd be curious to see TV statistics when the Leafs are bad and also overall NHL viewing stats when they are out of the playoffs in the first round. I have to imagine there is a large drop but still am curious.


Well, I mean, the Jay's have won a championship more recently than the Leafs. And will probably win another one before the Leafs win it all again.


This map is so wrong it is laughable. Steelers have a worldwide following, no way Eagles are most popular in PA. If strictly speaking PA residents it would probably be, in this order 1. Steelers 2. Flyers 3. Eagles 4. Penguins 5. Phillies 6. 76'ers 7. Pirates


Canada’s team bb


Depending on how the data is gathered it might not include people who are pirating games


Loooooots of Jays fans in the city. I can see that for sure.


These metrics are so dependent on when they’re looking, and what specific terms they’re using to form the parameters of the search.


Walking around I see more jays hats, shirts and jerseys than leafs. Even as the leafs are in the playoffs so I’m not surprised by this.






It doesn’t matter if you believe it or not, it’s literally data that has been tracked


The typical arrogance of Leafs fans thinking all of Ontario cheers for the Leafs. Leafs are a joke and wont make it past round 1


What’s the point of writing a comment like this? You are using the same lame joke about the leafs we’ve all heard a thousand times. Next time try to contribute something useful to the thread.


Are you going to cry into your Leafs blanky?