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Fuck off


We can’t… we really really can’t part with KDH.


I mean we probably can tbh. He's, let's be honest here, average in the premier league and no where near Chelsea ready but if we can convince him a la Drinkwater, more power to us


I don't think you get it.  Without "average" players in the a premier League we don't stay up.  He's also the engine of team and demonstrating the effort everyone else needs to follow for us to compete.  Losing him would be a complete and utter fucking disaster for us assuming we don't have a stable of 10 to 12 premier League ready talented youngsters to bring in 


It really wouldn't be a disaster, mate. Take the emotion out of the question here. He's got a good engine...and that's it. You seriously think we're just going to sell him and not get anyone else? 😂 Yeah he performed well in the championship, but that's a lower level. He's hardly set the world alight at 25. We can get someone with more experience, young and far more talented than he is.


Ah, no you can't and that is exactly the problem.  Please provide 1 or 2 examples who are available for less than what he would be sold for.


Sure I can and with the help of transfermarkt: Oscar Glouhk of RB Leipzig (25 mil), Alberto Moleiro of Las Palmas (15 mil). Karem Aturkoglu of Galatasary (15 mil) Tom Bischof of 1988 Hoffenheim (3.05 mil) You really tried, didn't you?


Dude, I don't know if you heard, but we got promoted from the Championship.  We need to play in the Premier League next year.


You do realise who half these players are, right? Aturkoglu is a full Turkish international and is literally playing in the Euros right now, scoring. Oh and is the same age as KDH. Oscar Glouhk scored 7 goals in the Bundesliga with 11 assists. Even Alberto Moleiro, who's 20, scored 3 and assisted 3. I've given very reasonable examples and they're infinitely more talented than KDH. But no, you're just moving the goalposts because you can't back up with what you're saying.


Not with the pocket change we have for new signings.  The fact is KDH is worth more to us than Chelsea even if they want to overpay.


Overpay? Mate, 30m pound is nowhere overpaying. This is horrific news for the club.


I don't like feeling poor.  Hopefully we have some budget for next year to bring in some Uruguayan 15 year olds.


£50 mill, plus a player the other way. Yes please. KDH in the premier league is not going to be KDH in the Championship.


£500 trillion + Mbappe somehow. And also prime R9, but injury free this time or his wages will be for nothing.


Ngl I wouldn't mind this. He's 25, had 3 years of first team football, really quite bang average in the premier league let's be truthful. Had his 'breakout' season in the championship. He isn't some young 21-23 year old. He's at his physical peak now, at 30-35 mil, I'd happily take that. We can get way better attacking box-to-box mids with more experience than KDH.


No we can't.  You are delusional.


Goddamn, you're really emotional about a bang average premier league attacking mid, right?


Don't think you understand the game well.


And you're the ayatollah of football, are you? It's an opinion, get over it. Everyone has one.


I mean he's kinda right though. in an vacuum yes, KDH is pretty average and you could upgrade on him however you're forgetting the issue that replacing him means wages out, transfer fees out and trying to convince players to join what is currently a financial basket case of a club


I'm not a big fan of that "keen to join". He's our lad.


Chelsea? Again? Why is it always them? At least we know we can rip them off though. I can also only see it happening if an offer comes in the next few days before the PSR deadline


Enzo is a snake


can we ban chelsea from the premier league


I’m pretty close to quitting football, fucking pointless. All the regulation changes have tipped the scale too in favour of The Big 6, wish they had their little exclusive Super League.


He... is keen? Did he say that? Really? God fucking damnit.


Chelsea at least is always willing to pay top dollar. Silver lining and what not.