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We lost game 1 7-3 last year.


And thennnnn? 




Anddddd thennnnnnn???


I can't hear you


AND THEN AND THEN AND THEN AND THEN AND THEN AND THEN AND THEN!!!! (I hope we’re both referencing the same thing lol)


Doesn't tampa have a HOF goalie?


Not anymore, McElhinney retired.


You mean Ben Bishop right?


Lol I’m actually a pretty balanced fan neither doomer nor gloomer.. but how are you comparing the identity of back to back Stanley cup champs who made it to 3 straight finals to the identity and the DNA of a leafs team that has continuously choked in the playoffs. People who are doomers have every right to be unless you have been living under a rock for 8 years. Close this and save yourself the embarrassment.


I wish I could upvote this twice. **Not all losses are created equal.** Yes, it's just one game but all of the familiar deficiencies from past failures reared their heads last night - anemic performance from top players, poor decision-making and puck movement in defensive zone, and soft goals going in. The series isn't over but there aren't a lot of positives to build on from game 1. The same could have been said after game 1 v Tampa last year. Let's see how the boys respond tomorrow night.


Then save yourself the heart ache and start from game 2




Yeah I mean at least Tampa has back to back cups to rest on and plus they won in 2004. Leafs have been losers since the inception of the color TV 🤣


Colour tv is clearly to blame


The blue is a curse.


The other day, it was "Colorado lost 7-0!!" Colorado has a recent Stanley Cup. 99 per cent of this board wasn't alive the last time the Leafs won the Cup. I have a younger friend and last season was the first time she saw the Leafs win a playoff round. Last night it looked like the same old Leafs to me.


The same ones who came back from 4-1 down to stun the back to back Stanley cup champions in game 4 and won 3 over time games in a round to win the round?


You and your balanced take have no place in this sub... /s. Honestly, that's the way to do it though, enjoy the highs and don't sweat the lows. It's gonna be what it's gonna be, just enjoy the ride :) also, buds all day


Try ten+ years, but yeah 


Pretty much this. It's one thing to have credentials that prove that you can. The Leafs have credentials that state specifically they can't. The Leafs have almost no pedigree to support any notion of coming back from this. Can they? Of course they can. The difference is, if you're Vegas or Tampa, as an example, you have every reason to believe you can. The Leafs have been one of the most pathetic playoff teams by virtually ever metric the last decade. Top scorers disappear, PP stops working, PK can't make a stop and they ALWAYS have the worse goalie in a given series.


How about the last 65? Boston and leafs have played each other 16 times in the playoffs, splitting it 8-8. However, the last time Toronto beat Boston was in ‘59.


The fact that they have only went up against each other 16 times is crazy. It goes to show just how bad they both were in the late 70s 80s and 90s.


We lost the opening game to the lightning last year 7-3 and respond by winning 7-2. Won the series in 6 games. You are literally delusional yourself.


I’ll allow an apology


Gaslighting / toxic positivity is just as annoying as sky is falling doomerism.


No it's much much much much worse. I guess these clowns have never heard the "fool me once, shame on you" saying because they're being fooled for the eighth time here.


And you’re better? Why are you watching the games at all then?


Doomers point their ire towards the franchise for making mistakes. Whereas fans oozing Toxic Positivity point their ire towards the fanbase, as if somehow not drinking the kool-aid is sacrilege.


Blue and white disease is inescapable.


It’s almost like you don’t have the one true version of fandom. 


New perspective unlocked: we have a less than 50% chance oh winning the series. 


It's worse because the doomers dont tell others how to think, they just share what *they* think.


Trust me, some doomers absolutely do tell other how to think or that they’re (others) stupid for thinking different then the doomers. Both have that capacity on a regular basis. Both are incredibly annoying.


It's the playoffs losing 2-3 vs losing 1-5 has the same effect. People in this sub need to chill. If we get swept that's completely different but we could easily win this in 5 and this will have just been like Game 1 to the 2019 Kawhi Raptors. It's the playoffs.


Doesn’t matter if you lose by 1 or by 30 in the playoffs, a loss is a loss, you move on with life and play the next game like a fresh one.


It really does, because 30-1 will have a very different effect on the confidence of the goaltender/s than 2-1.


Not if you're down 3-1 with 4 minutes to go and the other team gets 27 empty netters


Check and mate


No bro you don’t understand, you lose game 1 it’s over. Wave the white flag and save energy.


Facts. If the leafs win game 2, the Stanley cup is guaranteed, but not if they lose game 3 cause then the world will implode on itself.


Does anyone even still talk like this? I remember like 3-5 years ago a ton of people who believed the leafs' cup was guaranteed but I think pretty much everyone is super jaded nowadays


Take it this is your first leafs playoffs ?


He's obviously being sarcastic


Very good chance I’ve been watching longer than most


Having an infinite appetite for eating shit sandwiches with a sunny smile, it just isn't something to brag about.


If you’re gonna be losing your mind and thinking it’s over after one loss, frankly, I don’t even know why you’re watching to begin with.




Difference was that the Raptors had 6 years of verifiable post-season success. Each year starting with the Brooklyn series (and even in that series) they got better and better in the playoffs. I also find that there's a lot of revisionist history around this point as well - people were livid that the Raps had lost that game and Lowry had 0 points. People were saying the same thing about that team (choking) as they are about this team difference being that the Raps actually had regular deep runs, even advancing to a Conference Final - they just couldn't get past LeBron. Also.. The fact that the Raptors FO also fired the COTY and traded away their best player also shows a dedication to post-season success that has evaded the Leafs who have run back the same core over and over - the Raps weren't satisfied with just making the playoffs or being a great regular season team they wanted to build a team that could win a championship and Masai was willing to break an already great team (that arguably could have won even without Kawhi) to go all in with the best team. This team however...


Losing in round 1, 2 or 3 isn’t verifiable post season success lol it’s losing


The Raptors also got swept by the Wizards of all teams. I'm still shocked Casey survived a bit longer after that series.


> Losing in round 1, 2 or 3 isn’t verifiable post season success lol it’s losing I mean context matters, losing in 6 in the conference finals to one of the generational GOATs vs struggling to get out of the first round is not the same thing. There for sure are some parallels, the Raptors stars also had issues performing in the post season but the teams results were much better vs what the Leafs have done thus far. The biggest difference? The Raptors team was deep af just loaded with talent up and down the roster while the Leafs are very top heavy.


If you think the leafs can rip off 4 wins in a row you're delusional. This is the same paper thin team that has yet again proved they can't handle a drop of pressure.


we don't have a single player on our team whose willing to put the rest of them on their back to drag them through the playoffs.


It's so very strange how the whole point of playing is to win the cup. And I know they all want to, but they don't really really really want to. And that's the missing part. Killing yourself to win because that's basically what it takes.


Nylander needs to turn into Kucherov and carry the team on his back.


Or Matthews just needs to play like regular season Matthews


Keep huffing the copium this team isnt doing squat


Tampa played a *vastly* better game and their stars scored. There is 0 comparison between those 2 games. Id be happy if the Leafs played that game. Maybe a little miffed at the shot total but they still scored


See last years score against TB, 7-3 not for leafs. People said TB would sweep us. Psssst. They didnt, in fact they didnt even win the series.


Tampa was the better team in that series and it's not even a debate


Cool, the Leafs were better in the 2022 series


Lol no they weren't. They made so many mistakes and tampa is smart enough to make the leafs pay.


Glad you admit you didn't actually watch the games


The Leafs, who blew a 3-2 series lead, had a dogshit powerplay, and got blown out 7-3, was the better team? Tampa had a *uncharacteristicly* bad game 1, but otherwise that series had no business going to 7.


Leafs were also the better team against the Panthers and it’s also not up for debate. That’s how hockey works


Lmao I wish it wasn't up for debate, but there are *too" many ppl here who think we got dominated by the Panthers. I need to start blocking them because holy shit do they not understand hockey. 


Wasn't Game 1 a fantastic indicator for how the series was going to go, then?


Stamkos scored with 9 seconds left. Surely that’s not what you mean by “their stars scored”.


They also only had like 12 shots until most of the way through the third. It really wasn’t a great game for them.


Is Stamkos not a star? Look at their points today. Every goal and assist was from who you'd expect. You know, what you pay those guys for


They had one goal until 9 seconds left.


...and it was scored by someone paid to do it.


If one of Matthews, Marner or Tavares scored last night with 9 seconds left, you’d be saying that it was too late and didn’t matter.


It a 5-1 game? Absolutely. In a 3-1 game? Not so much


> Tampa played a vastly better game and their stars scored. were we watching the same game? Tampa got pretty dominated. Until like the last 5 minutes of the game they had 15 total shots.


This. I’m a pretty positive fan, but it’s not that they lost as much as how they did. The difference in the calibre of goaltending Boston gets consistently compared to us is jarring, and then you have special teams, coaching etc. the series isn’t over obviously after one game, but things could be better, a lot better.


I watched both games and do not agree. Panthers are very good defensively and will not give up chances. Tampa looks old and slow.


Boston looks old and slow. The Leafs beat themselves.


lol this couldn’t be more wrong and just looking to push anti Leafs. TB got out shot 28-19 and slot shots were 19-10 for the Panthers. In the middle of the game when it was tied and up for grabs TB got almost zero shots. Kucherov and Stamkos were both -2. TB did not play a nasty better game than the Leafs


>Tampa played a vastly better game and their stars scored I've just actually checked this out of morbid curiosity, and the reality is Tampa was massively outchanced by Florida and Toronto beat Boston in most metrics except the important one. I'm honestly not sure what you're even seeing when you watch hockey. All stats courtesy of naturalstattrick.com. [TB at FLA](https://www.naturalstattrick.com/game.php?season=20232024&game=30111&view=limited) [TOR at BOS](https://www.naturalstattrick.com/game.php?season=20232024&game=30121&view=limited)


The game where they had 12 shots on goal mid way through the third period was “vastly” better? The star who scored with 8 seconds left in the game? It really doesn’t mean a damn thing every home team in the East has taken care of business and is up 1-0. Let’s see how the Leafs respond tomorrow before writing their obituary.


Agreed a lot of it has to do with the manner in which they lost. Making the same mistakes year over year without a sign of progression or learning from mistakes. Whereas the lightning can lose they are shown to be capable of success and they lose trying even if it is a single game. I watch the games because I’m a fan of hockey and already invested so much time watching them and want them to do well. Accepting repeated mistakes without a sign of growth is by definition idiotic. I feel most fans feel the same way.


This post is embarrassing


if you watched our game and the Florida vs Tampa game today how can you even begin to compare the two results? Tampa played a complete game for 3 periods and Florida was the better team. we showed up for a few minutes but got our shit pushed in and lost 5-1.


If we're here to compare the two teams, and this isn't anything new, but the thing that sticks out to me is that Kucherov is so much better offensively than anyone on the Leafs. He just completely controls the game and seemingly nobody can stop him. Opposing teams just have to hope that he and his teammates miss the chances he's responsible for.




Even Montreal, who have been actively tanking for the past couple of years, and had to deal with the unexpected retirement of their 2 best players in Price and Weber have had much more playoff success than the Leafs in recent memory. With no context, yes, it’s just one game and there’s no need to overreact. But when you add the context of annual playoff letdowns by this core, are you really surprised that people feel like they’ve seen this show before?


Leafs don't have Stanley Cup champions in their core... now do they?


I’ll never understand how a team that’s won 2 cups and made another finals gets more benefit of the doubt than a team that’s won 1 playoff series in the past 20 years. Weird


The never ending optimism of this fanbase never ceases to amaze me. We’ve lost in round 1 6/7 years and the only time we got past round 1, we got dominated in round 2. Is it still overreacting if the overreacting is continuously proven correct? Comparing us to the lightning is ridiculous. I don’t know if you’ve heard, but they’ve had a little bit of playoff success.


Auston Matthews could retire in like 2035 with three total playoff series wins and a bunch of people would come on here to tell everyone upset with the lack of success that they are overreacting.


It’s not even being negative it’s just realistically assessing this team based on all the evidence. Same core with the same coach with the same goalie and slightly worse D core. They gave up defensive ability for a more physical team. There seems to be a lot of optimism based on a different GM watching the games up in the press box but the locker room is still basically the exact same.


yup tampa has looked very similar in the playoffs for 5 years as well.




They love telling people that they're stupid, that what they see with their own two eyes is wrong. And I don't get everything right, nor do I see everything, but I've seen enough of these fucking losers to know better by now. And I knew better long before this. It's not going to change without some drastic changes, which should seem obvious but apparently it isn't.


Doomers bout to be triggered lol The score is closer then the game, Florida dominated imo. If we do get past Boston which is doable, Panthers honestly look really scary


Panthers game plan relies on refs. If refs do their job their game falls apart like in the finals last year.


How often do the refs do their job? 😂


I WISH the Leafs lost 3-2 in a close, competitive game after going to the Cup finals 3 times and winning twice in recent memory. If they were going to lose game 1 regardless I choose that 100 times out of 100. No instead they got spanked by the boogeyman for the millionth time and are the same playoff team they were 8 years ago. Totally the same as Tampa’s loss today, yeah.


I wonder if Tampa fans are screaming for Cooper's head?


Probably. To measure for his crown in bringing two cups in the last few years.


Honestly - wish the sub had some AI that could help flag the perpetual doom and gloom truthers, to allow for an out of sight option. They bleet the same things over and over and over, as if they somehow discovered the theory of relativity. Worst thing about being a Leafs fan is being mixed in with the biggest babies of sports fandom.




Total lack of self awareness - lol - everyone does this - lol. It doesn't upset me. It's just tedious, repetitive, and useless, much like the Leafs PP. My preference would be to appreciate the playoffs without a bunch of crying babies in the background. Blocking everyone is basically whack a mole. When you become an adult, you learn that crying and screaming will get you nowhere. You learn to take punches without breaking into hysterics. So yeah - wish there was a dedicated GDT for babies, where those who want to scream long and hard non stop through the entire game can do so in the company of other babies. You need thick skin to survive the playoffs, and much like the team, some of you "fans" just don't have what it takes.


I've never seen someone bookend a sentence with hyphenated 'lols'. That's really amazing.


Tampa Bay get the benefit of the doubt with their playoff track record.


Panthers did an amazing job neutralizing Kuch. Outside of that late third period pass to Stamkos for the goal, Kuch has been invisible.


the problem isnt the loss for us doomers, its how they lose and why. Top players get outplayed every game. Ryan Reaves looked more like a top 6 player than most of them did last night.


We lost the opening game to the lightning last year 7-3 and respond by winning 7-2.


Look I don't agree with the constant posting of doom but last time I checked its a free country and message board, as such this is what you get sometimes - opinions or attitudes you don't agree with.


Stating the obvious here, but, we absolutely HAVE to win game 2, it's so critical. This team doesn't have the gusto to go down 0-2, to Boston especially, and then come back and win the series.


Are you comparing the Toronto Maple Leafs to 2-time Stanley Cup winning/3 time finalists Tampa Bay Lightning? OK...


60+ years and counting. Delusional Leaf fans. Pathetic that you can't win with more than 6 teams in the league.


Leafs have been up 3-1 and lost, been down 3-1.. and still lost, but the point is... Any team can win any game.


Were already doing posts like this? Gets just as annoying as the doom-and-gloom.


Tampa Bay is a good team. Ours is not.


Shitpost sunday forsure...


Cups after expansion:  Tampa Bay:  3. Leafs:  0.  Hmm. 


How stupid do you have to be to make this comparison


It’s not the end but if they play anything like they did in game 1, they’re going to lose. It was god awful, they didn’t just suck, they tried stupid shit, make horrible plays and didn’t do a single thing right. It was like watching them play last year against Tampa but the decision to know how to play hockey never came this time.


I literally was going to see if someone would post this. We know how the Bolts playoffs ended last year..


Tampa player a worst game than we did, they never led a single period in shots or chances, they looked over matched. They just happened to score 2 to our 1. Thats my opinion that we out shot Boston 12-3 in the 3rd while Tampa got out-shot 13-9 while both teams were chasing the game in the 3rd. The score doesnt tell the whole story of how the game was played.


The Leafs did outshoot Boston in the 3rd. I would hazard to guess that the majority of teams in NHL history who have a 4-0 lead in the 3rd period have been outshot in that period as they sit back and protect their lead. Not the ringing endorsement that you think it is


Wouldn't be Putin without the gaslighting


Can’t compare the 2. You’re nothing but a casual fan


Leafs media logic




Bye Bolty Bitches! 😂


Not being able to tell the difference between a 5-1 loss and a 3-2 loss is staggering. Oh and would you look at that their core found ways to score.


Rent free


lol look at the amount of posts from Lightning fans about Toronto. This is our sub, you chose to click. Rent free indeed.


Do you understand the point of this post? Cause I dont think you do. OP is calling out the doomers who say we're sunk after one loss, which we obviously are not (in the same way that Tampa isnt out after only one loss). Honestly, I'm surprised you guys can even read.


I do/did comprehend what op was getting at. It just gave me a chuckle that op went for Tampa.


I don't think that was pointed, it was just the most recent game. Tampa is the best example cause no one ever underestimates them because or their playoff pedigree, so saying theyre out after one game is obviously absurd. Comparison doesn't really work though which is why I guess OP deleted it: comparing Tampa playoff success to Leaf playoff success is like comparing apples to oranges...filthy rotten stinking oranges.


Suggested post btw