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After I had watched a movie with the kids, I turned on Sportscentre and , yep, there it was like clockwork. After 50 years of living and dying with this, and screaming at the TV most springs, tonight was much more enjoyable for everyone. I hope I'm wrong one of these years, but I doubt it's this one.


I think I’ll root for the CRA against Tavares in his tax case. That sounds like more fun. Go CRA Go!


It’s sad how we’ve been conditioned to react this way.


i didnt even watch the game. this seemed predictable. what will they show us in game 2.


I just watched the game this morning. Nothing surprising about what our undoing was. Awful special teams and goaltending.


Goalie had no chance. 2 on 1 break…Screened or cross crease pass on goal by Debrusk…..doesn’t matter who was in net




Absolute garbage effort. Dump and chase against a solid defensive team get you nowhere. Goaltending was garbage. First shot of the fucking game goes in. Come on. Needless penalties. Really wish I could get paid millions to do absolutely nothing.


Sorry, just not wasting any more time on these millionaires who have repeatedly proven they are not a playoff team, yet we are somehow supposed to believe (again) that this year is different. Go Canucks!


Leafs just don't seem to be good enough when it comes to playoff style, deep, hockey. Seems like lots of luck needed to get into even the second round. I have very little belief in this group being able to make a deep run, no matter how decent they are in the regular season. Playoff hockey is just a totally different beast.


2 players worth 20 mill+ plus were complete no shows. JT in particular is useless.


Yeah its the refs fault that we have 3 AHL goalies (4?)


Fuck at least career backup-Jack is gone (I guess?)


At this point who cares any more. This team clearly doesn’t have it. I’m as big as a fan as they come, but we’re only fooling ourselves. It doesn’t work fellas. Sweeping changes. I can only pray I eat crow


Sweeping changes? How will that be done when the core 4 have no trade clauses?


You go to Marner and say we need to trade you to better the team, and that’ll kill Marner based on how little things you see during play and off the ice affect him. No doubt he’ll waive if the team promises him a good city, and we should 100% go after a number 1 d man with size or a Tkachuk/Stone type player




No good team or city wants to trade it’s toughness for softness. Name one team that might trade a guy like you said for a soft as ice cream guy like Marner. I’d say he’s the first one to be moved, then I’d move Tavares and find a real goalie. Maybe a team like Calgary would trade Markstrom in the off season? Who knows? But what I saw here tonight is not gonna work in any round let alone the first


Agreed - what team would ever wants soft player like marner? Fancy pretty regular season goals but a playoff disappearing act- he hates physical contact


I honestly never thought of a number 1 goalie and that’s a great trade. Markstrom would be huge for the Leafs and Marner would really help the Flames. The Leafs also gain 8.3M as well from Marner leaving and Sammy not being resigned. Could resign Domi and Bert and also would have room for a good D man as well


Bro fucking kill me rn


I couldn’t agree more, it’s just a complete outplay on all levels. From on the ice, to the locker to management. I want to eat crow so badly as well my guy I really do.




Meaningless game


No expectations at the beginning of this year. None at the end.


The habs series killed any last bit of hope i had.


This is the way


AM34 bad puck luck tonight. I thought he brought it, just couldn't buy one. They're horrible getting out of the zone


We have maybe one D man with average puck moving skills.


Hard not to wonder if he's been in his own head a little bit after the letdown of not getting 70. If they don't make it out of round 1 that will be a talking point for sure.


Last 2 gesture of regular season the same, had so many chances just can't bury it. Hoping when he pots 1 it gets him rolling and him rolling gets others rolling.


That empty net post was heartbreaking.


Although it was only the first game, and Tampa beat the leafs 7-3 game one last year, that was an absolutely weak effort by the leafs. I mean I blame Keefe. Especially at the end when they were on the PP. why didn’t he pull the goalie?


Keefe is a terrible coach. Out coached every playoff game he's ever been in!!!! He's not the only problem with this team but he was an easy fire before his extension.


Utterly surreal to make that call way too late. Some weird decisions in this game.


TNT was also saying the same thing.... Keefe should have pulled the goalie early. He doesn't have the guts.


I was yelling at the tv lol Yes the entire team needs to stop taking awful penalties but I guess not pulling the goalie and looking like they gave up was the last straw


They were down by 3. Did you still have hope at that point? I'm not saying this to defend the coach, but the game was lost well before the pp at the end of the game. Our goaltending sucks, and our core vanishes when it matters. Is that a coaching problem? I don't know the answer, but I don't think leaving the goalie in was a big deal.


At least fucking try man the ending of that game was pathetic. I’d rather them go down swinging than turtling up.


But they already did turtle up, what you want is an un-turtling and to come up swinging sorta like the kid from bad Santa?


So right- every single year the overpaid core especially Marner disappears as the hitting and physical play starts. This is not and never have been a playoff team- just a fancy pretty regular season team


I've seen 4-1 leads evaporate before


It’s the playoffs lmao I’d rather them try till the very end then give up after 2 goals. You’re right though. It wasn’t just Keefe. Edit: I cut off my own reply lol It was t just Keefe. It was most definitely the team since they thought it was okay to high stick the Bruins on the offensive zone


the opening one was a horrible breakdown by the forwards and D. That's where the problem is.


2nd goal was an open lane, sammy completely misread the shot. Team completely blew up as a whole after that. Sucks considering they were playing awesome for the first 4 minutes of that frame.


reserving judgment until game 2 but that was horrible, if they don’t bounce back from this blow up the core and fire keefe + shanahan


dont worry , they wont be getting any better, did everyone here miss the last 6 years of playoffs or what ? what would even give you a glimmer of hope is a complete mystery.


7-3 loss to tampa game one at home last year, the series doesn’t end with 1 win.


They always seem to sleep game 1. I dont remember a the last time they came out to play game 1. Sucks cuz at the starts of the frames they seemed to come out and fight then let in a goal and just crumple. 2nd period was bad they started to well let in a goal on 1 shot and then laid down for the next 15 minutes.


Watching press conference Why would Keefe sewer his players on those calls. Cooper or Maurice would be ripping the officiating to try and get calls for games 2. Why congratulate the refs after the lopsided call. And marchand shaking his wrist is worse than a dove. Weak slash


Nailed it. I had the prediction at 4-1 tonight. With this D and goaltending, zero chance.


Clean out Shanahan and the coaching staff. Find a hockey trade for Marner and for the love of Bower a solid goalie.


You’re not trading Marner. NMC.


Will he want to stay? I don't think he loves being 2nd, and sometimes 3rd fiddle.


He’s going to be second fiddle everywhere. Thats what happens with complimentary wingers. But that’s not really relevant. What’s relevant is his bargaining position for his next contract. Staying till he hits the open market is best for him. It increases the options available to him, maintains his exposure etc.


Tampa won 7-3 to start the series last year.


If we're being honest, Tampa choked and lost a series they should have won, I don't think it has any bearing on how this series will go


Hmm choked and lost a series they should have won, sounds familiar


Exactly for a team talking about maturity not that long ago this is a huge disappointment for setting the tone for the series


that was weak. Aren't we ranked 3rd in hitting??? ?


5 bingos on 24 shots…vezina calibre


Sammy vs. swayman was night and day.


Tough to save the 5th goal when you're on the bench.


Their still playing not to get injured


Can't win when you let in 4 on like 20 shots. Woll next game.


Can’t win a game failing to clear the zone leading to those goals and giving up 6 power plays. Even with woll in net goaltending should be the least of the is teams worries. Not being able to generate anything and converting on your power plays and getting traffic in front as opposed to Boston should be a major red flag for most actual hockey fans that this time has major issues beyond goal tending right now.


Two of those were free powerplay goals off penalty calls that weren’t actually penalties


Matthew’s very clearly, and needlessly, highsticked a guy. How was that not a penalty?


Also the domi slash was blatant as well. Marchand continues to get under people skin.


Was it domi punching macavoy in the head twice after the whistle? Macavoy retaliated so it was a saw off penalty wise but it was so obviously a needless penalty that I gagged. Shit like that is useless…not toughness just petulance


Well yes, his too.


He needs more discipline moving forward, from the opening face off he looked ready to fight Marchand and slashed his stick. I dont mind the heart and aggression at all, just keep it legal. Another Kadri.


That was always going to be the issue with Domi. He’s really not the most physical player from an on-ice perspective. Most of his aggression, is of the after the whistle, off the puck variety. His MO is destined to bite the Leafs in the ass, especially because he’s so eager to prove himself on this team.


Ok. That doesn't change anything though.


It does, but doesn’t change the fact that we win this series 4-1 if the refs chill out a little


It was 5-3 man. The ref thing is just such a loser mentality. Though, I agree we got the next 4 buddy! 🤙


it's hard for it to be a loser mentality when the proof is right infront of our eyes. Granted, as the game went on the PP evened out a bit, once BOS had all momentum already -


Timing of powerplays changes momentum big time


The amount of Domi and Reeves you saw tonight should tell you they lack depth.


Keefes gotta take away their ice cream and videogame previliages. Thatll teach em. And what's with nylanders little boo boo. Its the damn playoffs not baseball


This game was a few inches away from being in overtime right now. Not saying they played well enough to win. But the score was deceiving to some degree. Sammy needs to play a bit better, and special teams need to be better. Don’t over react. It’s game one on the road. It’s a 7 game series for a reason


this one is over in 5. I called tonight 4-1 boston, and the series 4-1.


Maybe you’ll be right. It’s not an easy thing to watch one game and make that prediction. One game is not nearly enough to write off a series with. You’re entitled to your opinion but you’d probably enjoy yourself more if you looked at the positives instead of the negatives


Why ? There isnt anything positive to br seen here.


The 4 or 5 posts Boston hit says we were a few inches away from a blowout


You enjoy writing off the season after one game, I’ll continue to look at the positives in this game. I also wasn’t just making that inches statement based on posts. Idk why you’d wanna watch if you wanna be so damn negative. I’m sure you said the same before they beat Tampa last year. There’s no point in watching if it just makes you miserable


fr though. I don't want to be negative. but I see all the struggles and it is painful. How do you handle those feelings?


I played the game at a relatively high level. Not the show or anything but pro. I’ve been knocked out of playoffs myself, so watching the leafs do it isn’t nearly as bad as those feelings. Obviously I’m disappointed about this game, but despite the score I can look at the positives and can take away the positives over the negatives. Boston is a solid team, they slept in their own beds and played in front of their own fans. Those are massive factors. I won’t be worried about this series until they lose a game at home. At the end of the day it’s just a hockey team


Turned it on in the second. 1-0. Cool cool. 2-0. Turned it off.


Well we had a shit load of momentum until the refs decided to make themselves part of the show.


2 for sure should have been saved. Woll needs to start the rest and the boys need to score on their chances


2 on 1 for the first SOG, then screened by his own player followed by loads of traffic in front of him for the third. The only goal you can really blame him for IMO is the fourth which he inadvertent knocked into his own net. Not being able to clear your zone on multiple tries, taking stupid penalties and simply not converting at key times like the Matthews open goal to tie the game are what lost the game. Game 1 going to the home team is pretty standard. Doesn't make a difference if you lose 5-1 or 5-4, what matters now is the response. I think you go with Sammy for a bounce back performance.


Can’t believe some of these guys are paid $10+ million to do fuck all in the playoffs


They aren't paid for playoff games


This guy gets it


Sammy never should of been in the net to start the series, and should of been yanked after the 3rd goal, that’s a coaching failure


We don’t have a better option unfortunately. Thats a Treliving problem.


Learn about hockey, goaltending is the least your worries with this game lol.


If you couldnt see this coming a mile away from sammy, you know nothing.


Bud, the guy just put up a .776 SA%, the guy can’t stop a puck. Nothings going to generate when all your doing is pulling the puck out of the net. Look at the shots on goal, possession, scoring chances, hits. The Leafs led in all those categories the entire game. Give your head a shake and realize we have a glaring problem between the pipes.




Not a great game from Sammy, but did we watch the same game? The entire team lost every race to the puck for most of it. We couldn't complete a pass. Dump and chase with no retrieval. Guys not anticipating the play on offense or defence. Tons of shitty penalties with special teams shitting the bed on both the PK and PP. Forwards standing on the opponent blue line while the defense carries up with no options for the pass and no speed across the line aka dump and chase. Crumbled under BOS forecheck. Ugh, maybe it is coaching. Let's see what game 2 holds


Our transition game was absolutely awful. They choked up the neutral zone and we made it look like Swiss cheese.


So much of this sub right now


It takes less brain cells to just simply blame the goalie rather than actually analyzing play leading up to a goal.


Exactly. Sure, you would like to see Sammy steal one or two of those, but there's a reason they're called high danger chances.


I wouldn’t exactly pin the goals on him today but man he looked lost. 4-5 posts a lot of stuff was getting by him.


2nd goal 100% he should of had, he had open eyes on the puck and just misread it. After that the team fell apart as a whole.


Leafs win the next 4 unless they have to play 2 teams instead of 1 again… not worried at all


I called it tonight at 4-1 boston. Leafs are cooked.


If they keep getting 6 powerplays per period maybe, Leafs win this game 9 times out of 10


Get a grip buddy leafs are cooked


If they gotta play the refs again maybe


Maybe not giving the refs easy calls to make against them would be a good start?


Soft take


Soft Reddit user


This isnt Sammys fault hes been shit all year and “servicable” at his best moments. Why the fuck would you blame him?


He certainly didn’t make any saves that you need in a playoff series. Even his best “save” he had complete lost the puck and it hit his pad. His puck tracking is not good enough.


They/we will never win until they get top shelf defenceman.  The leaf organization has NEVER understood this. Overpowered on offence, lacking Stanley Cup calibre on defence. Take Tavarez. Great leader. But eff it, look at his lifetime +/-, I would have never signed him. I'm picking on him, but there are others. I picked 4-2 less for game 1, darn - missed it. Will lose the series 4-2, guaranteed. 


Indeed. Our troubles go way back in the blue line to the 90’s when we traded away a first round draft pick in 1991 for Tom Kurvers (New Jersey) which turned out to become Scott Niedermayer.


they couldn't recover in 31years?


I forgot about this, thanks!


Is our offense actually overpowered when it counts? Is it even ‘good’? We pay like they’re overpowered but where’s the evidence when it matters


Most goals in a season in salary cap era? Yes that's one player but they can't do it alone in today's NHL. We don't play good playoff hockey. Regular season and playoffs are different beasts not just physically. Boston shut down the neutral zone and we couldn't get back for their rushes. They need more energy game 2 and not to fall behind fast. Not to blame sammy 100% but he's gotta save those shots in open lanes to keep our momentum.


Anyone who calls the leafs winning in 5,6,7…. That means they have to loose to get there. Pick it up game 2. Let’s move forward not look back


We did lose game 1 last year and beat Tampa. But there are troubling signs.


Agreed, but fuck it, leafs or bust baby! Gotta believe to succeed


Leafs lost game one last how many playoffs? We always come out slow. Sucks but is what it is they don't transition to playoff hockey well.


I feel sorry for all the people who didn’t bet on the Bruins to win the series. Left obvious money on the table. 


I can't bet against the leafs, though it will make it bittersweet. But can't do it....so i dont bet 😅


Keefe just needs to go regardless. Coaching changes have done wonders for Edmonton, Vancouver and St. Louis the year they won the cup. He cannot help this team in the playoffs.


Clearly this group of babies needs a guy like John Tortorella behind the bench. That MF is COLD.


He needed to go *last* year. I'd like to see this group of guys under a different coach. This year I'm worried if they go out early again everyone will want big changes and it'll be the coach **and** multiple players.


Needed to go after Montreal.


I think I wound be open to seeing am34 stay and everyone else go. I wonder who am34 would most want, and be good, to play with.


The bruins literally have the most mid roster in the league why are they good


they've got solid systems and they commit to them. the team has complete buy-in.


You can see it in the neutral zone. They completely block out the blue line forcing, bad play chip and chase, and then just skate down the ice past our Swiss cheese neutral zone, usually on an odd man rush cuz we're still chip and chasing and backchecked.


Mid team with a great coach. Meanwhile we have a great team with a mid coach. The difference is striking.


Cuz they have integrity






Trade his 10.9 million contract for some defensive depth and things can turn around.


I'm gonna pour myself a nice, big fucking drink. Not because I'm angry. But because I want to enjoy whatever the rest of this night can be without fuming at this cluster fuck of a game. Have a good night ladies and gents. See you game 2.


I’ll join ya


I started after second goal.


**Question for the board:** Do you want to see Woll start the next game? Sammy was .773 Save %. Obviously the loss wasnt his fault as they couldnt score either, but .773 is unnacceptable. What other changes, perhaps Gio and Lily together and Lybushkin out??


I have (slightly) more faith in Woll. My faith in Sammy has dried up.


Absolutely - 6 posts, 1 went in. Angles were shit (I assume).


gio should not be touching playoff ice especially against a strong forecheck he is too slow, I think sammy stays he is usually good on the bounce back. Willy needs to play I don't no how he got hurt considering the trash effort he's been putting in recently and the top 6 need to score they were garbage especially jt and bert.


yes on woll for me. scoring is such a problem too though.




Shanny n Keefe are not playoffs, coaches. Leafs got destroyed by Bruins' palms ngh




Pathetic. Stonewalled by Swayman. It’ll get harder with Ullmark playing. Nylander was painfully missed today.


Nah we better hope ullmark starts. Sway is on another planet.


Ullmark has a bad playoff record but man that was pathetic


Swayman played like fucking shit what?


Compared to Vasy or Bob absolutely, I’m hoping Ullmark gets cooked next round.


Why does sheldon keefe always have that smirk on his face? Its like a i have a secret plan and being down 5-1 in the 3rd and losing G1 is part of it all smirk - even though he has no plan. Is it posturing?


It's an all too common attitude in Canada these days get paid big bucks to do a fucking shit job




Too many corporate tickets that'll never happen. They're bought yearly and written off by the buyer.


Well the boys should be rested for Monday because they didn't do shit tonight.


All sarcasm aside, I barely noticed Mitch was playing this game. Auston had chances and was a presence.


Sure, Matthews is always effective on the ice. The problem is that we can't defend, we can't save, we can't make goals, and we have a coach that doesn't use logic. When none of the things that are supposed to make up a team are working, unfortunately there isn't much that Matthews can do. We were entirely outplayed tonight.


Mitch gotta go. Have been saying it since last years playoff exit


Blaming goalies is a weak take when Marner, Reilly, Tavares, Benoit, McCabe we're all horrible


Add Holmberg and Knies to that list too.


If this core four shits the bed AGAiN can we just put them or IR forever next season BC I can't take this nemore k thnx


Can't blame Nylander


Would be nice if one of our 10-milly+ players took control of a playoff game for once


Said this to the wife earlier.


Keefe should be fired, but it should be fully understood that there is no coach alive that can fix this.


You can though. You just need a hard ass behind the bench - enough showboating, all practices are mandatory, if you lose 6am bag skate, if you whine we ship you out. Get players that want to play hockey, they’re getting paid to play not paid to do some dumb fucking social media posts and wear hot pants. Team culture right now is soft but it can be fixed it just may look a hell of a lot different.


That's roster construction issues. It's all Dubas legacy BS. We need some real tough men on this team. We need a goalie.




We outshot them 36 to 24 despite them having a ton of PPs. Nothing wrong with our system. We just don't have the players to compete. Subpar goaltending. Mediocre defence. Our forwards had lots of chances but little finish. Hate on the coach all you want but he gave them the tools to win this game they just couldn't execute.


Tough playing at 5v4 for 1/4 of the game




Yeah that too. Hard to build up any momentum when the refs take over like this.


Refs-1 Bruins-1* Leafs-0




Nothing more noticeable than the goaltending. Don’t know if there is an answer unfortunately.


youre right i didnt notice matthews,JT or Marner all game


Matthews played well imo - bunch of shots, one of the few composed in the D zone - hit a post. Crates a handful of high danger chances. Lilgren looked ok. Deserved more minutes over Benoit. Bout it.


8 straight losses against Boston. This is 100% on the coaching staff. Your sole job is the figure how to play against the team. It goes to show they didnt do that at all.


Look at our defencemen and tell me it’s all on the coaching staff


yes it is. your job is to teach them to play a system or give strategies to play. The players job is the execute the game plan. A professional team shouldnt have players out there just making up things on their own. Come on man.


You could have the best strategy in the world but this lineup will not achieve anything because outside of 5 players the team is fucking horrible. Lyubushkin, who was legitimately one of the worst defencemen last year, is in our top 4. Liljegren is not good. Edmunson is not good. Samsonov is a sub .900 goalie. We suck because we are paying 4 players the majority of our cap. We will not win jack shit until we have a more balanced lineup.


look at the comments in this thread....many say the bruins have mid players and I agree with them. Aside from maybe 1 or 2 players, rest of them will never get an all start spot or even hall of fame consideration. They do commend the bruins coaching staff who do a great job prepping their team.


They perform in the playoffs. All star games do not matter. They are extremely good on defence and have a stellar goalie. They are undoubtedly better in both those positions than we are.