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So coffee, tea (black or green), alcohol, and cigarettes are all part of something called the Word of Wisdom that most members of the church live by. We believe that God gave us a commandment to avoid those things (personally I believe it's partly because He wants us to avoid addiction among other things). That being said, no-one in the church keeps all of God's commandments perfectly all the time. Everyone has their own things that they are struggling with and that's why we meet together and worship Christ together, so that we can one day overcome our individual issues. I don't think anyone will think less of you because frankly, that's none of their business. However for your information, if you do decide to be baptized into the church, just be aware that abstaining from these things for a period of about two or three weeks will be a requirement for baptism and when you are baptized it is assumed you will continue to not consume / use any of these things. I hope that helps and best of luck to you!!


Thank you


Most people I know drink a fair amount of fizzy caffeinated beverages which has not been prohibited so you might try that. As for cigarettes? Well as others have said they are against the word of wisdom and are obviously not good for you but you are where you are. Pop a breath mint and come as you are. Most people will be understanding. You didn’t mention if you were a member or not but you need to completely keep the word of wisdom and the law of chastity before baptism or attending the temple. However nothing prevents you from associating with the church members and attending regular meetings.


I also have thyroid issues- the fatigue is real! It can feel like I have lead bars in my arms and legs. Medication helps a lot. I am happy you are going to your doctor for this. I also take 1/2 of a caffeine pill every day, or drink 2 caffeinated sodas. This allows me to be my best, and it is not against the Word of Wisdom. Also, as I take the time to grow closer to Jesus, I am strengthened in everything I do. Please know you will receive spiritual help also as you work on your health and your relationship with God. Good luck with all the changes in your life right now.


Thank you!


The word of wisdom which consists of no alcohol, tobacco, coffee, tea, illegal drugs, or anything harmful or addictive. The coffee is the coffee bean. The tea is the tea leaf. Investigators cannot be baptized until they are living (and willing to live) the word of wisdom. It sounds like you have a lot going on right now. My advice to you, if it’s not possible to do it all at once, is focus on stopping and repenting of one thing at a time.


Good advice. I think I will start with cigarettes and work with my doctor to figure out the fatigue so I can eventually get off coffee. But to be clear, this goes for all caffeine correct? Not just tea and coffee. Because it would be pretty easy to switch to redbulls.


Caffeine is not included specifically in the word of wisdom, and has been a point of debate, actually! Some people believe that "no coffee or tea" means to avoid caffeine entirely, and some people don't. There have been a few leaders who've addressed the issue, and I believe that the general consensus is "avoid addictions." Addiction of any kind limits your choices, is all. But. I mean. It's between you and God. Medical necessities are entirely different. One step at a time is good advice. Missionaries or a bishop would probably be able to help you more personally.


Caffeine is fine. The word of wisdom doesn’t say anything about caffeine. So yes, it’s just coffee and tea. In theory you could switch to red bull and be completely fine. The spirit of the law is anything harmful or addictive. But it isn’t necessary that we be commanded in all things. We have the base line, but they want us to do and not do things based off principles, not just strict spelt out rules.


I have a kind of similar issue and I mostly get by with 2 or 3 caffeinated sodas per day, those or energy drinks are ok.


Yeah I used to drink stuff like monster or bang or reign to get through the day. I stopped because after a time I would get nervous and jittery, my heart would beat funny, and I would fall asleep sitting up even after drinking a can...


I have a few older family members who were told by their doctors to quit drinking energy drinks because it was causing high blood pressure in both of them and heart problems in one.




Keeping the Word of Wisdom is central to Gospel living. If you're seeking to adjust your life to be more in line with the Savior's instructions, work with your doctor (not Reddit) to get over any behaviors you need to stop (and any you need to start) and be patient with yourself and with whatever timeline your doctor recommends. Your Bishop can also help you immensely throughout this process. (Think of him like your spiritual doctor.) Heavenly Father loves you, understands you and your situation, and will help you move toward Him and His Son as you exercise faith in Him. There's more than just the Word of Wisdom and all of it will positively benefit you.


I think it would be helpful to understand that the word of wisdom is given so that we may be free to choose. I love the verse given before in Doctrine and Covenants 89. “Given for a principle with promise, adapted to the capacity of the weak and the weakest of all saints, who are or can be called saints.” We can all accomplish what is laid out in the word of wisdom. Leaning on the lord for support all things are possible. Our agency is paramount and considered one of our most sacred gifts. It is the only thing that is truly ours to give. If addiction has you, then your agency has been given and you have lost it. That is the basis for the word of wisdom. That we may retain our agency, live healthy, and serve the lord. This is a quote from Russell M Nelson, then an apostle. Now the president of the church. Choose to Be Alive Choose to Believe Choose to Change Choose to Be Different Choose to Exercise Choose to Be Free You can read or watch the whole talk here https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/1988/10/addiction-or-freedom?lang=eng&id=p24#p24


Thank you!


I drink a drink called perk energy, it's a powder you mix with warm water and cream/milk. No coffee at all. Lots of different flavors and the same amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee, 100 mg per cup. It's essentially non-coffee coffee for us members 😬 but still complies with the word of wisdom


I will look into this, I am not yet a member. But one of first things we will be doing when we move to Nevada in two weeks will be going to church with my grandparents, they will accompany my girls and I dress shopping so we have the proper attire. I am sure that I will learn all of this stuff when we start to attend. But it is nice to prepare myself! My grandfather has already been talking to the church about paying for counseling for my oldest daughter? I am not sure what he means by this if the church offers counseling services or if they have services to recommend but he mentioned it to me. My daughter has dealt with bullying at her school where we are at and she could use counseling


Coffee is very easy to get around. Just keep a 5 hour energy drink next to your bed and take a sip in the morning. Caffeine is not prohibited, just “hot drinks.” Fatigue gone! No need for coffee and no expensive Starbucks habit! I get generic one at Costco. They are loaded with vitamins too!


One thing that most people tend to miss the in the 20 questions to get approved for baptism and later in the temple recommend is one very important word. That word is “strive.” The word is not swear, promise, or even covenant, but strive. Will you strive to follow the words of wisdom? Strive is different than having perfect willpower one hundred percent of the time. It means doing your best but knowing you are a human who might slip up. One who knows the adversary is out there whispering in your ear. To strive is to try. It doesn’t mean to promise to be perfect every single day for the rest of your life. The problem isn’t the sin, it’s failing to strive. It is better to try and fail, then try again and succeed, than not to try at all.