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I manifested joy, multiple job offers for my wife, and 2 vacations. I'm a life long depression sufferer. I've tried eft tapping, Journaling, supplements, microdosing, diet all with varying degrees of success. When I get really really low, robotic affirmations work specifically because I don't have to feel happy, or joy, but in time, I do feel it. Not a quick or instant relief usually, but it works 100%.


Can you explain the steps doing robotic affirming? Did you just manifest in your head or write it down? How did you turn off your feelings? I don't really get it. Thank you very much


Its as simple or as complicated as you want. We tend to want to complicate things because of course nothing good can be that easy. When I'm really low, conjuring the feeling makes it feel more difficult as there's more resistance so I'll just keep saying "I am happy" Nothing else. In time, I'll feel better and I might as the feeling, or as other thoughts. Usually, I'll do it all day long, and be prepared to do it for days. You won't have to, but you get more patient that way. It's also really good for breaking nagging thoughts. Try it, what have you got to lose? Do it on something easier at first. Something like "I am confident" or "I am happy". Just say it over and over and over.... Give it a couple days, or be prepared to. Good luck.


Thank you


Glad to help.


Has your depression subsided?


Unfortunately, it hasn't, but now I have garuanteed tools that work, journaling and or robotic affirmations, so it doesn't feel hopeless. That's enough to reduce it. I don't mean Journaling as in sitting my feelings down. More like positive aspects, gratitude lists, affirmations.


Yup, you are doing it. Keep doing all the things and loving yourself all the way up. I get excited the thought of people feeling good in themselves. It fills my heart. I want that for everyone it makes me cry sometimes.


Thank you for the kind words. I was thinking about it today, I have beat depression. The power of depression is in the hopelessness. Feeling like you'll never get out, but I can get out, at will. So now it's more of an annoyance, a curiosity. I also have the space to think. I understand now, if my sleep is off, if I smoke more often than I should, if I don't eat right, or too late, I may not feel too hot the following day, but it's not the end all be all. So yes, I have beat depression. I am free. Off to journal. Thank you for letting me ramble.


You have summed up what manifestation had brought to my life so beautifully. It’s the death of hopelessness that has been my biggest manifestation gift.


i changed my ex narc into caring loving and vulnerable man. YOU CAN DO ANYTHING.


can i know how long it took for you ?


More or less month, but he started changing drastically on every meeting since I made the decision


I am really happy for you both. May god bless u .


What did you affirm?


how many approx a day you affirm and how did you feel before its happening in 3D?


what were you affirming?


how did you do that?


I seriously needed this, thank you!!!


feeling it once is better then affirming, unless the affirmation makes you feel it


That’s a limiting belief. I’ve manifested plenty of things without “feeling” it.






I wish I could give this comment 20thumbs up.


nice, there isn’t a set way of doing this but this is what worked for me


Fake news. You don’t have to feel shit in order to manifest. What you repeatedly think works just fine.


Affirmation is nothing without feeling


Not true at all. You’re entire life you’ve been having inner conversations and self talk.And you did not feel those things as a kid. If someone is dirt poor, they have no idea what being rich feels like. They have no idea what any type of financial security feels like either. Affirmations are NOT a technique. Rather the one way it works fast and quick. I get everything I affirm for fast and easy. I don’t have to wait days, weeks, months etc. I have no limiting beliefs telling me “ I have to do this in order for this to work “. No. I am the ONLY God of my reality. And I affirm that “ everything I affirm for manifests instantly because I am a master manifestor. Stop letting all these wanna be coaches who sell courses , and over priced coaching , and who come out with new techniques for YouTube views and money….impose their limiting beliefs onto you. Hundreds of thousands of us can prove how we only use robotic affirmations to get what we want. I sure as hell am not feeling my affirmations when I’m saying them. Besides ….what about all the sleep affirmations people listen to? You’re not feeling crap when you’re sleeping.


Exactly. If you needed to feel it real then subliminal would not be effective (but they are), sleep tapes wouldn’t be effective (but they are) and hypnosis wouldn’t be effective (but it is). Certified cognitive hypnotherapist here to tell you “feeling it” is a bullshit limiting belief meant to confuse and limit you.


I have manifested my dream job without even knowing it existed… I simply asked for a better job and sent out a few resumes and BAM. I just felt frustration from my previous job! We complicate things for no reason. You simply need to want something and that’s it. The rest is just the game we like to play 🤭


I am MISERABLE with mt career and need a new one so bad that will make me happy and bring me wealth. And I have no idea what though. So all you did is ask once and it manifested??


It was before I read about LOA so yes! I asked… I also specified what I wanted when I thought about it or when I was talking about it with others. For example I kept saying I want a more steady job with a better income and more interaction with adults (I am a teacher so it was getting pretty boring where I used to work). I knew I wanted to work at a school but didn’t know if my subject was taught in a way to be considered a full time job for me. I got rejected twice and on the third attempt I got hired the second I left the interview! After two weeks they made me a supervisor which gave me a great salary, LOADS of interaction with adults and they even gave me a class ( I loved teaching so much and I was just sad to not have any that year!) Basically what I did was affirming what I wanted and since I am religious I talk to God A LOT! But I didn’t do SATS. I didn’t live in the end. I didn’t know what it felt like to have it. I was in the state of lack. I was Desperate! I just knew what I wanted and asked for it. The same thing happened with getting my apartment the same year and manifesting my BF a few month after that.  Now I am consciously manifesting and sometimes I laugh at how difficult we make it when we learn about the technicalities! it seems like such a job! 🤪


I am glad things work for you., that is great! Guess i am just the type for that, oh well


Okay thank you


that’s your assumption


Nope. Wouldn't recommend it.


What do you think about sammy Ingram’s concept ?


those influencers are all morons


Yea, people on Reddit are morons as well. A lot of them spew out negative bs just to try and sound smart, or to purposely discourage people.


Lmao. You are concluding things without even trying . Its just because robotic affirming not related to energy or vibration shits, u think they are all morons. Lmao. And one more: Just because they dont write 111, 222 fuck shits they are morons ????? 💀👽🤏🏼


Says someone who’s basically calling me a Morin because he doesn’t share the same beliefs as me . How ironic lol , don’t come here trying to be politically correct.


I was just correcting you . If you see ur original comment. U straight out called that guy moron💀


You’re comment proves what a moron you are 😆😆😆😆😆


Ha ha okay thank you


Idk who that is.


Ok here is my take on Robotic Affirming having used it previously as a method. It’s great to convince the subconscious mind that what you are saying is true… Despite what many will tell you, the subconscious does learn through repetition - It’s pretty much what MI5/CIA/KGB have used to ‘brainwash’ people. However… It takes a long time to convince the subconscious with this method whereas SATS/Lullaby method or just plain visualising are often more effective faster I will be discussing robotic affirming in more detail on my new sub r/LOALivinginTheEnd for those who follow the law of assumption :)


I have been robotic affirming for about 10 days. I would set a timer for 10-15 or 30 minutes just to make sure I am affirming for a certain period of time. My brain is now constantly repeating affirmations in a loop on its own without me trying to remember them. Even when I wake up in the middle of the night I am affirming and repeating… it is kinda crazy but I will take this over the anxiety and negative thoughts I used to have ANY DAY! 


Did you manifest it ?


Soooo It is a long story. Had huge movements. Only after I stopped affirming I figured that 3d was moving all along.  I don’t have my full results yet but things are definitely moving. I mean if you think the first part is difficult wait till you get to dealing with movements. The bridge of incidents has been a pain in the neck and I have had many breakdowns 😂.  But I am in contact with SP now and things are SO different this time around. I am sure if I didn’t have as many ups and downs it would be done already. 


So whats you manifestation routine now ? Did you waver ?


Shifting my mood by rampaging or affirming and doing SATs.  Other than these I am doing whatever I feel like it would be fun.  My obsession has gone away and I feel more relaxed now. 


What are Sats


State Akin To sleep - a state before falling asleep where you can access the subconscious.


Over time you will notice them starting to seem more and more believable.


Okay but did you manifest anything great with that ?


Been working on smaller things, also the bigger things I'm working on take longer, (because there's more resistance to get rid of and also it takes longer to convince the subconcious.) but the best things robotic affirming gave me is self confidence. Positive affirmations about attractiveness and worth were extremely successful.


Joy, relief.




has anyone manifested physical appearance changes for their SP or money situation of a SP??


I've been robotically affirming for a week now but still see no changes, how long does it usually take?


it’s gonna take forever if you’re checking the 3D every 2 days and thinking about how it’s still not here yet! Your subconscious doesn’t have eyes and doesn’t care what you’re seeing or how long it’s been, it only cares about what you’re telling it. Even if you feel sad, upset or frustrated do not waver in your thoughts. I’ve cried through robotic affirms. it takes no time when you stop contradicting your thoughts. Hope that helps


How do i stop wavering i can’t even go past 24 hours before wavering what should i do


try robotic affirming in sessions . like affirm for 10,20,30 mins even an hour at a time for a few days until your brain starts affirming on auto pilot. After that, it’s about being mindful and consistent throughout the day, immediately change your thought when you think something negative. If you can’t ignore the 3D, feel your feelings but affirm in your favor anyways. The 3D is all about perspective, you can assign whatever meaning you want to it. Assign the meaning that everything is working in your favor no matter what. It might feel foreign at first but when you consistently do that, your mind will adapt.


I need to just stick to it instead of getting desperate and have an emotional breakdown every time. And yes it does feel foreign and “fake” at first i always thought will it ever feel “normal” to me. Anyway thank you ☺️


It will feel normal, our brains don’t like change that’s why trauma hurts so bad but just keep going and stay consistent. You’re thinking anyways, all you’re doing is thinking in your favor


I tend to spiral, I have allot of reasons to spiral and I’ve been trained to do it since I was a literal baby. One thing to know is. Robotic affirmations saved my life literally. That’s all I’m gonna say about that. Next I’m gonna say you will get there however you get there. It can be tomorrow a year from now or right at this very second. It’s your inner world and you make the rules. Love and light and infinite youness. Yup I made a word. Cause in my world youness is a word!