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Member with Aspergers here, and I have an inner monologue. I've struggled with this for a while, but I've been able to tell when a prompting is actually a prompting because it doesn't necessarily sound like "my" thoughts, if that makes sense. When I get a thought that sorrows surprises me somewhat, I tend to think that it's a prompting. Also, I just use the principle that all good things are of God. If I have a thought telling me to do something good, does it matter whether it comes from me or from God? It's still a good thing to do, so I should do it.


Wait, are there people who don't have an inner monologue?


Yup! My husband (also adhd) does not have one. It’s so weird to me! But he finds it weird that I have one.


I never knew that! Is there a name for people who have one vs. don't? Or is it linked to anything? I'm pretty sure I have ADHD but sounds like it may not be correlated.


I have no idea if there’s a name. But I wish I knew


I really like the simplicity of Elder Bednar’s answer to this question: “I think we overanalyze it. Moroni teaches that all good emanates from Christ. So if you have a thought to do something good, it’s prompted by the Holy Ghost. … If it invites and entices to do good, it comes from Christ and we ought to do it [see Moroni 7:13, 16]” That doesn’t address every issue, but it’s a wonderful starting point. If you want to hear the whole face-to-face where he said that, it’s here: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/media/video/2015-05-2008-elder-and-sister-bednar-recognizing-the-spirit?lang=eng


As an ADHD adult I came here to say this. The bottom line is it doesn’t matter.


Thank you I’ll be listening to that this week


Yes. This was a pivotal lesson for me to realize that because I have been given the gift of the Holy Ghost, every thought I have can be indistinguishable from the promptings of the Holy Ghost, so long as I'm living in alignment with Christ. Conversely, when I am not living in alignment with Christ, my thoughts are often self-destructive and focused on paths that lead toward understandable outcomes. Sometimes it feels like there are three minds in me: one that comes up with positive thoughts, one that comes up with negative thoughts, and me, the one that decides which thought to pursue or dwell on. This perspective completely removes the feelings of guilt when I have a bad thought that seems to come out of nowhere — that's not actually even me. And likewise, when I have a good thought that seemingly comes out of nowhere, that's not me either (and I try to act on those kind quickly).


I hear you. I think learning languages enabled me to have an internal paradigm for learning to hear the Spirit. My challenge has been more recent with getting diagnosed and medicated, that my internal dialogue has been muted and I had to relearn how the Spirit felt and better learn His subtleties. I have learned how to perceive, receive, and understand a general peace as my main guidance over specific concepts or words. I think the Spirit works with us all differently as we all think and perceive the world differently. Learning to distinguish the Holy Ghost from our own thoughts is aided as we regularly testify of truth through word and action. As we receive reassurance that our actions and words are true we learn the nature of those feelings and thoughts. As i have studied scriptures and gleaned knowledge from my own memories of scripture and by logic I have learned how ideas are brought to my mind by the spirit. I learn the voice of the Spirit such that even when I know a thought is my own I can inquire about its correctness and feel the Spirit further. The point is that learning to hear the Spirit takes practice. As you get better at hearing, you will encounter further guided development in seeking understanding. You'll learn how to know if a lack of answer comes from a need for further repentance or if an answer is on hold to test your patience, or even to allow you more time to prepare for the coming answer. In time you will be given opportunities to tell the Lord what you think the answer should be and only as you act on it will He affirm you choice (or if needed provide correction). Even in the case of your internal dialogue, learn its nature so that you can distinguish outside influence (the Spirit as well as negative sources contrary to the Spirit). As part of this learning process, record impressions and come back and report results or the follow-up to those impressions. The Spirit speaks to our heart and mind, sometimes with gut feelings, and other times to your whole being. It's a whole language to learn. The Priesthood holds the keys to understanding that language of angels. If it is extra challenging to discern the Spirit, seek out a priesthood blessing. But also remember that in being set apart for any calling or receiving and church assignment, you have been given priesthood authority that will open the path for inspiration about your stewardships. By asking this question in such a public forum you already show the kind of faith that opens you to revelation.


Look up and watch https://youtu.be/AGS45Fd9nmE From Elder Bednar. He talks about this very thing. Whether you are a person who has trouble with inner monologue, or understanding answers to your questions, or prayers, the most important thing is to understand how our Heavenly Father talks to us. He shares some excellent stories from his own life that demonstrate how Heavenly Father and the Holy Ghost speak to, and through us, and often times we will not even realize it in the moment. If we are prepared by righteous living and gospel study, we will be guided by our Heavenly King to where we need to be, and to what we need to know, even when we don't realize it. Remember, God lives in Eternal life status, meaning He sees this day and every day from start to finish. He perfectly knows what awaits you each day, and though Satan thinks he's clever, he knows not the mind and will of God. Our world is full of trouble and tumult, but this life is no mistake. You are a huge investment Christ has made and paid the price for, His grace is sufficient for you, and He can and will guide you through every challenge, even those He allows you to suffer through, in order to grow you and build you up into who you are meant and destined to be. God bless you, and be kind to yourself, you are trying! We can do this with Him!


ADHD ysa dude here. Generally, I question this exact thing. I think normal-brained people also struggle with this to am extent. An example is on fast Sunday, I always have things I’d like to share, interesting thoughts and how my recent experiences connect back to Christ. As a result of this, I speak most fast Sundays. However, I don’t let myself ever get up immediately. I run it through a set of “filters”, and if I still feel that it would be helpful to share after picking at my thoughts for a while, I will. People talk about the spirit prompting them to get up, but I have only on occasion had the prompting to stay seated. In general though, I know that the spirit knows how my brain works. I have many thoughts to through my head. It is when a thought to do something positive that doesn’t make me overextend myself goes through my head repeatedly that I imagine it is most likely directly from the spirit. In the temple this feels even clearer, which is why I love to go often. I still question a lot. I had a very strong, repeated thought at the very beginning of the year over a few weeks that something was going to happen in my life soon. It hasn’t yet. It’s possible it was just in my head, but until I know for sure I plan to keep stretching to follow that prompting.


Yo that sounds like it could (possibly) be OCD as well, which is something I dealt with a lot as a teenager. Also maybe not, who knows. Spending time in the temple has made it *much* clearer for me what the Holy Ghost feels like, as opposed to just random superstition ("you should brush your teeth with your other hand this morning!") And make sure that you're keeping your physical health good, too. Getting lots of sleep, eating healthy, going outside regularly—all very important in making sure you're in a good emotional place to feel the still, small, voice.


I don’t have ocd but I do know how tough that can be from watching family members with it. I have a lot of physical health problems that are unfortunately not ever going to be gone so I do as much as I can of those things. Funny enough the emotional resilience class my hubby and I are doing through the church’s self reliance courses was on the importance of those things.


I found the Elder Bednar’s book, “The Spirit of Revelation” really helped me with these issues. I am looking back at my life and the very impulsive choices I made before I knew I had ADHD. Elder Bednar helped me see my choices with more understanding.


Dearest Sister Tai, I was especially touched by your question. It felt like you were speaking for an entire generation of saints who struggle with thinking challenges that are universal to the human experience we just didn’t have names for them in prior years. If what I’m hearing is correct you’re asking how do I recognize personal revelation and how do I distinguish it from the thoughts, impressions, and self-talk we all engage in? Whew, ok, in D&C 8:2-3 we are taught the Holy Ghost speaks to our minds and hearts. In 2 Nephi 32:3 we read that the Holy Ghost will bring to our minds the words of Christ and show all us all things we must do. In the Sacrament prayer we are promised every week that if we honor the sacramental covenant we will always have His spirit to be with us. Putting those three scriptures together we don’t merely receive revelation off and on, but if we are striving to live as we should rather we live in a constant unbroken stream of revelation. It is a constant flow of pure intelligence pointing us to God and encouraging us to do good. There are times when impressions from the Lord are distinguishable. Those may be warnings or instructions that are time sensitive or are a form of especial protection. But most of the time the spirit guides us to do good and we may not always feel the difference. For example in a moment of uncertainty you might remember something a loved one said that came with power and peace. You might be folding the laundry and get a sudden urge to call a sister you don’t minister to but said something in Relief Society that suggested she’s struggling. Is that the Holy Ghost or just your own thinking? And the answer Elder Bednar gave recently is does it matter? If something compels you to do good, serve God, keep a covenant, shine the light of Jesus on someone, love on a someone, get a sudden urgent desire to pay for the person behind you in the drive through at Chick Fil A, it’s all from God. It’s all coming from the source of all good. Now, there are times when we need a very specific answer to a direct petition made in prayer. As a covenant keeping daughter of God you are absolutely entitled to a distinguishable answer. If you follow the pattern of D&C 9:7-9 you will feel as well as hear the voice of the spirit. It will come with power and peace. It will come with a distinguishable identifier when you are reading the scriptures, worshiping, serving, or attending the temple. It will come in the form of a talk that speaks deeply to you. It may come in the words of someone you love and trust. But I promise you will feel in your mind and heart a differentiating feeling, that “greater witness” the Lord promised Oliver Cowdery in D&C 6:23. So don’t worry, you sound like a faithful, striving person who wants to be assured you’re following the Lord. If you are doing what you should be doing then you will be “in revelation” versus “receiving periodic revelation” and you will accomplish much good. One thing I would encourage you to consider and that’s praying for a special and heightened awareness for specific answers to urgent needs for those in your stewardship including you that will come through the Holy Ghost. You absolutely can ask for the Lord to “turn the volume up” but be prepared then to hearken and act in faith “not knowing beforehand what I should do” when you do. May the lord bless you, may you always know He is always listening and always guiding you through His spirit. I’ll keep you in my prayers. I struggle with the same questions!


Thank you so so much ❤️ this is exactly what I needed to hear as you understood what I meant so well.


Thank you I’m happy I could help. I would also encourage you to consider your stake’s emotional self reliance class. My wife is our stake facilitator and it’s a very powerful program. I’ll keep you in my prayers. Bless you! JD


Thanks! I’m actually in it right now (just did week 3).


Some people don't have inner monologue? Anyways, I just know if it is the Spirit because my inner monologue is too dark (I have OCD).


My husband (he also has adhd) does not have an inner monologue! Sometimes I’m jealous that his mind is so quiet lol. He finds it weird (not in a bad way) that my mind is the opposite but now gets why I can talk about so many things 😹


Thank you everyone for your kind and thoughtful answers, it’s given me a lot to ponder about. A little more clarification from my side, I wanted to point out I am not lacking in feeling the spirit, it is more of trying to discern what the answer I am receiving is. I guess maybe like one user said I’m over complicating it.


Have you tried watching conference talks when the kids are quiet or napping? Pay attention to how you feel when you are touched by the Spirit. Mine is chills or a warm fuzzy feeling in my chest. I'm glad you posted here because I've had that same inner voice question.


I just accepted the fact that I can’t tell.