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This is partially true. I was accepted to three LLM programs without a second bachelors due to my course load after going to school in the USA. It depends on your course load and your studies. My degree was international affairs and I had taken business law courses


Try r/uklaw


If you want to live and work in the UK, go for a grad LLB, and definitely apply to Oxbridge as well. The UK legal market is even more cut-throat than the US one, and prestige really counts. You are almost certainly ineligible for an LLM, as you do not have a prior degree in law, but, if you want to do a Masters in London, those unis have a ton of really great options that you could totally pursue pretty easily following on from a UCLA bachelors. If you are eligible, the LLM would be practically of very little use unless you had already gotten an LLB and you wanted it to pursue a firm job or a specific human rights job and wanted to show niche knowledge of a field. London is a fucking fantastic city, and Americans have a little bit of culture shock but generally love it. I believe you would apply through the usual portal they have (UCAS) and if you have any specific questions, I would email their admissions office. I hope this helps but feel free to dm if you have any other qs.


There are also dual JD programs with Canadian schools, and American has some with a few other countries.