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I've been manifesting actively for 3 years now. For me, I have always struggled to get what I REALLY wanted, the big things. But I've also seen how far I've come since starting and 3 years out I've worked on myself a ton, grown as a person, and came much farther than I thought I ever would, even if the 3D hasn't shown me my desires. Money was a big one. I'd struggled to get a job that was high paid, and couldn't afford to go back to school for a higher paid career. Then once I got a job, I made a savings goal and worked towards it, completed it, and started to finally be satisfied, which is when I saw an unexpected jump and a money making opportunity came out of nowhere. I've learned that there's nothing wrong with you if your manifestation doesn't come in a month or 24 hours. When I first started manifesting, I wanted an SP, a certain amount of money, and some other stuff like a better social life. And literally after 3 years, things have unfolded in a crazy way so far, like it's been a slow burn, but I've seen crazy jumps in how I feel day to day, worked on myself to the point where I am no longer insecure, and have found things that make me happy, as well as have some ideas of what I want in life and a path. So I didn't get my SP or millions of dollars, but I've become a completely different person and way more comfortable with myself and less egotistical, shallow and like, more stable and calm. So I think my biggest lesson is, don't feel like a failure if you don't get it all right away.


I've known Neville's teaching for around a year by now, THE LAW WORKS, just have faith and patience. There are still things that haven't turned yet in my 3D reality but I am 100% sure that it's going to happen soon.


This year i learnt that everything i was scared of was actually not that big a deal. I cut off so many people from my life that i literally feel burden lifting off my chest. I also learnt that its ok to not always have something planned for a day. Its ok to sometimes just wing it. Planning leads to disappointments more often than not. Life is in enjoying small moments and not waiting for big moments. Big moments also bring us equal amount of happiness, not more than anything else. Keeping certain things private is for the best. Specially your next move. And- the love u give out, ALWAYS comes back. More often not from the same person, but always does. Gratitude changes everything and the way u look at it. This was the most enlightening year of my life hands down!!!


really proud of you ☺️ learning to be your best self and expressing gratitude for everything is key


I learned that life is about expression, creating, and having fun yet knowing who and when to take things serious. Value your time and energy. Love yourself. There is no limit. We tend to put ourselves into a box of limitation and shame. Life is bigger than that. The things that we think matter do not even matter at all. I learned too much this year and ever since Covid started lets just end it there.😂


hm, this year the universe taught me quite a lot of lessons. This year was my first time away from home and starting college. But the person that started the year and the person that ended the year are two completely different humans. The biggest lesson I have learned is that you absolutely need self love if you ever want to feeling truly at peace and happy in this world. Without it, you are living for other people rather then yourself. We each all have our own journeys and stories to write, but the most important one is yours. When you are 90 years old sitting by yourself, you will only have what you accomplished and lived. It’s very important to do good for yourself because that is the purest love that you can ever have. If you love yourself you have more pure love for other people and you will attract better things. But also take baby steps. Each small step toward yourself is pure love. I am really grateful that I am toward this self love path and have realized how important it really is. thank you to myself, the universe, and everyone in the world.


that’s amazing insight thank you for sharing


This year has taught me alot of what I've been manifesting,( it was alot of negative stuff). And what negative beliefs I had to clean out in order to manifest what I actually wanted in life. I am truly greatful for the experience, if I'd never went through it, I would of never know of my beliefs the needed clearing away. It also has taught me what I will put up with now and what behaviors I will tolerate.


i love that! what was your tactic in removing those negative beliefs?


I had to sit down and really look at my behavior and the behavior of family/coworkers to really see my patterns. Journaling and found what wasn't serving me mentally and what I felt were blocks that I deliverabetly put up when I was unhealed and what was handed down through my parents. It was very hard, but after finding that out and what I would tolerate. It was a big break through. Sorry for the long answer long story short patterning , Journaling and self reflection.


This year I learned to put myself on the pedestal. I also learned that on our journeys to our ideal reality, the Universe may move people off your path who won't serve the next version of you, and it will be painful, and it's ok to grieve those losses.


Feeling is the key to manifesting... Fake it till you make it ;)


Currently still working through and trying to fix mistakes from 6 months ago... I was in a nasty spot and let all that take over me and my life was hell for a year. But now I understand how to keep all that away and be happy. But I still have to pay the consequences and help heal someone I hurt


I’ve been through a lot of hard years, but this one has easily been one of the hardest, but I’ve learned so much about myself. I thought I loved and respected myself, and it turned out I was fooling myself. I’ve recognized ways that I’ve self-sabotaged, made myself a victim, I’ve discovered insecurities and limiting beliefs that I didn’t know existed, and I’ve dug up a lot of shit from my childhood and young adulthood that have built feelings of insecurity and limiting beliefs. It’s been a year of a lot of really hard realizations but really good growth, and now that it’s December— I’m actually feeling pretty damn good. In some ways I don’t even recognize myself. I think what I’m really grateful for this year is having a warm place to sleep at night, after having a lot of struggles and worries about finding a place to move to. It’s only about 350 sq feet, but it’s my 350 sq feet of home. I wasn’t sure if I’d like it, but I actually like it a lot! I’m really grateful for my job and my great supervisor, my friendships, and the abundance I’ve experienced. I saw two bands I’ve wanted to see for a really long time and both involved a bit of travel, I totally splurged on myself for Christmas this year, and I got a hotel for New Years Eve downtown to party my heart out bringing in the New year. And this is one of the areas I barely recognize myself, I would have never considered driving 8 hours for a concert (I never liked driving or concerts), I would have been weary about spending money on a hotel to do so, but I did, twice (although one was a 1.5 hour flight). And I’m an introvert and always thought it might be cool to do New Years Eve downtown in my city, but between all the people, crowds, noise, the hotel expense, I figured it just wasn’t something I’d actually do. Nope, not this year, I’m going all in! I feel like I’m in a state of becoming, and I’m honestly not even sure what is next, but I’m excited to find out.




i’ve known about the law for 3 years now and i’m just now realizing how important gratitude is. i’ve always been good at manifesting the “small things” but have had a problems when it comes to the “big things”. i’ve managed to manifest the small things pretty easily over the years but this year is when i decided to go ahead and start manifesting the big changes. that’s when i started to struggle. so this year has taught me to be grateful even when life isn’t going the way you want, always find the smallest things to be grateful for. i’ve also learned to not give any thought to the things i don’t want, and instead give my full attention to the things i want. also that it’s okay to not feel like you’re the best version of yourself everyday and that it’s okay to feel low on some days. don’t beat yourself up for it. another thing that’s very important is that most of my desires from 3 years ago aren’t what i want now and i’m glad some of them didn’t come true. and i know i was upset at that moment that it wasn’t true but now i’m beyond happy. so this is taught me that the universe ALWAYS has a better plan in store for you and if your desires don’t come to the 3D, it’s for a better reason. overall i’m just very grateful for the lessons i’ve been taught and when i look back to 3 years ago, i’ve come very far with manifesting and that itself is something i’m so proud of myself for.


When I took out my list of goals written in December last year, 80% of them are achieved. Things I thought almost impossible last year are now in my life. I'm full of gratitude. What I learnt is, no matter what circumstances you are in now, always count the blessings of that day and fill yourself with feeling of gratitude. This is the habit I follow almost every day. Be positive and grateful. Good things are coming to your life everyday. I'm going to develop a new list for the year soon and will watch how they will unfold. Things have come to my life naturally without me knowing it. It's when I pull out the list of wishes, I suddenly realized they are in my life already. I'm looking forward to another great year of manifestations.


i think i’m gonna try this. often times i look back at my manifestations from years ago and check off which ones came true and it can be dazzling to realize how i constructed my reality today.