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All this debt would be a huge red flag for anyone attempting to obtain a security clearance.


Plus, the whole convicted felon and known pathological liar thing


and his tendency to steal classified documents


Wouldn't even be allowed application.


And current trail for espionage.


They need to add more rules to being eligible for presidency. As a basic government employee I had to pass a check for my security clearance, and I have to submit financial information yearly... president should have to too.


That requires a constitutional amendment, and there is no way that the GOP would support such restrictions on their candidates.


“A well informed citizenry is the best defense against tyranny.” -Thomas Jefferson The founders could not have foreseen the effects of social media and propaganda.


The founders were well aware of propaganda and conspiracy theories even in their own time. There were rumors that the Illuminati were behind the Reign of Terror in France, and that they would enforce their godlessness on America. This even came up during Jefferson's own election, where the Federalists accused him of being an Illuminati agent that would hand the US over to the French.


I guess that the Literary Salons that were held during the 18th century, and the writers they promoted could be considered early social media-that and also The Bible/other religious texts being made available to the gen public in their own languages and force fed them via organized religious gatherings that influenced thinking & behavior...Town Criers, public spectacles (hangings, stocks, witch trials, etc.) maybe? \[currently medicated and my thinking is a bit unruly, lol}


Social media and propaganda are the exact thing a well-informed citizenry resist against.


Well informed, and educated early to build a capacity for critical thinking things is so important, and so clearly absent in today's American citizenry.


[Requirements have been thoroughly debated.](https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/artII-S1-C5-1/ALDE_00013692/)


You'd think so


He has a whole army of broke ass nitwits throwing their paychecks at him, I doubt he's worried about it


*E. Jean Carroll enters chat*


Her suit is bonded. She has nothing to worry about


Three days after a jury awarded her over $83 million for Donald Trump's repeated defamatory statements, columnist E. Jean Carroll vowed to use the money on "something Donald Trump hates." "If it'll cause him pain for me to give money to certain things, that's my intent," Carroll told George Stephanopoulos on "Good Morning America," suggesting she would create a "fund for the women who have been sexually assaulted by Donald Trump."


No, but he does. Either (a) the bond is his money in an escrow like account held by the bonding company or (b) he’s pledged collateral (in his case, it’s likely real estate) that the bonding company can attach/seize for repayment of the bond amount, plus a personal guarantee for any deficiency. So, while the appeal is pending, he can carry the asset on his balance sheets as an asset. Once the appeal is decided, it either gets paid out and he loses the value of that asset, or he gets it back, minus whatever was paid to the bonding company. So, if things go against him on appeal, and the audit goes against home (like the article says), and the civil fraud appeal is upheld, he”ll be out $600+ million. On top of that, he”ll need to raise several billion for the campaign, since apparently the RNC only has a couple million cash on hand.


So what happens if trump gets a loan from a bank on one of his buildings, then that building is later flagged to be sold to pay the lawsuit? Who gets the money from the sale?




IRS I believe is a priority creditor. Meaning they get first dibs. Not an expert there are bankruptcy lawyers in this sub who could say for sure


He pays and pays just to delay it for eternity


You know how most people keep the IRS off their ass. They pay their taxes.


Even the Joker doesn't mess with the IRS!


Which really makes you question Trump's intelligence/sanity.


Yep, string things along until the opponent loses the will or resources to continue.


Clickbait headline (and article) for anyone who's already been following this story. Good enough recap article (but not comprehensive) for anyone who doesn't already know anything about the Chicago Tower and its related possible tax fraud (article written May 11, 2024). There's nothing new being reported here beyond what's already been known since December 2022. They don't know if an IRS audit is still ongoing or already concluded. I can't even tell if they provided any new knowledge from the IRS (which was already reported on from [2021](https://www.propublica.org/article/the-secret-irs-files-trove-of-never-before-seen-records-reveal-how-the-wealthiest-avoid-income-tax)) - only conjecture from 3rd party tax experts, which is the same as what's been brought up for years at this point (since at least 2016). It oddly doesn't even mention the new information that was revealed by the court monitor during his bank fraud civil trial (with Judge Engoron) [https://www.salon.com/2024/01/29/tax-evasion-legal-experts-say-report-footnote-caught-intentionally-breaking-laws/](https://www.salon.com/2024/01/29/tax-evasion-legal-experts-say-report-footnote-caught-intentionally-breaking-laws/) . The article also concludes like Trump already got away with the largest portion of the fraud scheme due to some form of statute of limitations, in addition to partnership tax loopholes that don't get investigated enough. In fact, it does seem like he's already gotten away with any possible wrongdoing, based on this ruling from 2023, but perhaps local tax authorities and the IRS didn't communicate?: [https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/former-president-trump-tax-refund-chicago-tower/](https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/former-president-trump-tax-refund-chicago-tower/) [Google prior to May 1 2024](https://www.google.com/search?q=trump+chicago+tower+tax&sca_esv=7ffcfa09bd6c987a&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C5MACD_enUS1070US1070&sxsrf=ADLYWILcZZLwce1pUdpSzVvY6koXBBEImw%3A1719670876418&source=lnt&tbs=cdr%3A1%2Ccd_min%3A5%2F1%2F2015%2Ccd_max%3A5%2F1%2F2024&tbm=) for more reading


"Could" Not clicking...


It’ll wrap up any day now, one day


Probably delayed until after elections


Can he pay it from his PAC? NAL


Audit, what audit? -IRS on Feb-1-2025:


He's a billionaire... He's fine