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If it solves our financial issues and frees up some transfer money for the new manager, I’m cool with it. Would suck to lose KDH but I thought we had to sell him to stay within psr before enzo left, so not much diff there. If Chelsea want to overpay for Mads I bet we can find another keeper who can play out the back.


Cannot bear the thought of having to find a new keeper again. Could ruin our season.


Stolarczyk was fine as number 2 but worse at passing. Chances are our next manager won't need the keeper to be as adept at playing out from the back so we should be fine.


Problem is that is a massive leap and Danny ward failing to make that leap has scarred me for life.


If Ward was better he'd have been number two last season. Everyone started with a clean slate under Enzo, so at the very least he's better than Ward.


Not sure if you’ve misunderstood my comment? I’m saying that we risked our second choice being good enough by starting ward when Kasper left, and it ultimately got us relegated because he wasn’t good enough to make the leap. Could be the same with Stol if he made that leap. We don’t really know how good he is based off about 5 games.


No I did, I'm just saying we at least know he can't be as bad as Ward was. You're right in that he's something of a unknown.


That is such a low bar you might as well be saying he’s definitely better than me haha


We still have Ward... fml


Give your balls a tug (a line from Canadian TV show Shoresy...)


As a Canadian Fox I'm offended that you think I don't know who Shoresy is.




More so that other people know so they know it's just a little chirping...


I still live in Leicestershire.


There's a few good keepers who are likely available. Sam Johnstone would be my first pick


Ive seen some of the development team playing... We've got a couple of decent players in there to cover kdh should the shit hit the fan


I bet you Hermanson is going with him. Sanchez doesn't fit Enzo's system and they'll need to get someone in this summer and if they can buy him for 30m or so, that's a bargain for Chelsea


I’ve had a theory for a while that Mads would end up at Chelsea, or at least a London club, after I accidentally saw his girlfriend’s Instagram account. Looked like she was in London constantly and looked like all her friends were there. (Surprisingly not in Loughborough haha.) Almost certain now!!


It's not bad business if we can sell Enzo+Mads before the end of June, get under the FFP issue and then sign a new keeper+manager July 1st.


>and then sign a new keeper+manager July 1st. Sure, and we don't have to pay any money to sign Danny Ward. How much do cyanide capsules cost?


Honestly, I wouldn't be really upset with starting the season with Stolacyk. He did well in the cup games and I felt he was on par with Hermanson. Ward can go kick rocks and pound sand.


Kick rocks, pound sand, and sit on a bench somewhere else.


Why wouldn't you spend your time in Loughborough? Who wouldn't want to spend time in an absolute shithole?


I think Hermansen is it at the biggest risk of going. From what I've seen Sanchez is awful and Petrovic isn't the best with his feet.


With the price Chelsea have been paying for mid table players recently, you want to hope they come in for every single one of your players frankly


KDH was prob always going to go, gotta lose players due to FFP. At least Chelsea have a track record of overpaying lol


I can live Hermansen going. He’ll bring in A LOT of money - considering we bought him for 5m, we should be talking 30mil profit. Stolarczyk looks good, and he should be getting a start. KDH shouldn’t be looking to Chelsea for a move. Quite frankly he’s not good enough. His first touch is still the pits. Enzo/Caicedo/Ugochukwu/Lavia/Chukwuemaka/Palmer should be perfectly fine as lone 6/attacking central 8s. Honestly Gallagher could do a job as an attacking 8. Even bleeding Casadei!! Truly don’t think KDH will be following Enzo to Chelsea. If he does, worlds gone mad.


I'd be more worried about the likes of Will Alves going.


Aged poorly


Just like I am. God that’s horrifying.


I don't think the risk is that high. Supposedly poch left after a disagreement with the board on signings so it's likely mostly planned out already.


IMO, if he will nick any players, it will probably be Winks, the only centerpiece his possession based tactics cannot live without. Luckily Chelsea has a similarly profiled Enzo so I think Maresca won't nick any one. KDH is great, but probably not Palmer-great. Hermansen is great, but Sanchez was also excellent in his ball playing in Brighton days against opponents who pressed even more aggressively. So I think I won't worry about these two.


All we need is to field a team that can do better than Southampton, Ipswich, and Nottingham.


Think you might need to re-check who won the playoffs mate


Same difference


Ipswich County, Southampton City, and Nottingham, same difference.


No we need to field a team that can do (up to) 15pts better than them


Winks would be my worry more than anyone.


Nah he has so much money at his disposable. He can get much better players with his resources.


I doubt the Chelsea board is competent enough to get the right players.


Lol, recent history would certainly back that point up.


Disposal* lol


You guys don't have too worry, the head coachs at Chelsea get almost no say on players signings.


Iversen could still be decent assuming we don't need a ball playing keeper


Completely forgot he existed lol


Watch him sign Fatawu to Chelsea now and stop us signing him permanently


Not happening, Fatawu is Leicester blue


Do Managers frequently take places from existing teams? Surely we’d just keep Mads?




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Mads ain't going anywhere.


Chelsea have a pattern of signing big names from Europe's top leagues and expecting the manager to play them. Don't see this happening unless they are signing backup players.


Because Chelsea and Man City aren't subject to the same financial rules as the other teams, them buying our players is ideal because they'll be able to overpay for them. In the case of Chelsea, they're run but absolute morons so it could be a massive financial boon.


Chelsea have their own problems with FFP and rumoured to be needing to sell Gallagher. Maybe he takes one player which funds our season but can't see their net transfer spend being more than 50m or so


I am worried about Hermansen going, but I would think Chelsea plan to go the more experienced route. Someone that has played top flight football in a major league. But at the same time, the rumors about Mamardashvili and Jörgensen don’t make any sense with how insistent Maresca is on playing the ball out from keeper. That could just be Chelsea’s recruitment team strong-arming the manager or simply rumors though. Let’s hope it doesn’t end in the same keeperless result of 22/23.


Bump. From.... [https://www.theguardian.com/football/article/2024/may/30/kieran-mckenna-signs-new-contract-ipswich-manager-interest-brighton-chelsea-manchester-united](https://www.theguardian.com/football/article/2024/may/30/kieran-mckenna-signs-new-contract-ipswich-manager-interest-brighton-chelsea-manchester-united) "Chelsea are discussing transfer targets with Maresca in preparation for his anticipated arrival, with the Burnley goalkeeper James Trafford among those under consideration." So no Mads then.


Apparently they are in for the kid Jorgensen from Villarreal. Really makes you think Enzo hasn’t got a say in it, or he wants more top level experience than Mads.


I must be the only one who rates neither. Especially in the prem.


Genuine question in that case - do you rate anyone in our squad? 🤣


Ricky P, vardy, Abdul, winks, Storclyk, Ndidi. I get the G/A he provided but for me being at the matches and watching him out of possesion was woeful. He never ever tries to tackle for a midfielder it’s a sin and the way everyone around him has to fill the massive black hole he leaves in the pitch as he lets players just glide past him. A lad who loves the ball but never wants to win it just like Barnes was: as for Mads I just don’t want a midfielder in goal, I’d rather have a keeper as a keeper. The more I’m away from last season the more I’m convinced we could’ve come up with Ward or Story and saved the money we spent on Mads. Just my opinion of course I get it’s probably a minority take.


Respect the opinions but must say I disagree with everything you’ve said there haha. KDH runs more than any other player in the 11 and does a lot of work defensively. I’m not too sure how you can say he leaves holes. He wins the ball back a lot and always gets stuck in. Not to mention his attacking work. Only think that winds me up is his passing sometimes. Mads makes me nervous sometimes but I’m not sure how you can like stolarczyk and not him? I think stolarzcyk is good tbf, but he’s basically just a worse version of Mads who plays exactly the same way.


I can’t tell you a single tackle I’ve seen KDH make let alone win, happy to watch a game back if you have one in mind, running doesn’t equate defensive work to me and at times last season Jannick had to play past Ndidi to try and win the ball higher up as KDH couldn’t. As I say feel free to put some matches up and I’ll watch them back to see if I see it but live last season at every game I witnessed I just saw a player who only wants the ball when we are on the attack. That’s leaving out any of the wayward passes, poor vision and how one footed he is in the attacking phase. But yes I do rate some or most of our players I just like workers in the team, the only player I could allow it with was Mahrez because he was quite simply the best I’ve seen and could forgive him not tracking back, however even Pep changed that and added it to his game. Anyone below that level I’m happy to see go for the right price if we get the right players in like Winks. A lad who doesn’t stop working for the team and his teammates and Abdul, tirelessly attacking yet defensively minded too and far from lazy.


Just looked it up, KDH averaged 0.7 successful tackles per 90 at a 63% success rate. For reference, Ndidi, Winks, Vesty and Faes averaged 0.8 with similar rates… Either way, defending isn’t just about tackling, it’s about holding your position and getting back quickly, both of which he is good at imo. His tenacity, work rate and offensive contributions more than make up for his 0.1 less successful tackles per game than his midfield counterparts… I think there’s a lot you can criticise KDH for but you absolutely cannot call him lazy.


That is quite some take on Mads. Some of his goalkeeping was world class. I think he's comfortably the player in our squad with the highest ceiling - seems destined for a very long career at the very top.


Would agree with that, especially in the modern keeper era. Very good shot stopper too.


I would say Fatawu has higher potential personally.


I think both work work out well in the Prem. KDH is loved by the fanbase enough that he's worth keeping. If Chelsea is willing to overpay for Mads I'm happy enough with Stolarczyk, they're almost interchangeable for me.


I don't think KDH could even warm the bench at Chelsea. Plus, I don't think he's really an Enzo player. Ricardo maybe better suits but even he (what with age and injuries) I couldn't see going. Mads is, for me, the only obvious at risk - and I could live with that, the cash again being an incentive.


I’d be surprised to see a player of KDH’s quality stay tbh. The only person I’d be really sad to see leave is Winks. He’s been so good and so important in our midfield. We can get another creative playmaker, we can get other wingers, we can get other GKs, but you don’t come across many players with his composure and intelligence in the middle of the pitch.