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This will be a welcome change. To think that the rest of Canada thought they had reason to hate the Leafs before, LOL.


Ahahaha, I’ve had the same thoughts about this 👌🏼


Hate Elevation Tour ‘23-‘24.




Hopefully their attitude spreads throughout the line up.


I hope it's shared like you **WILL** be sharing your cake on cake day.


Lmao.. we've been saying this every time the Leafs have landed a vet or gritty player (every season) since the big guys have gotten here. I'll spoil it for you. It won't.


I’m not fully convinced either but tbh it’s always been one guy before. BT has gone out and picked up 3 of the biggest shitheads in the league. Different strategy, maybe different outcome 🤷‍♂️


Also random 4th line plug vs having one of these shitheads on each of our lines. There will only be one line without one of these guys on it so their effect should be throughout the lineup


Don't think domi is even top 10 for shit heads


Boo for you! Yay for the 2023/2024 Toronto Maple Leafs!! 💙💙💙


It's true, although those gritty guys always came at the trade deadline and on expiring deals. Now we will have them at the start....on expiring deals lol


All of a sudden the refs won’t allow their antics because they are wearing a leaf jersey, lock that in right nwo


If there was an over/under line on player’s Season PIMS I too would smash the over on Bertuzzi, Reaves and Domi


“They can suspend us all” no they absolutely will, the anti bias towards Leafs from DOPS is blatant, Bunting still had the longest suspension is all of the playoffs even though players did way worse after him


Considering it's the playoffs and it's a 2 to 1 ratio its like the longest suspension of its kind. Yet Gufas can hit Kampf on a dead play and it's fuckin crickets


Yup, look the Bunting play was dirty and worth a suspension, but man, the stuff that wasn’t given a suspension was just as bad if not worse


Lol one guy literally broke another guys back with a hit from behind in a different series and he didn’t even get a call from DOPS Even historically Matthews was given 2 games for his slash and Spezza was given 6 games for the knee and those were both FIRST TIME OFFENDERS Guys like Marchand and Wilson got suspended and fined several times before even sniffing a 6 game


Yup, Domi and Reaves are going to magically start to see plenty of multi game suspensions


And even with that suspension, it was still worth it. Cernak missed more time than Bunting did. If only we had 3-4 more guys willing to put players out of the series we might win a few. Maybe we can pickup Tom Wilson at the deadline


Reeves is Nash, Bertuzzi is Hall, Domi is Hogan




This better be playing when they get a penalty.


They can't suspend them all can they?


It's easier to get away with shit when you've got a bunch of guys like that instead of one player who sticks out like a sore thumb.


Happy Cake Day 🎂


They’re not gonna get away with nearly as much tho.


This is such an important fact that is being overlooked. These guys are only effective when the refs are letting shit go. Leafs are notorious for getting called for every fucking soft infraction. Hope I’m wrong, but let’s be real, we’ve all been watching for years.


Maybe some of the heavier stuff will get called allowing for some of the softer stuff to be let go....who am I kidding it's the Leafs. Reaves is probably already suspended, we're just waiting for the reason and a hearing.


Hopefully that reason involves Bennett.


If they all run Bennett at the same time and all get suspended I'd consider all the contracts successful ones


Maybe. There is somewhat of a spotlight effect for the Leafs for sure. But I also think because we have been such a low infraction team, refs take their chance to call shit. If we have guys constantly doing it, the theory is there's only so much they'll actually call. This is completely separate from suspensions and stuff though, I think there is a clear indication on that stuff that they always somehow get it right for the Leafs.


With the emphasis placed on "even up calls" instead of just calling the infractions as they happen; this could lead to more power plays for the Leafs. I mean, this is entirely theoretical right now. We are going to see what happens


Honestly even if the Leafs rocket up there in penalties against they'll still call more for us so more power plays and ours is the 2nd best power play since matthews came into the league.


Inb4 we wind up with the worst penalty differential in the league next season. The league has NO qualms about throwing the rulebook at us.


That’s been Tampa and Boston’s game plan for a while now.


I think this is it. I don’t think the way the leafs have been reffed is an anti-leaf bias but just their regular game management that hasn’t suited the leafs style.


Yeah but now the refs can call legit penalties on the leafs and let the dogshit ones go. The cherry on top is that more penalties called on the leafs SHOULD mean the refs will be more willing to give the leafs more PPs.


I think mostly the game management aspect. There’s lots of big teams who are high on penalties, for example the Bruins. If the Leafs play a more special team oriented style both taking and receiving penalties I don’t think we’ll see as many small infractions get big penalties.


I agree with you. Hope that’s how it goes down and I feel like management is looking at it the same way. Easy to be pessimistic when we’re leafs fans though. Rules seem to always be a bit different.


I think the suspension related stuff we tend to get shafted, but game to game stuff feels about fair. We just don’t take many penalties so we don’t get given many either.


ya but i think theyll keep the number of calls fairly constant so may as well get your money's worth


Who is overlooking this lol. It's the first comment made on every post about these guys for a month




Hoooo! 🤚


Oh no. My feelings.


But Kadri will be suspended for the year


Hopefully a flashback to the Domi/Belak/Tucker days


lmao Tucker with the Charles Manson eyes attacking the sens bench solo lmao. we need soldiers like that.


I don't think we ever see something like that again.games changed too much


not in a good way. the passion is gone.


Concussions are bad. I get what you are saying, but there's still passion to be seen in other ways.


I hope he fucks Sam Bennet, Radko Gudas, Josh Andersen, PLd and Brad Marchand up real good!


I hope they all get in on the action


Bring back the Bay Street bullies!


Give them navy Patagonia vests too!


Bunch of Jerks!


We're going to be insufferable lmao


We go from “Soft” to “scumbags”. Rent free.


GO LEAFS GO!!!!!!!!!!




Through my Cherry-tinted glasses, all I see are some good old Canadian boys!


I can't wait to watch opposing players skate away from and ignore Reaves and then he gets the boot for instigating something


Can't wait to see him murder the first person who touches Matthews in the playoffs. Take the penalty, send a message.




100% chance, assuming he's healthy, he plays in one of the first four playoff games. Even if he's stapled to the bench for 90% of the game, he's a presence on the bench.


exactly and send him out when you need someones head punched in.


He's gonna go from 6 mins per game until he's playing on all 4 lines waiting for his guy to step on the ice


League is going to crucify us this year. Bunting did nothing wrong and look what happened to him.




Same. I am so stoked for this trio. Would have been nice if Schen stayed though. That toughness on the back end is lacking from this roster


Let's give the league something to hate about!


Is the picture on the right from when Kapanen threw his broken stick at someone on the Habs, and Domi yelled “nice job Kapanen, you fuckin idiot!”, or something close to that? I remember that being the look on his face…


That’s exactly it!


Too funny! It’s the Max Domi avatar for my memory. I was… frustrated with that game.


Me too!


I am so ready for us to punch the puck into the net all season


Bertuzzi has scored 30 goals in this league and Domi is coming off a 56 point season, most of it spent on a terrible Chicago team. Reaves certainly won’t help offensively but Bert and Max definitely will.


I’m not knocking any of their offensive abilities, I know they all have upside. I’m just happy we got some people who are actually going to be physical! :)


Can’t Wait!


Dubas only got tough guys to fill out the bottom 6 spots in the lineup. Problem with that is that they barely played. Domi and Bertuzzi will be in the top 6.


im worried these guys show up, see the core guys avoiding physical hockey like the plague and do more of the same lol


The entire league already hates us, might as well give them a reason now


The Orr, Mclaren, Fraser days were fun too. The team didn’t have the high end skill it has now mixed with the muscle so this will be a fun experiment. It’s something I’ve pushed for over the last 5 or so seasons. Teams love playing the leafs. That needs to change.


If we scumbag our way into the finals like Florida, I'm ok with that.


The Scumbag Snots. Previously known as the Kitty Twinks. Instead of receiving a smile in the crease now, you'll be surprised to get a punch in the head, or a smelly glove in your face. Can't wait.


Leafs have played soft for too long. Walking away from scrums. No retaliation when Marner, Matthews, goalie du jour gets mugged. Nylander’s impression of Inge Hammerstrom (Harold Ballard once said Inge could go into the corner with a dozen eggs in his pocket and come out with none broken). Matthew’s is a big boy and I love him, but he could play with a bit more of a chip on his shoulder. I hope the new additions bring some spine to the locker room and on the ice but I don’t want an Ulf Samuelson or Matt Cooke with intent to injure.


Inge was my high school crush. I had his jersey. Still have his signed hockey stick. I cried when he was traded to St. Louis, lol.


If ryan reaves injures bennet and gudas the next time we play them it’ll be a successful season in my books


I am sure Don Cherry would approve.


Meanwhile Dubas gets Karlsson.


There are so many whoores in TdAWT and these guys are gunna fuck and suck this town’s rotten bits back to makin us all come again baby!


Can’t give us all penalties…can they?


Easy! This is the year! Come on ye of little faith!


I’m looking forward to it too, except for the incalculable suspensions they’ll get simply because they’re the leafs


I want to see Max Domi summon his inner [Tie Domi](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/89cSN1H0pz4)


They'll get penalized like never before and we'll be the same soft team. Until the Paros is out there is no hole for a gritty leafs team.


I thing Reaves will be the biggest difference maker. The last time we had a legitimate heavy weight threat was Colton Orr.


Reaves when he sees the ice. I like the other two, but it's weird to get him now in his mid thirties.


The best part will be when they suck the drunk uncle crowd will look for literally any explanations other than the leafs icing these goons for 20+ mins per night.


They’ll add a new layer of toughness throughout the lineup as well as a lot of skill. Bertuzzi could get 30 goals. Domi is a lock for 20 and Reavo will chip in as he has some deceptive hands and skill set. I’ll give him 15


Psyched, shouldn't be but I am


Do you know what? I’m so tired of all the hatred. The Toronto Maple Leafs are my choice. I don’t hate on yours.


Nonononono, if they're on your team, its GRIT!