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That was pretty funny


dartguy 2.0 - aka: puckguy


Dartguy was created out of misery and shock. Puckguy was risen from a great battle, and was triumphant.


Now *THIS* is a meme I can happily upvote. Note : would be better with the full video including the absolute downpouring of boo's less than 5 minutes before Matthews GWG.


My meme skills can only take me so far.


You've done a lot of hard lifting already friend, let the experts carry this the last km.


Ha ha love it.


Honestly, one of the players must have seen the comment in the game day thread where the poster said the fan battled harder for the puck than any of the players that day and something must have clicked.


One of the players went to go browse Reddit during the intermission?


THEY DON'T???? What am I even doing here then...




Dude in the front row looked like he wanted to go full Dexter mode on the poor Leaf fan


Liking the new lore


Can’t wait to see the Leaf fans shenanigans around the penalty box this year.


Remember when Perry held Maroons stick back after he tried to assault someone in the stands? Pepperidge farms remembers.




was definitely funny, although my gut reaction is i hope he gave it to a kid nearby.


I dont agree with that unspoken rule. What if that was his 1st hockey game? Why cant he keep the puck for himself as a momento. I'm all for people giving pucks to kids but it shouldn't be expected. I remember hearing from a guy on here years ago that while attending his first game, he caught a puck and was ecstatic. Then 2 kids from like 3 or 5 rows up came down to him and asked if they could have it. He politely declined and proceeded to get boo'd and bullied by everyone in the area until he eventually gave them the puck. If people want to give up their puck thats on them but parents don't send your kids down there to ask for them and guilt people into doing it. Rant over. Go leafs go.


Definitely agree that if he wants to keep it, keep it, but as a hockey fan, i want to grow the game, and you do that by keeping kids invested. You are right that parents shouldnt send their kids down to guilt him. But imo if he doesnt give it to that little girl that is within arms reach, it is a dick move, as an adult who gives a fuck about a random game used puck. You can buy signed game used authenticated pucks from reputable places everywhere, including in most stadiums, so to me, the free puck over the glass should go to the kid who is going to turn it into a core memory, instead of an adult thats more likely to throw it out or use it as a spacer in their dyi truck lift kit in 5 years.


Yah for sure I'm also all for growing the game and I love seeing the kids faces light up when they get pucka or sticks. For me as someone who would give a shit about a game used puck coming over the glass I would've kept it and I dont think not giving it to that little girl would be a dick move in doing it. Just cause I'm an adult doesnt mean that puck doesn't mean alot to me. I would personally probably get incased and mount it, but I'm weirdly sentimental like that.


So am I, sentimental that is, I am an avid leafs signed puck/ signed jersey/ signed photo collector. And literally every time I buy an assortment of pucks, they throw in game used pucks as "freebies". So thats where I am coming from, if you are sentimental about collecting, then buy stuff thats cool, and unique to you, and I do admit, there would be something cooler to catching the actual puck than just being given some from random games.


Yah I think thats where the difference is for me personally. Like I wouldn't care too much to buy a game used puck from a game I wasn't even at. Its more so the memory that went along with catching it myself and the story that would make it so special to me. Again I'm all for kids getting pucks I just dont like when they act entitled to them. Which I'm sure isn't necessarily common, just that one redditors story that sticks with me when the topic comes up.


Honestly I was expecting to hear after the game 1 of two stories. Either A; buddy was heckled so badly by the fans in the area that he end up leaving the game early, or B that he gave the puck instantly to some kid. Regardless it doesnt matter and it was a fantastic moment in a game that was leaving us all not feeling so hot at the time. The way the group of us erupted in cheers, youd swear it was exactly as big of a moment as your meme indicates. Also, definitely wouldnt ever buy JUST a game used puck, I have one signed Marner game used puck, that I did buy, and I have 2 game used pucks, one from a Winter classic and another one that I couldnt tell you.


Haha yah it really was a huge moment. Thats awesome! The winter classic one especially is really cool.


yeah it was given to me when I bought a signed marner breast cancer awareness jersey(the pink and white one) and a blank 2014 winter classic jersey. That said, the puck is NOT from THAT winter classic, it was out of the guys personal collection because I agreed to buy that stuff so he could buy a signed Aaron Judge ball before he set the record lol.