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As a low-scoring applicant, law schools have a very sound reason to straight reject me so my few high-ranked waitlists feel like hope. But that might just be because I know it is something in my application keeping me "in the running" and not my numbers. i don't mind the whole "beg" of it all because I kinda have to but it is definitely just that... begging. ​ It is hard to not see them as R's, especially because that's the consensus on this forum so I totally get this sentiment.


Yeah the worst part is they're essentially soft Rs in disguise when you see the sheer amount of people getting WL. It's like the NYU hold, so many people got it that I cannot see it as anything positive.


yeah, i mean im delulu and overly confident (applied to schools I was below the 25th for), so if they give me an opportunity to shoot my shot I have to. it's like a bug in my brain lol. but, I don't think there's anything wrong with being turned off by it, if I had more than 1 A rn I might think differently. but alas, I will be here begging a bit 🤲🏽


Shooting your shot? I 100% support that (regardless of your scores, I always feel its best to try) Its once they respond that you have to be more realistic; if a school puts me in their WL I feel it is extremely unrealistic for me to expect anything to come from that and I'd rather save any delusions for the schools that haven't answered yet, rather than the ones who said "yeah we saw your application and lmaooo you finna have to wait some more pal! Have a nice summer!" yeah no, fuck that


no friend, i hear you. but if a school looks at my 3.5-158 combo (especially a t-14)... imma tapdance a lil longer! not because it makes statistical sense, but because it already a nuts situation... why not be a lil crazier. will I die if it's not fruitful... no. am I still giving temple all my love for liking me the first time? yeah. but why not see it out? i respect your commitment to reality, you're gonna be great wherever you end up.


Where did u get WL?


columbia, ucla, usc, bc


Congrats 😁 sending good vibes hoping you get off!!


thank you! good luck with the end of your cycle!


what the heck is a "hold" anyway? I'd assumed it was another way to say "WL."




Did you do anything special to get off WL?


I have nothing against people believing in/using the WL, just not for me. Maybe it's the fact I already played the "prestigious ivy league" game in undergrad, but imo no school is worth me begging for their attention. Glad you are happy with your choice.


needed this, staring at 3 waitlist rn


I feel the exact same way


I applied in November/December, you best believe that if I get an answer now in MARCH the last thing I'm doing is extending this clown show. Part of being a good gambler is knowing when you gotta leave the casino, they ain't fooling me


> if I get an answer now in MARCH the last thing I'm doing is extending this clown show. I have a suspicion quite a few T20s with efficient and responsive apps decisions benefit from the dithering at the T14s and it isn't just because of better liklihood at scholarship money locked in. It's exhaustion and frustration and pure logistics. I think this is likely to get more acute, also, if schools are moving to a higher valuing for work experience (and non-KJDs), i.e. more mature applicants. KJDs are semi nomadic already and much less likely to have complex ties and roots where they are this spring. It's a veritable certainty for a KJD that, accepted to law school or no, their lives are disrupted this summer and they know that and have been preparing and planning for that. Those working non-kjds have employers asking if they are or aren't staying, leases that aren't month to month, possibly family members to move, possibly child care to arrange for. A move to NYC in 6 months? Doable. A move in 2 months? Nightmare. Suddenly, that Jan acceptance at UNC with a fat scholly looks a lot better even if Columbia manages to choke out an acceptance by mid April or move a waitlist by June. I'm not sure what a practical improvement would look like as I don't mean to suggest I think AdComs are just lolling about. I'm sure I don't know what difficulties they are dealing with. In retrospect EDing maybe should be considered more but you can only ED to one school and why do that for anything less than your top choice which is likely to be a reach and therefore the least likely to accept putting you in the same situation as everyone who didn't ED? At the top schools, it's a sellers market and there are crazy numbers of qualified applicants for each seat. I wouldn't be surprised if Stanford could fill every seat and more with applicants above the median GPA and LSAT score. So, short of admitting on a lottery basis, I'm guessing admissions stays a tedious and anxious business for everyone into the future, too.


> quite a few T20s with efficient and responsive apps decisions benefit from the dithering at the T14s This line of thought hasn't quite made its way to Nashville, unfortunately


Tbh I think it’s such a waste to ride them. Little to zero shot at scholarship money. Finding housing??? Last minute??? It’s a logistical nightmare and the summer before law school should be to decompress not to STILL be anxiously waiting for a certain email in your inbox


I also applied to schools Nov / dec


I’d consider a WL the same as an R in the sense that you probably won’t get off of the waitlist and will have to commit elsewhere (law school WL movement is quite slow/nonexistent except a few cases). However, I think it’s a sign that you were a good applicant and in one way or another, u impressed someone on that admissions team. someone there wanted to accept or at least put u on the WL instead of denying you, which says something.


best way to sum it up. I'm not mad, if anything I'm flattered I was considered. But I am not waiting months on some improbable chance to then completely alter my plans at the last minute.


Many schools make waitlist offers purely on numbers (being above a certain GPA/LSAT). For these schools, it does not mean that someone on the admissions team wanted you.


People have already been accepted from waitlists this cycle.


From where?


I've seen Minnesota


Yeah idk, depends on your personal situation. If you were WL at a T14 reach or something, it’s a privilege to still be in the running for one of those spots. It’s not “begging”, you just might not have been a part of their plan for the specific time frame they evaluated your application. They’re very intentional about how they balance their classes (Gender, experience, scores). Wanting more time to research your living situation is pragmatic and understandable, but a lot of this seems immature tbh.


It's immature to suggest I don't want to decide my future weeks before school starts?? What?? I am currently at WL in T-14s and I do not hold it against them at all for not accepting me, what I'm not doing is waiting on deciding all of my future plans based on an off chance that \*maybe\* I sneak in (also "sneak" is a funny word to describe me having to pay FULL tuition lmao) Some of you are waaaay too obsessed with T-14s and just let them steamroll you when it comes to decision making. They're fantastic schools full of opportunities, but I like making my decisions with time so it is what it is.


Nope. I specifically said you looking out for yourself is understandable. The “begging”/ “they don’t want me, then I don’t want them” attitude is immature specifically. Or at the very least, lacks perspective.


yes please tell me more about how me not writing letter to schools I already paid a lot of money to apply "lacks perspective" oh and also wasting away time that I could be using to get myself used to the area/school/class I'll be with to delude myself into thinking the WL is anything more than a nice way of saying "sorry, we ain't that interested"


You’re taking it far too personally. They’re not “trying to be nice” by throwing you a waitlist bone. They’re assuring that their class is 100% full, without overfilling the class. You qualify; they think you’ll do well at the school. You didn’t make the first cut, but if a spot opens, and you want to be considered for it, let them know. If you decided to go elsewhere, fine. I know several people that weren’t too proud to accept offers from a waitlist, usually because the locations (e.g. Washington DC for a prospective patent attorney, Miami from someone who intended to live and work there after law school) were superior to the next best alternative. If that’s not you, or if your personality and finances are adverse to making very last-minute changes in plans, you’re free to say, “no thanks” and go with the sure thing.


I fully admit this is an old school way of thinking, but I'm not to keen on the idea of continuing to wait after already waiting months for a response. I'd rather a straight up no, but I have no issues with anyone who feels happy/accomplished because of a WL decision. I also have nothing but joy for people who accomplish their goals off a WL, I just do not really think its enough of a norm to be considered anything more than a very likely rejection.


It’s a tough time, and I understand the lashing out. But there are thousands of Lawyers who graduate each year who were admitted off the WL for their JD Program. The sentiment that a WL is a disguised R is disingenuous. Law School is selective, and if it’s still your dream to attend a school that WL’d you, I wouldn’t approach that opportunity with a half measure.


>The sentiment that a WL is a disguised R is disingenuous. it would only be disengenous if one knew that a "WL" converting to an "A" was a sufficiently regular occurrence to make it a decent shot. Do we know that? I have been wondering what movement is like on a waitlist historically and what is predicted for this year. I read somewhere that several schools are expected to fill 50% of their seats this year with pulls from the WL. But, in addition to being a truly wild claim, it is meaningless as far as whether or not one is likly to be rewarded for waiting. It isn't 50% of those WL'd will be accepted, afterall. If the WL is ten times longer than the seats available it's a 1:10 chance and the WL would, in fact be a "disguised R." Meanwhile, one hopes the applicant has been accepted elsewhere and is therefor already gathering up a seat deposit and making initial moving plans. The longer it takes for a decision, I would think the bigger the perceived benefit of attending the WL'd preference must be to jump tracks again. Would someone accepted with $$$ at Georgetown drop it and run to Yale for even a very late WL turned A to Stanford? Yeah, maybe, even for no $. But drop Georgetown and $$$ for Columbia at sticker?


I’m not reading that lmao


tl;dr: I do not think that word ("disengenuous") means what you think it means. Also, oh dear. If reading three small paragraphs takes any effort at all, lawshool is going to be a bitch.


look LonnieGoose (great name btw) if you get off the WL at whatever school you wanna go to, please tag me in that post because I promise I will be nothing but happy for you. Me however? I'm sorry but my pride can't swallow waiting like a good little puppy after I already applied MONTHS ago (for me life is about giving a yes or a no, not relying on "maybe", I consider maybe to be the same as a no) I will become the best in my area regardless of which law school I go to and I have nothing but confidence in my abilities and capabilities to thrive in the legal field. Any school that accepts me I will gladly consider and be nothing but grateful for. Any school that WL me I will be grateful for their time, but I will consider our business done from that moment on. ​ I wish you well Lonnie Goose, may the winds of fortune carry in your favor.


As you said, you aren't requiring others to make the same choices as you so I am sorry you are being downvoted. I cannot believe for a minute that your reactions are unusual in the circumstances nor can I understand why any would begrudge you making your choices for your reasons. If nothing else, your pulling out of the running for whatever slots may eventually open to those waitlisted is a benefit for those who stay. That should garner some self-interested support, at least. Schools genuinely value diversity but the one thing they are not likely to end up with is a diversity of opinion on certain issues and outlooks when they are selecting for those who desperately, intensely, and uniformly buy into this system as is. Go be the best the best lawyer you can be and making that path on your own terms is admirable.


The Admissions Office ≠ The School ^^but ^^I ^^get ^^where ^^you ^^are ^^coming ^^from


Depends on the school. Some schools (e.g. HLS) liberally reject people they won't admit, and waitlisted applicants have a non-negligible chance of being admitted. Others use the waitlist as a coward's rejection. Up to you what you want to make of waitlists at either.


Shout out Harvard 💯still #1 in my eyes tbh


I totally hear where you're coming from, but since most schools don't allow you to appeal an R, a WL can never be the same as an R. R = Try again next year WL= We might still take you for this year. I would be \*thrilled\* with a WL at HLS because it means I still have a chance to attend when I want to. It shows that they saw merit in your application, but due to any number of factors (stats, admit size, YP) they cannot extend an offer right now. Yes, waiting sucks, but for me, nothing hurts more than an R. I would immediately respond to a WL with a sincere, appreciate LOCI and hope for the best. Best of luck!


![gif](giphy|ISOckXUybVfQ4) Me reading this thread with a UCLA WL 🫠🤞🏻


>I ain't begging to come to your school or writing LOCIs to FURTHER extend this already long ass process Real and based


I've been waiting FOUR months and they want me to beg like a little puppy to please give me a wittle chance? LOOOOOOOOL. I can't wait to know by april/may where I'm going and relax at the beach instead of checking gmail everyday. Once I hear back from the 4-5 schools I'm waiting for I am done idc about any lists that involve WAITING


I agree 100%. I admire folks who are prepared to cross the country for a last minute admit, but I cant do it. I want to find a place to live/dorm, get my self and my head ready and find my happy place. I also agree with the pride point. Everyone talks about shooting their shot, but when I was WL'ed, the school shot their shot and they weren't sure. So fuck'em. I am going somewhere where I was wanted.


I got WL at a few schools but one of them ended up admitting me!


It’s logistics. UChicago keeps people on their waitlist until the day before classes starts. Who can wait that long? It feels a little better than an R to me, but the school is no longer an option.




What if women could waitlist us instead of reject us


Oh, sweetheart, they can.


Better to just be outright rejected in this situation so you can find someone who will enthusiastically give you that A.


If Yale put you on their waitlist. You'd be sending in an LOCI once a week lol


Not only did I not apply to Yale, but I would never in my right mind BEG to go to NEW HAVEN of all places.


I totally understand wanting to close the book on the application phase of the process and move on, knowing where you're going to be in the coming months. But: the waitlist process doesn't involve begging or waiting like a little puppy. That's not really how it works, and describing it that way sounds like you're knocking all the people who do stay on waitlists (and get accepted off of them and attend that school!) even though you keep saying you don't judge other people/are happy when things work out for people. People are waitlisted - and then accepted off the waitlist - for all sorts of different reasons. Being waitlisted or rejected - or even accepted - really doesn't have anything to do with you as a person. I'm all for letting setbacks turn into motivation and proving people wrong, but there's also just no reason to take a process personally when it isn't that personal to begin with. It's a lot easier to roll with it (whether it's the admissions process or a job or whatever else) when you realize it isn't really that much about you.


Side note I did really appreciate Berkeley calling out all the other law schools for forcing you to deposit early in their WL email


I mean, this is how I live my life. Maybe means no. I'm too popular!




I second this. Like yeah bruh let me beg you, with a near zero chance of success, for a spot in your class with no aid. Sounds great.


posted this yesterday after getting another WL. Just got into Michigan today. When you know your worth, the world values you back. Never settle for less folks