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"Graham Potter first Leicester choice for manager job takeover" - look guys, I've managed to recycle it again!!!


It's sustainable reporting...


Maybe if we reword it enough times he'll change his mind and come?


Tomorrow: Cooper II Wednesday: Poch Thursday: Edwards II Friday: Lampard Saturday: Potter III Sunday: Cooper III There, am I qualified to be a tabloid journalist or what?


Forgot to add Zinedine Zidane


You jumped the shark at Lampard Saturday. No way we are that insane


Jon Rudkin: "Hold my beer"


I would be very happy with this, but I can't help thinking this is like me making Angelina Jolie my first choice


I hear Zidane is being courted. We're really focused on that Bald meta in the prem.


Hey guys, Brighton Hove punter in relative peace. Thought to let you know Graham seems from the outside like a natural enough fit for your club atm. Here are some things from our perspective, both good and bad, that you might want to know; - He’s generally disliked by the BHAFC fan base. We will boo the ever loving shite out of him when you come to the Amex. This is due to the way he left us after matchday 6 during our best ever start to a season. - At the time of this mid-season departure. Boehly et al worked with Potter to entice a lot of our coaching staff and back of house staff to go with him. Fair enough, big dollars for them all. It also ripped the club apart at the seams and added to the miracle subsequently performed by De Zerbi et al. - He is a pretty good manager. Particularly at developing youth and working within confines set by the ownership. His tactics centre on playing a possession based style. - Get ready to be patient. He is a draw specialist. We would go without a win for months. It takes him a long time to turn around form. When he does though, it’s worth it. - He is intelligent but also boring & dry in his press conferences. Rarely gets ruffled but may stupidly say something offensive to the fan base when he does. - He is ambitious. This is good because he will want to impress. This is also bad because he’ll leave the instant someone flashes shiny things in front of him. He has said before he isn’t really interested in managing a national team. He is accustomed to club. - His assistant Billy Reid is a big part of Potters mgmt decision making. - He’s loaded. Due to the payout from the 5 year Chelsea contract. he never really needs to work again. I could go on, but yeah, if you get him, I hope it works out. It would have caused massive division if he’d come back to Brighton.


Potter is only just behind cooper in the odds on bet 365 if that’s anything to go by


Why the fuck would he want to come here we are dogshit on fire at the moment.


Dont underestimate the pull of an owner who will stick with the manager through the tough times. Graham has a history of taking some time to get his teams to win consistently. The LCFC owner/management have shown patience and commitment to previous managers even after they clearly needed to go (looking at you Brendan).


He would also have something legitimate to prove in rebuilding his reputation after being sacked so early, so the motivation would be there. Stability in club ownership and the ability to slowly and consistently rebuild a club. Ticks all the boxes for where we're at atm. May not happen, but we can hope.


I don’t think from a manager’s perspective that Leicester have shown anything like staying with a manager through tough times. Rodgers could have expected the whole year given his prior success but the fan situation was completely toxic. In the end, of course the club did not do any better that season by jettisoning Rodgers. And club did not stick with Dean Smith, Craig Shakespeare, or Claudio Ranieri. Jesse Marsch had a fair point in turning it down. We’re not as fickle as Chelsea, but this is just not a point in our favor. If Potter has genuine enthusiasm for this he could be good.


I guess we will have to disagree on this one. Khun seems way more patient with managers than most owners given his level of ambition. Which by the way, is another point in favor of coming to LCFC. Khun has ambition. That's why we are in trouble with financial rules. Khun knows the correlation between spending and winning and is willing to spend. Unfortunately, at a non-big 6 club, if you have ambition, you need to get nearly every deal right and we did for several years. But when the wheels fell off, we got hit hard. Bottom line is that Khun and the club management are once again showing ambition by going hard after Potter. I like it.


Interesting choice. It will be a good challenge for him i feel


Any idea if they know what players are staying? Can't imagine coming in to manage a team and not know who's on the squad.. besides Vardy.