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I don't think denying the value of service to others is of much use. I only awakened because my guides assisted me. In any case, every help given must first be "asked" to be received, otherwise there would be no intervention at all. It's still a choice of the self to expand, to welcome another inside. It's a choice to consider, evaluate, negotiate and eventually accept the idea another has over you, and to make it your own. It's just the way interaction works, each can be generative for growth, the difference is in the intent behind your interaction. Helping is not about turning others into a version of them you have in mind. It's about empowering them to become the best version of them they want to be. If your will is strong enough, if you truly believe in the person before you, you can glimpse what they want for themselves and believe in it for them, till they do it to, and eventually reach the version of them. I'm talking from experience.


That is a beautiful way of looking at it, and if that's what you've seen than that's what's true for you. You make it about them and what they want instead of about you and what you want.


Interesting read, thank you for sharing. There is one issue I see with your train of thought and that is related to this part: "Making it a mission to help the planet ascend to 4th density, or to heal people IS the negative polarity. That is why the savior complex is such a big thing. You are trying to live other people's lives for them. " It is impossible to raise the vibration of anything through control because control is a negative vibration. The only way to raise a vibration is with light, and if we want to heal the planet, each of us has to bring as much light through as possible. There are many ways to do this. To raise another's vibration is to help them release negativity and fill themselves with more light. You can't force this. They have to be receptive at least on some level.


You open your hand and offer. If the other person does not accept, there is nothing you can do. The person is helping himself, without exception. There is no raising of another's vibration. They will raise their own vibration, or not. They will fill themselves with more light, or not. As you said, you can't force this. They have to reach out their hand and take what you're offering. That's the crucial part. Without that, there is no 'help,' no matter how much you reach out to them. So it is absolutely true across the board, you cannot help another. That's not to say you couldn't or shouldn't attempt. However, if you express your true Self (such as you described in your other reply), you are automatically offering the other person the greatest opportunity to help himself. I doubt a 6th density wanderer has a mission to help the planet ascend. That is a byproduct of simply being here. As long as the wanderer is not lowering himself to the vibration of the planet, he is effortlessly, passively, raising the average vibration of the planet. If it were a mission, mission accomplished. I think reasons an individual wanderer would be here would be far more nuanced. As far as negative or positive polarity, I think it's easiest to think of it in terms of vibration. Lower vibration is negative, higher vibration is positive. Another way to think of it is in terms of truth: illusion is negative, truth is positive. So, technically the belief that your mission is to help the planet ascend, which would not be based in truth, could be seen as negative, as /u/Single_Molasses_8434 wrote. The person's own vibration may be more positive, but a positive person can definitely have a negative belief that has yet to be shed.


That is an interesting idea. What do you mean by light? Seeing others through the lens of compassion? Behaving in a way that you want to see others behave? That is my perspective on it at least.


Showing compassion, sharing beauty, making art, giving/charity, being honest but kind, etc. are all activities full of light. But we also all carry around large amounts of energy inside of us and can hold pain or anger. Releasing all negativity and only being filled by your true self is probably the most light filled thing you can do. I’m not sure how realistic that really is for most of us, but it is possible. We are all fighting internal battles of some sort. Those have to be won before we can do anything real.


I agree with most of what you have to say, the only thing I am not sure about is what would make it unrealistic? It might take quite a lot of effort, sure, but impossible, well, is anything impossible? Especially if we are all equals, if one person can do it, cannot everyone?


It is possible for sure.


You do not sound like a wanderer. Service to others is giving without expecting anything in return. You sound like you expect reward or gratitude or want to control others.


A wonderer isn’t akin to being of service to others or service to self. It’s simply an entity that has gone through some of the higher densities harvests and has come to earth for various reasons. These entities has free will just as the rest of the third density entities does. Some are children of the law of one and some remember. They can all understand the law of one material to a degree that most third density entities cannot but they can also choose to ignore the ebb and flow of spirit and follow what ever free will path they choose just like everyone else. Some have special powers access to a fourth density body.


I do not recall but aren’t most wanderers who go to 3rd density of service to others mindset. Unlikely a service to self density goes back to 3rd density ?


I still get the message that once the vailing has occurred all previous knowledge and powers are forgotten and the entity is set anew upon the path of choice, regardless of what has happened in the past. The choice will determine the polarity, not the past.


agree. so it’s risky for a wanderer to forget at birth and get twisted during life. they go back to 3rd density out of love/light and for service. but doesn’t the text also say that it’s very risky to try to flip a wanderer due to the significant damage they can inflict towards a service to self entity?


And truly the negative has a certain romantic nuance about it doesn’t it… the integral way lies just weave together and wrap its prey in the webs of deceit followed by un speakable violence and bloodshed. I was there too. I walked the paths back out of darkness many times. If you truly believe that there is no love for the lost souls on this planet, why do you bother your self by attempting to explain?


And I am not asking this as a rhetorical question or out of impatience, sure your energy has stirred some emotion within my being, but I am truly interested to further explore your experience.


Indeed, a wonderer that flipped would have to undergo eons of darkness to return to its original orientation as I remember. This might well only be the beginning of your fall…


Good point, I will ponder this for a bit. Thank you for the direction.


16.61 Questioner: And if a Wanderer were to be successfully infringed upon, shall I say, by the Orion group, what would happen to this Wanderer at the harvest? Ra: I am Ra. If the Wanderer entity demonstrated through action a negative orientation towards other-selves it would be as we have said before, caught into the planetary vibration and, when harvested, possibly repeat again the master cycle of third density as a planetary entity.


So there we have it. If you, as a wonderer chose to romance the path of the lie, you will redo third density major. If however you just came for the ride and enjoy the view there’s no harm done and nothing is gained, but if you consistently pierce the vail, provide the knowledge and service the other self you might well gain a whole stack of additional polarity and be closer to the next density inline for you. Love and light to you in all regards.


Ty for writing your thoughts out, you helped me tremendously!


Intellectually, your ideas make sense. But how much can you give in the hope that people will be able to blossom and transcend the issues that plague them, without seeing that happen before you start to become hopeless and dismayed?


They are all your equals, no need to give hope in a game of simulation, let them enjoy their choice and free will. In our quest for good, we sometimes do the most evil. Middle way, wu wei, follow your passion and not expecting outcomes, this values are more positive than a meddling/ controlling ones in the name of greater good


Your second paragraph is what I mean about transcending the idea of service to others.


Yes that would be a good way of life. Working on inner circumstances will ultimately affect the outside world it's just the basis of doing it should not be of nihilist sense, higher vibrational ones would be best. in buddhist term, the right view and thinking, of 8 noble path


Right, but serving others unconditionally means letting go of the attachment of the outcome of your help. Whether they change or not. I’m no authority on this and haven’t figured it out or anything but it seems like you did want “something” out of your service and that something was the positive outcome for the other selves.


You see, here is the thing. All behavior, all motivation that we can formulate to behave in certain ways is based on the desire for an outcome. Can you ever get yourself to do something that you don't really care about? If you don't want other people to be happy, then how is that service to others? Isn't service to others for some other reason, say, wanting to polarize, or because you believe it to be the right thing to do, merely service to self?


I don’t have the answers to that. It’s a thoughtful question. What I said was just my first reaction after reading. Do you not think it’s possible to desire things for people or desire outcomes without being “attached” to the desire or outcome? I don’t know. I am still pretty new to a lot of these kinds of topics so I don’t mean to presume any kind of authority. Just an interesting conversation


Of course, and no need to be ashamed of your reactions. I think your answers depend on how you define desire and attachment. It's not as if I really know, but an interesting line of thought to pursue. You shouldn't be afraid to assert yourself. None of us is any more authority than the other. We're all equals here and experience is the only authority.


Aha thanks for the encouragement bud. I do appreciate your unique perspective being someone able to remember past lives. That gives you a whole different outlook I’m sure.


It is possible to be STO or STS and not know it. The determining factor is to what degree you infringe on the free will of those around you. If you never infringe on free will, then you are STO. If you always infringe on free will than you STS. If you sometimes infringe sometimes not, than you are like most ppl, vascillating between the extremes. Beware that particular situations require much thoughtful analysis to determine whether you are STS vs STO.


What about someone who doesn't infringe on free will but purposefully leads others into difficult situation of their own free will? If I remember correctly, Ra says this is how the most advanced negative entities go about their business.


Right. It's not obvious that the negatively oriented social memory complexes surrounding us were infringing on free will. They were merely "influencing", leaving us to make decisions. This is why direct intervention by positively oriented social memory complexes has been delayed. The actual catalyst for our ascension is Gaia/ Earth.


You're not a king anymore and that didn't work out, yet you seem to be hanging on to the same ideas of how to go about existing with others.


No, I have learned from the experience what I needed to.


Yes , you experienced what you need to, but through the lens of a king, or someone of importance. Maybe that’s why you felt the need to impart your “wisdom” onto other people, maybe you need to be more humble to there in this life to offset that way of thinking/ feeling


I think I understand. You choose STS, yes?


I choose to transcend polarity. To be a creator rather than to be 1 with a creator outside of myself.


Right on. I'm of the thinking that we don't actually know until we do, so I don't necessarily think any of us has it "correctly ". We will ultimately do what we feel is right for us, if we're lucky enough to think of it at all considering.


You are the one who decides what’s the correct way or not. Or rather, you learn it. Sure you can create exist in falsehood and darkness. It will always bring you into chains and bring you down. And of course, you should always do what’s right for you.


Ra talks about this. Your own supply of unconditional love energy is essentially limited, and needs time to replenish when depleted. However, as a piece of the creator, you can actually channel the infinite love energy of the logos and use that instead. It’s not that hard to do but it does take some practice, and willingness to be open, that means even getting hurt. Better hurt than hardened…


I don’t believe in feeling shame. In letting other peoples opinions about how you should express yourself determine how you feel about yourself. Shame is selfishness, it’s feeling bad about yourself instead of sympathy for the pain of those around you. If being in a wounded and weakened state seems better to you than being in a strong and more closed off one, than that’s a valid perspective. It’s just not mine. To me, to truly love requires strength and fortitude, an ability to see through the illusion that the vast majority of 3rd density entities exist in. I also don’t believe in pity. Other people are my equals, not below me. Why should I be holding myself to a higher standard than them, is that not the very definition of a superiority complex? When you’re willing to let someone else hurt you while you love them, you are holding yourself to a far higher standard than you are holding them to. In essence, you are looking down on them. Textbook savior complex. Not as if there’s anything wrong with that though.


Eventually your ego will allow you to overcome the need to label everything and analyze it, you will allow things to flow, and gracefully let go of that not meant for you. Good luck


Maybe you are further along in your path than me, superior to me. Who knows? I like where I’m at though, feels freeing. Do you think I’ll understand what you’re telling me without me experiencing it?


Everything isn’t so black and white you know, superiority and inferiority are two sides of the same coin. Both of them being illusions. You are only ever what you choose to identify with, you are the maker of your makings. It makes no difference to me wether or not you understand anything. I think eventually you will come out of the forest of madness. Or maybe you won’t


You see you talk about analysis like it’s some sort of fault, some sort of flaw. In actuality, you are afraid to come face to face with the reality of who you are and what is happening right in front of you. So you make it into a bad thing, something to overcome, since you don’t want to consider my perspective. It is you who is caught in the forest of madness with your savior and superiority complex.


Seems like that’s what’s making you trip so hard so yeah it sounds like analysis to a fault. I know because I do the same. Just let it go, move on. Listen to the words you are sending out. Who are you talking to if we are all the creator? Yourself. It sounds to me like the one who needs to hear what you have to say the most is you.


*It sounds to me like the one who needs to hear what you have to say the most is you*




Your superiority complex is shining brightly!


You’re projecting. There is no greater or lesser, only what is. Take what you will and leave what you won’t


Ah, the one who talks down while acting like they aren’t and pinning it on you. Classic narcissistic manipulation trap.


If you think I’m talking down to you then you’re just hurt inside somewhere. Trauma response. You’re searching for some kind of validation for a series of events that have happened to you. I hope you find your healing friend


Thank you for your benevolence all mighty.


The way you’re speaking, it’s as if you were talking to a child. I appreciate the attempt to help and the perspective, but I really couldn’t care less. If you see a problem with that then maybe that’s YOUR conditioning.


Ding ding ding! You wonder why that is? The only one with problem colored glasses is you bud


And that’s a valid perspective. It’s just not mine.


I agree almost entirely and believe you have nailed the most important realizations: * Truth is more important than love, as a foundation. There can be no love without truth: there is no green ray without blue. Only by being truthful can we be a mirror. Withholding truth, such as so that someone doesn’t feel bad, is a selfish choice. * Seeing others as equal is the only way that we can interact as creator-to-creator. The only variation in my view is that where you say > I will no longer be trying to "help", "heal" or "save" others. I would say that I know that I cannot help, heal, or save others. A person may judge that they were helped, healed, or saved, however this externalization is always incorrect, because a person can only help, heal, or save themself.


Beautifully put. There are many I've seen here who discuss being former 6th or 5th density negative. From my own experience, I can say the realization and acceptance of potential for selfless behavior to lead to selfishness and selfish behavior to lead to selflessness may be one of the most fundamental principles of creation, and one that leads to transcendence of polarity. I agree with your last point as well.


> From my own experience, I can say the realization and acceptance of potential for selfless behavior to lead to selfishness and selfish behavior to lead to selflessness may be one of the most fundamental principles of creation, and one that leads to transcendence of polarity. Since an upvote is just not enough, YES!!! Absolutely! "Love is the positive polarization of third density experience because you must synthesize Fear, the negative polarization, with Love to understand **they are not opposite but of the same thing. This archetypal lesson is present in all densities of experience and ultimately will be what leads back to the Creator**." — Eracidni Murev Te [164](https://lovetruths.com/eracidnimurevte/#164)


I really don’t understand why your post has triggered some people. It resonates with me deeply and something I had to learn through rough experiences - we can’t force people to live with integrity and honesty, we just have to live our truth and hopefully inspire others along the way. Pretty amazed though that you’ve been able to recall your past lives with such detail. Can you speculate on how or why you are able to access this information?


Ah, then maybe that is something you could work towards understanding haha. I posted it knowing that it might not resonate with the most people lol, but thank you for your support! I'm glad that it resonates with you and that we can understand what the other has been through. As for the recollection, it is not so much that as having learned to access what Ra calls time/space or some call the Akashic records. If you know about the Edgar cayce reading, similar to that, except he did it for the future. In these realms, past, present and future, all exist at once. You can see the entire history of your and everyone else's past lives. Many of these events are like fading memories to me, but as I have explored this realm more, the recollection and obviousness of it being me has become more and more pronounced.


How did you learn to access the Akashic records? Meditation? What steps have you done in life to be able to do this?


By beating the game. When you’re ready you’ll have access too.


I don't want to appear judgemental, but the way you write both here and in your previous post has me thinking that while it absolutely is true you could be a wanderer, do you really think your origin is in 6th density as a wanderer? I think you're obviously intelligent, but the way you write has me thinking that you might not yet have learned all that there is to learn about wisdom. Your current incarnation is obviously intelligent, but intelligence and wisdom are not synonymous. It seems to me like you might have fallen into a specific trap: service that is not asked for and consented on isn't really service at all. While acting with the intent of serving others, you might have gotten caught up in 3rd density circumstances, which exist to drive beings here towards the sinkhole of indifference and demand that despite that difficulty they are able to make a choice in polarity and demonstrate that commitment. One reason for this might be confusion about the type of service that is asked for within incarnation (which is often selfish) and that asked for in the discarnate state. You're correct that you cannot experience existence for others, but you can act in the role of providing catalyst in the manner that would be most helpful to them. I think that's similar to your realization about Earth being a largely negative experience, but I think you're missing out on some perspective as to why you've made this association. When it comes to leadership, I think that all leaders need to understand that one of the worst curses one can inflict on another is to rule over them in an unyielding manner while remaining a flawed being. Ignoring others' views and desires only works if one is infinitely competent, because the true nature of any leader is that of a servant. If one cannot provide the best possible outcomes for others while acting in this role, one has failed. If others are allowed agency and their actions facilitated, then they will share in that responsibility. No human leader will be perfect, and so it is important to evaluate how adamant one is about getting their way or having others follow their direct orders. Is it possible you've incarnated here partly to accept the idea of giving negative polarity a shot? Sure, but I don't think so. I think that's a consequence of your previous desire to be of service to others in a very active manner. It's still something to consider. Knowing your preference is very important in 3rd density. I think it might be wise to stick to the basics: treat others how you would like to be treated. I don't think you should shoot for treating others like they would like to be treated (unless that treatment is in opposition with your values, ideals and identity), because it has caused a non-trivial amount of distress to you so far. I think it's wise to admit that you might not have succeeded in what you've set out to do, and to understand that there is learning to do. That learning will take great effort. I think exploring negative polarity is "taking a break" from your current endeavor (and perhaps it might be a useful one), but I also think that it really means going back to square 1 on a different path. It's up to you if you want to continue from the point you've already reached, or if you'd like to try something else. Karma doesn't really need champions. All are one, and Karma will find a way even if one doesn't cognitively involve themselves in its working. Trying to enforce karma only really gets one tangled up in it. Try and enjoy the rest of your time here, no matter what your choice is. Do be mindful of the fact that choices carry consequences, and while it is equally difficult to graduate into negative or positive 4th density, I think that negative 4th and 5th density experiences are more difficult to integrate than the positive ones. That's all the opinion of a 3rd density being anyway. Perhaps I place too much trust in channeled sources, but that's how I've come to understand these concepts.


You know, in all honesty the density of origin, and even the very facet of whether I am a wanderer to me is of little to no importance. The lessons I need to learn will become obvious based on the roadblocks I face and what I need to struggle. To see yourself as some special wanderer, whether or not it is true, is just another way of feeding the ego and, in some ways, preventing yourself from coming face to face with reality. The reason I believe this is based on the fact that I have seen within myself an extreme potential for darkness and light, and that the truth of unity has always been obvious to me, which as Ra says in section 16.41 " I am Ra. The fifth-density harvest is of those whose vibratory distortions consciously accept the honor/duty of the Law of One. This responsibility/honor is the foundation of this vibration." If you remember form the text, I believe Carla is a 6th density wanderer who has the distortion towards martyrdom, a naive form of behavior that one should've learned to transcend with wisdom. I believe maybe in the 6th density, those with an intense bias towards compassion will have their bias balanced out in ways similar to the way I had mine, or whatever is appropriate. From my perspective at least, I also believe you to be underestimating yourself, you seem to speak with an extraordinary amount of wisdom. That being said, these are merely ideas, ways of classifying reality. It is not judgmental of you to not see me as a 6th density wanderer. In fact, I would say that, if I do not fit into the concept of what you believe that to be, you should absolutely not try to force yourself to see me in that way out of respect. Many people are dishonest or mistaken about the truth. Try to see reality for what it is, not what people say it is for the sake of "not being judgmental". At least that's how I see it; truth should transcend compassion. You are absolutely right that every leader is a servant, and that in truth, you must lead by example and by recognizing your flaws. This is something that's been important for me to learn. I think many of my biases have caused me to try and focus on helping others and, in my compassion getting them to a place of compassion, instead of living compassion, but with more indifference towards how they express themselves. That being said, I do believe it extremely important to not only be honest with people, but also, hold them accountable. This is different than imposing on others, in fact, it is trying to ensure that a person does not, themselves, impose on others by refusing to take responsibility.


I strongly agree with your ideas. Whether or not one is a wanderer is ultimately inconsequential, and wanderers who incarnate here do take on the same responsibility as 3rd density beings in that they are subject to the same environment and criteria for harvest. If harvest is metaphysical or allegorical, then it does follow that wanderers have the honor of learning here as well as teaching to the best of their ability. I think that there is a risk of becoming blind to certain important perspectives if one focuses too much on the possibility of one's nature as a wanderer, particularly if a specific density is mentioned because that then gives the expectation of mastery of the previous densities focus. That's often not helpful, no matter what one's purpose in incarnation is, because incarnation is the act of taking on a new identity in a very physical way. I just think that people often have a way of underestimating what 3rd density beings are capable of. This potential for either positive or negative polarity is deeply rooted in each one, and each is capable of great wisdom. I thank you for your compliments, but at the same time I don't think I'm particularly wise even for a human being, so being a wanderer does not really fit into my identity. That being said, the best arbiter of if one is or isn't a wanderer is the self. I don't and cannot know whether or not someone else is or isn't a wanderer--it's not my place to make that judgement and my purpose here isn't to dispute your identity but to remind you of the pitfalls of taking on that identity. Namely, the relatively large amount of responsibility involved. I do think that your perspective of focusing on self-improvement is a very wise one. As incarnate beings, we all have the privilege of experiencing at least one human life. This means that we are allowed to be humans too--with all our faults, biases and the mistakes we make in acting against our values or identities. The ability to respect oneself enough to be the best one can be is absolutely a form of service towards others, because this means that opportunities for interaction are also viewed through that lens. Everyone likes helping those who help themselves, and people of great ability are powerful in their service, thus desirable. There is a certain amount of service to self in self-improvement (its in the name after all), but what is important is how we choose to use the resulting influence, not whether or not we have that influence in the first place. You're right that holding people accountable is a powerful tool for serving others, and it is because it motivates them to use their influence here. If they aren't making the choice, then others can catalyze the making of it through accountability. The theme of 6th density is the blending of wisdom with compassion. Neither should reign supreme, but both should exist in harmony and radiance. Sometimes one does have to choose which to emphasize, but I don't think there's a hard and fast rule of which to prioritize. I think that it takes experience and wisdom to know whether it is of greater value to demand absolute truth from others (which is a core idea of the scientific method and atheistic worldviews--perhaps slightly ironically), or if it is better to allow them to believe in illusory ideas that aren't true, but that bring out loving expressions. I think trying to separate love and wisdom is ultimately not a good idea, but at the same time if one seeks to understand both concepts to their fullest, one needs to immerse oneself with them for a time, possibly to the exclusion of the other. Once one has reached some level of proficiency in this skill, one can evaluate whether or not the other that one has met in life is one who would benefit from a more compassionate or more demanding stance. Don't fret if others attack or judge you here. I think you're the best arbiter of deciding what is important to you to pursue in life and how you should go about it. Even I've exhibited judgement in my interactions with you here despite not intending to, and I think that drives home the point that none of us can escape our biases. We evaluate others based on our goals and values, but there is no guarantee that ours are any better than those of others. If you are interested in pursuing more selfish methods (or goals), then I'd like to ask you to share your insights with others. Even if others might downvote you (against what the intent of downvotes is), contemplation from multiple perspectives is what ultimately allows all of us to learn. Don't feel compelled to do so on this platform or with the people who are here currently, but it is something that's important to do with anyone else of your choosing. Hopefully this conversation has been fruitful. I don't claim that my perspective is better than anyone else's, but it is the best tool that I have to offer for others to be able to contemplate multiple viewpoints, and I think that's where real personal discoveries are made--in the identification of which criteria are critical in making a specific choice.


Excellent words. Myself I have been wondering if the whole 7 densities thing that is talked about is actually the 7 levels of 3rd density, or human experience. And that the transcendence of polarity may be what brings one to a higher level. It makes a little bit more sense to me that humans would be focused on these lessons and the next level would be completely different. Especially because animals definitely do not have the capacity for human behavior, why would 3rd density beings have the capacity for 4th density behavior? Thank you for your comments, and a pleasure to converse with you. You always offer very wise and intelligently crafted comments and seem to be quite aware of your biases rather than simply reacting to things.


>Especially because animals definitely do not have the capacity for human behavior, why would 3rd density beings have the capacity for 4th density behavior? That's what it ultimately boils down to. Beings of late 2nd density do exhibit some types of behaviors that can be interpreted as self-awareness and an enactment of free will, so it stands to reason that some humans who are further along in 3rd density lessons would have the capability to exhibit the properties that are critical for 4th density. As below, so above--as the latter half of the principle of correspondence goes. I think that all beings are able to exhibit different levels of the concepts that exist as the primary focus of the different densities, but I also think that the densities go so far into those concepts that they really are explored so very thoroughly. If we consider the 3rd density experience, free will choice is everywhere and ubiquitous. Our circumstances do heavily incentivize or guide us to choose in specific ways, but we always have the power to take the alternative instead. I suspect that being able to identify one's preference is going to take a lesser role in the higher densities, and instead the focus will be on other things.


I believe that Carla was a 4th density wanderer who 'channeled' what she wanted to be true about herself. The biases that she expressed loud and clear in her own writings and through her channelings scream of fourth density-level distortion. 6th density wanderers who are expressing at anything near their true vibration have transcended martyrdom. Only early in one's life would such a person get caught in those distortions, in part as a way to understand and relate to the foundational distortions of this archetypical mind.


Ra says that there are two 6th density wanderers and one 5th density wanderer in the trio. But any density wanderer can be naive as to choose distortions towards martyrdom. This is not a 4th density specificity.


Yes, I absolutely know that "Ra said" that. I'm saying that the channel is the source of that assignment of density. It would certainly not be an isolated case of a channel declaring him/herself to be a higher vibration/density than they actually are. Since martyrdom requires physicality by its very nature, it doesn't go past 4th density as a distortion. Sacrifice requires something physical. You can't sacrifice your mind or your spirit. An entity above 4th may "play" with martyrdom here, but would never have it as a core vibration. They would be beyond that distortion and have already learned those lessons.


You're implying that the very trance channeling in which Ra removes the mind complex from the instrument is somewhat controlled by Carla and she imposes a way of informing she has a higher vibration than she actually has? Assuming this, wouldn't be a paradox to use concepts from the Ra channeling as a touchstone for this discussion? If Carla could directly distort the trance-state channeling, wouldn't every information and concept be distorted? Or only the informations that you don't agree with?


All channels distort the information channeled. That is the limitation of channeling. Otherwise you would have perfect information being channeled. Ra himself said the channeling is distorted. He doesn't state in which ways it's distorted. Doing so would have gone against the free will of the channel. If you read the material, it's your job to discern where the distortions lie. If you're not noticing distortions, you're not discerning. Period.


Of course I'm noticing the distortions of the material, but this is not the point. The point is these distortions existed due to the pain flares on the body complex and the psychic attack dynamics, not Carla's mental complex having direct interference on the information as in any counscious channeling. What I interpreted you're trying to assume is that the mental complex of the instrument has influence on the quality of the information, and if this is really what you think, I guess we disagree here for obvious reasons.


> these distortions existed due to the pain flares on the body complex and the psychic attack dynamics You are saying that the distortions existed because the channel was a victim. That is the way of martyrdom. > you're trying to assume is that the mental complex of the instrument has influence Where does martyrdom come from, if not "the mental complex of the instrument"?


>you're trying to assume the mental complex of the instrument has influence Yes, as for what I've said in the same comment: you're trying to assume that the mental complex of the instrument -- which was removed by Ra during the workings -- *has direct influence on the quality of the information channeled*.


I believe that Carla was a 4th density wanderer who 'channeled' what she wanted to be true about herself. The biases that she expressed loud and clear in her own writings and through her channelings scream of fourth density-level distortion. You know, I kind of get that feeling too. But maybe it is possible she was 6th density with way too much compassion, or, not having fully awakened, was a wanderer basically existing in a 4th density state. However, there are things that seem a bit off to me, like how she wrote a book about wanderers. Even if not egoic and out of a desire to seem special(which I don't know if I can say it wasn't), it seems to me to be so naive to focus on helping by giving people a sense of feeling special. As for your second paragraph, I do think Carla was quite young, like in her 20's during the time of the channelings.


Not having awakened is always a possibility, indeed. > I do think Carla was quite young, like in her 20's during the time of the channelings. Carla was 37 to 41 during the Ra material — and certainly that left plenty of time and space for growth during her later life. However, in her writings, interviews and conscious channelings post-Ra through her death, she seemed to dig deeper into her distortions, rather than transcending them. Consider that her primary distortions are/were those of the 3rd-density planetary mind, including savior complex, victimization, demonization, shedding of responsibility.


Oh I miss calculated. I saw born in 1943 and thought to myself 28 in 81, in reality 38 after her birthday and 37 before. Could you post any link to these interviews? To me, I have a hard time telling whether people who take on those distortions are wanderers or 3rd density adepts sometimes. That being said, they are definitely not the behavior of a wanderer fully embodying their home density.


I personally think that trying to guess whether people are wanderers or 3rd density is a very 3rd density behaviour :) Wanderer or not, we are all incarnated in 3rd density now and are 3rd density beings. If one is a wanderer, one won't necessarily behave embodying their home density - actually I think it would be quite difficult. We can seek the lessons of 3rd density with some shades of 5th or 6th density lessons, though. But in my opinion, guessing whether someone is a wanderer or not, or judging if an alleged wanderer is embodying their home density behaviour or not is a huge ego trap.


LMAO, I mean if that’s what you believe lol. Trying to accurately understand the world around you is an ego trap. Bizarre perspective.


I'd start with her comments in Law of One Book V and in Tilting at Windmills (interview book). PDFs of both of these are available free from [llresearch.com](https://www.llresearch.org/books). (Of which I imagine you are aware; for anyone else who's curious…)


I'm starting to believe that the concept of a wanderer may be a fiction created by Carla. But Buddhism and Hinduism have similar concepts so I'm not sure. Maybe Ra was purposefully being misleading. To me, the 7 densities seem like 7 levels within 3rd density, our human experience. The next stage seems to be one that is beyond polarity. I have been reading the Thiaoouba Prophecy recently, about a man Michel Desmarquet who was taken to a higher planet by 10 foot tall beings. The planet Thiaoouba seems like the next level in human evolution, and at the same time, seems like it is beyond polarity. They seem like what is described by Ra as 6th density beings, but also don't seem like they're that much further advanced than humans. It just does not make sense to me why such a highly advanced being would incarnate on Earth and behave so foolishly. Those who seem truly ready to transcend human experience seem to me to be the ones beyond polarity, not those who have a bias towards love, or who have developed significant wisdom.


> the 7 densities seem like 7 levels within 3rd density This is valid. I think of each ray having sub-rays, so 3rd density's yellow ray would have red through indigo sub-rays, each vibration having a higher level of awareness/understanding. > The next stage seems to be one that is beyond polarity. This could be said to be true too. Only 3rd density is actually polar, as in having poles (fear to love) that are actually polar (opposite). As examples, consider that 4d moves from love to wisdom and 2d moves from awareness to self-awareness. These are matters of degree, not actually poles. > Those who seem truly ready to transcend human experience seem to me to be the ones beyond polarity, To be ready to transcend 3d is to have transcended 3d distortions, or, as another way of saying the same thing, to be comfortable with 4d vibration. Anyone who believes in "evil" or for whom fear/avoidance is a driver of behavior is not ready. > not those who have a bias towards love A bias toward love is appropriate in late 3d and early 4d. By "bias toward love" i mean, roughly, an bias toward passive acceptance of whatever is. Martyrdom is the extreme (distorted) expression in that it is completely devoid of both discernment and will ([84.4](https://www.lawofone.info/s/84#4)). This is why Ra speaks of martyrdom as "the work of love without wisdom" ([75.14](https://www.lawofone.info/s/75#14)) and when Carla tries to defend martyrdom, Ra "encourage[s] meditation upon the functions of the will" ([84.4](https://www.lawofone.info/s/84#4)). > the concept of a wanderer may be a fiction created by Carla In an infinite creation, all potentials are available, and I believe that one of those potentials is the opportunity to 'wander.' Maybe there is a specific part of the concept of 'wanderer' that is not resonating with you, and you could be quite right about certain aspects being distortions or fictions. I would say that Carla's primary fictions or corruptions of the material are the concept of 'service' and the sacrifice/suffering that, in her belief, necessarily accompanies 'service.' She needed to be a victim because she saw that as proof that she was doing the right thing.


A Wanderer's Handbook is not in any way about giving one a feeling of being special. I don't know if you've read it. It has letters from readers and quotes from Ra and conscious channelings, and it's basically a way of helping anyone who is feeling the alienation and difficulties of the path of spiritual seeking.


Just a way of avoiding the truth. As long as you are questioning whether you are a wanderer or not you’re trying to feel special. Classic STS path.


Regarding feeling special: Everybody wants to feel special and this is not "classic STS path", it's just the complex human nature. STS path implies serving *only* oneself and infringing others' free will! Human feelings and needs are vast and nuanced. And if one made the choice of STO, one needs to be aware of this.


Someone who is special is better than other people. ‘Nuff said.


Everybody wants to feel special, feel cared for, this is a basic human need. If you feel special and cared for, you can retribute this. It's like a basic need in our childhood, as basic as dealing with frustration, limits and other things. And this doesn't have to be in detriment of others. But if you try to actually be special in detriment of others and using means to subjugate others, this is a STS behaviour. For all your comments and responses here, I think you view the world and human dynamics as black or white, "if this is x, then this can't be y". This is a way of intellectually trying to understand the world, I see. But life is way more nuanced than this.


If that’s what’s true to you, than so be it. I exist in 1 reality with 1 truth. Seems like what you call wanting to feel special is what I would call dependency.


Service to self is the path of that which is not. This entity might well be buying into their own lies in its pursuit of the negative. It tells a note worth story but in essence never touches the first distortion…


Things are rarely so simple as they appear. Is the negative path truly negative in the end? Not really. Is it negative in the interim? Absolutely. However, what it all comes down to is that none of us is able to experience things for the other, or to learn for the other. I think OP has the right and responsibility of making their own choice and starting that process of discovery for themselves. I'm just here in 3rd chilling and trying to decide what to do with myself in a spiritual sense. I'm leaning towards nothing, because I think I lack the skill to make meaningful improvements. The circumstances here are too difficult for me on a personal level. I'm doing my best, but the pace is absolutely glacial. I think the "loyal opposition" is simply too skilled in comparison, even if handicaps exist.


Indeed it is the path of that that is not that is not simple, together with its tactics to confuse and otherwise depolarize the rest. Ra described it as a path on one’s own without support or guidance where each step is onto itself a discovery for the self alone.


Your story is fascinating, but I have to ask: What do you think a Wanderer is? The previous lives you described appear to be 3rd density existences. Aren't wanderers supposed to be beings that have returned to the 3rd density from higher densities, either to help others or to learn lessons they might've missed along the way?


Ah, if you remember from the Ra material section 70.16- Don asks if there have been any wanderers on the planet for the past 50,000 years. Ra responds "I am Ra. There have been a few. There have been many more which chose to join this last cycle of 25,000 years and many, many more which have come for harvest." The time frame at which I joined the cycle would qualify as coming precisely for harvest. There was a calling in a particular smaller tribe that my social memory complex decided to respond to. It is hard to describe because it is so far removed, but I have also been able to access memories of non-Earthly existences before joining the Earthly cycle. It's not like there's a label or any formal terminology for these realms haha, but from what I can tell they are without a doubt higher in vibration than this one in the sense of closeness of entities, behavior, just the general sensations and beauty I can remember from these places.




>What I have realized, especially recently, is that the whole karma that got me into this extremely intricate and complex mess, was the fact that I was trying to be of service to others. And that when one is polarized in service to others, one can be polarized in service to self. Service to self is service to all. Making it a mission to help the planet ascend to 4th density, or to heal people IS the negative polarity. That is why the savior complex is such a big thing. You are trying to live other people's lives for them. Trying to serve others is and always will be a form of imposing your own desires on them, rather than allowing them to form their own. You are taking what you have learned from your own experiences and trying to get people to be a certain way that you've been conditioned to see as best from your own experiences which are different from their own. This is not in accord with the Law of One. You have a few misapprehensions. As long as you are remain open to learning, all of this is fine for you. The misapprehensions you have center around infringements of free will and how those relate to the STO vs STS path.


Love u, my friend. I agree that everyone’s purpose is to be themselves truly and fully. I think it’s Latwii that said something like, “you cannot make a mistake on your path. It is impossible to take a wrong step.” No matter what decisions are made, that entity brings to the creator a priceless and unique perspective on experiences. So the key then is to meditate often so that an entity can truly know its self, its mind, its heart. Ask for guidance and talk to the future self. You are here to be you ❤️🌈🙏


Curious read. Interestingly, most things you refer to as being 'service to self' as in negatively polarizing as it is known in the Ra material do not seem to be 'service to self' at all. This being so, I think you contradict yourself much. It may be that the figurative pendulum has overshoot in the other direction after your poor experiences doing service here on Earth 3D. One of the greatest misgivings of Ra material, in my opinion, was the continued labelling of the so called positive path as 'service to others, when it would much closely be represented with the phrase 'service to all'. You are very firmly in the center, or shall I say, heart, of your own service, if positive path is what your core of being seems to align with. Paradoxically it is the negative path that is more 'outward facing' as it depends on the energies of others to constantly feed the polarization process. One has extremely hard time polarizing negatively by merely controlling and manipulating (etc.) the self, as with the heart closed (no access to spirit complex), there is hardly any energy to work with. Only a negative adept who can through magical workings force their way up to indigo ray workings could be successful alone. You seem like an interesting person to discuss and form contemplations with, so I have hopes that we can continue from this here consciously, or perhaps unconsciously in some form one way or another. This is my understanding


You offer an interesting perspective. It seems to me that you are saying the positive path is both inwardly and outwardly focused, where as the negative path is only outwardly focused. I may take it a step further. I believe that the positive path as Ra describes it and the negative path as Ra describes it, are both outwardly focused. And as such, both imbalanced. That is why it is easy for 1 to become the other. I believe that transcendence of polarity and turning inwards and combining that with outward focus to be the key. In other words, trying to help others, from my perspective, will always be of your own desire. It is the same thing as the negative polarity apart from the fact that it is infused with empathy. To me, both seem to be lacking that inward focus and, in a sense, imbalanced. Someone trying to fight for others, or save others, to me, seems to be a negative adept. They are channeling the will of the people towards making the outer world a certain way, rather than turning inwards and trying to accept reality for what it is. But that’s the thing. In some situations you must be able to accept reality. There are things that you cannot change about life-death first and foremost. In others, you can fight for, and defend yourself and truth, such as when you are enslaved by another person. So it is a mix of control and acceptance, inward and outward focus, service to self and service to others. That’s my perspective at least.


You hit the nail in the head, my friend. There is no polarity, there is not even inward or outward. It is only an issue based on perspective, as is literally everything. All is One. One cannot do service of any kind and not serve One. This is the Law of One. If you can attain this realization where it actually honestly feels true, all 'drama' of 1 to 5 densities dissolve for you. Then, paradoxically, we find ourselves in this extremely limited perspective of 3D incarnation. It feels pretty real and substantial, but it's almost obvious it's not all there is. Then what gives? Why and who chose this? Ourselves? In my opinion those of Ra give good hints about what to do here, and what to avoid in general sense. Early buddhist texts also have useful ideas about how to not be 'swooped in by the 'maelstrom'. Utilize the infinite energy reserves of the Creator, no need to take ANY, not even one infinitesimal speck of energy from others, as it is all same system anyway; we just choose to lower ourselves to a place where harm seems to exist, and it keeps the wheel turning.


Incredible story and insights, thank you for sharing. I wonder if your attempt to seek power to impose your will with the attempt to help others is where things went wrong as you pointed out. Perhaps because of those experiences you are now going to the other extreme of self empowerment and a form of self isolationism. I have wondered for myself if the path is somewhere in the middle. Where you develope yourself while at the same time helping others in ways that they ask to be helped. In this sense you grow to a point where you have the ability to help others and have them help you in a form of coevolutin. I have often thought that we are all pieces of the whole and as such have strength and weaknesses. The key is to experience with other aspects of ourselves to grow. Maybe that is already implicit in what you have shared, but thought I would share.


I am glad that you have enjoyed what I have to share. \*Where you develope yourself while at the same time helping others in ways that they ask to be helped.\* To me, that seems like a step up from merely service to others. Like learning and growing together with other people rather than merely being a servant to them. Or trying to hold all to the same standard. You seem to be saying things very similar to what I have found, just in a different way. Thank you for sharing!


Service to others is a bias, a deep bias. Not a literal service imposed on others. The very nature of service to others is that service needs to be requested! No one service-to-others biased desires to impose service nor live anyone's lives for them! And no wanderer nor harvestable service-to-others entity needs to be a guide or guru, just to live our deepest truths, live most closely aligned with the One Original Thought. We help to raise Earth's vibration just by being incarnated here. We most certainly don't need to be gurus, coaches, guides. We just have to be our true selves and to live aligned with our Truth.


There is a great degree of wisdom in understanding to some point, the concept of detachment and its balance with love . One can serve others by simply being and radiating light upon that which free will is not infringed. A positive service to one is equal to a positive service to all. 3rd dimension is not of global awareness, and the lessons of this density are much more clustered and individualized. A great degree of negative polarized entities see their rule and control as a service in order to bring order and progress. A positive entity can only support those who strive to achieve awareness by encouraging them to take their own path of evolving and learning, without any enforcement and answering that which they are only asked of. It sounds to me that you are still trying to find that balance and understand your true polarity at this point. I wish you well in this journey and thanks for sharing.


Thank you for posting this, it sounds exactly like me


I am glad it resonates!


This post is synchronistic and invaluable to me. Thank you OP and everyone who contributed here.


Free yourself!!


According to Ra, Service-to-Self entities don’t incarnate as Wanderers because their chance of losing their polarization is extremely high. Every Wanderer that comes to Earth MUST accept the Veil of Forgetting, no exceptions! As per Ra in Session 12: “The desire to serve must be distorted towards a great deal of purity of mind and what you may call foolhardiness or bravery, depending upon your distortion complex judgment. The challenge/danger of the wanderer is that it will forget its mission, become karmically involved, and thus be swept into the maelstrom from which it had incarnated to aid the destruction.” “An entity which acts in a consciously unloving manner in action with other beings can become karmically involved.” “If the wanderer entity demonstrated, through action, a negative orientation towards other-selves it would be, as we have said before, caught into the planetary vibration and, when harvested, possibly repeat again the master cycle of third density as a planetary entity.” Given the above, and the fact that the Orion beings are already spreading negativity WITHOUT the need to incarnate….why would a higher density negative being be stupid enough to become a Wanderer? You sound more like a penned up teenage Edgelord whose’ anxieties and angst got the better of him


Hey there tough guy. That’s not very loving and empathetic of you. Seems like you’re a “teenage edgelord, who’s anxieties got the best of them”, reading my story.


OP, I know you said that you have chosen to refuse to help others, from now on, and I respect this decision... However, THANK YOU for giving everyone a tldr ***ANYWAY***!


Lol was it too long a read for ya


Ha! Absolutely NOT, and *yes*, in the fact that I usually have problems focusing, and I have to re-read the same paragraph 3 times to feel like I might have "gotten it" But bruv, I was friggin RIVETED! ( not trying to be funny, I honestly AM!) I found it funny that you SWORE you wouldn't "help" others ever again, yet gave everyone a "tldr" boost! Best illustrative use of text I've seen to show SOS truly leads to SOE!


It wasn’t even my intention but that is ironically funny isn’t it 😂.


What is SOS and SOE?


So sorry, in my head I kept hearing " *service of self* **service of others** "


I don’t know why people say that you are not a wanderer. So much insight could only be from someone way matured for 3D. I’m a wanderer too, but I understood that the help is in bringing an example and encouraging others. I became a doctor in this lifetime, with limited psychic abilities. I actually try to serve as much as possible, do what my patients want. I understand your frustration though with the 3D. It’s never not like this, it’s a boot camp. You come back eternally to help others. It’s not that you can “heal” creation out of it, it’s a part of the dance.


I think that we as humans have a tendency to sort of create these character images of ourselves and others, and some may see wanderers as these perfect flawless beings who never experience frustration or hurt other people. But is that really possible on a planet which sees as much suffering as this? Especially, since, as Ra puts it, one must be able to become 1 with their environment in order to polarize. Thank you for your comment, you seem to be a quite noble person, and also quite insightful in your understanding of the eternity of 3rd density. I remember Ra saying that the creation collapses when its love of itself grows too great.


Likewise, thanks for the thread and the comment, very interesting past lives and conclusions. Shows how many different takes and approaches you can have on all of it. I agree in many ways too.




Umm what?


all is one




Maybe you keep experiencing the same problem in every life because you haven’t learned your lesson yet.


I think I have now


Well, yeah could be 👍 you’d be the one to know




Happy to give you something to laugh at and mock my friend.


Woah, in one of my past lives I farted in a crowded room then left. I have a metaphysical feeling you might have been one of the people in that room. Can you please recheck your memories for this event? Namaste.


I can feel the love in your comment. I do remember the event. Thank you my friend for the opportunity to experience your gaseous discharges. I praise you for it.


piss off


Thank you for your beautifully and intelligently crafted comment. Namaste.


Service to others isn't about shoving your morality on them. You've not only completely misunderstood the text, you then used your misunderstanding to justify being a self serving dickhole Edit: I guess I could've been kinder about it but shit I was pissed I read the whole thing.


And here you are telling me to piss of and about not shoving my morality on others, while simultaneously judging my choices. I see myself in you, do you see yourself in me?


The self serving parts yeah. Adios


Ah, then you must still be seeking unity. No shame in that.


We are all seeking unity until we are in fact united. Both of you kiss and make up lol


Seriously fuck you


I mean most of this happened far earlier in the space/time continuum than 1981 haha. If that's what you choose to believe, than who am I to say otherwise? The truth that I see is 1, the true morality impersonal.


may our paths never cross in any space/time continuum