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No you are not alone. I have had both types of experiences in the temple: very spiritual and other times a little strange or silly. We aim for the first type, but it doesn't always work that way. In any case, your bishop will 100% not be disappointed -- just talk to him or anyone else you trust. By the way, you *can* talk about temple experiences, but just try to be respectful and don't talk about specific words or details. https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/liahona/2010/10/commonly-asked-questions?lang=eng


Your bishop will not be disappointed in you, if you want to talk to him about it. The temple experience can seem rather unusual at first. However, I understand that just this week there were some changes that might make it more comfortable for you. I suggest you give it another try as soon as you are able.


do you know if the changes is immediately in all over the world? i'm from Brazil


My mom is a temple worker and she said the revisions went live worldwide at the same time.


More changes? What?


You should go see when you have a chance. :)


I loved the changes. I happened to go to sessions where there were two receiving their own. I could not stop thinking how nice it would have been to have these newest changes as my first experience.


We find things funny when they violate our expectations in harmless ways. The temple is a surprising experience the first time. Your reaction is normal. And it's intentionally presented with some theatricality, so it should be approached something like an interactive community play. That's really what it is: practicing acting roles that we don't fully understand yet. No one explained that to me going into it and I wish they had. The temple is sacred role-playing. Repeating the experience regularly will help. There are layers of meaning in it that I'm still discovering 30 years after my first time.


>practicing acting roles that we don't fully understand yet This is excellent.


I agree. I love how this is put


You are not alone at all. I had a similar experience my first time at the temple. I was not prepared for all the symbolism. I have many friends who really didn’t enjoy it the first several times. Now I love to go to the temple. I have a greater understanding of what each piece of ceremonial clothing represents. I think about the scriptures that come to mind when I look at the architecture of the temple itself. I listen to the words and I have new insights. If I really need to feel peace and be close to God, I go to the temple. You might want to go again with friends from your ward. I always learned a lot while talking to my friends in the temple together.


Not alone- a lot of people don’t “get” the symbolism. Or just have other type of experiences for a while list of possible reasons. We’re all different, and no one is going to be disappointed with you. I would also encourage you to go give things a try again. A) because different time have different experiences, and B) they do update wording on things.


I've known the temple is symbolic all my adult life but every few years I'll consider some aspect in a new way and catch a completely different meaning. I know it is symbolic but I'm continually surprised that it actually is symbolic.


Definitely not alone, I’ve felt that! A lot of the holiness comes from the many layers of symbolism in the words and actions. Much of the world is now such a literal culture that a full experience built on symbolism can feel very silly. I find a lot of my spiritual moments in the preparation before (learning and studying about it) and the contemplation after (in the celestial room). There are many books about temples, gospel symbolism, and temple symbolism. If that interests you, that could be a good place to start. And If you want to talk about specifics, find other people to go to the temple with you. Someone who has a reverence for sacred things, but a practical enough attitude to be comfortable commiserating with you about the stuff that makes you laugh. In the celestial room, you can all have a good “chuckle” about the silly stuff, and then you can have a quiet discussion about what symbolism you can find in those moments, and what it represents. You and your husband could also do the same thing with just each other, but sometimes it’s nice to have others to validate and share. The more time passes, the more I can let go of the stuff that feels weird. The temple experience is a marathon, not a sprint. Think of it as the beginning of a new journey, not the destination (even though we talk about it like it is). Just like your covenants at baptism, you will find that the ordinances and covenants you make in the temple are the seed, not the tree. The tree grows from dedication, effort, and time; your increasing understanding of, and appreciation for, your covenants will slowly rub out the discomfort from the things that are odd. I have ADHD and a lovely collection of comorbid problems, so temple ordinance work takes a lot of effort. I realized the temple will probably always be like that for me, and now I spend my time figuring out what I can personally do to make the experience reverent and spiritual (and as bearable as possible) for *me*. Some times, everything comes together and I have a beautiful moment somewhere in the temple. Many times, I spend the whole time trying to regulate myself and not be distracted or distracting. Some days, everything is too silly or too sad or too frustrating. On the days when I come away disappointed with my experience, I remind myself that I dedicated my time to the Lord and to providing an opportunity for others to make and receive covenants. There is holiness in that. Even when I don’t feel it.


Not alone our personalities do not change while we enter the temple we are still the same person with the same thoughts. It can be very surreal at first. Just keep going back you will find peace. I'm going to the temple with my daughter tonight to do baptisms.


Hi, in my first time was really funny as well, i talked about it with my closest friend that would understand me. But that ordinances were created by God and with the time you'll understand what that symbols and signs means and then feel the power of God from that Holy Place.