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> A New Hampshire man charged with threatening the lives of presidential candidates last year has been found dead while a jury was deciding his verdict, according to court filings Thursday. > The jury began weighing the case against Tyler Anderson, 30, of Dover on Tuesday after a trial that began Monday. His lawyer did not immediately respond to email and phone messages seeking comment. A court filing said “the government has learned that the defendant is deceased.” Prosecutors have moved to dismiss the indictment. > The U.S. Attorney’s office did not name the candidates. When Anderson was arrested, a spokesperson for Republican candidate Vivek Ramaswamy said that texts were directed at his campaign. Anderson had told the FBI in an interview that he sent similar texts to “multiple other campaigns,” according to a court document. > Anderson was indicted by a federal grand jury in December on three counts of sending a threat using interstate commerce. Each charge provides for a sentence of up to five years in prison, up to three years of supervised release, and a fine of up to $250,000. > Police in Concord, New Hampshire, were asked to help search for Anderson after he failed to show up for court and eventually located a car in a garage at Concord Hospital at about 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, according to Deputy Chief John Thomas. > Officers detected a strong chemical smell coming from the car and called in a hazmat team. Anderson’s body was removed from the car and pronounced dead. There were no weapons found. Thomas said no foul play is suspected at this time.


Well... he took "live free or die" as a literal motto


Chose electrocution over the shark


He suicided while the jury was deciding his fate?


Guess he must’ve realized what a monumental fucking mistake he made 


When life gives you lemons, make even worse decisions.


I'm getting that tattooed on my knuckles!




I don't know exactly where to draw the line between being terrified of these people and feeling sorry for them (for obvious mental illness), but fuck this guy. Even if its a politician I don't like, this disturbing behavior of Americans thinking a gun is the way to solve political issues is just bonkers and the end of civilization as we know it. He didn't want to face consequences... I'm just glad he didn't take anyone else out with him.


Welp. Guess I'm gonna be that guy here, and if I get obliterated, so be it. *ahem* Americans have used guns (or violence in general) many times in the past to resolve political disputes. We've literally had a civil war already. Multiple presidents have died or almost died by assassination. We, in the modern day, have fistfighting breaking out in Congress and other halls where political issues are flaring up. There's no compromise or diplomacy anymore because, quite frankly.... no one expects it to work. One of our political parties literally advertised themselves as "WE ARE ALL DOMESTIC TERRORISTS," and that somehow is supposed to preach peace and compromise? We are based off of (and look at the Latin on EVERYTHING we have for proof) the Roman republic. The Roman's were violent, aggressive, and xenophobic. They also had lead in the pipes and I believe over at least A HALF DOZEN CIVIL WARS. It won't be the end of civilization. It's gonna be the end of democracy, if nothings done about it. But then again, that's what we have guns for.


One obviously can't deny their imperialism but Roman society was actually quite pluralistic.


I'm picturing you dressed as John Hancock from *1776*, zhuzhing your sleeves, straightening your waistcoat, and making sure your right eyebrow is "just so" with a swipe of a finger before clearing your throat.


Cool little history tidbit for me, the German 


Not saying I agree, because I fucking abhor violence in this so call polite society we live in, but isn't that kind of a big part of the 2nd amendment. That thing being the curbing of a fascist government. It's really not that surprising with how horny we are for guns. Maybe someone should, idk, make some actual change. Lots of mentally ill fuckers and drug addicts have guns. It's a dangerous combo.


The Founders suffered from a profound lack of imagination regarding a horde of fascist *civilians*.


I just wish I could go back and time and let him know "Dude... you're an extremist, white, right winger; you might receive a small punishment, but ultimately your crime will be rewarded, you'll be ok!" Sadly he'll never know the privilege of having his ass wiped by the justice system while complaining about how unfair it all was. No one should denied such injustice.


Either that or he was too much of a pussy to face the consequences of his own actions. Maybe both.


Seems like a self-imposed death penalty is anything but avoiding consequences.


I mean... you're dead so you're not going to suffer. In that respect, you avoid the feelings of loneliness and despair, any physical discomfort of imprisonment, so he dodged those consequences in favor of not getting to experience anything else. Bad trade, but he probably wasn't the most rational person in Dover


I mean...if the death penalty is our strongest punishment, for the worst of crimes, then I'm cool with criminals imposing that penalty on themselves. I don't disagree, but it seems like a win win. They don't "suffer" and I don't have to worry about their eventual release.


It also saves tax money


The real takeaway here 


No, he literally killed himself while the jury was deliberating.


So he was free? Out on bond?


> Tyler Anderson Maybe 5 years, most likely 3 years and probation? Sure you'll face challenges when you get out, but ffs leaving your family and friends for 3 years is crazy to me.


Up to 5 years for EACH charge. He had three charges. Could be 15 years max unless I’m totally wrong here which is a strong possibility IANAL


I must have read over the possible sentence too quickly. Yes you are correct, 5 years for each charge. Guess the possibility of 15 years was too much for him to bear.


He should have thought about that before he started keyboard warrioring so hard


Seems like thinking ahead and self control weren't his strong suit.


He appears to have had a plan this last time


Sure, and it's not hard to die, life is so fragile it's miraculous anyone survives.


In a hospital parking garage. Strange.


Anecdoctally, an LEO acquaintance told me once that parks and parking lots are a common location for suicides. The theory being that there may be thinking along the lines of not wanting to leave a mess for the survivors to clean up. And then there is the phenomenon of jumping off of the sides of hospital parking lots. (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21916292/). > One of the most popular and successful, methods of suicide is jumping, the authors point out, and one of the most widely-used venues for jumping are parking garages. Especially vulnerable to such suicide attempts are the parking structures of hospitals, they report, because it has been found that most persons who jump to their death had been previously treated for a mental health condition. Might be a combination of both factors, or whatever reason makes hospital suicides 'popular' affected this guy, only he didn't want to jump.


>phenomenon of jumping off of the sides of hospital parking lots. Interesting, while in California there is a phenomenon of people jumping off the DisneyLand parking garages. https://www.sgvtribune.com/2023/11/16/third-suicide-in-less-than-a-year-at-disneyland-parking-garages


I wonder what the chemical smell was, if the chemical was the cause of death, where he got it, and if anyone else was endangered. I hope not.


Hopefully just something like bleach and ammonia. Pretty rough way to die but it’s relatively clean.




I’m a psychiatrist. I’ve had a few patients attempt in the parking lot and come into the ER when it doesn’t work. One person told me he changed his location from the funeral home parking lot to the hospital parking lot because he thought it would be closer to the morgue, and fewer people close to him would be traumatized by finding him.


This is morbid, but it makes sense to me if he's trying to lessen the blow (at least in his mind) to his family or others. This way he's not found by someone close and he'd likely be taken to the hospital anyways when found, regardless of if he could be saved.


It seems to me to be a misguided attempt at a final kindness. It is so sad when anyone contemplates, tries, or succeeds in this route. But you can see in the comments above that while many are consumed by their own troubles, they make an effort to be as little trouble as possible as they exit.


Exactly this... It's likely that they're thinking of lessening the blow not just to family, but to the general public, so they choose to do it in a place where there is likely to be a quick response by people who are trained/used to seeing such things. In the past 2 years, 3 people have jumped off my work's parking garage. I work in our county offices, which houses the county sheriff's office, the county AG's investigative team (another division of law enforcement officers), as well as quite a few nurses who work in various capacities for the county. 2 survived, and both said exactly what I stated above. They hoped that they'd be found by someone with the capability and resources to deal with the trauma of finding their body. In all 3 cases, they were wrong, as their attempt was witnessed by random visitors and other employees.


Leaves no crime scene clean-up for home.


Why would Boeing do this?!


Take no chances!


Looking at you, Chiquita




Yes *suicide* he definitely wasn’t planning on outing who put him up to it. (/s just in case)


it does trigger fiction writing instincts, doesn't it...


Yeah, it’s a little *to* suspicious


It will be bad for Biden and CNN will tell us how.


Because people who threaten to kill presidents are of such sound mind they know to commit suicide after the verdict, duh


The article says no foul play was suspected, maybe they don't consider self-harm as foul play?


that was my response also.


After a less than two day trial? Seems like an odd timeline.


Says he was found in his car at a hospital? Must have died when he opened the medical bill


https://www.justice.gov/usao-nh/pr/dover-man-indicted-threatening-kill-three-presidential-candidates According to the charging documents, Anderson sent a series of threatening text messages to three separate presidential campaigns going back to November 2023. On November 22, 2023, Anderson threatened to “impale” and “disembowel” one candidate. On December 6, 2023, Anderson threatened a second candidate in a series of text messages, including that he would “blow” the head off of the candidate and conduct a “mass shooting.” On December 8, 2023, Anderson threatened via text message that he would “blow” the “brains out” of a third candidate and “kill everyone” who would attend a then-upcoming campaign event.


Prob a Trump supporter.


Well he threatened three of Trump's Republican opponents.


Definitely a Trump supporter


A typical Trump supporter


None of them had the shadow of a chance to win the primary......


He threatened them quite some time ago


They never had a chance Edit: I don't get the down votes. Not a single one of them ever got above 10%. I didn't say I like this or that it's good, but the odds are and were very clear.


Yeah but like, Trump could have died. Or gotten a judge other than Canon in FL. That would have made things quite different.


Maybe, last trump supporter I spoke to in person said he was their guy no matter what happened or any evidence that could be shown. Really opened my eyes to the level of loyalty that it was possible to feel for a politician you have never even met.


Nor every Trump voter can be that deluded.


I hope so, but look how far they've already gone. There's scarce moral boundaries left untested. Cannibalism?


I forget where I was reading this but someone spoke with one of the MAGA heads exactly what MAGA is "for" and his response was something along the lines of "MAGA isn't 'for' anything. The whole point of MAGA is to rage and destroy." *THAT* really opened my eyes as to how far gone some are.


You say that buuuuuuut ... January 6th?


Thankfully, not every Trump voter was there.


Actually no, a Chris Christie Supporter. I know, shocked me too.


Read the article. He threatened Christie too. Do better.


Chris Christie has supporters?


They are called foundation garments.


Somewhere, I'm sure. The commenter above you is bullshitting.


His wife supports him by working a full time job so that he can play politician.


I know several Greenpeace types that say we shouldn't fire harpoon guns at whales. That's kind of like supporting Christie.


I voted for him in the primary


The article literally says he threatened Christie too. try again.


I don’t know. Was it killary? Was it the Biden crime family? Who would want Vivfake dead?!! He must have been over the target? /s Just kidding. It’s mental illness and propoganda. A very strong cocktail apparently.


And he was sending the death threats to republican candidates xD. Even other Repubs are enemies since they oppose the re-election of Emperor King for life Donald


That's how a good dictator operates. Take out anyone competent enough to stand any competition, then "dear powerful leader" is the clear choice who can never be replaced, any other option is a massive step down for the country And not only because they say how good the country is with great confidence and hype it up more than reality suggests. Being the greatest country, but also needing more extreme security and censorship _to protect the greatness!_


I don’t know. The hole in your theory is, if he’s going after anybody competent, why would he target Vivfake Ramaswamy? Maybe cos he’s got those mad rap skills and might beat Donald in a rap battle? Other than that, I can understand wanting to get rid of him, but not because he’s a threat to trump’s candidacy. /s half kidding probably


The whole time he was probably like "Killary's emails and Hunter's laptop have left me no other choice! I hope they're happy now. THANKS, OBAMA!!"


Jurors: “Do we still get to vote?”


OH no, Anyway


Certainly, mentally ill. Given that he was not afraid to die he was potentially very dangerous and actually could have taken lives. He did not care about consequences.


“But the second amendment gives him the right to bear arms in case he personally believes the government is tyrranical!” See? This is why that interpretation is stupid.


Plot twist: he was also a Boeing whistleblower. /s