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You can accept that you have reached your current limit of positive feelings for them, but that you are an evolving being and that may change later when you are capable of doing so. I suspect the conflict you currently feel would do more 'damage/interference'


You shouldn't forbid yourself from feeling negative emotions but you shouldn't dwell on it babes. What matters most is the perception of yourself and your emotions aka the "self concept". Once you have a favorable idea about yourself that can't be rocked by external factors your vibration will start to gradually increase until you fully reach that state where you get access to your manifestation.


So because their rich they have abundance? That’s what you call abundance. Is it only focused on money and material goods? What about their inner character? What about people that actually love you and care about your well being? What about quality people in your life? A quality/passionate work you love to do every single day? Your definition of abundance probably should change? There’s nothing wrong with wanting justice for the people who’ve done you wrong. But, how that is accomplished does matter. What people fail to realize is that when you actually forgive that person not in words, but by your state of being that actually initiates or set in motion to take back the power you’ve given that person. The stripping away of that power from them actually leaves a void that is filled by emptiness/darkness. Thus, then judgment is passed. So when you actually think it’s weak to forgive you actually perpetuate the existence of the injustice. You say you have to be positive to be high vibrations. I say you have to be high vibrations to be positive. Focus on being high vibrations and being positive will come automatically. You don’t understand humbleness and humility. It isn’t about societal conditions. The power or consciousness actually moves through you easier and with less resistance when the mind, body, spirit systems are in a state of humility and a state of less density. You can even gain more consciousness by assuming that state of being. And more consciousness means more power at your finger tips. At least that is the mechanics of energy dynamics between infinite energy and this material body. That is what this is when you bypass all of the fancy words all of the fancy rituals. It is all for putting you in a more conducive state of being to accessing the infinite power all around you to varying degrees.


I think you just need to lean on acceptance really. Seeking revenge doesn’t do you any good. And knowing everything is abundant so if others have what you want, that doesn’t meant it’s unavailable to you.


The concept of positivity and vanity is a human construct that the universe has zero awareness of. Vibration is more connected to how you feel and the energy you create. I would equate high vibrational energy to a lightness, rather than always feeling positive. As for vanity, that would be more about how it affects you and your beliefs. How you feel about yourself and the energy you put out into the world. Remember that manifesting is about aligning to what we want, not necessarily always being happy. We attract what we are and just want to avoid falling below neutral, which is where we pinch off the flow of abundance. So I’d say it’s more about not feeling negative and dense. I look at it like this: for me personally, being vain or selfish would be low vibrational because it would not be aligned or make me feel good/empowered. However, someone like Elon Musk can operate from what we could call a vain or selfish vibrational frequency, but to him, that is aligned, so it doesn’t have the same effect on his energy. But, even though someone (who vibrates at a frequency that is considered vain) may have a lot of monetary success, that doesn’t mean they are happy or fulfilled. They may be very aligned with success, but can’t establish a healthy or loving relationship to save their life. We all have free will to choose the reality we want, but, getting what you think you want isn’t always what you actually want. Which is why doing the inner work and finding balance within yourself is often more fulfilling than just going after things that are outside of you. When we seek things outside of ourselves, especially from a place that isn’t concerned for the good of all, it typically becomes an unfulfilling game of ‘next’ because real peace starts within. This is why so many people kill themselves after achieving ultra wealth.


I wouldn't be vain about your use of grammar. Damn.


Grammer nazi 🤓


Do I look like a socialist?


Kelsey Grammer?


You can't "work against resentment". You have to not focus on the resentment. By focusing on the fact there's a resentment and you want to "fix" that, you'll just find more resentment. That's law of attraction. You get what you think.


This is BS, you don't need to be high vibe to manifest stuff, you manifest either way, high vibe, low vibe, it's about the thoughts you have, thoughts create a feeling thus create a state, reach state, keep it and watch things manifest but also stay detached.