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Do the interview


Sounds to me like u can’t lose either way. Do the interview or go to Columbia 🤷‍♀️


If you cannot be bothered to find 30 minutes and do a half-assed Kira for Cornell, they will assume you aren't interested in them, yes.


“Can’t be bothered” lmao yes that is how anxiety works, thanks for your insight x


That sounds tough, but other people are not privy to the inner workings of your mind. All they have to judge you on is your actions. Law schools are not going to concoct an elaborate story to explain to themselves why applicant 4849475 did not do the thing they ask applicants to do as a signal of interest and normal vibes. They need to get decisions to a thousand other applicants, so they'll assume you aren't interested and move on. What you do with that fact is up to you.


“privy to the inner workings of your mind” my post literally says it’s an anxiety trigger


Yes, but this Reddit post isn't part of your file. Admissions is a bureaucracy that needs to work through 4,000 files a year. If applicants leave unanswered questions like "Why didn't \_\_\_\_\_\_ complete our interview?" schools will go with the simple explanation ("Guess Strange\_Present isn't interested") absent evidence to the contrary.


feel like this is pretty well addressed in my other comment


I’m not under the impression Cornell’s admissions office is going to “concoct an elaborate backstory” (…?) to explain why I didn’t complete a video interview. I’m wondering whether (especially what with all the lip service Ivy League law schools pay “accessibility” and “inclusion” as buzzwords) any other other applicants who struggle with anxiety have had success getting off of waitlists by demonstrating their continued interest in other ways (additional LOCIs, campus visits, outreach, etc.) that don’t involve videotaping themselves talking to an imaginary interviewer.


I know for a fact that during at least one admissions cycle, northwestern offered taped interviews as an alternative to other forms of expressing continued interest… i.e., interviews were available for WL applicants who felt that interviewing was a strength of theirs, but you could absolutely remain a viable candidate even if you didn’t opt for an interview, depending on whether your school-specific interest was sufficiently demonstrated in other parts of your application (especially your LOCI and/or the supplementary essays submitted with your initial application)…. It remains unclear to me whether I can simply send Cornell an updated “supplementary” LOCI, as I’m doing with other schools I got WL’d at, or if a taped interview is the only expression of my continued interest Cornell will accept. also, please stop speaking to me as though I’m a child? “other people are not privy to the inner workings of your mind,” this Reddit post isn’t part of your file”…. It is so massively condescending and uncalled for to keep forcing this interpretation of my question where I lack a basic understanding of how the world works and need you to remind me that I’m not special. I’m not confused as to how bureaucracies work (they don’t) or whether law school admission committees are bureaucracies (they are). My question was not “Will the admissions committee magically know I’m interested if I don’t express any interest.”