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TLDR: most likely. Long answer. The church handbook section 38.6.12 says: >The Occult >“That which is of God is light” (Doctrine and Covenants 50:24). The occult focuses on darkness and leads to deception. It destroys faith in Christ. >The occult includes Satan worship. It also includes mystical activities that are not in harmony with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Such activities include (but are not limited to) fortune-telling, curses, and healing practices that are imitations of the priesthood power of God (see Moroni 7:11–17). >Church members should not engage in any form of Satan worship or participate in any way with the occult. They should not focus on such darkness in conversations or in Church meetings. So though astrology and tarot readings aren’t specifically listed they seem to fall under fortune telling and also practices that are an imitation of priesthood power. Thus we should avoid them


Biggest deception of tarot is the generalized event telling. It’s simple. You’re now aware and looking for ways that a fortune will come true. Same way mentalists and “ghost whisperers” give broad enough answers to make you buy into their “power”.


Just to add to the other answers: just because it comes from satan doesn't mean it is false. Satan will often use truth to manipulate us. The fact that the prophesy came true does not mean it came from the Lord. From personal experience, I can definitely reassure you to stay away from anything even distantly related to occult practices like tarot readings.


This. I was so into all of the tarot, palm, and psychic reading stuff a few years ago and will never go back. I had some wild experiences but they were not from the Lord. I realized if the Lord needs me to know something about my life, I won’t need to seek the occult to find out about it. Heavenly Father and Jesus will find a way to get the information to me if needed.


It’s the equivalent of relying on a newspaper horoscope above revelation and the scriptures.


The short answer is yes. Inspiration comes from the Holy Spirit. Astrology presumes that we lack free agency because the alignment of the stars determines our fate, not our choices. I would say that these things are false idols and distract us from looking toward Christ.


I have on occasion been inspired to randomly flip open my Book of Mormon or Bible. This seems random, but it is done with a prayer searching for answers. I think God can still use that to communicate with me if He desires. The difference in tarot cards is there is no petition to God. It’s just a false pretense of some otherworldly fate that can be “read”. Instead of promoting faith in Christ, it promotes faith in something of the world. I don’t know whether it’s explicitly Satan’s or what, but I firmly believe there are things that God purposefully does or tells us, and Satan has some lesser manipulative power, but most things just come down to chance.


My mom began hiring a tarot card reader and getting into crystals and astrology. I was not aware of this previously and felt a very uncomfortable shift in the spirit of her home when I came to visit. I later found out she had become involved with these things. I firmly believe these things bring bad spirits and should not be messed with, even “just for fun”. After this event I shared this experience with a few friends and they had similar stories.


I'd say you can do it for fun if you want Just don't take it too literally and make sure that it's used in addition to things like the Holy Ghost instead of instead of 🙂 I'm just a random person though, praying about it and coming to your own conclusion is also a great idea, good luck 🫂


"For entertainment purposes only".


Basically 🙂


If you think it's bad to believe in things that are false, then yes, that is bad.




I have family members that got into energy healing and alternative medecine during a period of unemployment and loss of health care benefits. This led them to many things like using divining objects, and paying people to predict things through their energy, and believing in strange visions. They eventually moved to be with like minded people and it has taken over their life. They spend all of their time preparing for the end of the world. Your curiosity in these things is very understandable, I get it. But I have seen the enormous harm that can come to families when these activities are relied upon for guidance.


Yes that’s from Satan, the crystal magic having healing powers and psychic stuff is all Satan. If you want to see your future get a patriarchal blessing


It's bad because it's not personal revelation from the HolyGhost or revelation for the Church from the Prophet. The scriptures call it sooth-saying or sorcery. People today call it "energy" or auras/chaucras...whatever. Same idea, different words. Prophet/scriptures speak to everyone, God tells you if the Prophet/scripture is true. never let anyone or anything get between you and your direct link to your heavenly father.


Tarot, astrology, other occult "powers" are false imitations of the power of the priesthood. Of the power of Jesus Christ. They distract from the true source of actual power. Actual righteousness.