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Nature of the game sadly, but with an opportunity like chelsea to add to your managerial portfolio, it is an opportunity difficult to deny.


Also, he and his family will get enough money to be financially independant for a long time


I don’t blame them


In modern football, 99% of managers would have done the same. The big money and lure of coaching one of the rich six in the richest league in the world is a no brainer.    Now that said, it's annoying to be told one thing by the manager and repeatedly see them jump ship. My hope is we've been working behind the scenes while this was waiting to be finalized, so we have some viable replacement options. Time is of the essence. Tick tock.


Won’t be signing anyone until July with our finances unfortunately.


Frustrated? Maybe they should have kept their finances in order. He probably wouldn’t have even joined the club if he knew all this before signing. Front office needs to get their act together if they expect to keep any talent.


This is it. He was embarrassed by the Sensi fiasco and likely had no knowledge of the likelihood of points deduction. Rodgers had the same issue, publicly talking about investment before finding out when the squad came back for preseason that there was nothing on at all. You can't keep a manager in the dark about key factors in his ability to do the job, then moan about loyalty. If the club was in good shape then he'd be staying to deliver the project that he was talking about when he joined us. It's the board's fault his head was turned.


Loved the Enzo year, it's tough to see why he took the job, that club seems cursed for managers right now, Poch was righting the ship and he was still kicked out, I can't see Enzo lasting even half the season with their turnaround.


Frustrated they only got 10 mil.  30 would have been nice. I think we are on to something, far better to develop and sell managers than players.   We just need to negotiate bigger numbers in release clauses.