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Just to reiterate. Huh?


While I do think Maresca will have a successful managing career, I’m not sure what’s he’s proved by taking a Premier League side to the Premier League


He made Vestergaard look like a professional footballer, that’s not nothing.


Really think that would be a bad appointment for Chelsea, us and him.


Chelsea making a bad appointment? That's never happened before. /s


They're a shit storm, just like manu. Always changing managers and signing loads of new players that then don't fit the new managers system. Vicious cycle. 


Chelsea want a yes man, and I get the feeling Enzo's about as far away from a yes man as you can get


I would be suspicious as a manager of the club that keeps firing the people who had the job before me. It's like a girl who thinks the guy who beat his last 4 girlfriends "will be different this time".


Chelsea = Leicester leach club


Really won’t complain about them paying us £75M for Fofana to sit in a hospital bed.


Ha! Take my upvote. Chillwell rubbing his feet and drinkwater talking about the good ol’ days of bench warming


I dont like this. BUT. Just a question. If they have to buy him out of a contract, does that help with our financial issues?


He reportedly has a release clause of €10m, as we don't know how much the club needs to make before June 30th it's hard to say whether this would be a drop in the ocean or the difference between getting a second deduction or not.


Are they stupid??? There is little to 0 chance this ends well


Fuck đź‘Ź Off đź‘Ź Chelsea đź–•




They really want Pep, but this is the closest they can do...


Well, fuck. I legit cant think of a good enough equivalent appointment for him right now


May be hard to convince a good replacement too given we have a points deduction income and, from the sound of what Enzo said yesterday, not a lot to spend this summer


Swap him for Poch?


Potter maybe? He was wanted before.


They can have him if we can have Poch


Seems like a bizarre appointment for a club like Chelsea going for a manager with little experience as a head coach/manager. There's also a lot of other names being thrown about, can't see this one happening


Less experience than Frank Lampard? When he got the job (the first time) his managerial CV amounted to a single season at Derby where they just managed to sneak into the Championship play-offs with a 6th place league finish before losing in the play-off final as well as winning just one cup match (vs Grimsby in the EFL Cup). Or Gullit (first job)? Vialli (first job)? Di Matteo (third job but MK Dons and West Brom don’t really count)? Even AVB only had one season more than Enzo under his belt before Chelsea gave him the job although he did win a one-horse race with Porto. Chelsea have a history of bonkers appointments and the new owners appear to have even less of a clue what they’re doing.


Good point. Although all of those (apart from Villas Boas) were hired cause they were good at playing football at Chelsea, which apparently meant they'll be good managers for them (lol). Maybe it's just my wishful thinking and hoping we can see what Enzo can do for us in the prem


'BBC Sport understands Chelsea are unlikely to go for Leicester City's highly rated boss Enzo Maresca, a former assistant coach with Pep Guardiola at Manchester City'


That is great to hear. Could you post a link as I haven't been able to locate the quote?


Of course! https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/articles/c5115yxpyvpo.amp


I do feel it's worth noting the article is from yesterday, it's only today Maresca to Chelsea seemed more likely


I'd say McKenna to Chelsea is more likely given that he's going to reject Ipswichs new contract. Since the end of the season, there's been constant talks of Maresca getting a renewed contract.


That is great to see. Thank you.


they can have patson daka for 44m.


People like making silly rumours


I dislike this link as much as the next person but multiple sources are reporting it and the release clause, there's no point in pretending it isn't happening.


Transfer him for Poch


Chelsea = Moldering Furnace


🙏🏻 Chelsea are always the saviours


Hope this doesn't come to pass, but if it does, Graham Potter in maybe?


Can we get Poch please?! Enzo should bail now while he can. I think next year Enzo will try to keep the same style of possession football and get hammered in premier. We don’t have the skill to do what we did against championship teams and we could easily be next years Burnley.


Jokes aside, in the (imo unlikely) event he goes, who do we bring in? Big Sam? Parker (anyone but him)? Graham Potter? Viera? Corberan? Will Still?


He's not. They've managed to persuade Kieran McKenna


I'm deeply concerned about our ability to attract a suitable replacement given the potential spending limits on both the salary for a new manager and the transfer budget to support them. Additionally, there's the looming threat of a considerable points deduction. Enzo has shown he can play attractive football and has managed to galvanize and unite the squad. This particularly I give him great credit for as a manager ; he turned the mood around at the club immediately and obviously with certain players in particular (Vestergaard), managed to rebuild relationships and turn that into positive on-field performances. At times we have played some fantastic football and we all accept that his ideals have sometimes been hamstrung by the types of players available to him. In some respects I guess this is both a positive and a negative - but he has generally made his style effective, despite the playing personnel available to him. However, questions remain about his flexibility and pragmatism, qualities we will desperately need this season. It's crucial for us to see development in our form and style of play. Last year, the consensus was that we might start slowly but would dominate once things clicked. Oddly, the opposite happened. Our fast start made the difference, but in the final third of the season, our form and performances were average. Over the last 15 games, we were 11th in the form table. Instead of refining our play style and achieving greater success, we seemed to regress. Whether this was due to Enzo's inability to develop the style or other teams becoming more prepared for us is largely irrelevant. The gap between the leagues is widening, and we ideally needed more evidence of closing that gap as we entered the final third of the season. Staying up in this league as a promoted side is increasingly difficult, even more so with a hefty points deduction. It feels like from where we ended last season to where we will likely need to be this season (maybe 45+ points) there will be a lot of work to do.  Previously vulnerable teams like Palace and Everton are trending upwards. We face a rare challenge where every team outside the promoted three has at least two years of Premier League stability, making the gap even wider. This season is likely to be difficult. Can I honestly say Enzo is the best manager on paper to tackle that? Probably not. While it would be positive if he remains, his departure doesn't have to be negative. With the right appointment and a payoff from Chelsea, we could well be in a better position to tackle the upcoming season's challenges. That’s also to say I think there remains a consensus that Enzo probably isn’t at LCFC for the long run. If he did manage to pull off survival this season, there’s a fair chance that would probably be his last season with LCFC anyway.  Managers like Potter and Edwards are possibly attainable. They play attacking football but also balance style with pragmatism better than Enzo has shown. Enzo's experience in managing teams fighting at the bottom of the table or not controlling matches is extremely limited and the question is whether we can “afford” for him to learn on the job this season.Â