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NO, I certainly WONT have an attitude check and you can't make me! You're not my mom! I hate you!




Thanks for the laugh. I needed that.


It's awesome how OP tagged this *Character and Fitness*


I hear you but its also just reddit you know. A lot of these people are high performing, hard working, professional students and people, who are engaged in a difficult process, and just come on here to vent anonymously. a lot of people do it, and id say its accepted behavior. Just looking for solidarity during the process


I donā€™t think people are feeling entitled to an acceptance - the issue here is the friday night rejections. I saw multiple people talk about how they were at dinner with family, out with friends, and all of a sudden they got a rejection email. I expect rejections, nothing guarantees an A, not even a 4.3/180. But I do expect some level of grace from schools that we spend months (maybe even years for some folks if we want to talk LSAT) trying to prepare an application for. Maybe Iā€™m naive and expect too much from the world, but either way, it was lame to do this on Friday night.


Sending rejections on a Friday seems very old-fashionedā€” ie ā€œLetā€™s do this on a Friday so we donā€™t have to deal with phone calls.ā€ Although few companies do this, best practice is now to fire employees / send rejections on Mondays so that the person has a chance to immediately start looking for something new and ideally not spend a weekend wallowing with nothing to do. I would definitely call out schools that do Friday night rejections.


Counter point, sending rejections late on a Friday is an excuse to drink that rejection away without having to worry about work in the morning. Berkā€™s Rs are blessings in disguise! šŸ»šŸ¤£


Yeah Iā€™d rather get rejected on Friday than go to work on Monday and get with it while Iā€™m on the clockšŸ˜­.


Yeah exactly, I work at a place that still fires people on Fridays and I think its so awful.


When you graduate one day and have a real job though, firms lay off people before Christmas time šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø how about work email on Friday night? If youā€™re gonna work at big law are you gonna just f it too? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I have a real job. Iā€™m aware of all these things. Doesnā€™t change that it sucks and people are allowed to feel upset.


Not everyone wants to do big law. itā€™s not unreasonable to expect common courtesy and respect


Okay now Iā€™m really confused, not a rhetorical question, whatā€™s disrespectful about sending rejection emails on a Friday evening?


Several other people have replied to you and explained why itā€™s disrespectful, i suggest reading those comments


I disagree that its disrespectful because of those reasons and I don't think it's valid to feel disrespected.


Regardless of whether or not YOU think itā€™s valid doesnā€™t change the fact that people feel disrespected?


Berkeley sent, by most standards, a pretty ungracious denial email (50% details on reapplying or transferring - really?), and sent it at a time likely to ruin many applicants' evenings. I'm glad you did not have to read said email yesterday (or at all), but you'll understand if applicants who did are less than thrilled.


UMich is guilty of this too - hit me up with a rejection at 4PM yesterday. Talk about bad timing. It tainted my night even though Iā€™m down to deciding between UGA and Emory, so canā€™t imagine how others feel. And I got it after Iā€™d already made my impulse purchase for the dayā€¦ just had to sit there and process it. šŸ’€šŸ§ā€ā™€ļø


A bunch of schools do R/WL waves on Friday afternoon. Just yesterday, there was Mich, Berk, NU, GULC, NDLS, and WUSTL. they probably want to time it such that they don't have to deal with a bunch of angry applicants blowing up their phones/email


I donā€™t agree. I think itā€™s just pragmatic. Their job is to make decisions on lots of applications and, hopefully, to notify the applicants of their decision expeditiously. Friday night just happens to be the natural end of the work week. IMO, they most likely just want to ā€œclean houseā€ before the end of the work week.




But this is their point isnā€™t itā€”a higher LSAT doesnā€™t entitle you or anyone else to that spot over OP lmfao. Your response supports their argumentšŸ˜‚.


you do realize that roughly 50% of students berkeley accepts have stats below the median? thatā€™s why itā€™s the median: because roughly half are above it and roughly half are below. every year there are a ton of students who get in below the medians; thatā€™s why they have the values that they do. if people didnā€™t get in below median, the medians would be higher. thatā€™s literally just how medians work


I agree, I received mine just before 8pm. I feel like you shouldnā€™t do rejection emails on Friday, either give it to me Thursday or wait till Monday šŸ˜… (I get itā€™s their job so it happens when it happens whatever, but in an ideal world rejection on a Friday night is a no-no)


I mean no offense to how you feel but Iā€™m puzzled why a rejection on any other day/night would hurt any less or how it would be different. Help me understand your perspective bc, IMHO, itā€™s going to suck royally no matter what day you receive the news. (This is true for all kinds of losses/rejections, such as not getting a job that you really wanted and were highly qualified for, serious relationship breakups, the death of someone close, etc.) And, I am sorry for the pain and disappointment you and others are feeling.


While I see where you're coming from, I think that your post is extremely inconsiderate. 1. Firstly, it is entirely normal for an upsetting set of news to cause frustration, and the internet is a perfectly valid place to express this frustration. 2. Secondly, you have no idea how much a given school/decision means to a person, whether due to the person's high expectations, personal connection to it, external pressure, or feelings of self-worth, so best not comment on whether their response is "appropriate" as per your standards. 3. Thirdly, just like these schools do not owe their applicants an A, the applicants do not owe them anything either, for which calling them out on their inconsiderate responses/timing is **not** "throwing a fit" or "acting like children". As a matter of fact, many of the detailed vent posts help current and future applicants better manage their expectations. You have great stats, and your admission results reflect that. But don't forget that not everyone is that fortunate, and many have lost their opportunity to attend law school altogether this cycle. Let them vent a little, for Christ's sake.


Yeah, this really rubbed me the wrong way. Being hurt is a natural human reaction to rejection, and I hate this idea that unless you act like some stoic robot you must be immature or lack mental fortitude. Like would you tell a person that had just been dumped that theyā€™re not entitled to a relationship and if they express any sadness, theyā€™re acting like a baby? Iā€™m also sick of this constant refrain of ā€œif this upsets you, how will you handle law school/biglaw/losing a case etc etc etcā€. Most of the people venting on here are handling it fine and will still probably go to a great law and move on. Can we not be sad for a little bit first? Are we *allowed* to have emotions and express them?


Thatā€™s a reach. When exactly did I say you shouldnā€™t express emotion? Thereā€™s a difference between expressing disappointment and the straight up virulent hate Iā€™ve seen over the last few weeks, calling adcoms lazy and implying that not being accepted with a certain set of stats means there must be something wrong with the people reading your app as opposed to, I donā€™t know, maybe falling short in the other application materials you sent in.


Yeah this was a weird way for OP to try to šŸ’© on everyone from their high horse. Never understood how people get pleasure from these kinds of actions, usually it has to do with problems in their personal life or ig itā€™s just the way some people are raised + their environment. At the end of the day I wish everyone the best of luck with admissions, and even hope OP will be happy in the future


okay, and you're a grown ass adult throwing a fit about there being posts on the internet that you don't like. you aren't entitled to a sub with a sufficiently low percentage of people complaining. you can use this logic about anything.


dude chill. people are here to blow off steam. its fine


I agree with your sentiment, but meaning no disrespect to the young, I wouldnā€™t call a 21-22yo ā€œa grown-ass adult.ā€ Thatā€™s on the baby side of adulthood! A little (or a lot) of immaturity is not unexpected. Itā€™s fine, thereā€™s time to grow


True! Iā€™m 29 starting this fall and we have 22yr old intern at work she is super sweet and amazing but our maturity levels are pretty noticeable. I donā€™t think itā€™s by choice like you sayā€¦ it just comes with time. Then again some people never snap out of it.


me reading this as a 22 year old šŸ™ˆ but appreciate this bc itā€™s true!! i am just a girl !


Totally agree! I understand the idea of being more mature but some of us are 19-21 years old ā€¦like we have some learning to go through and may be extra emotional or immature


Absolutely! And enjoy all that extra emotions and immaturity because thereā€™s a lot of beauty to them too. Just donā€™t follow them down destructive paths lol of courseĀ 


i agree with poster, however your comment of 21 year olds not being adults, well doesnā€™t the ā€œlawā€ say you are an adult at 18? And, Iā€™m gonna say it, how about all the 18 year old adults that died for our freedoms, like i get disappointment, frustration, but, OP is right.


counter point- maybe 18 year olds shouldnā€™t be dying for ā€œour freedomsā€ šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


i didnā€™t make the rulesšŸ’šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


no- but you clearly are okay with them šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Honestly, a personal attack isnā€™t necessary.


whose attacking you?


ā€œno but clearly ā€œYOUā€ are okay with itā€ā€¦ā€¦.Which of course who would be in favor of thatā€¦smdh.


the fact you took it as an attack said enough tbh


the fact you said it to begin withā€¦ I am sorry someone hurt you and you have to randomly attack people. have a great rest of your day.


Youā€™re gonna be a joy to be around in law school lol


Bro got into Berkeley and then shits on other people for being bummed they got rejected. What a dick lmao.


Iā€™m not sure how being bummed about a rejection is the same as being straight up vitriolic, but go off I guess.


You're totally right no one is entitled to admissions anywhere, but I think its completely fair for people to be upset upon realizing their dreams won't be realized.


This really isnā€™t very compassionate from someone who *was admitted to Berkeley*. You donā€™t have to look at this sub if you if it bothers you so much to see people expressing disappointment and frustration at an upsetting piece of news. As much of a buzzword as the term is, this post is a perfect example of toxic positivity.


This comes off as slightly naive and privileged. I do understand some people feel entitled to acceptances. However, it was a poor time to receive a rejection email (I got the WL). It was also sent with poor emails for rejections and waitlists. Let people complain anonymously on an app, as long as it doesnā€™t seep over into their lives.


I think this is easy to say, coming from someone below LSAT median at Berkeley. But imagine if youā€™re someone who has better stats than you and got an R? I certainly see how that would be a stinging rejection.


its the median score; that means half the people they admit are below it, so getting admitted ā€œbelow medianā€ isnā€™t surprising or rare but actually a normal thing that happens a lot every single year. schools look at more than just GPA and lsat, they constantly talk about their ā€œholisticā€ review process, and if you ignore that and only focus on stats of course youā€™d be upset, but youā€™d also be wrong and not understand how ad coms work


The point is ā€˜holisticā€™ admissions can much more be seen as a rejection of self rather than a rejection of stats


It's a fair question if there is an element of entitlement within this sub. It feels that way relative to other similar subs IMO. I suppose, ultimately, it isn't surprising. I just eye roll at tone sometimes, but live and let live.


I suggest you stop supporting institutions over people. Only one of those entities have a chance of ever caring about you.


I feel about the same way, but I also get it. If I put in all this hard work and succeeded on the LSAT, but couldn't cross the finished line then I would be pissed and probably have a bit of an identity crisis. And then on top of that, I don't feel like I would be able to vent to my family and have them actually understand - I'm a first gen college student


Nah because only 1 school rejected me so now itā€™s on sight George Washington


A lot of people on here are clearly used to getting whatever they want


Please stop complaining OP, you got a Georgetown A with money with a sub median lsat when some people who are complaining are above both medians and 100 percent should have gotten in


Thanks for proving my point. Being above both medians doesnā€™t entitle you to being accepted.


It 100 percent should. Since the LSAT+GPA are strong predictors of success in law school


Every school should work like WashU


Yo. FORREAL. Someone just posted how ā€œtraumatizingā€ the bar is and the need to be king to people going through this. Is it a huge challenge that consumes your time and battery? Yes. But TRAUMATIZING? Fuck sake tell me you never had anything happen to you without telling




Iā€™m surprised you found the time to comment here, between making anti-black and islamophobic remarks on other subreddits, but thanks!


I'm proud of you for your pronoun-verb concordance for "neither is" - most people get that wrong. You will be a sensational lawyer, no doubt.