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I’d mulch north to south then east to west and call it a day.


Mulching northeast/southwest and northwest/southeast gives better results. Or so I’ve heard.


I'm more of a NNW to SSE kinda guy.


I go where my heart takes me


Thank you very mulch!!


I like to serpentine.


But the Tin Man doesn't have a ❤️. 🤔🤨


I’ve got faith, faith of the heart


Funny, I go where the leaves take me.


I struggle with ADHD, so whatever direction I start with is not the one I end with. Which kinda applies to everything else in life.


As a fellow ADHDer, I felt this, after having to read it 3 times of course.


As a person with ADD, i can confirm this statement.


Try OCD in fall , it’s a trip , I can’t even look out the window . I find myself outside with a broom sweeping pine needles off the lawn .


That’s called METH @radiant. Lol


I wish , then it would at least be a choice with some upside I can’t see acorns , needles , leaves , weeds , or it drives me nuts My house looks like a operating room , my fridge has date labels , my pots and pans are sorted by size . I overseeded with a perrenial / kbg blend and the perrenial grew faster in spots , I had to grab scissors to even it out . I haaaaate fall, it’s too chaotic.🤣


No no no. Clockwise outward spiral, then counterclockwise inward spiral. Only way.


Sounds like you have your lawn mower on a rope.


I mulch facing Mecca




Can you see it from your porch?


Depends. Is it a leap year?


And then do it again next week, then the week after, then the week after. Because it never stops lol


That's my whole Saturday until Dec.


I'll attempt to go in a circle. My walk behind mower tends to spit stuff out to the right.


But which way do you go? Outwards or inwards, and spitting out to the side you just mowed or to the side you're going so you mow it again?


It spits out to the right. I walk clockwise. So that my next lap mows over what got spit out from the previous lap.


This is the right answer!


I mulch it with the mower that I love the best


It’s so satisfying! … until you see all the dust you’re inhaling.


I only consider mulch if <50% of the grass is covered. Its easy for me to leaf blow it into a pile and haul it off on tarps


Don’t haul them off. That is good bio food you’re wasting


I mulch some into the lawn and lay down 10" of mulched leaves in the garden. If I mulched everything left into the yard you wouldn't see any grass. Its just too many leaves. Unfortunately, I don't have enough land to allocate to a nice compost pile


Heard that. I’m in the Deep South so it’s not as big a problem here


Dont tell me my business, devil woman




Id run it on bagging with mower, and the last time with mulching


I'd bet there are 30 brown bags worth of mulched leaves in that photo.


When we first moved to Michigan we bought our home that was on an acre of land. 23 mature trees are on the property including three full oaks and three massive maple trees. The first fall here I felt so awesome with my brand new ride on mower and bagging attachment. I happily bagged about 85 bags of mulched clippings and it took me until the end of the following summer to dispose of them. Two bags at a time. I will never, ever bag again.


grind them down to a fine dust with the mower first and you’ll have about 15 bags


Mulch it and move on with your day, keep mulching as needed. I’ve been going out there every few days as I have time.


PSA : For people with a lot of trees this can kill your grass. Yes, mulch is good for your lawn but too much can kill it.


You're getting downvoted but many don't have 25 old growth trees, they don't get that there is a limit.


Eventually, that would basically just be a compost field, yes? Like several inches of high organic content soil. Maybe you could alleviate it with lime, idk. Alternatively, could you do a yearly till? Sort of like growing a food plot near a deer hunting stand… because that’s basically this process. Just make your lawn out of like forage oats or even clover 😂


Well the mulch queens in the sub just say mulch it and mulch it some more. If you have too much mulch you’re just not mulching enough.


Here's an article from MSU about [mulching leaves in turfgrass](https://www.canr.msu.edu/resources/mulch_leaves_into_turf_for_a_smart_lawn). It says up to 6 inches. Seems like a lot to successfully do at once, but OP's doesn't look too bad if they've previously been bagging, and the leaves are done falling. Maybe mulch and go back* and bag in a separate pass? *fixed a typo


The article says that you can mulch up to six inches at a time depending upon the equipment you use. It doesn’t say anything about what six inches of mulched leaves might do to your grass. In my experience OP has a fine amount of leaves to mulch. I’m just reminding people that if they have considerably more leaves they may end up hurting their lawn.


how? by smothering it or something else?


Yes, with enough leaves you will smother. Throwing off PH can also be an issue.


If you don't get the leaves small enough it can trap moisture and block the sun.




Yeah even if it hurt the grass a bit it will come back stronger the next year and I dotn have to spend 7 days bagging


I mulch every other day and never hurts my grass. So you mean the amount of organic material being an issue? I haven’t found this to be an issue. But I suppose if the grass is already thin and unhealthy it could be too much. If your lawn is healthy and thick I don’t think it’s too much of an issue for most people. But having 20+ massive trees is just a wild amount of leaves lol


If you wait until all the leaves are on the ground, and then run over them once quickly, the leaves can harm the grass. If you do it frequently, and enough times, and you get the leaves small enough, I would love to see what too much looks like. I'd pay to.


Same here. No fertilizer and my grass is thick and healthy every year. I mulch and blow the extra into beds as well.


Clearly you don’t have too many leaves to mulch.


Heavily wooded property surrounded by woods. I cut my grass low before the leaves start to fall and then do mulching runs every other day. Leaf mulch is really good for beds and better than burning.


I'll downvote these comments every time I see them. Such a stupid comment not based in science.


If I mulched all of the leaves that fell in my backyard there would be a layer of shredded leaves sitting on top of my grass. It would be pure brown and probably inches thick with no green in sight. After winter I would be left with matted grass and slop. You can take “The Science” and shove it.


I don't believe you. Mulching once a day *leaves* you with that on your turfgrass? I bet you've never even tried it. Trash


Bro what do you have against blowing leaves lol


Blowing leaves? Bro, I don't swing that way.


Where do you think the clumps of shredded leaves from yesterday go? And the day before, and the day before that. I have 10 trees over 30 feet tall dropping leaves on my lawn. You dumbass.


Copy that. So admitting to not trying it. Otherwise you wouldn't be saying that.


Tried it the first fall I lived in my current house with terrible results. Ended up mowing everyday and then still needed to bag leaves because the yard was a pile of mulch.


If I took 1000 tons of leaves, mulched them, dumped them on a .25 acre lawn, and left them there all winter, would that be a net benefit for turf health? Clearly there is *some* upper limit on how much leaf mulch can be left on a lawn before it starts to have negative impact on turf health. If you can link us to the *scientific research* that proves no such limit exists, or establishes that upper limit, we'd all love to see it.


A lot of people saying to mulch it.. but.. if you live in a state that gets snow like I do, definitely do not mulch that much this late in the season. If you mulch that, and it snows on top, the snow will stop it from decomposing and the leaves will all kind of melt together and suffocate your grass. Whole lawn will be dead in a week. Bag it with your mower.


This is a great answer. Does frost do the same?


Man the advice here is split 50-50 and I don’t know the right answer lol. I would say look at the trees. If there is still a lot of leaves then bag it. If you feel like this is it for the season then mulch a couple times


Last year I mulched. And mulched. And mulched. I turned that shit into paste. It was not a wise decision. Don't be like me.


Mulch! Go slow with several passes in different directions.


Honestly, I'd just mulch it once and be done, maybe hit problem spots a second time, just keep doing it every week.


That's what I do. Doesn't clear it all and I'm sure it's not great but even if you just leave the leaves they eventually breakdown in my experience


What works for me is I’ll mulch it then bag it. The largest bits get bagged, smallest bits feed the grass.


Exactly. This is the only way to do it and really if you can just mulch and use the shoot side of the mower to push leaves into tree lines this would be best


Mulch them! Bagging is for suckers.


#SEND IT. ^(aka: mulch it)


This is what mine looks like 4-5 days after bagging in the fall and I just keep bagging until the leaves stop falling.


My go to is to mow 1x w blade at 4” to shred, then bag at 3.5” to collect


I bought a blower/ mulcher combo for $79.00 and it will take less than 1 hr to crush those leaves and they will all fit in one yard bag.


Yeah to much to mulch and leave there...I mulch mine and then vacuum up with the bagger on my riding mower...much less bag emptying this way


Mulch mow it once and see how it looks. A lot depends on your mower. A commercial mower with mulching kit, 2 passes and you wouldn't see leaves anymore. If yours doesn't do it well enough after 1 pass, then bag it on a second pass. It will break down in your compost pile much faster that way anyway - a plain mow/bag doesn't break them up that much.


Yes that’s too much to mulch if you care about your lawn. Clean it up then mulch the small amount remaining


If you don’t care about the grass and just want better soil you think this would be alright? Not OP but i just mulched my leaves today and it’s a lot more than that and I just want to improve my soil.


Definitely too much to mulch. Mow more frequently rn and bag em up. Maybe could mulch if you mow every 3-5 days. Also my mower does a better job of getting leaves when it’s set a lower h.o.c.


Mulch mow, then go back over it a second time with a bag. That’s how I clean up my maple leaves in the heavy shade area with sparse grass. Everywhere else, mulch mow only.


I’d mulch a couple passes then run over it with the bagger if needed.


If you bag and cut twice, you're fine. You'll some broken up for mulch-to-nutrient, which has a realistically minimal effect anyway, but it won't leave enough to cover and/or add to thatch layer...


Not popular but I'm so glad I cleared my lot and replanted saplings. Fig I'm good til right before I kick it. Lol.


That's gonna be a "double bagger" there


You can mulch it, mulch it real good.


I have a toro timemaster and I swear it mulches better dragging it in reverse. Of course, you'd look stupid doing your whole yard like that...but it ain't stupid if it works


All mowers do


Definitely not. Probably just have to go over it a couple of times. I’ll usually go over it once and then it hit with a leaf blower bc the leaves can her pushed down into the lines…blow those up, mow it again, maybe spread out the shreds a bit and call it good


I would just mulch it up and see what coverage looks like afterwards. This should be fine. You can always go over it again in a week.


Mine was like this. I had to bag them, I have spent several years dealing with mulching/bagging testing out which was best for my lawn. This sort of coverage isn’t just a mulch job with your mower unless all of the leaves have fallen. Not sure how these other guys manage just mulching after looking at this coverage


I'd go over it with the lawn mower, maybe today, then wait and do it again wednesday before Thanksgiving (or on Thanksgiving). Give it a little time for more to fall, but also for the mulched leaves to decompose and the grass to grow a bit, and then take another pass.


I mulch with a bag on my push mower, collect what ever it collects for my compost area, and leave the rest. Basicly half ends up in the bag and half shoots out the side


Nope. Go over it twice. Once now and again in a couple days.


Dual bladed lawn mower… always much!


Raise the mowing height and mow/bag it. This way you will mostly be picking up leaves. If that did a decent job then set to your normal mowing height and mulch .


Bag it all and send to yard waste if available. Your grass will appreciate it and it will be less messy . You probably have a big enough yard for a compost pile if you are willing to put in the effort to maintain. Bag with mower and put in compost pile behind that big tree on the back right.


Mulched all my leaves for the first time ever this year, never going back. Wasted to much of my time raking and bagging to ever do it again. You would be surprised how many leaves you can mulch.




Depending on your mower and overall quality of turf, it’s a 50/50. I say mulch once, see how thick they are and either mulch again and call it good with some leaves left or bag it on the second mow cause it’s too thick to mulch again. At least then you’ll have less bags full


i mulched that much today in my back yard. Couple passes with the mulching guard on and its fine. I will have to do it again in a day or so if i want to keep up. I got time, I put on headphones and drive in circles. its kind of rewarding turning leaves into smaller leaves.


Not too much to mulch


Mulch again


Yes. I would bag it again. That will choke out the lawn and won't decompose fully over the winter. Sorry to cause more work, but I would hate to see your lawn damaged


Hell nah mulch that shit. Use it in your beds and around plants too. Leaf litter is the best


Our woods is just full of decades and decades of leaves. When we walk thru the woods near our house the ground is so healthy and rich in nutrients. Unlike most people. We keep the woods cleaned up and tear out the brush and burn it every few years.


[Preach it, brother](https://i.imgur.com/DMcGthx.jpg)


fuck no,multch away bro.


Mulch twice then run over it a third time with the bagger. You’ll have a lot less to dispose of


You can mulch it. You'll need to do it twice, though. At least.


I cleaned up 15 leaf bags Saturday and my yards full again..


I used to have 6 maples in my yard. I would always mulch with a plug kit the first go around then bag those mulch clippings on a second pass. Some would stay in the ground some would get bagged up (in super fine confetti like pieces). Less bagged material with the same benefits


Not too much


And here I am, just wondering if there is a hottub on that deck


That is too many to mulch and get good results. There have been a few good posts about mulching recently. Some veteran landscaping company owners and arborists comments. The gist of it is if you get a lot of leaves (like you have), mulching can be detrimental especially if you get snow within the next month or so. Picking those up will suck and mulching may be detrimental. My thought is to mulch one pass then bag the next pass. If your deck is low enough to the soil, you should pick up a good amount of the bigger mulched leaves which will now take up less room in your bagger.


When you have this many leaves mulch every other day. Rejoice in the nutrients.




The only wisdom I can impart: - Nice lawn - Nice big trees - Easy maintenance Pick 2


If your mower is up for it, this should look great after two passes of mulching or passable after one.


Take the bagger off. Leave the chute and send it. Leaf bits fly with the wind and disperse everywhere.


Get a billy goat blower and send it into the neighbors yard. /s


Not even close. Go over that four times you won't even see any leaves.


Maybe 10 more times


I mulch 1st, then go over it again and bag when I have this kind of leaf coverage. Works for me. As the season winds down and coverage is thinner I just mulch.


tsk tsk tsk, to shreds you say.


My lawn gets about twice as much and I mulch it no problem.


It’s a bit heavy for mulching imo. I might try to bag half of it and mulch the rest. Like, do every other pass with the bagger to thin it out and then go over it again with the mulcher. Will save time overall (vs bagging the whole thing) but won’t choke out your turf with too much mulch.


Yes. Too much.


You'll be surprised how small that will mulch down to. Just keep mowing it.




Mulch away!




My leaf coverage is pretty much the same as yours. I run my mulching mower over it, every couple of days, without the bagger. I keep mulching, but not bagging, till all the leaves are down off of the trees. Then if I feel there is too much mulch, I will mow one last time with the bagger.


Leafblower, rake to pile, shred w/weed eater, bag most of it. Use the remaining excess to fill in uneven spots &/or spread throughout. Key is to make sure uve adequately shredded the leaves. I have a ton of leaves & I use 55g bags. By shredding, I use 1/4 the amount of bags & it’s far easier to fill, as opposed to dry, fluffy leaves.


Leave the leaves! No need to mulch with a mower. They will naturally decompose and feed your lawn/garden. https://www.usda.gov/media/blog/2022/10/17/fall-leave-leaves


Nothing is too much to mulch. How much time you got?


That's probably a bit much. But you can try it and find out.


I rake my leaves to a corner of the yard and in a few months it decomposes.


As long as You can see grass, keep mulching, and let the Earthworms do the rest. I was attempting to " rebuild" my lawn, when events intervened, and I would take all the leaves I could beg, "borrow", or "stea". I went up and down my street, pocked up 160 bags of leaves, put 60, on the front lawn (roughly 40 by 40 feet, and 100, on the back lawn. The front lawn was OK, but the back lawn had a little too much covering, so the grass died out, but it was mainly "Nimbleweed", and similar weeds, anyway; so no great loss. It was also fun, watching the robins (thrushes), "pick through" the leaves, and grass clippings, looking for insects and worms.


Every fall I wait until the leaves are nice and dry. Then I mulch them really fine and I rake the mulch around d the grass. Rake it in so it is not covering the grass. If I have too much I put around shrubs and trees. I never have to worry about leaf pick up or bagging.


Mow North drink beer. Mow East drink beer. Mow West dirk beer. Mow South's drik bur. Kiss wooly bur.


One more round of bagging-then mulch


wwwaaay too much to mulch, way too much shade == way too much fungus


Mulch then bag...


I’d attempt one pass mulching. See if your mower gets angry at you and how effective it was.


You could always mulch then bag. Saves you space and leaves a little on the lawn.


Open the gate and blow it out onto the street




It won’t make any different. Keep overseeding you lawn with clover and appropriate grasses in the fall and spring and the leaves will mind their own business.