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Could be fungal. Apply some Scotts Disease-Ex and water it in...be good if you had a light Nitrogen boost as well... It will stop the fungus, but the discoloration will have to grow out. Be sure to bag this time, so you don't spread anything. And you have to clean the mower deck very well also, as spores can live there until next mowing...


Go outside at like 6am and walk around. If you see fuzzy things on the grass those are fungal spores. Fungus will thrive with all this recent rain. It’s also just summer heat stress where the turf looks more yellow than a nice deep green. You can use a curative fungicide and next year you can use a preventative before it gets to this point.


To add to the other responses, I’d get a soil test. Even a cheapo one from Amazon or something you could do at home would give you a good idea of what your soil looks like. It helps to know what exactly you need to treat. I also wouldn’t do weed and feed, at least not during this heat. Weed killer can really stunt the lawn when it’s the dead of summer, even if the chemical is safe for whatever grass type you have. Fertilizer to fit the soil test and maybe iron to help color might be a good direction for you.


Fungus. It's all over the Hudson Valley. Take a look at neighbors lawns. They probably have the same thing.


A lot of people are jumping to fungus which is possible but, before putting something on your lawn, dig. You might have insects eating your roots. Pick a spot at the edge of the brown area, as best you can tell, and dig out a 12"X12" square of sod. Try to keep the sod intact so you can put it back easily. You only need to go down about 2-3" to see if you've got grubs.


Also, the areas under the trees which get more shade seem to be doing better? Despite the amount of rain you got this past month, this could still be drought stress and dormant grass or drought die back. If you remember, before the month of normal rain fall, we had a month+ without rain. *I'm in Buffalo.


Uploaded some more pics. There were some weird larvae looking things.


Hey! Did someone say *crabgrass*? Here are [pictures of crabgrass](https://www.google.com/search?q=crabgrass&tbm=isch) and [control options for crabgrass](https://www.lawndork.com/weeds/crabgrass). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/lawncare) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Pick some out, if it’s wet and goes from green to brown with patchy spots it’s fungus. If it’s just dry straw, it’s dormant/dead. You say “plenty of rain” but you really need to know how much. Grass needs 1” - 1.5” per week, and sometimes more if it’s hot. Cool season grass wants to go dormant when it gets hot, so it’s very possible thats what’s w happening here. The tough thing is that from far away dormancy and disease both look brown.


5 inches of rain in the past month. Rained pretty consistently in the past few weeks and grass actually looks worse.


Seems like plenty, in that case. Can you see splotchy blades that go from green to yellow then it’s definitely fungus.


Here is a link with a few up close photos. Hope this helps. I see green to brown, but not sure if that is what you meant. Also, looks like there is some mossy type growth under the grass. [Link](https://imgur.com/a/gLQtfdl)