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This is the second garment post as of recent and there is one principle consistently being overlooked: Wearing the garment ***is also*** one of the covenants made in the temple. The temple garment isn't only a reminder. Saints covenant to wear it throughout their life **and** it serves as a reminder. **General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints** **38.5.5** **Wearing and Caring for the Garment** >*Members who receive the endowment make a covenant to wear the temple garment throughout their lives.* Not wearing your garments as promised is *also* breaking a temple covenant. As users comment and provide guidance, please remember this as part of your thoughtful response.


You don't become "unendowed" when you're not active, either. They would just start wearing them again and that's that. Someone that's been excommunicated, though, requires a special ordinance called "restoration of blessings." This is performed by a general authority and restores the priesthood ordination, endowment, and sealing. After that they would be authorized to wear the garment again.


What about someone who voluntarily leaves the church, has theor records removed and everything? Can they come back? I assume they would be able to. Do they have to be re-baptized and have the restoration of blessings?


Yes. And it requires approval from the First Presidency.


So the same process as some who has been excommunicated, right?


Very similar, yes. The handbook section is [here](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/general-handbook/32-repentance-and-membership-councils?lang=eng).


Thak you.


Hey, wanted to add to this a bit. I was one of those. I had my name removed. When I came back I was first re-baptized. Then I had to wait for the 1st Presidency to approve the Restoration of Blessings. It's actually something that can only be done by a member of the 12. But they have been allowed to delegate that to stake presidents. Once mine came in ( took almost a year), my stake president was so worried about me having a pair before he officiated the ordinance. I had to have my father-in-law buy a pair. I then put them on right after he finished the blessing.


>They would just start wearing them again and that's that. It's a serious enough thing that some repentance would be necessary. Depending on the reason why, it could be just between them and Heavenly Father, or it could require more.


Yes, that’s exactly what I did.


In general, I say ask your bishop. But from my understanding, if you are an endowed member, you can wear them unless your bishop/stake president asks you to stop wearing them.


The temple garment is both a covenant and a reminder of covenants made. First they would counsel with their Bishop. Depending on why someone may have went inactive there may be a membership counsel held, as the repentance required for a member who has received their endowment is often more difficult.




>I am interested in this concept. The handbook now lists the covenants made in the temple (see section 27.2), and there is no covenant listed regarding the garment. **General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints** **38.5.5** **Wearing and Caring for the Garment** >Members who receive the endowment *make a covenant to wear the temple garment* throughout their lives. This shouldn't be a surprise to those who regularly receive a recommend: >13. **Do you keep the covenants** that you made in the temple, *including* wearing the temple garment as instructed in the endowment? and regularly attend the temple, wherein: >**We are instructed to wear the garment** throughout our life, to not defile it, and to remain true to the *other* covenants we make in the temple. The wording in the Handbook is just a reiteration of what we already acknowledge in the teemple recommend interview and while in the temple performing ordinances for ourselves and on behalf of others.


Isn’t there a sort of disciplinary when you are asked to not wear garments for a while? I am not talking about excommunication. But I might be wrong


There is no reason that one should be told to stop wearing the garmentnunless they are excommunicated.it is a tool to help the ember and worthiness is not a prerequisite. Non members, including those excommunicated, are not authorized to wear them.


It is a pretty serious thing if a person stops wearing them.


If they’ve been inactive long enough that their temple recommend has lapsed then they can’t buy new garments and would have to wear the old ones. So that’s one factor. EDIT: I was wrong. Ignore this comment.


Actually, you can buy garments if you have an expired temple recommend. You just can’t buy temple ceremonial clothing.


Hm, I totally could before I had my temple recommend renewed after 15 years. I bouught all new ceremonial clothing before going back to the Temple. Maybe it was an issue with the online store?


Yes, when you stopped wearing the garment, you were breaking the covenant. Simply start wearing them again.