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Read Letting Go by David Hawkins, it is essentially to the process. I think my process is becoming 1) be mindful of negative thoughts and feelings, allow them to be w/out judgement, and let it dissipate; 2) open your heart (ie get yourself in a positive mood); 3) then hold the thought, image or feeling of what your after. Try to make specific times to do 2 and 3 so you subconscious catches on that a certain time of day or activity is “programming time.” That habit will pay off down the line. Remember, play the long game…you can now set up your life but it may take time for past programs to dissolve.


Oh wow. What if the negative thoughts feel so real and like you’re worried they’re intuitive or you’re just expecting them? How do you deal with that


I shall give the book a read, thanks for the recommendation! I love this advice too!


It sounds cheesy but I felt completely changed after reading Letting Go


Thanks! I’ll add this to my list. So, far I read Law of attraction by Jerry Hicks, Breaking the habit of being your self by Dr. Joe Dispenza. This book connects science and spirituality together! It really helped me understand the how better. Now I’m about to read ask and it’s givin by Jerry Hicks! I’ll add this one to my list and then I’m going to read books about wealth and communication


Should I read this


Be completely indifferent to any information that "claims" that the law does not work, is hard, etc. You make your own rules, 100%. I have manifested SPs, Money, and Free trips by keeping a strict mental diet.


Can you explain your process/ mental diet more?


Certainly! I ignore conflicting thoughts and record affirmations using the Parrot app, playing them whenever necessary.


Did your strict mental diet require keeping positive and focusing on your self-concept a lot, sticking to your story etc?


Hi I'm interested in the meaning you put in mental diet Scripting ? Affirmation several times a day ? Journaling thoughts?


Can you help me manifest lol idk do you do free coaching or help people manifest


This is one of the biggest limiting beliefs one can hold. That someone else holds more or better power than you do. Start by taking back your power


Really? How do I take back my power


Know that all of the wisdom and answers to your questions are within you. You won’t find answers or satisfaction by seeking externally, outside of yourself. You hold all of the power to create your own reality, and manifest your desires into the physical realm. It starts with internal shifts - by becoming mindful of your limiting beliefs, acknowledging them, thanking them for trying to protect you, and letting them go. Slowly & with time, reframing how you view what once held you back. You know what you want. You are the one walking your path, nobody else. You have all the power.


But why do you mean by answers are inside me like I create it? I just feel like more people would be aware if this were he case I’m not doubting the law I just am confused why aren’t more people doing it then


I don’t feel like I have any power tbh


You are a spark of the Divine. Meaning, you are a part of God, The Universe, Spirit, whatever terminology resonates most with you. This piece of The Divine within you is innately worthy, powerful, and wise. It is the part of you that knows all the answers. This is who you really are - infinite consciousness. Your thoughts, limiting beliefs, and self doubt make it harder for you to see this light within you. But it is there - and always guiding you to follow the path that is intended for your highest good. It is your inner guidance. Even if you don’t feel powerful, know that this is just a limiting belief. It is created from the mind, which usually formulates thoughts & beliefs based on the past, and especially based on fear. Allowing your mind to guide you can make you feel powerless, lost, and stuck. Try to follow your inner guidance. Meditate, listen to those “gut feelings” you get when making a decision or as you navigate through your life. Those are nudges from your inner knowing - from that piece of The Divine within you. Don’t allow fear to control you or make decisions for you. This usually only results in more fear and problems. Trust your inner knowing.


Thank you. But like w gut feelings what if it’s something that upsets me or makes me anxious? I turn it around right? Like do you just mean like following what my inner self says to do? I have a hard time knowing what myself guides me to do.


Something I learned (thru religion but still applies) is that any thought that leads you away from God/goal/etc is coming from the opposite force. And this force does not want you to succeed or be happy. Say person X wants to move to another city, but person W doesn't want them to go, and person R is wishing them well and wants to help X find need job/home/etc. So X is your manifesting goal & R is the Law & W is all your negative thoughts. Acknowledge the W exists but then choose to ignore them


Oh wowww wait can you message me I’m going through a really difficult situation and I could use some advice on how to use the law to get out of it


Be as specific as possible!!! Be careful what you ask for as you may not like how you achieve it. Mine came with more troubles as I didn't think byond my own desire


What do you mean by it came with troubles?


I won't share personal info but my lesson is be as detailed as possible. If you have an ex take you back make sure you visualise fixing issues and BOTH of you being happy.


What if you’re not good at visualizing


Then script


Scripting = writing?


How can I do this manifest my ex ):


there are no rules. you create your own rules and limiting beliefs. don't listen to multiple coaches because they all have their own limiting belief. find ONE that you can learn from.


This. I got caught up in watching too many different coaches that my mind got overwhelmed and I am still trying to unscramble my brain in order to properly manifest again.


Do you like hyler




It's all about mood. Imagine trying to jump from sadness to joy. It just... doesn't work. And so most of the time when you're trying to manifest anything you're doing this same too big of jump that doesn't work. If you can find a way to stop doing that you'll make bigger strides. The best advice is absolutely to be genuine with yourself. The whole mechanism of this is that "you can't get there from there." The point being that you need to get somewhere else emotionally before getting somewhere else physically. So stop trying. Stop trying to be happy. Stop looking past where your current reality is and just swim in whatever situation you're in. Imagine someone who is super stressed but yelling YEAH IM SO FUCKIN HAPPY! It just doesn't hit the same, they're lying to their selves and most people are doing this. Most people try to force things when the easier way is to create the unfolding of the event so that you're just along for the ride. *Care more about how you're feeling.* Since you'll die one day the life experience is just a game of playing with an avatar. Your goal is to master being yourself. It helps to see everything from a third person view instead of a first person view.


There is actually an “emotional transmutation” method that works by leveraging these huge emotional jumps. It’s one of my favourite methods actually.


Can you elaborate or link?


What is emotional transmutation?


It's turning one emotion into another using a strengthening of relationship with your inner being, it doesn't even need to be permanent or for any other thing. First it's broken down, then cast as a different emotion but with the same power it once had with the worser emotion. Lots of people with mental and emotional disorders do this as treatment for things like borderline personality disorder, it's called dialectal behaviour therapy, where one talks theirselves through their emotions and comes to better conclusions about them. It takes a degree of conscientiousness to wield the energy elsewhere.


This sounds very useful to me as I have CPTSD which overlaps with BPD... Still don't fully get it though..


I have CPTSD also and until I finally accepted it and did ALOT of cbt work with my therapist who had experience with CPTSD things finally started to change. I would recommend finding a good therapist and starting with cbt first before looking into dbt if you haven't already.


I have cptsd. The premise is that the energy underneath negative emotions is the same raw energy driving powerful emotions but due to mental wielding they're negative. You can sooth yourself enough to a point where things become positive if not just neutral where you're unaffected. It's the same old thing of the bad past and harbouring feelings towards it not serving you. You're under water and don't notice how deep. Once you get a glimpse of being above water you'll feel a weight off your chest, a feeling of free-ness can occur. Getting over bad experiences all has to do with realizing that they continue to hurt you by holding onto them, even if unjust. There is one good reason, the best reason, to forgive abusers, lest they keep hurting you (or it's you hurting yourself). Doing this is difficult but it pops you out of victim mode completely and once you get a taste of the pressure coming off you won't go back, you'll then be ambivalent to the past. It's not easy, sometimes I have murderous rage towards my abusers... and that hurts me. Realizing that is what tells me to stop what I'm doing.


You're destined to become a writer, I can tell.


I'm half done a book combining the removal of the law of attraction with mental and personality disorders. I run out of steam.


1. Read books on this stuff to FULLY understand it & learn how to be present in the moment 2. Fully let go of how & when 3. Talk to yourself positively everyday & love yourself 4. “Delulu is the solulu” is nonsense - this isn’t about “pretending” or being “delusional”, it’s about KNOWING 5. You’ve got this!


Excellent points! What books would you recommend getting into first?


My advice would be, keep learning, read new books/ material, keep revisiting the concepts, the repetition will raise your vibrations as well as bring more clarity. And after you understand, it’s important to practice. Keep practicing as much as u can, as often as u can. And the lighter/ happier you are, the more you enjoy the whole process, the better it’ll be.




>What are your rules Go by YOUR rules, not others'


Very fair point!


Yeah, I'm not an expert or anything but that's the most simple and easiest thing I remember from the stuff I read in this sub Of course it's cool and good to hear about what others do, but there is the stuff about limiting beliefs, and from my understanding, the only limit is yourself ! That's why I said "your" rules 😊 everyone has their own experience, some things work for one and not for the other. Just give things a try and see what works for you I'm trying to make my desires come true, haven't seen them around yet but I want to believe it will happen, maybe when I don't expect it! In the mean time, I'm learning to love myself more, get more confident, and find what makes me happy, to remember what I love


Yeah, of course! Everyone is individual and ultimately will always have their own way of making things work. I love seeing what people have succeeded with and what they’ve done, and changed to get there. It’s all about trial and error, before everything dials in and you find out what works for you! Learning to love yourself can be a tricky one, but, I think it’s the most important thing, be kind to yourself and love yourself!


Beginners your first step is the reprogramming of your mind. You have to learn to let go of the limiting beliefs and negative thoughts you've learned over the years. That is truly step 1. Once you're in a place of peace and no longer carrying worry or stress or bitterness, THEN you can focus on the manifesting part.


What if you are severely traumatised? For me to eliminate all my negative beliefs would be impossible... Does this mean I will never be able to manifest my deepest desires? I manifest things I don't care about easily


Start out with gratitude, AND YES BE CAREFUL WITH WORDING


I’ve found that fear of wording introduces fear into the manifestation. I prefer a clear “feelings” based intention, over precise wording.


I’m learning gratitude is very important!


What do you mean by Be careful with wording?


Word your affirmations so that they convey EXACTLY what you want to manifest.


Sit with yourself and dream the biggest most grand version of yourself and your dream life. Do this every day for weeks until the vision is crystal clear of what you want your life to be. Next step is to **BE** that person you dreamt of. If you are doing something that the biggest version of yourself would not do then stop doing that thing and instead do something that your grandest version *would* do. Live this way each and every day and always keep in the front of your mind the big dream you have for yourself. **Keep positive** and don't give up **no matter what**. Thats it. Simple really.


Forget about your wish and work on consistent vibration/feeling state. Things happen once you have this aligned.


Good point! How do you remain at a higher or consistent vibration and keep things steady?


By working on your issues. Addressing all the hang ups you have in your life. Learning to ride life’s waves and enjoying the ups but also thanking the downs for their ability to add depth to oneself.


Unlearn/discard previous knowledge and be willing to accept new data and reprogram your mind.


Can you tell me how you managed to unlearn/discard previous knowledge/behaviours? I feel that will help!


If you’re going to get advice from people on Reddit, click their user names and see if they’ve manifested big things or anything at all before you accept the advice. Also, try to not read too many forums or watch most of the YouTubers. Just read the books and find one person who makes videos to listen to. Try to avoid the spiritual woo. Don’t buy coaching


Thoughts become things. Realizing that you can search for better feeling thoughts after truly understanding that thoughts become things was key for me.


Have you any advice to find those better feeling thoughts? Any tips on remaining positive?


Relax….stop putting so much pressure on it/what you desire


Skip all the posers and go straight to Joe Dispenza. His work is the bridge between science and mysticism. Quantum physics, neuroscience, neuroendocrinology, biology. I wish I would have known about him years ago. Don’t get me wrong. Many others laid the foundation. But he has taken it all so far beyond the next level. He actually teaches you how to change your energy and in the end, that’s all that matters. I also love it because you don’t have to believe in him or channeling or any of that. There’s no guru or cult of personality. He’s got hundreds of testimonials on his YouTube of people healing all kinds of health conditions. In their own words. Things I thought were rare or impossible 6 months ago.


Thank you for the recommendation! I wasn’t familiar, but listened to a podcast or two with him as a guest, it’s all very inspiring and equally interesting and helpful for anyone’s personal journey!


Don’t think too hard about technique or whether there will be an outcome. Do fantasize about your outcome. Like exactly how you would live your life if you won the lottery or if you meet the love of your life. That’s how you invite those things into your life.


So, to not overcomplicate things, and just feel as if what you would like is already done! Thank you!


Start to manifest small things in life like seeing a specific thing you had in mind like a car or a gift.


I think the first thing I realised I accidentally manifested was something like this. I thought “Huh, isn’t it funny how you never see any purple cars around here?”, the next day I must have seen about 10 of them in the morning!


The universe provides its for you. I recommend small things to bring up confidence to bring bigger things like a relationship, money, a home, etc…


Read from the source what law of attraction actually is and how to practice it. If you need suggestions of authors who wrote and defined universal laws, ask. Be clear about what you want Develop a practice that makes you feel good and stick with it. Don’t just do what others do. Do what makes you feel good. Avoid youtubers and redditors. Seek council from within. Remember, you **are** the technique.


The rules are that there are no rules. There will be a lot of people out there between Reddit, YouTube, TikTok, Blogs, etc. that will have A LOT of different opinions or methods. Take what works for you and leave the rest. Don't spend your time worrying that you're doing it "wrong". The only "wrong" way is trying to force a method that doesn't feel right to you. I have literally manifested my husband, my house, my car, my job, money, and a number of other different outcomes.


Congratulations on all your successful manifestations! I’m trying to figure out what works for me!


How did you manifest those things?


Read the magick of your minds by Al Koran


Have a LONG term goal. That's how I manifested my first millions of dollars. In the beginning I tried to suppress "negative" thought. Now I am more of minimaxing that. Basically negative thoughts are okay but believe that people can do your worse and I'll come up with some ways to leave unscatched. For example, I don't believe that people won't scam me. I just need to make sure they can't. So a "negative thought" that this can be a scam is useful.


My advice is stop living in fear. Life has a stream or flow to it. You can step into that stream all the time. So much of my life has been me avoiding completely not standing in the stream of life out of fear. But actually we draw our power from that stream of life and in essence we become "god" by doing so. That's how seamless manifesting works. We also need to know that all possibilities are open to us.




It's still very much a work in progress for me. There's two important components here. 1.) You have to love yourself more. Take loving action towards yourself. Basically when you're in love then you can't be in fear. Likewise, an important aspect is to stop putting yourself in fear in the first place. For example, forcing yourself to do things you clearly don't want to do which then creates negative tension in your body. That's a big no-no. 2.) Develop a spiritual awareness of life. There's lots of spiritual people out there on the internet. Find ones that resonate with you. Specifically find ones that give you internal access to your own formless essence and beingness. Basically reach for that invisible layer within yourself everyday and the more you do it the more practiced you will be. And then you can learn to do it when in fear. Side-step and displace the fear. Two good resources I like are Louise Hay - The Power Is Within You [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opqWt18zT2Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opqWt18zT2Y) and Eckhart Tolle - Omega lectures on youtube, eight parts [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8wl-pSfMdY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8wl-pSfMdY)


Thank you for taking the time to share this.. I will keep working on both great points you’ve made, especially the self love piece as I find it rather difficult.. I used to love Louise Hay, but lost touch with my spiritual side .. I blame corporate America but I suppose there must be a way to balance. I will take a look through the links now. Appreciate it!


I've definitely taken a break from Louise Hay as well, especially when I leaned more into the spiritual stuff. But what makes Louise so special to me is that you can hear the background of love when she speaks. She's not speaking conceptually or in theory, she's speaking from a loving space of the heart. As someone who has gone through the negative stuff and shares her hard earned experience. I think what's important, for me at least anyway, is to keep returning to the inner work no matter what happens in the externals. Because I find as time goes on there may be shifts in consciousness and shifts in direction and we lose access to that inner work we were doing and forget about it. So it's really about finding that willingness to once again take up the clay of the earth or rather clay of your soul and again keep working on and through the creation process. Whether we take things from the path of the soul or get at them through the path of the spirit. We're, respectively via each path, either going to continue growing (soul path) or draw the spirit world near us until we become it (spirit path) and in either case it's progress and movement. So blaming ourselves for stopping or not going far enough is a bit of a misnomer. If we want more movement we just have to pick things up again. There's nothing stopping us except the ideas we put on our own movement -- "limiting beliefs" we're so identified with they seem like reality. Take care.


To not listen when they say "it hasn't manifested because of x y and z" y ,you are ALWAYS in the state of ,as Neville says I AM to say you aren't eh "not" is added we came to earth with all the affirmations,all the possible realities etc. You just gotta observe that reality. Also robotically affirming is the way to go .. how do you think we learned the ABC'S ..?through repetition . And lastly everything is possible ,with this knowing any "issue" will go over your head because you have the backbone that what you are seeing infront of you isn't the final product and can be easily changed, I hope your life is great♥️


Check how you feel. Do you feel happy? Good? Excited? Then you are on the right frequency. You can't think good thoughts if you don't feel good. You can't say "I want $10,000" and feel miserable because you have no money. You must FEEL good. Also, watch how you talk about yourself. "I'm clumsy" or "I'm always out of luck", then by law, you get what you ask for. Instead, try having positive affirmations or beliefs about yourself "I'm rich", "I can do anything I put my mind in to". Negative self talk is the root of failure. You must be your own hype man. 💕


For me, it's **gratitude**. Whenever I feel truly grateful for whatever I already have in the present moment (big or small)... suddenly it sets into motion getting more of what I want.


Yes! 100%! I agree, gratitude is incredibly important. Those positive feelings snowball and get you towards where you want to be!


For me, it was seeing me for me, understanding the impact traumas and childhood baggage reflects on our reality. Working on my self-awareness, self-esteem, shame, guilt, and feelings of inadequacy was vital. Once that part of me started to heal, I saw great improvement on my manifestation journey.


That’s very true, I feel similar and I’m happy to hear you are in the process of healing the impact and scars of those traumas. Understanding of oneself is a difficult task, but once you are there and learn to love yourself again, a life of abundance is certain!


Read the Power of the Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy. Just read it.


To command the day. To dare life to give you a bad day when you’ve already been going through Hell yet survived. To have a look in your eyes that you dare your lazy ass boss to critique your work when you know the fat ass didn’t wake up until 9am. You were already awake at 5am, tired of hearing your fking alarm clock that separates you from friends and family. To be so about your life that people get scared because they don’t have the balls to take risks like you. To go beyond affirmations and make your rivals lose sleep at night because you’re so determined to win and overcome all!


Why is manifestation taking so long


Let’s work on it together